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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17676472 No.17676472 [Reply] [Original]

Per Trump's press conference moments ago, he will try to pass a stimulus bill through the Senate tomorrow. What this stimulus entails is, hourly wage earners will essentially still get their paycheck if they are forced to stay home in any form as a result of the Coronavirus. Even Munchin was invited to speak about this during the press conference. If this bill passes, and let's hope it does, will the fear over this novel virus be quelled? It could potentially restore confidence in the indices. Or is it too late, and things will only worsen?

>> No.17676499

No you fucking retard, the virus is an excuse. This market was bound to fail soon.

>> No.17676505

Wtf why should wagies get to be comfy when I get nothing this is bullshit

>> No.17676515

it's a payroll tax cut. they won't get their paychecks.

>> No.17676520

>can’t produce goods
>run out of goods
>hospitals overwhelmed so people who are sick can’t get medical attention
>riots, companies going over and people losing jobs
>needlessly deflating the value of the dollar
>it’s ok, hourly workers will get their paychecks
Should work out great.

>> No.17676522

>the virus is an excuse

Some of the largest economies in the world have already gone into full quarantine, retard. Nice cope, though, flufag.

>> No.17676534

Cause youre a lazy slob.

>> No.17676578

time to buy crypto, money is going to worth a little lot less

>> No.17676597

Wtf only people with jobs? What ahout neets? We need money too.

>> No.17676601

>implying that parabolic growth is sustainable.
Virus may have sped up the process by a few months, but shit was getting shaky a year ago. The whole thing was being fucking milked for every last penny. If the coronavirus didn't exist, the market still would have crashed.

>> No.17676674


>> No.17676695

I'm a truck driver paid by the mile. So I guess I'm just gigafucked?

>> No.17676699

Pay a little now to save a lot later, retard.

>> No.17676715


People are price gouging selling hand sanitizer, bottled water and toilet paper.

God bless Capitalism, comrades.

>> No.17676724

Ya i'll be sure to dilate my USD right back into the market for cheap when you're sitting on a mountain of toilet paper and shit tier 5.56.

>> No.17676747

Exactly this. This will do absolutely nothing for poor wagecucks that live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.17676752

I wouldnt be averse to him passing something to goose up our tax returns. That would be clutch as fuck.

>> No.17676779

Wagies will keep about $100-200 back per month
Of course, that's assuming they are making paychecks. If they are out and missing work, they aren't even making money anyway

they won't get paid, but at least they'll pay 60% less of $0

>> No.17676801

Stimulus plans basically mean the worst is yet to come. We’re all totally fucked.

>> No.17676839

It’s a tax refund, moron. A return is what you file.

>> No.17676843


This is literally UBI. Cuckservates are fucking retarded. I wish there was an actual conservative party in the US. Instead you get to pick liberal or retarded neoliberal.

>> No.17676858


>> No.17676873
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>hourly wage earners will essentially still get their paycheck if they are forced to stay home in any form as a result of the Coronavirus
RIP all small businesses. RIP the middle class

>> No.17676877

Holy shit NEETs blown out forever

>> No.17676905
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Why don't we just pay the virus to go away

>> No.17676918

wow so the spics and niggers at mcdonalds get a paycheck but none of the white people working everything else get nothing. this is america in 2020.

>> No.17676925
File: 43 KB, 641x677, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google a fucking chart dude. If you think this is sustainable, I don't have any more words. Remember during 2008 everyone thought it was sustainable? A week later and everyone realized they were just being greedy as fuck and knew this was going to happen. The only people who HONESTLY BELIEVE this growth is sustainable have to be insanely retarded. I guaran-fucking-tee people who actually work in finance have been expecting something like this for the last two years.

>> No.17676929

>Trump copying what Commiefornians are doing
This going to make the economy irreparable

>> No.17676935

>muh small businesses
S shekelsteins

>> No.17676945

What's the alternative, though? Just let millions of people lose their job in the midst of a pandemic? That would only exacerbate things. Besides, this stimulus would resonate well with voters and help him win reelection.

