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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17697568 No.17697568 [Reply] [Original]

Articles like this make me realize that the most important board on 4chan is /biz/. The racism and misogyny of 4chan is best served as a filter for normies like whomever wrote this. On boards like /mu/ that doesn’t always succeed because most musicians and artists are liberals. So you have a lot of liberals here not really realizing that by white knighting on /mu/ they’re opening the flood gates for normies to come and destroy the quality of posts.

/biz/ understands this more than any other board because there is lots and lots of money involved, and the anons there really do not like the thought of their political enemies (like this retarded Atlantic roastie) getting rich off their backs. I’ve never seen such autistic dedication to keeping undesirables out, it is truly a thing of great beauty. To reap any benefit whatsoever from /biz/ you not only have to be high iq, but also introverted, asocial, unfazed by extreme racism and sexism, familiar enough with board culture to be able to parse all sorts of extremely subtle fud, reverse psychology, and smoke and mirrors that are intentionally being thrown up everywhere you look. It’s one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen on the internet. Investments that will make you rich as fuck by 2025 are hidden in plain sight. And yet no one with the most basic financial sense would ever think that a board full of autists posting cartoon frogs and calling everyone niggers and roasties would actually contain treasure troves of research and information. Something as dead serious and precise as finance combined with something as lazy and degenerate as board culture is an insane and bizarre mix, the effects of which do not translate on any other board.

>> No.17697673


>> No.17697694
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This was also Sergey.

>> No.17697706

We're here forever.

>> No.17697720

Great post. Agree and keep the insults coming. I migrated here from another couple boards and it's the best. Money makes people crazy and insanely logical.

t. new fag who is learning at 100x the speed he would anywhere else

>> No.17697722

racism, sexism, ageism, incomism etc are all inherently contradictory to the 4chan because the users have no identity.

>> No.17697748
File: 198 KB, 775x652, global jewish elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot NIGGER

>> No.17698662

jokes on you im extroverted and very social, but yeah generally youre right and i check the other boxes off nicely. the chans always had good humor, le sexism/wacism doesnt phase me even though you retards do go hard with it

>> No.17698749

The best thing about 4chan isn't so much what you learn here, but that it keeps your interest in a subject piqued for long enough that you end up learning a lot about it through the resources posted here. And eventually you learn how to do a little digging yourself, and before you know it you're spoonfeeding other anons.

>> No.17698882

Lol I wonder which idiot turns away because of the insults

>> No.17698895

imagine actually believing all this shit
living in misery, thinking you're high iq and waiting to get rich by stroking your dick to anime and shitposting here

>> No.17698920

take your meds schizo

>> No.17698957
File: 196 KB, 1000x737, EDB826C5-9E68-45F3-AAC9-FBDD2707FB7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investments that will make you rich as fuck by 2025 are hidden in plain sight. And yet no one with the most basic financial sense would ever think that a board full of autists posting cartoon frogs and calling everyone niggers and roasties would actually contain treasure troves of research and information.

>> No.17699155

other boards think we're dumb as shit. they just don't get it. it's all satire and manipulation. when this board comes to life it's the most emotionally manipulative board in the world. and it's not because we're feeling it.

we're all gonna make it.

>> No.17699389

I had the same thoughts a few weeks ago and I suddenly realized that this is exactly how occult and esoteric knowledge work. The outsider sees weird symbolism, guys dressed like wizards reading out of books full with incoherent pseudo science gibberish. The insider understands the underlaying message and extract useful information. We’re the same, just in a different form.

>> No.17699447

Whenever i talk about PNK i take the form of a pajeet

>> No.17699478
File: 22 KB, 320x180, 74DC685E-3858-4FB3-9881-7D43706D318D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz making people rich
>>lose all their money trading crypto

>> No.17699560

I got sick of /pol/ and came here looking for ways to make money, and now I will be rich from chainlink. Thanks /biz/

>> No.17699604


>> No.17699818

I hate this dudes face so much.

>> No.17699837
