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17656566 No.17656566 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.17656575

My cousin used student loans to buy stocks. Is he fucked?

>> No.17656576
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>> No.17656578
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>> No.17656579

Trump is unironicly finished

>> No.17656580

pray for the germans

>> No.17656581


>> No.17656584


>> No.17656587
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>> No.17656588

hope he bought puts

>> No.17656592


>> No.17656591

Norway is kill

>> No.17656594

>pray for the germans
Fuck 'em

>> No.17656602

nah fuck Germans

>> No.17656608

Are dividends a meme for anyone other than millionaires or youtubers that make their living off of the market?

How much do you guys get, like 45 cents every 3 months?

>> No.17656610
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>> No.17656620


>> No.17656621
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Limits are set to 300% profit. Is that too greedy or not greedy enough?

>> No.17656622


>> No.17656625
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>tfw german
>tfw cashed out two weeks ago

>> No.17656626
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>> No.17656635
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I make a couple thou yearly off dividends and don't focus on dividend stocks

>> No.17656638

Once bernie gets in student loans will be forgiven, I'm taking out $150k soon, it's free money.

>> No.17656643

Am i fucked?
>Work at store
>Job pays pretty good
>Work a lot though
>Store is making an average of -1000 a week
>CEO keeps on buying crazy amounts of stuff
>He ask me why the store is doing so bad
>I know it's because we are far to expensive
>Made 60 bucks since i opened the store today 4 hours ago
Will this crash fuck the store?

>> No.17656645
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Hello everyone. I am here as a recovering bear. I'd like to introduce myself to the weekly meeting group. I thought dips stayed down and that there was something wrong with the system.

I have reformed.

I am here like all of you to become a better trader and that means becoming a golden bull. I'll only market buy stocks now and disable the sell button.

>> No.17656648

Well, according to media sources this whole oil sham is the idea of Igor Sechin trying to finally crush shale oil competition and get their market share back. I'm also looking here at GUSH and DRIP holdings and I see a lot more companies aside from CHK that are going to get rekt.
I'm also looking at big guys like XOM or CVX who invested a lot into new wells development and who are not probably going to break even with the current prices. XOM right now has a negative FCF, and is trying to pay a dividend that is higher than its net profit (which is stupid). They have margin thin net margins, and are spending huge CAPEX into new fields saying that's their long term strategy. Darren Woods and his entire company strategy do not look sustainable in long term if Russia and Saudi Arabia go for a long market tag game.

>> No.17656649

Google it dork go look at dividend paying stocks

>> No.17656652
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Is now a good time to buy MSFT and KO?

>> No.17656653


>> No.17656654
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Well bros today looks like it's going to be one for the history books
I am glad that I am here with you anons
Even the Jewish ones

>> No.17656661

I'd wait for another week or two.

>> No.17656667

yeah, sounds like it's fucked.

>> No.17656674

So after this half a day, do I buy or sell OIL?

>> No.17656678

i cant even sleep im so excited. wtf is going to happen? right now im hodling but tempted to just put market sell on all my poorfag holdings

>> No.17656688

Hitler was the only time they were based, and even then Germanic autism was his undoing
>Destoryed Rome
>Weaken Iberia so hard Muslims almost were able to snatch the whole thing in a single war
>Shattered Christanity
>Created Communism
>Invited more refugees
>Germanic Autism in general
>Are literally backstabbing greeks as we speak

>> No.17656689
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It appears my Asia, Europe, UK indices are broken. This can't be right.

>> No.17656690
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thanks goyim

>> No.17656692

Not while coronachan is dicking it and not while there's pending litigation

>> No.17656695

edging my dick til 9:30

who wants to join

>> No.17656697

also hedging isn't a meme, thank goodness I didn't sell my SQQQ when it was down last week after the pump
now my normal stuff is going to be down but SQQQ shooting up will make my losses that easier to swallow

>> No.17656698

>wtf is going to happen
capitulation today or tomorrow where entire fucking earth drops by -30%

>> No.17656703

UK 10 year at 0.125%


>> No.17656704

>italian stock market down 2100

Pasta la vista.

>> No.17656705

>350% up on Deutsche Bank puts
Wish I bought more

>> No.17656708

>Destoryed Rome
Rome was built by Germanic peoples.
>Shattered Christanity
That's a bad thing?
>Created Communism
Jews did that.
>Invited more refugees
Jews did that

>> No.17656713

>destroyed Rome
Maybe they shouldn't have kept fucking with German tribes then.

>> No.17656715
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Happy Black Monday everyone!

>> No.17656717

After the big society reset where boomers and fat fucks die, drinking soda, a literal poison, will be seen as degenerate and frown upon.

>> No.17656723
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>> No.17656724

Guys whats the best music

fuck posts. Just post some kiler jams

like poost ur obscure shit manghe

I wann hear some awesome tunes.

>> No.17656726

Also, the store is doing so bad that i am shitposting rightnow with the work computer.

>> No.17656731
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Shiet I guess i'll keep playing with biomemes

>> No.17656732

Someone please explain to me why oil getting cheaper ruins the market? Exxon will have slimmer profit margins, oh no!

But cheaper shipping for every other market

>> No.17656737
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Legal challenge could be successful and drag things out and keep them in litigation limbo for ages.
Doesn’t mean Amazon will get it, but it’s not exactly bullish for Microsoft.