>> No.17676947

why would you have to stop driving

>> No.17676950

>wow so the spics and niggers at mcdonalds
I don't like these people just as much as you do, but implying that only spics and niggers work hourly wage jobs is one of the fucking stupidest things I've ever heard. I'd almost be willing to be that the majority of white trump voters are hourly. I bet that data exists somewhere.

>> No.17676977

>thinking the democrats in the senate will approve a huge stimulus package in election year that will make trump look good

>> No.17676987

You're a stupid bootlicking faggot. Go eat more McDonald's you wagie piece of human filth.

>> No.17676996

>this stimulus would resonate well with voters and help him win reelection.
which is why it'll never get through the senate

>> No.17676999

>hurr durr what could possibly go wrong if we fix the bubble we caused by printing money by printing more money

>> No.17677011

The payroll tax is a regressive tax to begin with. We should have the ultra wealthy foot the bill.

>> No.17677021
File: 132 KB, 464x556, 7b93ba8948ccb3e6091241535751c9bf--fiat-money-what-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin doesn't need a stimulus package

>> No.17677027

Hike rates. Hikes rates. Hikes rates. Should have been done a long time ago. Hike rates now and deal with the shitty part now instead of dragging it out.

>> No.17677040

How old are you, dude? Do you remember what happened in the 90s and early 2000s? It is completely sustainable. Check out /smg/ sometime, zoomer.

>> No.17677067

its a payroll tax deduction, so if you're paid W2 corporate will pay less on the payroll tax automatially taken from salary (and if you're lucky pass the whole thing to you normally payroll is 50% enployee 50% employer)

if you're 1099 self employed, we pay both ends of the FICA tax so it's a straight forward tax cut. cool.

>> No.17677096
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You can tell how healthy an economy is by seeing how easy it is to:

1. Open/start a business
2. How well those small businesses profit

A small business is one of the few ladders where a person of lower class can climb up to middle and upper class. A government that tries its best to kill small businesses is doing so to trap people in the lower class and grow the plantation of poor people asking for welfare. While minimum wage laws make the lower class earn a bit more, it is making the lower class earn less in the long run as these laws make it difficult for them to open a small business and evolve into the middle class.

Also laws that hurt the small businesses also help the mega corporations as they have the money to pay these increased wages and with their investments into AI and robots, they don't get hurt by these labor laws at all. So in the end small business owners and the middle class will become ERADICATED.

>> No.17677103
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Too bad about your brilliant business idea, guess it'll never be bought by a big company now.

>> No.17677149

No, I don't remember. Have done a fuck ton of research though. Not claiming to be a professional in this area however. I do browse /smg/ quite a bit as well. Plan on shifting my crypto stack to traditional investments once I cash out in a few years.
>It is completely sustainable.
There's no way. Literally no fucking way. How can something like this be sustainable when people my age can't even afford housing. They can't afford to have children. They can't afford to go to college. The federal minimum wage hasn't risen since the 70s adjusted for inflation. In ten years, who do you think is going to buy these stocks at these prices? Who do you think is going to buy your house that has been rising in price for the past 12 years? Not younger people, that's for damn sure, because they are broke as a joke. Long term growth is sustainable, yes. But the extreme growth we've seen in the past few years during the same time that the entirety of younger generations being absolutely butt fucked? Hell, even 15 years ago wages weren't as fucked and people could afford to invest. I bet if you asked any millennial how much they have in their accounts it would be less than $5k. Lol dood, no way. No fucking way.

>> No.17677170

But the senate is Republican majority, and it is in their best interest for Trump to get reelected, not for the Democrat nominee to get elected.

>> No.17677206

>Who do you think is going to buy your house that has been rising in price for the past 12 years?
10 mexicans who work all day for half the price of a whitey

>> No.17677219

Start driving vaccines or something for the Natioanl Guard? idk?

>> No.17677235

I just realized if that was the case, there would be people that would literally bug-chase the virus so they could get paid to stay home in quarantine.

>> No.17677255

But what does it matter? As the global indices are crashing investors are now more than ever demanding US treasury bonds. By this fact alone we can continue printing money with no major repercussions, as the world still feeds from our hands. Inflation isn't the problem, debt is.

>> No.17677259

States start getting quarantined, no freight, no un/loaders, I get sick myself, etc.

