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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17681209 No.17681209 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Pederasty (BoyLoving) so common among CEOs and powerful businessmen?

>> No.17681224

Because they're jews

>> No.17681248

They took Meditations by Marcus Aurelius too seriously

>> No.17681292

What about the non jews?

>> No.17681313

Shouldn't it be "Reading too much Socrates"?

>> No.17681316

Jew puppets

>> No.17681374

You have to have quite a drive to become that powerful. There's a reason not everyone does it. Most people simply don't have the lust for boys that fuels these people to the top so they can act upon their urges. It's literally how the Catholic church, among most other religions, formed and thrived.

>> No.17681393

Socrates was opposed to pederasty because they change too much as they get older.

>> No.17681417

Once you get to the stop you're still gonna seek more and more thrills. Hookers and coke are only gonna give you a kick for so long, then people like that need harder stuff.

>> No.17681420

brainwashed by jews in college or >>17681316

>> No.17681445

So the boylovers are so into boys that they do everything to be in power to be able to bang boys? Is it?

>> No.17681498

I know people like to imagine that everyone successful must be a depraved satanic pedophile bent on world domination but most true richfags are not all that interesting. The Freemasons are a bunch of LARPing boomers having a day off from their wives.

>> No.17681615

I know some (brazilian) Freemasons and that's pretty much it, a club for Boomers to make barbecue and talk about their past.
But a lot of CEOs do enjoy boys, not girls, not women, not men, BOYS.

>> No.17681667
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>> No.17681726
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that's entry level, look deeper

>> No.17681742

because boys exude naive yet limitless masculine potential that CEOs, understanding the power therein, desperately crave to harness. it's similar to the motivation for craftsmen to train and look after young apprentices, except with the black magic of defiling boipussy.

>> No.17681797

this unironically. not just pederasty but all flavors of vile depraved shit. psychopaths who are into that stuff are the only people unscrupulous enough to make it to the highest levels of business

>> No.17681834

I don't see the big deal about cannibalism assuming it's not someone you killed solely to eat 'em. Well and of course the whole Creutzfeldt-Jacob thing.

>> No.17681846

If this is your world view, your ngmi.

>> No.17681857


>> No.17681886
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>> No.17681895
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Because it takes the mind of a pyschopath to be a CEO, just like it takes said mind to buy Kleros. But the results are glorious.

>> No.17681962

What is Clement holding in his hand. Surely those aren't diamonds from his PNK gains..