>> No.17656738

based due

fuck it, its hist shit man

dont get atached


see, it's a game and he lost, capital needs to go a worthy gladiator. Be that gladiator, fuck it

>> No.17656744

The whole ordeal seemed like a big bull trap back when SSE index dropped a shit ton and SPY didn't follow like it was nothing. Then SPY finally decided it was time to drop from ATH (google market cap/gdp ratio it was way overvalued), then some idiots (algos) decided to buy the dip since Joe Biden won Super Tuesday or what he thought was Thursday.
The Saudis are not retarded to sell at a loss, they need oil at $40 at least for their budget to work normally, the price will come back to its median in mid-term. Meanwhile SPY will probably do what it did in September - December of 2018 and come back. Doesn't mean that you will not catch a falling knife if you buy right now though.

>> No.17656750
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4 hours and 17 minutes until the fall, lord take me

>> No.17656752
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>> No.17656763

I was shorting all last week losing money, 5k to be exact. As soon as I withdraw funds everything fucking tanks.

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.17656766


nice timing

>> No.17656769


>> No.17656770

you mean no profit

>> No.17656771

Literal niggers; The oblivion of civilization, fuck G*rmans

>> No.17656775

Based. I saw you post bullishly recently and almost called you out for it

>> No.17656779


>> No.17656780

Because the banks loan people a bunch of money to do oil projects. And they always underestimate tail risk, aka prices oil are at now

so you see, lots of shit just breaks at low oil prices.

Dont imagine the economy makes sense, it literally doesn't. What you need to do. Is understand the errors in the market. LEverage them, and ignore the short term shit.

These short term plays are literal game where you have to reduce your IQ and ufkcing imagine being retarded to play. UIt's a fucking game of who can pretend to be retarded better at heart. short term.

>> No.17656784

it's not everyday we can trade a 1929 style depression. enjoy it and live it fully in the present

>> No.17656794

Biomemes are a billion times more risky
You're a lunatic

>> No.17656795

my bumhole is tingling like a mouthful of pop rocks i'm so excited

>> No.17656797
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mamMa miaa

>> No.17656800
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>Rome was built by Germanic peoples.

>> No.17656803

man I got

TZA SQQ grips

I got a strategy fo reverything

I'm still net long but the reasoning is better than you can imagine.

>> No.17656806

imagine the face of r/investing

>> No.17656809
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I was watching this on TDA's Trader TV stream. Kek.

>> No.17656815

trading is suspended.

>> No.17656816

Just bought more Royal Dutch Shell at €15.37

Let's hope they don't actually go bust over this

>> No.17656817

It's true. So were the Greek states. Neither population was indigenous to the area.

>> No.17656818

for how long are s&p futures stopped?

>> No.17656822

pretty comfy
no stupid ass leverage
no margin call and you can just fucking log out and go do other shit for 4 months

>> No.17656824

This will become a more very likely option.

Put $10,000 on Bernie now and you will retire in December.

>> No.17656826

The excuses this guy comes up with to defend a cultural wasteland that has contributed nothing to humanity in the past 100 years...

Yeah bud, I’m sure they would’ve been real chads “if only”

100+ years of being a loser is hard to overlook

>> No.17656833

We just had one in 2008

>> No.17656840


>> No.17656842

but I did buy future call today kek, on ESH20. sorry bears.

>> No.17656847

German we wuzzing lmao

>> No.17656848
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DAX and FTSE pumping lads

>> No.17656852
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to the /pol you must go

>> No.17656854

>This recovery

What are the odds the dax ends up for the day?

>> No.17656855
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Is it a good idea buying some SPX calls?

>> No.17656856

it hasn't started yet

I told u all

it's green tomororw.

The way I know is a literal FUCKING ANCIENT GOD TOLD ME

>> No.17656858

Yeah that's what you guys said last time too kek

>> No.17656859
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I'm probably going to exit two position today on 100% profit, the key is to play small sums so you don't freak the fuck out when you get a 15% drop.
What else is there to trade? I can't use options.

>> No.17656863

The barbarians WERE the Germans
You people ruined the best period in human history just like you did in 1943

>> No.17656865

/pol/ is right. It's the Jews.

t. Jew

>> No.17656872

Alfredo stain

>> No.17656873

just do puts on the fucking market dude

>> No.17656877

Is that short financials?
I like it but the big guys were already so heavily sold off that JPM and bac were starting to look almost tempting if the yield curve wasn’t worsening.

>> No.17656878

>that V recovery for DAX
>lufthansa literally mooning
lmao how is this even real?

>> No.17656887

i closed all my puts at open, time to get back in?

>> No.17656888

I can't fucking use options nigga. I'm europoor on a europoor broker.

>> No.17656893

>decadent oliveniggers
>the best period in human history

>> No.17656894
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Will it drop below 20% /biz/?

>> No.17656896

>Oil crashing
>airlines pumping
I don't know anon...

>> No.17656898
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Pop sales been dropping since the 70s and coke doesn’t do itself any favors by the way they actually run things on the ground. Coke is a losing bet on the long run, unironically coming from someone who worked for coke, Pepsi is a better buy, they’re bigger than coke ever thought it could get, junk food sales go up in hard times and Pepsi has its soft drink division it has its potato chip division (frito lay) and it’s food division, they have also made better bets as a whole into having winning products from the Starbucks drinks to Lipton drinks they got the number one selling pop (mountain dew) and people love that shit.

Although people will change their opinion on pop and consider it as you say an actual poison, if the American beverage association is smart enough to avoid regulatory oversight of their products you can invest in the stock of any KO or Pepsi and hope to make good money, if pop sales become regulated, then KO is a losing bet as opposed to Pepsi which is more diversified as a company.

>> No.17656900

Oh wise foreseers of the future, when will the market reach its lowest point? Are we at that stage already, or are their more losses to be had still? I want to buy the dippiest dip possibe

>> No.17656901


>> No.17656909

If DAX resistance at 11000 holds then probably

>> No.17656911

>Conflating General Indo-Aryan migration with Germanics

>> No.17656913

So what are you buying once the discounts really start?

