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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17688696 No.17688696 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked is Spain?

lost more than 25% in last month

also italy, lost almost 30%...


>> No.17688747

This is worse than 2008 crash

>> No.17688847

I seriously hope Spain goes bankrupt. I always wanted to buy a residence in Spain.

>> No.17688942

As fucked as the rest of the world right now. Ibex35 has been always a joke.

>> No.17689294

We are full, sorry

>> No.17689489

Lo siento senõr, ya voy.

>> No.17689491
File: 123 KB, 801x527, spanish apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know empty residences in Spain get raided by romanians/balcanic pillagers or filled with squatters and due to the shitty legal system you can't force them out for at least 1-2 years

>> No.17689558

I'll just put them to work in my abandoned village. I'll work them like the niggers they are and if they complain or threaten to go to the authorities I'll disappear them since they're probably living without papers and such.

>> No.17689614
File: 107 KB, 1058x1060, 1573221655871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and plantation-pilled

>> No.17689667

Just pay other balkan niggers to break their legs moron.

>> No.17689726

I hope Europe gets fucking destroyed.

>> No.17689946
File: 225 KB, 600x600, rambo apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just pay balkan niggers to...
you just got robbed, mugged and shot by said balkaniggers, what's next?

yes they are living without papers, they also own guns without papers you fucking nitwit

lmfao you guys really think you can out-nigger the romanianigger or balkanigger?

>> No.17690148

hows portugal doin

>> No.17690276

Brexit here. Sterling strength mean we’re buying up all the land opposite Gibraltar such that it ALL remains British Clay

>> No.17690278

Who cares.

t. Joao do Canada

>> No.17690309

Good. Please colonize our women also.

>> No.17690368

Bro I'm American. I eat guns for breakfast and shit bullets. I shot my first shotgun slug at 6 years old.

>> No.17690459

I thought people who live in EU member countries have the freedom to live anywhere in the EU? You're making them sound like illegal immigrants

>> No.17690543

Oh look a try hard. If you went in there you'd get shot, if you brought a gun you'd have been stopped before you even left the USA cause of laws concerning guns and airlines.

>> No.17690546

You have the freedom to travel but you still need to get residency visas and/or apply for citizenship etc. So that you can be properly taxed and accounted for for things like health services. That was one of the Brexiters biggest complaints was that poles and Romanians were using the ability to travel within the EU to just never leave and live illegally under the table.

Now, just like in America there are serious drawbacks to living your life under the radar so there is some incentive to go legit BUT many people are happy to live and work under the table on a cash only basis.

>> No.17690570

>be me
>have money
>legally register everything even though it's expensive
>ship myself my legally registered firearms

>> No.17690613

Kek, you may be full but your about to be bankrupt and you’re women will be for the taking, sorry faggot

>> No.17691809
File: 166 KB, 1024x625, DBFYVaMXkAIi-Kc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibraltar, español.