>> No.17677277

>not realizing the Republicans are the majority in the Senate
>not realizing a bill needs only a simple majority to win

To respond to my posts ever again.

>> No.17677325


Better than then losing their jobs AND their savings being worthless due to more loose money policy.

The government either needs to accept that a global reserve currency is going to be deflationary, or actually spend money on things that actually help people like infrastructure or healthcare, not just hand it out in gimmis to try to buy elections.

>> No.17677343
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Hope not. The news doesn't really mention where this hourly pay will come from. Will the government foot the bill, or is the law going to force the small businesses to pay their employees sitting on their asses?

If the latter, +50% of small businesses in America will close for bankruptcy.

>> No.17677344

How does dumping money into the system at a time of decreased productivity fix the problem though. Cost fo goods will just increase to match increased money supply and increased scarcity of commodities.

>> No.17677408

Tax cuts will work... as long as people aren't going to be trapped in their houses and willing to go out XD

>> No.17677443

Well they can just do what they've been doing and borrow the money from chi-

oH wAiT

>> No.17677456

I think Trump just wants to keep the bubble going until the elections.

>> No.17677469


>> No.17677474
File: 100 KB, 999x220, 1583725027454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of the largest economies in the world have already gone into full quarantine, retard. Nice cope, though, flufag.

>> No.17677500

lmao, passing a bill through the senate is jack shit, it would have to pass congress and there's no way congress will authorize a payroll tax cut. Fucking Trump and his jew cronies doing EVERYTHING they can to put us deeper into a deficit. Great idea Trump! Tax cuts fix everything!

>> No.17677539

A payroll tax has nothing to do with wagies. The tax break is for businesses only. Wagies dont pay payroll tax only the business does. Wagies pay income tax.

>> No.17677544

If Democrats had their way they would spend more on welfare to help people. What's the difference on our deficit?

>> No.17677571

that's economics 101 but the real world is a little more complicated than that, money has been dumped in tot he system for a decade now without significant inflation

supply of goods and inputs is essentially unlimited now because of the globalised market. the only thing that inflates is real estate and equities

>> No.17677578

Gosh darn, if only the US had a progressive social system that forced employers to give their workers paid sick leave and vacations. If only we lived in a society that valued work as well as valuing time off from work when you're ill or want a vacation. If only... but no, because of this shitty system people are living paycheck to paycheck and one week of missed work means their rent checks bounce, means they get evicted, means their utilities get shut off because they don't get paid anything if they don't show up to work due to illness.

China can contain the virus because they don't have this issue, their gov't is authoritarian and can literally weld people into their homes to prevent them from leaving and you can't do jack shit. This outbreak is probably going to be worse here than it was in fucking China, the epicenter.

>> No.17677655

no question it's going to be worse in the US, you idiots are charging $2.5k for the test alone when every other country is doing it for free. even if the gov guarantees their $7/hr wage while they are sick they still can't access the medical system

>> No.17677667

I can get the morality behind paid sick leave but paid vacation is just "free shit"

>> No.17677683


You'll never be a real woman, tranny.

>> No.17677689

why not? The vast majority of the world does this and they don't have many issues. I can get making exceptions for businesses with >100 employees or something like that, but major corporations have all the ability in the world to provide paid vacations to their workers.

>> No.17677703

The bubble wasn't caused by printing money. It was caused by millennials and boomers using low interest rates to buy debt and hodl on shit coins and shit stocks instead of reinvesting it in their local communities and businesses.



>> No.17677712

Ah yes, the typical /pol/cel tranny strawman. Real nice work buddy, great argument!

>> No.17677718

Reeeeee i need to get a retail job asap. Screw trying to find a good paying job with my worthless college degree. Ive been unemployed for over half a year! At least if i get a minimum wage job and corona gets serious i can neet it up with money!!!!

>> No.17677743

huh? No I'm not ever selling out I'm staying right here. I do what i like I'm not trying to boom to the moon on some half baked get rich quick scheme I just make a quality product and sell it locally. You know, a business? Work? Is any of this making sense to you?

>> No.17677758

>fear over this novel virus be quelled?
Lol this bill admits defeat. Ramp up fear cause dow is going to 100.