Also which assets are good to be in during this deleveraging??

>> No.17656914
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>> No.17656916

running again

>> No.17656917

TZa is a 3x bear small cap

>> No.17656926
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Algorithmic trading. It's algo vs. algo at this point. Can you imagine that? Computers talking to one another with minimal human input and churning out some ridiculous trends that make no fundamental sense. The system is unironically rigged against you. We are living in clown world.

>> No.17656927

Does German superiority offend you somehow?
>British royalty/nobility - German
>French royalty/nobility - German
>Russian royalty/nobility - German
It is just the way of the world. Germanic (Aryan) peoples built civilization as we know it, and the German spirit freed us from the shackled of the Judeo-Mediterranean shackles of Catholicism. The world is also currently firm in the hands of the SS.

>> No.17656931

i hope so but probably not

>> No.17656934

Aren't they just going to tank due to lowered oil prices?

>> No.17656936

2008 wasn't a 1929 depression because we were bailed out. banks "too big to fail" will fail this time. it's a society big reset.

>> No.17656937

Oh god the self hating jew trope
You’ve been Stockholmed by pol and I’m loving it.

>> No.17656942

Disney so I can make EU canon again.

>> No.17656944

this is the part where the smooth brains buy the "Cheapies" like they were conditioned to
the pink wojaks come later

>> No.17656949

so what happens. since I know the future

We hit about 4% futures before open

at around 30 minutes after open we rally 600 on the dow

At noon we are 300 positive on the dow

we close about 600 positive

This is not from reasoning
this is not from any of that hsit

this is literally because this whole world and existence is a simulation game.

>> No.17656950

This doesn't make sense, who is pumping EU?
>inb4 "the call that saved Europe"

>> No.17656955
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God damn it. Yeah. Probably. It's going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Screen cap this post.

>> No.17656957

der joos did it suggests the Germans were retards that were somehow simultaneously easily manipulated and controlled by a group of people that they have also always hated

How can you say "they tricked us like they always do" at what point is it your fault?

>> No.17656958


>> No.17656959

you drank to much kool aid boy

>> No.17656962
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>> No.17656970

oh yeah

for anyone wondering why it rallies

like big reasons

its literally a favor from a god to me. So when you see it green tomorrow. Just remember. It's all a fucking joke.

>> No.17656971

>Being this proud you spearheaded the Enlightenment
Germans just can't stop destroying things.

>> No.17656972

>destroyed rome
Rome destroyed itself, Germanic tribes just rocked up while they were killing eachother and finished the job

>> No.17656978

yes but how can i get Jaina Solo clone waifu?

>> No.17656980

Boomers are shitting blood

>> No.17656999

>Ah, gold is a valuable comondity; I must now submit to my servile instincts, I totally did not have any plans for world relevance or anything

>> No.17657003

SharePol is going all out tonight

Here’s your (you) bro
Don’t spend it all in one place!

>> No.17657009

fuck what do i do with my IRA account, should i convet it to cash asap

>> No.17657012

Fairly new to /biz/ - are you guys mostly traders? If so, what sort of percentage returns would you typically expect across the year? For comparison, with my passive investing strategy I tend to get 7% annually.

>> No.17657013

sold all my estx50 and dax puts on open too. probably buying back in later today

>> No.17657014

Also, we only went to the moon because of literal fucking Nazis. Enjoy your inferiority jew/mutt scum.

>the absolute destruction of the Judeo-Christian stranglehold on Europe
You would still be shoveling horse shit if it weren't for Germany. Now you can literally fly through the air like an eagle.

>> No.17657018
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>our future in the next few years. Can't wait to fuck your wife/mom for a can of soup.

>> No.17657020
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Watching this entire thing happen from the moment the coronavirus popped up in china a few months ago to the market cratering we are seeing was the final red pill. Everything is an illusion. No one has any control. The emperor doesn't wear any clothes. It's all a house of cards. Nothing matters. I'm not even trying to be edgy about it.

>> No.17657022
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>> No.17657025


>> No.17657026
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The stock market is big gay.
I wanted to see those circuit breakers get smashed.
Why do I see a recovery?

>> No.17657027

you do know it has more to do with the canaanite pantheon than nazis or antisemitism. have you read the old testament. Do you understand what going from a pantheon to monotheistic religion did?

>> No.17657035
File: 94 KB, 1080x841, E0DFF5B4-FCD5-4AC9-94B3-E36B4C1D4B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you can literally fly through the air like an eagle.

>> No.17657037

As an American I fundamentally hate and oppose monarchy in any form and utterly reject it (except burger king)

>> No.17657039
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>overslept and missed the morning dip
Fuck, most on my list has climbed 6-8% already

>> No.17657040

sso 11

>> No.17657045
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damn you must be a genius to figure it out.

>> No.17657046

just woke up after barely sleeping a little

did the orange buffon did something already?

>> No.17657049
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>Are we at that stage already, or are their more losses to be had still?

Wait until we see what "the cavalry" does.
If the Fed rides to the rescue we could see -7% be the bottom, then some green and crabbing for the rest of the week.
Things are weird right now because political decisions and human emotions are currently bigger drivers than market fundamentals.

>> No.17657051

Did the halt futures again?

>> No.17657055

My uneducated guess is today could be the worst single day, but that it will keep going down for another month at least.

>> No.17657057

guys if there's a market sell-off, who's buying

>> No.17657061

Probably, but long term they will definitely sit at 20-24. They also pay a good dividend and have done so for 70+ years.

>> No.17657062

been halted for hours now.

>> No.17657064

It's kind of ironic though. Kings and nobles never even dreamed of having the power that the US government has. No one is more hopelessly enslaved than the man who believes he is free when he is not.

