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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17660527 No.17660527 [Reply] [Original]

Previous bull markets lasted 14-16 years, after a breakout out of long periods (2002-2012 was basically sideways).

The current bull market is 8 years old (when you start counting from the point it broke out of the 10-year consolidation (2002-2012))


>> No.17660588
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>it will only go up

>> No.17660756

not saying it will, but what if?

is anyone considering this possibility?

>> No.17660863

I feel like the 2000 crash and 2008 crash programmed everyone to expect recessions every 8-10 years.

Over the past 20 years we've had 2 major major corrections.

Noticed that everyone is sort of expecting a recession to happen here? The possibility of a recession (in people's mind) is becoming the norm now.

What if...?

Curious if anyone else is thinking this could happen

>> No.17660953

I don’t think it will continue going up from here.

Oil prices.
Corona virus, world economic is basically at a halt.
Debt levels.
10 year treasury yield.

Good luck. But i think we are on the verge of a global collapse if things continue.

>> No.17660990

all memes none of it matters dow will hit 30k end of week

>> No.17661024

Holy shit

Dji just opened -7%


It’s happening

>> No.17661050

Don't forget the third-world invasion of Europe.
No one's getting fooled into thinking it's an economic positive again like they did pre-2015.

>> No.17661262

It's probably more appropriate to look for continuity. The events of 2000 and 2008 are not separate independent events. Rather, the global risks that became apparent in 2008 were swept under the rug and still exist to a large extent. Look at the QE programs, low interest rates, the Everything Bubble, exploding debts in all sectors combined with decelerating growth, and related misallocations that led to unproductive stock buybacks, a declining financial sector, and an estimated 15% of zombie corporations that are only being kept alive by low interest rates.

This system probably will not be sustainable for much longer. But central banks are likely to intervene again and again, so that Dow may very well go up again. But in that case it will probably result in hyperinflation at some point as we enter the endgame.

>> No.17661296

So what happens after the collapse?

>> No.17661359

i saw my 60k link protfolio go to 23k back in 2019


>> No.17661376

just a wealth transfer from working plebs to central banks and the rich, so same as always.

>> No.17661411

we're talking about the DJI

how often do you see -7% opens?

>> No.17661572

Historically countries are likely to recapitalise themselves by expropriating real assets such as real estate or gold to back the currency reform. Like >>17661376 said probably taking it from the ordinary people.

As the West is becoming increasingly authoritarian, any crisis will probably be used to push back personal freedoms as well. This can take on many forms, but a Climate Change world government could be on the cards.

>> No.17661623
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>log chart
holy based retarded permabulls

>> No.17661675

you're misreading tha pattern, bro.
it's a gaussian fractal.

>> No.17661886


can this still happen in first world countries in europe/north america though?

>> No.17661929

Why would you use anything else other than log charts?

Nobody in their right mind uses linear

>> No.17662096

> 1929 can never happen again

>> No.17662099

Yup time to get Trump out of office. Its clearly his fault and only socialism can save us now. The sky is truly falling today right anons? Nothing will ever. Be. The. Same. Stockpile them tendies faggots

>> No.17662138 [DELETED] 

why would you use a log chart? to clearly hide the fact that the chart looks like a fucking bubble

>> No.17662154
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we ride eternal, shiny and chrome

>> No.17662252

If 1929 happens again then we'll initiate WW3. I bet a kenetic war economy would put us right back on our feet

>> No.17662259

that's possible

the 80-100 year cycle?

where every 80-100 years there is a major crisis?

Mr. Gann’s 90-Year Cycle

>> No.17662263

>Don't forget the third-world invasion of Europe
Fuck off back to /pol

>> No.17662318

you can get a true perspective without using log

no fund manager/smart investor uses linear.

always, and only use log chart, for everything.

linear distorts your perception.
log gives a cleaner, more accurate view.

if your seriously arguing about this, you probably haven't traded much.

>> No.17662398

Just like the titanic shook out all the passengers

>> No.17662432


i guess i'm the only one ITT that is considering this a real possibility?

>> No.17662535

He thinks the markets will go up right until the prophecies will be fulfilled. Yeah no, more likely it will be 10 years of degeneracy(much worse than what you see now), corruption, civil unrest, hunger, desperation and hell. Don’t even go into polar shifts, climate change and other cosmic and natural events.

Is this it? Probably not since they can keep the fake economy going for a few more years. But things are drawing in closer. Remember goys, Messiah only coming if things are really really bad(pro tip: they arent yet)

>> No.17662604

It's a positive for the Elite and the new citizens but a major negative for the regular white person.

>> No.17662820

Probably would be better to have Pence as president.

Trump fucked up the Fed policy so bad that when we get out of the next 3 months of COVID-19 fuckery we won't have any effective policies for economic stimulus.

At this rate Trump could be our next Hoover or Jimmy Carter.