Ive been unemployed for over half a year and havent been able to get a job. If something happens i cant even get an interview if quarantines happen in the usa.

>> No.17677800

They better keep those wagies in the amazon warehouses working. The rest can have a little break

>> No.17677815

First he was trying to downplay it because he saw it as a threat to his re-election, now he's trying to get on top of it and use it to get him re-elected. Isn't politics fun?

>> No.17677842
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>hourly wage earners will essentially still get their paycheck if they are forced to stay home in any form as a result of the Coronavirus
he didn't say this shit you fucking idiot. He said he was working on a payroll tax exemption which, if passed, would mean an exemption for the employer and they would be expected to (acting in good faith) pass it on to the employee by still paying them their ducats. I'll give you 3 guesses what will actually happen

>> No.17677863

I become gay

>> No.17677872

Crypto is also tanking.

>> No.17677874
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Not during the current circumstances, no.

>> No.17677879
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you're already gay anon and what happens is the employer pockets the money and replaces the employee who took time off.

>> No.17677903

Lol most of them are going to keep it.

>> No.17677905


>> No.17677938

I've got over $90k emergency fundu saved, and around $140k for my 2 kid's futures. You just need to get a job that isn't shit-tier, and that may require a bit of work to get. Sorry, it won't be automatically awarded to you.
You can continually blame everthing else for your own shortcumings, or you can stop being a hysterical faggot, and maybe someone will hire you.
>t. former hysterical blame fag

>> No.17677978

there is no need for that kind of hostility anon especially when you are wrong, he is trying to guarantee the wages of hourly workers


inb4 you call CNN fake news

>> No.17678003

I'm going to lick train seats tomorrow
wish me luck gaybois

>> No.17678062

Dude I joined the military at 18, and I'm almost halfway to retirement with a steady as fuck pension. I also have $140k networth at 24 years old. I'll be fine. I'm talking about my fellow millenial fags. It's okay to be concerned for others.

>> No.17678086
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>Trump pushes payroll tax cut and assistance for hourly workers in coronavirus economic response
>A senior administration official told CNN on Monday the White House is reconsidering the possibility of major economic stimulus legislation, though Trump and his top economic adviser Larry Kudlow both indicated Friday the White House wasn't interested in such a move.
>The President has been privately downplaying the seriousness of the coronavirus epidemic, insisting that it will be short-lived and over within a couple of months.
>Kudlow's predecessor at the National Economic Council, Gary Cohn, told CNN on Monday that the government will likely need to bail out airlines if the coronavirus crisis persists and that monetary stimulus will not help ease the economic pain.
Don't be dense and read thru the lines anon. Literally from your article. He said the shit about a possible stimulus to fluff the poorfags a bit who are scared, but they really don't give a shit about them. He means a payroll cut to help companies and a bailout eventually if things get real bad. Poorfags and wagies can drop dead in their eyes

>> No.17678111

you have like zero risk idiot. you are literally driving alone living in your private own truck

>> No.17678171

Bitch more boomer. I get a month of paid paternity leave, 160 hours of PTO, 40 hours of family sick leave, and unlimited paid sick days.

>> No.17678188

the point is he said it and that you are posting like you're still on /b/

>> No.17678258

>what happens is the employer pockets the money and replaces the employee who took time off.
here's what I said. Trump only confirmed a payroll tax exemption was in the works. We know how that's gonna turn out because we have multiple examples of trickle down never trickling down. The other nebulous shit will fail to materialize as is par for the course with DC. And I'll post however I want you bitch

>> No.17678735

The 90s where a shorter bullrun ended in a crash that took the nasdaq 13years to recover? The 2000s where a 5 year bullrun ended in the GFC?

Yes, I'd say we're due for a crash

>> No.17678865

The dolar is still stable and worth more than other currencies.
We'll survive this one.

>> No.17678886

Jesus you have to go back

How’d you even stumble across this board anyway? Took a wrong turn?