>> No.17657067
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x1678, 1febfefee691f667fd77dce14a1c7474f8e8a4eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started doing Leetcode grinding in the hopes of getting a job.

I guess that idea is shot now.

>> No.17657066

no, orange man bad
the same as last week

>> No.17657069

how do you get the cnbc stream in vlc?

>> No.17657073

Shit, I'd let you do both of them for nothing.

>> No.17657075
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>was hyped for the end of the world when shit crashed the end of last month
>nothing happened
>world kept turning
>it's crashing again
>can't get hyped because I know nothing will change

This time is the same, isn't it? Why won't the world end already?

>> No.17657076

Is this what they mean by blood on the streets?

>> No.17657078

I'm not self-hating by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.17657080

Yaknow, reserve banks could just give people money, gov'ts could ration essentials and automate manufacturing outside of China. This is a real nothingburger. So much automation in the 21st century, the idea that technological advances will create jobs to fill redundancies is a boomer meme that's finally going bust.

>> No.17657082

this. My mom works in a factory from 7-4 every day, meanwhile I'm making more money by buying stocks on my phone while taking a shit.

>> No.17657088

i guess somewhere around -20 -30% or more

>> No.17657091

>legislation in America that protects the citizen
>my countrymen eating or drinking healthy
Everything you said was well reasoned, logical, and sound except for the part where you supposed either of those things might happen in America

>> No.17657092

Yes, try not to catch any falling knives

>> No.17657094

All the traditions that you so mindlessly cherish come from the Bavarian area of Germany though, silly zoom zoom.

>> No.17657101
File: 68 KB, 800x450, Jan-FED-Preview[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you know that somebody is gonna come to the rescue as always.

>> No.17657102

Only if we triggered the 7% levers

>> No.17657104

streaming it

>> No.17657108

>broker under maintenance
holy shit back to masturbating and hoping for it to work again before market open, fucking jews

>> No.17657120

Its more like signaling than talking
Like when an excited bee waggles and the other bees start waggling too

>> No.17657121
File: 108 KB, 910x1165, 1581906300562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it ever since I was a kid, but the naive optimist in me coped and tried to hang on to the slightest glimmer of hope. These happenings are just reminders to not fall back asleep, so to speak.

>> No.17657123
File: 4 KB, 218x169, 1243985427634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We told you /smg/.

Guess who's having the last laugh today?

>> No.17657125


>> No.17657132

from where

>> No.17657133
File: 11 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's the fish making these waves.

>> No.17657139

I know this feel lad. We've found a glitch and abused it. Pretty based. Take care of those around you.

>> No.17657140
File: 2.24 MB, 2048x1940, 1581890100097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 <3 <3

>I just started doing Leetcode grinding in the hopes of getting a job.
Amazon still has a fuck load of openings.
Interviewing is weird as shit tho from what I've heard. We won't fly you over; you do the final round over a video chat or some shit...

>> No.17657144

wait til central banks dump their gold

>> No.17657150

It doesn't change anything when you realize the truth. You know the reason right?

It has to do with balance. It's better kept a secret why, but it's not evi

>> No.17657152
File: 261 KB, 1282x825, cnbc stream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using this link at the moment:


>> No.17657153

>entire global economy about to crater
>/pol/ spergs can't stop chimping out over germany

>> No.17657160

I'm waiting nigga

>> No.17657167

Isn't all that going to be axed in the recession?

And I don't know if I'm good enough for Amazon, I'm in Canada and heard it is pretty competitive here.

I'm honestly just trying to break out of the NEET bubble so I can afford to actually buy stocks.

>> No.17657169

Tell me why i shouldnt buy some inverse etfs on s&p right, its pretty much guaranteed to dump on open isnt it

>> No.17657173

What the fuck is going on, I'm scared. I've never seen the market drop this much. How does society fix this problem? Is the stock market dead now or something?

>> No.17657185
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>He lacks critical information.

>> No.17657187
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Based and technical pilled.

>> No.17657189
File: 580 KB, 582x614, Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 9.05.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does society fix this problem?

>> No.17657190

>self hating
He's gloating you dumb fuck

>> No.17657193

>>/pol/ spergs can't stop chimping out over germany
Fuck Germany

>> No.17657195
File: 177 KB, 1200x750, C94I1eqXgAAW-8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all over.

>> No.17657196

hmmm, interesting. I did not think of that. was it this that cause gold to drop during 2008? or was it margin calls and whatnot. cos I'd be led to believe that gold was a safehaven during crises and uncertainty?

>> No.17657201

The French Revolution was a mistake

>> No.17657208
File: 61 KB, 634x435, 4E405F0800000578-5954757-Despite_his_lifetime_sentence_in_maximum_security_prison_Kaczyns-m-22_1531607956495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does society fix this problem

>> No.17657214

Please elaborate anon.

>> No.17657216

>futures trading still suspended

wtf is happening!

>> No.17657217

Just one?

>> No.17657219

You’re assuming central power legislation, that won’t happen, maybe, fda can one day do it, but it won’t happen, except in California, but you’re dismissing the power of the people on what they eat. Look at soda taxes world around, look at West Virginia soda tax look at the Philadelphia soda tax, cities will see pop sales as a source of revenue and will tax it just because they can and they will do it under the clothing of health, pop sales are one of the legs of the three legged stool grocery stores make their money on, such taxes and regulations will have a bigger impact than people understand, but such taxes will come online on most communities in the USA

>> No.17657220

Pimco pays you 10% to be part of their ponzi scheme so the sentiment here is you need to beat 10% a year to not be a boomer

>> No.17657223

Imagine if everything is borne out of extreme sacrifice.