>> No.17663054

as if that was not 40 years in the making
trump may have accelerated things by 3-4 years at most, the endless money printing scam is bound to crash at some point

>> No.17663183

I feel like it is but after today, kiiiinda thinking its abit too aggressive to not start a bigger crash..

>> No.17663317

>global collapse
said the 16 year old doomer

>> No.17663452

Ok boomer

>> No.17664285

This is THE dumbest thing I have ever read on this godforsaken board.
There are dozens of ways to scale and normalize returns (or any parameter, for that matter).
But sure, use your god damned fisher-price (no pun intended) hammer to whack away at whatever nail you see.

Technical analysis is for niggers, too. Stop trying to sound intelligent. You're not.

>> No.17664312

Only for the kind of people who can afford to speculate on currency trading in the millions for the short-term.
For everyone else it's a long-term net loss. Even for the people selling out their own countries in the mistaken belief that their new Davos home won't be similarly fucked.

>> No.17664380

>not trying to sound intelligent

>it's a simple argument (log vs linear)

I say log, not linear.

>There are dozens of ways to scale and normalize returns
>Technical analysis is for niggers

we're not even talking about that lmao

we're simply about about linear vs log

>> No.17664401
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Meme lines never lie.

>> No.17664436

if this shit goes like it is, there will be total anarchy on the streets, mad max style. im not even shitting you all. there will be less and less medical supplies, people will die, noone to fill the workplaces, less of general goods, like food and electricity, governments will lose all power when this happens.

>> No.17664463

this is barely technical analysis

if you guys think my chart is technical analysis, you guys are retarded

i'm just showing that there were prolonged bull markets (14-16 years long), which lasted after a decade of consolidation

>> No.17664545


The fact is people in this generation have never experienced a bull market longer than 10 years.

They have always experienced a recession after 8-10 years.

Thus, the general consensus is that we will get another recession soon.

The last time a prolonged bull market occurred was 1984-2000.

Most people on this board have never experienced that (including myself).

Thus, the reality of a prolonged bull market is "unrealistic" to most people today, because they simply have never experienced it.

>> No.17664589

I'm not saying this with certainty.

I'm simply saying that this is a possibility.

I wanted to see how many people on this board are thinking of this as a possibility.

>it seems like i'm the only one

>> No.17664680

I see some Greg Mannarino Lions in the chat

>> No.17664709

How long do you imagine this corona panic will go on? Seems completely outsized in proportion to the relatively mild effects of the virus itself.

>> No.17664747

This has been in the back of my mind for a while, like when do the general public ever (EVER) get to see a recession/collapse coming?
Answer is we don’t, it just happens out of nowhere, this current move has been telegraphed for weeks cos of the virus.

Secondly all the main catalysts for this sell off and panic can literally be flipped round by a day of good news. Virus slowing down, good news about oil etc.

This is EXACTLY what (((they))) do to fuck around with the markets, decide the direction by playing the media.

If you compare the 2, bitcoin has been ahead of the stock market, for example I guessed the markets would crash today because btc crashed all yesterday. It was the same last week, btc pumped a bit and the stock market bounced and rallied.

Judging by this method I predict the floor of this recent btc crash to be around the $6.5-7k area. This could be reached this week or at the latest around this time next week. Therefore the stock market I think will bounce with it and start another uptrend by this time next week at the latest also.
TLDR: Because it never closes keep an eye on btc to predict the fiat markets.

>> No.17664837
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We did not have a prolonged bull market 1984 to 2000. The late 80s recession was a big fucking deal. House prices in places like the UK turned negative for basically the first time ever.

OP was factually incorrect. There has never been a bull market beyond the 10 year mark or so. This is why retarded working class whites doing retarded shit like voting for Brexit and Drumpf was such a big deal. The car was already in danger and they decided to put their foot on the pedal while aiming for a tree because of they believed what a bunch of billionaires robbing them blind who wanted tax cuts told them. Kek.

>> No.17664850

This is due to the Corona Virus hullabaloo. At worst, the market will stagnate/drop slowly for a month until people either figure out how to handle the spread of the virus, or they understand there's nothing they can do about it, and just keep doing what they're doing.
Then the market will begin to rise again. Wait a few days, then start buying.

>> No.17664977
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what would you call this then?

>the 80s recession?
what 80s recesssion?

the 80s recession was a blip when you look at the big picture

what you consider a bull market, and what i consider a bull market is subjective

>> No.17664980


The selling seems to be due to longer term factors around supply & demand, that were exposed by the corona virus, rather than the virus being the cause. In which case this would become a true recession and bear market like 08.

>> No.17665178
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It absolutely was a recession and slow down that caused significant economic, political, and cultural changes at the time. A chart doesn't give any context or perspective. People recovered in the long run as the did from 08 but a lot got totally fucked and things really were different especially for regular working joe's who don't have cash to spend during the slowdown. Parts of the U.S. and the North of England have literally never recovered from the late 80s/early 90s slowdown.

>> No.17665590


I never lived it, so I can't say

But from what I've heard, it wasn't that bad