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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17696381 No.17696381 [Reply] [Original]

I need your help /biz/. My dad was recently laid off from a multinational corporation (of which I will not divulge the name of), without just cause, despite only having 2 years left before retirement. He headed his division, worked there for 15 years, was measurably successful on the varied projects his oversaw, and overall provided no just cause to be fired. They are offering severance, and my dad will be pursuing legal action for age discrimination (a defense his ex-boss used a few years prior during a situation very similar to this).

My question is, besides pursuing a better severance package, and speaking to a lawyer concerning age discrimination charges, what else can he do? I just think it's fucked that the company is trying to bone him like this, so any suggestions will be useful.

If you don't have any input, provide stories of times you've been fired.

>> No.17696462

Come on /biz/. I know there are anons here who aren't just teenagers jacking off and shilling crypto.

>> No.17696571
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>> No.17696632
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Is your Dad all in on Chainlink?

>> No.17696678
File: 152 KB, 665x485, 1583365357554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually forced me to sell all my bitcoin when he was still supporting me in college since he didn't understand it and thought my bitcoin hobby was a waste of time which disracted me from my studies. If I had held my bitcoin 2 years from when he forced me to sell, it would've been worth 3.5 million. I don't hold a grudge though.

>> No.17696683

I'm not a burger. Unions would have your back in a situation like this in my country.
Is your dad "only" missing out on 2 years of pay or am I missing something? Surely he will still get all of his pension, no? Retiring 2 years earlier than planned and getting severance doesn't sound too bad. But yea, speak to a lawyer.

>> No.17696772

Fuck man, its karma.

>> No.17696789
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>Unions would have your back in a situation like this in my country.
No such luck. He is also losing his pension. Which is a really fucked course of action on the part of the company. He's going to use the same lawyer his ex-boss used. He apparently came out alright, so who knows.

Any suggestions on actions he should take before leaving his offices? He's already recording any conversations he has with his superiors, for posterity when he meets with his lawyer.

>> No.17696812

Yea, but family is family, so whatever. He thought he was doing the right thing. That's all that matters in the end I suppose, blood.

>> No.17696943

Fuck your dad, I'm glad he's getting rekt.
>Made me sell
You're a fucking pushover faggot, just like Daddy

>> No.17696988

>You're a fucking pushover faggot, just like Daddy
That's fair. It's one of the reasons I'm not really angry with him. I could've went against his wishes, but I didn't have any faith in myself, and the threat of being cut off from housing, food, and water freaked me out enough to just listen and sell. A 3.5 million dollar lesson learned.

>> No.17698378

I don’t think theres a way to help bro. Just a bump post before I can read the rest

>> No.17698513

>Just a bump post
Much appreciated. Doesn't seem like there are many anons left on /biz/ that could provide advice on matters such as this.

>> No.17699134

Fuck off scum. You don't have a right to a job. A job can fire you for any reason. Thinking otherwise is some socialist authoritarian bullshit.

>> No.17699206

Dude why are you complaining.
Just retire already. You’ve already worked now stop being greedy. Anyone can get laid off and now is a worse time than ever. If you let that money get to your head and still have shit to pay, that’s your problem. The market thrives off of people who buy more to suppliant their pay and that in itself is the biggest pitfall in life. You don’t know it buy you’re relying on your boss not firing you so you can keep the house you havent even lived in two years.

Just retire and live off of that.

>> No.17699229

Who cares how big your house is or how much your car costs. Fucking pay it off and own it. At that point, all you have to worry about is your utility bill and how much your city is going to rip you off.

>> No.17699261

That's pretty much it. If the company is in fact getting rid of him due to age, then a severance package, lost wages, lost compensation, etc. should all be in the mix.

As people get older they generally cause more negative cashflow to companies, so just make sure he has a good lawyer and I don't care if he sues them until they reach solvency, make it happen.

There's far too many of these types in managements and it's absolutely disgusting.