>> No.17657224

kek this is just a correction m8. 20%. if we start getting into the 50% plus territory then start panicking.

>> No.17657225

algos keeping it steady right now once their masters turn them off and dump fucking everything, it all COLLAPSES

>> No.17657227

You know which one

>> No.17657233

This. Enlightenment led us to the darkest reality possible.

>> No.17657234

>Arrive into the former city of New York
>Airlines started paying for flights as oil prices became negative
>Generously pay the taxi driver a 2€ coin, his weekly wage
>Toilet paper replaced by V, MA and other worthless shitcoin stocks
>Hip young people show how they doubled their money by investing in dumb stuff like DIA

>> No.17657242

It's called a bear market anon.

>> No.17657244
File: 252 KB, 618x412, escapefromseattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

>> No.17657245

Fair point. Might get some while it's on sale, then.

>> No.17657246

>trolling this hard
soon you won't know reality from fiction

>> No.17657247

nigger have you LOOKED at the numbers?
This makes last month look like baby shit

>> No.17657249
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 1583746437690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gloriously fucked. :^)

>> No.17657254

Trads are such brainlets. The French Revolution was the best thing that ever happened to Europe. You will learn one day zoom zooms.

>> No.17657263

Not even a zoomer

>> No.17657264

>Isn't all that going to be axed in the recession?
What recession? You mean the one that was supposed to happen when the yield curve was fucking inverted about a year ago? Because last I checked the yields are currently just low as shit, not even inverted.
Pretty sure our sales are going through the fucking roof with all those n95 masks people are buying through us.

>And I don't know if I'm good enough for Amazon, I'm in Canada and heard it is pretty competitive here.
My department just hired 2 canadians. When interviewing, we're not allowed to take visa status into consideration. It took 6 full months from job offer to start date for a couple people due to the hassle they experienced with their visa.

>I'm honestly just trying to break out of the NEET bubble so I can afford to actually buy stocks.
Every other company probably has openings too.

>> No.17657266

All men have a master, most have countless masters. Society be what it do. I just want cold beer, warm pussy, and a place to take a shit that has a door on it.

These but also:
All that has to happen is mbs and putin call the thing off. I think it’s unlikely because they want to ruin the us, but maybe the us has some strings left to pull?

This guy is always such a smug sarcastic cunt. Is he at it again tonight? Sometimes it can be enjoyable.

>> No.17657268

There's a real underlying system of interconnected forces working towards a goal of enlightened self interest which Adam Smith called the invisible hand
Then there's the government sanctioned roulette table called the stock market

One has almost nothing to do with the other

>> No.17657270
File: 59 KB, 655x655, 665757568834555646455644422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ftse creeping back up

OH YEAH HOLLA HOLA, AGET GAINS YEh holla.holla nigga Wana BREZZE at me

holla holla get jiggy make dolla dolla

>> No.17657271

Official Thread theme:

>> No.17657276

>dow implied open -1300

>> No.17657277

Well shit, guess I won't give up. Going to keep grinding for another month or two and then send applications out.

I want to do something with this degree and put my 3 year gap of NEETdom and depression behind me.

>> No.17657279


Soundtrack for today


>> No.17657280

is that pic shooped from little witch academia? What a fantastic pic.

>> No.17657284

You sound like one. A poorly read one at that.

>I just want cold beer, warm pussy, and a place to take a shit that has a door on it.
wise words

>> No.17657286

>>dow implied open -1300

>> No.17657287

is this today's theme song ?


>> No.17657288

I was looking very recently. Lots of openings, but suddenly stopped getting responses back about 2 weeks ago. Finance teams have put the breaks on everything for a few weeks.

>> No.17657289

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq1Ln1UCoEU good watch while we wait for the bloodbath

>> No.17657291

Literally just finished reading the Oxford history on the French Revolution

>> No.17657292

Oil coming back up? INFINITE GOLDEN BULL RUN?
But seriously is it going to dump more when burgers wake up?

>> No.17657296

ha ha, save it my friend.
its all yours

>> No.17657301

Official song


>> No.17657307

>is it going to dump more when burgers wake up?
>dow implied open -1300

>> No.17657314

Expect Death
Circuit breakers had already been broken pre-market.

>> No.17657313


>> No.17657315

I'm the worst kind of bear. Losing money in a bear market because of stupidity.

>> No.17657316

Not trolling and not a zoomer. We've traded kings and emperors that we could ultimately hold culpable for their actions with an ideology that convinces people that simply by voting things will change. Democracy is the best system for stagnation and inefficiency. Every election we tell ourselves it will be different, but it never is. It's a trap that convinces you you're free.

>> No.17657318

Fed is 100% cutting today.

>> No.17657323

So why do you say it's bad? All the arguments I've heard against it are from people who were idealistic before it happened, and didn't have the stomach to see it carried out.

>> No.17657324


>> No.17657328

jesus christ youre ignorant as fuck

>> No.17657333

Zoom out the chart you'll feel better

>> No.17657335

Im just happy I am all in non-USD cash
Earning money doing fuck all

>> No.17657338


>> No.17657341
File: 12 KB, 216x162, 7xDCCtzdJdon8AaAwVjjvJHNjBS8kFFuC5KGAEoAawU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we make any money if we do not have put in play already?

>> No.17657342
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 788389999377383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads it's going to BOOM once the virus is over. Buy cheapies over the next few weeks

>> No.17657344

My boomer dad just called me in the middle of the night panicking. I didn't know what to tell him so I said to withdraw some cash from the bank and buy some more ammo, and make sure he has a spare well pump.

>> No.17657349

Democracy is just a system like any other. It can be corrupt or virtuous. So is Monarchy and Aristocracy. Monarchy can turn in tyranny, and Aristocracy into oligarchy. It is ultimately up to the men of the time to reform their system in order to match the problems they face.