>> No.17678890

why does this seem entirely insubstantial

>> No.17678910

.gov is good

>> No.17678940
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>Defund CDC, healthcare, and public services
>Oopsie toopsie we has a fucky wucky virusuwu
>End up spending 50 times the initial amount you saved slashing budgets because it's all last minute and already out of control
GG republicucks dis 7D chess 3spicy5me

>> No.17678942

He also literally said they were looking I to loans for small businesses. Keep up.

>> No.17678962

let me coof in your mouth

>> No.17678995

From where is this money coming from?

>> No.17679012
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All this Virus was used for was that the Elite Cucks can find a scape goat to crash the economy.

>> No.17679049

From out of your fucking wallet you giant, mouthbreathing faggot.
That's right you Boomer, the poors are gonna take all that money you "worked so hard for."

Seriously. Just go fucking end yourself. This is a giant, global catastrophe. Just them letting this out is a giant red flag. The only other option is letting the entire US know they're 100% fucked and there will be anarchy.

>> No.17679066

Based, but

>(((muh pension)))
How can you say all that about the sham economy, but then talk about your awesome pension? that shit might not be there once this whole circus act is all finished & the curtains drawn

>> No.17679125

>unemployed for over half a year and havent been able to get a job.
Friendly reminder you are competing with 30 million illegals and HB2 holders.

>> No.17679197

Helicopter money is here

>> No.17679213

is this why futures are so fucking high now or is that just fed fuckery?

>> No.17679236

I think they're just going to create it, like always, and we know how that always ends.

>> No.17679261

not for long.

>> No.17679267

neets need money too. wtf happens if we get sick? Trump needs to fix this.

>> No.17679280
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>employer and they would be expected to (acting in good faith)

>> No.17679355

>Wagies dont pay payroll tax
have you never had a job?

>> No.17679477

>Dow hits 80 points
>This is the top gentlemen!!!

>> No.17679513

The slingshot move?

>> No.17679534
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>He said he was working on a payroll tax exemption which, if passed, would mean an exemption for the employer and they would be expected to (acting in good faith) pass it on to the employee by still paying them their ducats.

pic related my face

>> No.17679543


>> No.17679553


>> No.17679566 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1022x1024, 4A3B48ED-C4E0-4D20-B12F-91357DECAA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends *ting ting* it’s me. Excuse me please for a brief announcement.

Fuck boomers
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
Fuck Jews
Fuck nuggets
Fuck jeets
Fuck Jewish tranny jannies
Fuck the stock market
Fuck the economy
Fuck the corona virus
Fuck Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.17679623
File: 117 KB, 548x730, Leinsdorf-Amanda-Sarah-Jewess-ns3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more, Also FUCK JANNIES.

>> No.17679638
File: 171 KB, 859x933, Greenberg-Helen-Sarah-Jewess-ns1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17679726
File: 129 KB, 549x838, Kronenberg-Leah-Sarah-Jewess-ns4-alias-Leanne-Crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17679915
File: 24 KB, 305x230, Iseriouslyhopepunpun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly financial fags are parasites. Some dipshit like you without a sense of purpose or principle goes to work for a large firm as one of their monkeys, does something a computer will do in 10 years, and makes bank for it. A janitor is more essential to society than you, and they make 25k a year. Hopefully it all comes tumbling down just so we can see former wall street brokers resorting to selling their waxed assholes to crack dealers in the bronx

>> No.17680074

the jew media wasn't even acknowledging da flu until it went critical mass and G L O B A L S A T U R A T I O N level

>> No.17680148

you have to be 18 to post here zoomer

>> No.17680180


>> No.17680234

If only we had communism. Then no one would have anything to price gouge with

>> No.17680260
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>This is literally UBI
lol where did all these retards come from? Brainlets like this guy shitting up the board is the true epidemic we need to deal with

>> No.17680288


>> No.17680307

Trannydiscord is that way ---->

>> No.17680334

Get a job faggot, then you can also benefit from tax cuts.

>> No.17680388

Best to browsing on here starts in 4 hours & will last about 4 hours.

>> No.17680429

The bill has to go through the house as well. The house is majority democrat.

>> No.17680440
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NEETs on suicide watch

>> No.17680441

Communism is like the 1930s US under capitalism, no one has anything!

>> No.17680488

Why does the girl on the right get a crown? I want a crown.

>> No.17681007

Good post