>> No.17657350

Not an argument.

>> No.17657353

>Lads it's going to BOOM once the virus is over. Buy cheapies over the next few weeks
Said the crying Bull as he saw the market crash

>> No.17657354

Just compare France to Great Britain that didn't have a revolution, they didn't have absolute madmen like Robespierre take over and try to dechristianize their country. Also the fact that Napoleon turned back a lot of their crazy policies should tell you something.

>> No.17657355

Id say its too late.
This might be the beginning of a crash and it will drop another 40% though

>> No.17657358

idk fren not nearly as many recovered outside of china

>> No.17657360

Keep telling yourself that your vote provides you agency or power, or that you get a decision in this process. There's a reason the Greeks called it democracy and not prosopacy.

>> No.17657361
File: 129 KB, 452x680, 1549158951543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignorant retard here, I have 30K wasting away on a bank account. How exactly can I profit from this crash? I'm assuming I still have a lot of time to buy "low"

>> No.17657362

>Buy cheapies over the next few weeks

unironically this, though maybe wait until after the opening massacre today

>> No.17657363

I hadn't thought of soda taxes though has that hurt soda consumption?

>> No.17657365
File: 249 KB, 600x765, 1504203537895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've waited for the crisis of such scale for over 12 years.

I'm glad that this is happening during our lifetime Anons.

I hope all of you managed to sell on time.

>> No.17657366

Also lmao at someone who is pro french revolution calling ANYONE idealistic.

>> No.17657371

when someone says
>traded kings and emperors that we could ultimately hold culpable for their actions
it is an argument to say they're ignorant as fuck

>> No.17657373

we're all in this together
i sense the coming of days that'll show what we're made of
this is generation defining stuff

>> No.17657374

Xi, Putin, MBS are LOVING this
Doesn’t Norway make most of their money from oil?

>> No.17657375

The problem is Oil.
Everything else is secondary.

Saudi dumping nuked the global market.

>> No.17657379

Democracy has inherent traits, and all of them are negative in the long run.

>> No.17657386

transfer it to a brokerage, tda, schwab, etc and then buy index ETFs like QQQ. Then you wait.

Look up basic solid investing and focus on index/passive investing, not trading.

>> No.17657388

This is kino made manifest

>> No.17657393

Nobody fucking knows. Market inertia is bullshit, but then again, everybody is acting irrational right now.

>> No.17657395

True, especially considering how reliant the dollar is on the oil market

>> No.17657397

I never fully understood why the US is so afraid of ever criticizing the saudis.

>> No.17657400

Britain benefited greatly from its geographic location, and Napoleon would not have been able to conquer Europe without mass conscription, which was only possible after the Revolution. It may have been excessive, but it did lead to the liberation of Europe. With that being said I'm an authoritarian.

Never said I'm not idealistic.

Every system has negative inherent traits in the long run.

>> No.17657402
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>> No.17657410

We're at happening-con 3, not 2.

2 weeks ago was 4.

>> No.17657414
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>> No.17657415

Who /BP/ here? This stock is probably my shittiest purchase of the last year.

>> No.17657417

so is gold going to spike?

>> No.17657419

There has long been a social contract that when rulers fucked up too badly they got their heads cut off. And the people in power had other incentives to not fuck up as well, as their people were their wealth. There's a reason that no matter how bad a president fucks up, you're not going to have a major armed revolt to drastically change the system.

>> No.17657422

/RDS/ fag here

>> No.17657423

>Every system has negative inherent traits in the long run.
Hello Guenon

>> No.17657424

Yeah I can't wait to enter another marginally deeper layer of this living hell.

>> No.17657426

People say gold, but I think pharma stocks like GILD or funera companies like Sci are where the gains will be at.

>> No.17657429

Whats your play before open?

Do nothing? shorts?

>> No.17657432

Invest like 5k today if you're American. Today is peak panic, Japanese markets have closed at -5%, European markets will close at -6/7%, and American markets will close at -10% today. Just look for some deals that look good for the long term. Keep the other 25k for when the market goes down lower.

>> No.17657437
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>> No.17657438
File: 39 KB, 1345x398, goodbyeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fucked
farewell bros

>> No.17657441

Sold that shit at a loss some weeks ago. Fuck that noise.

>> No.17657445

Shut the fuck up German

>> No.17657448


>> No.17657449


>> No.17657451

I'm going to buy gold stocks with the Robinhood app via my Android smartphone

>> No.17657453

get fucked

>> No.17657460

That wasn't nice of you

How much has his portfolio dropped?

>> No.17657462


>> No.17657463

Crab time

>> No.17657465

Mama mia

>> No.17657467

Ah that’s better

I needed this anon. At least I’m not the biggest loser here. I’ll see you in Valhalla

>> No.17657473
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>> No.17657479


The current administration made it worse by openly declaring their ambitions to be the World Biggest Oil Exporter
(Which means more dumping). That and the OPEC deal to cut production fell through (Due to fucking Arabs).

But Shale Fracking has been unprofitable for a longgggggggg-ass time, this is the final nail in the coffin.
Coupled that with the fact that every country's oil storage are full and it is physically impossible to buy more, causing massive waves of oil tankers to be parked off the Indian coast and Singapore with nowhere else to go.

>> No.17657483


>Banco BPM

Why why for the love of fucking god I have an account on that bank and it's complete shit why would you do that

>> No.17657485

cause bad stuff happened

>> No.17657486

investing in gun manufacturers rn so you can buy one to kys after that

>> No.17657488

They do, people may be sugar addicts, but they will choose other drugs if it becomes that expensive

>> No.17657491

I'm going to back this anon up.
>only at 30k Corona cases outside of China
>China's numbers only really start getting tracked around 651 in the /cvg/ charts
>France, Germany, and Iran only hit the 650 mark within the past couple days
>Following China's progression path, we should hit 100k cases outside China in around 2 weeks, which should be a peak happening
>Thus, wind down for new cases / deceleration is at least 2 weeks out, probably more

>> No.17657495

That's a big turd mamma mia.
But hey, if it has a big dividend means it's good right.

>> No.17657496


>> No.17657498

Use a spread betting firm

>> No.17657501

Don’t short today’s bottom. Buy the biggest initial losers, I’m talking first 3 mins after us markets open. Sell at a quick profit then short the increase.

>> No.17657505

it could've been worse though

>> No.17657507

When everyone is heading for the exits, it's your time to move in. I've been waiting for this moment ever since the 2008 crash. Ever since then, I've regretted every single day that I failed to buy in during the crash. I would be a rich man today had I done so.

This is not a mistake I am making again. Right now, the stock market is the most beautiful of ladies.... yet no one can see her beauty. Tomorrow, I am going BALLS DEEP into this most beautiful of ladies. I took out a HELOC last week, and I am putting my house and life savings into the hardest hit stocks at market open tomorrow. 100% of all my major assets will be entering the market tomorrow at the same time everyone else is exiting. In ten years, THIS TIME, I will be rich.


>> No.17657510
File: 89 KB, 701x467, Southwestern-Energy-Company-701x467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This baby gonna make me rich today! Thank you Billy!

>> No.17657514


>> No.17657516

>big turd
ma vai a votare PD
was supposed to bump

>> No.17657518

Open an IBaccount and/or trade futures. Options are retarded, futures have much better liquidity

>> No.17657522

Why would pharma stocks go up? All of their production is essentially non existent. You actually thought those pills and surgical supplies were produced in the US?

>> No.17657528

Not an argument

>> No.17657529


What you could have got in 08 you could’ve got again 10. What is low today will not recover for another couple years you eedyat

>> No.17657533

You're optimistic if you think that today is the bottom.

>> No.17657535

Will you be live streaming your suicide? Honest question

>> No.17657536

Guys how do I buy stock in DOW?

>> No.17657541

Fuckkng joe Kernan taking every opportunity to shit on millennials and how easy they have it... because his generation was so hard working...

>> No.17657543

Yeah, then some old lady dies of Chinese flu in NY/Miami/other burger shithole. And you're left holding bags for 3-6 years. Good luck with that.

>> No.17657545

im a day trader (thank god) so im unaffected by the crash but im mostly worried about the ramifications on society as a whole right now. like how much is daily life in the US going to change? if not really at all, then i don't really give a shit about big numbers becoming slightly less big numbers tbhwy.

>> No.17657546


>> No.17657547

>oh anon you musn't hold inverse ETFs over the weekend
>UVXY up 40%


>> No.17657551

Can you recommend some stock for me to buy?

>> No.17657559


eventually. don't count on it immediately. in 08 gold took a full year before it surged iirc. first it took a big hit.

>> No.17657563

No it isn't. Learn into logic of argumentation.

>> No.17657565

Royal Shell

>> No.17657572

>Tomorrow, I am going BALLS DEEP
Yeah? Is this the day?

>> No.17657573

Predict the bottom today!!!!

I say -6%

>> No.17657578
File: 969 KB, 1403x1727, Screenshot_20200307-013718_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorting is for suckers.
You either buy puts on a bull index (which is for suckers), buy TVIX / a "bear" or inverse index (which is also for suckers), or you buy the dip (which is what the /big specs/ do).
If you're already /all in/, but want to buy more, what you can do is sell unleveraged indices for even more highly leveraged indices, such as selling SPY in order to immediately buy SPXL.

>> No.17657579

You are seriously retarded if you think today is the bottom lmao

>> No.17657583


Nah we can get a -7% at max today.
We'll get -20% and over but not today. I predict another dead cat bounce at the end of the week or start of the next, then the real despair starts in 2-3 weeks

>> No.17657586
File: 41 KB, 1024x585, 1024px-Nikkei_225(1970-).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nikkei says hi

>> No.17657587

Took a gamble holding it over this weekend. Couldn't sleep just think about it but it's gonna make me so much cash it's not even funny.

>> No.17657591

Here too. Fomo'd in at €15.37. How fucked am I?

>> No.17657595

>Right now, the stock market is the most beautiful of ladies

There's no blood in the streets yet. It wasn't a metaphor, you have to wait for the real blood.

>> No.17657597

Chinese rubber bands and fake plastic trees will cost more
Otherwise it's a 2x leveraged flu ETF

>> No.17657600

I agree with this Anon. Peak fear is when people realize the virus isn't the cause of the downturn and that they are going to be forced into their homes unable to leave for months potentially.

>> No.17657603

> he doesn't know how exponential growth works
> he believes chinese numbers

>> No.17657608

Earnings come out in April. I'm supposing that market reaction will be around 30% of what was in 2008, more or less of course.

>> No.17657612

where is your trip baggie?

>> No.17657621

What are you going to sell at?

>> No.17657622

What happens when London and NY are put in quarantine?

>> No.17657624

>I just spoke to a 32 year old CoronaVirus Patient (who is a medical professional and not an alarmist) says the virus is worse than people think. His lungs are shutting down, and he says he will have to be intubated soon. He's waited a week without the drugs that he wants

>> No.17657634

Stock traders can't jump out their windows because they would break quarantine.

>> No.17657635

Is it even about Coronavirus anymore? Or oil for that matter? We were quite overbought with P/E ratios at historical highs. And we are still overbought if you look at average historical P/E ratios of S&P 500. The clowns on CNBC, Bloomberg and Reuters are going to come out and say that market was long overdue for a correction and that we had an extended 12 year rally. Then people are going to panic and sell, big guys (banks, funds) are going to buy dips and we essentially just crab. I don't really see SPY going back to ~340 levels again this year.

>> No.17657639

1. Open a spread betting account (e.g. IG or CityIndex)
2. Sell
3. Get raped when market pumps
4. Pussy out and close at a loss
5. Market continues to crash and you were too much of a pussy and too late to profit

>> No.17657648
File: 972 KB, 1413x1423, Screenshot_20200307-013758_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the chinese numbers are worse than the US numbers
>missing my point, which was that it hasn't even begun yet

>> No.17657650


>> No.17657651

anyone watching the cnbc stream? everyone started freaking out when one of the guest some old guy had been to italy and milan

>> No.17657653

Things were shaky before, the coronavirus was just a catalyst

>> No.17657654

It is about putin and MBS seeing their opening and kicking the us as hard as they can. If our financial institutions aren’t strung enough, well thank fuck we weren’t at negative rates already.

>> No.17657656

>buy the dip BUY IT
ok Mohamed a. El-erian

>> No.17657664

if the people who put out numbers are only concerned with how those numbers look, i guarantee you those numbers aren't real.

>> No.17657668

Liquidity will freeze up and finish what 2008 started.

>> No.17657669

you boomers are terrified huh

>> No.17657670


>> No.17657679
File: 1.14 MB, 1405x1759, Screenshot_20200307-013813_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying the dip
>doesn't understand that time in the market beats timing the market
never gonna make it

>> No.17657682

Yes. Fuck joe. He blames millennials for everything when the boomers got us into this shit and were given the world on a platter.

And his bud trump has not handled this well, as seen by the comments he just made about why he doesn’t want to let the people off cruise ships.

>> No.17657683

its in the thread

>> No.17657691

Man in heaven, strike down SPCE with your awesome power. Take it down to $8, I beseech you.

>> No.17657692

MMM. They're making a killing on face masks.

>> No.17657697
File: 720 KB, 1280x1920, 1523121800822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have so many pictures of this ugly, tattooed whore?

>> No.17657698


>> No.17657704

how muhc have you paid her?

>> No.17657706

You overestimate my attention span

>> No.17657712
File: 7 KB, 246x205, The bull and the bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17657714
File: 967 KB, 1226x1771, Screenshot_20200307-014553_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the people who put out numbers are only concerned with how those numbers look, i guarantee you those numbers aren't real.
Yet the numbers are still scary as shit and correlate with the numbers we're seeing from western countries

>> No.17657715

That’s the opposite of what Mohammed said are you fuckkng kidding me?

Stop trannyposting it’s so goddamned sad.
They’re not.
Not enough to offset how much they were losing even before a global recession. They’re fucked.

>> No.17657724


>> No.17657729

Gold is going up bretty well

>> No.17657736

Good morning to you too anon

>> No.17657739


>> No.17657745

just buy it rn

>> No.17657757

whats up with her arm

>> No.17657768

Fuck dude you bought and held MMM and BP? As the world enters a goddamned recession?

Don’t shill your bags on noobs. Those are gonna be losers for a long time. Maybe years.

>> No.17657770

Thank God I put my inheritance and life savings into Goldman and Deutsche on Thursday, I've never been happier! Such a good day!

I have had a bit of bad news though, doctor diagnosed me with Red-Green colorblindness on Saturday. Oh well, I'll manage with all this money I made

>> No.17657783

that's a man.

>> No.17657791
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>> No.17657796

I'm from Milan guys, don't get too close to me or I may infect you.
The above and below posters are already infected.

>> No.17657797
File: 2.31 MB, 864x480, hand sanitizer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone started freaking out when one of the guest some old guy had been to italy and milan

yeah it was actually kind of funny for a financial show

>> No.17657802

Looks like a burn victim

>> No.17657806

Someone posted this in smg yesterday, still havent seen a better theme to listen to while watching boomers shit blood

>> No.17657815

Well fug

>> No.17657820

io voto pd

>> No.17657823
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you have so many pictures of this ugly, tattooed whore?
Only 4 and because it nails one of my soft spots

>how muhc have you paid her?
>implying I'd pay for such a thing

>You overestimate my attention span
My own attention span is pretty shit as well, desu senpai. Consider picking up some Adderall. It's good for focus and shit like that.

Anon, I...

>> No.17657826


>> No.17657840

I can't imagine trump sanitizing his hands, imagine how the market would react if he were to be infected.

>> No.17657845

>this is what non-cogs have to tell themselves to sleep at night

>> No.17657847

Just because she has a penis doesn't mean she is a man.

>> No.17657857

>DOW closes at 30k

>> No.17657865

>Nikkei down 5%
>My only Jap stock (actually, my only stock) is down 0.10%


>> No.17657867

muhammed coming back on cnbc

will he advise buying the dip

>> No.17657869

i just bought some

>> No.17657871


>> No.17657877
File: 145 KB, 748x932, 0F82E793-621A-401F-B8F0-491DADA83E43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats up with her arm
>Looks like a burn victim
Which brings me to another of my soft spots that this e-thot nails...
You guys ever heard of katawa shoujo?

>> No.17657879

The boomercaust

>> No.17657889

ur a faget

>> No.17657921

I'd say buy now but it's bound to dip on COMEX open as companies will start giving out their last golden gasps.

>> No.17657974

CNBC telling people to NOT buy the dip. What the hell.

>> No.17658002

But the thing about hanako is, she wasn’t a shit.

>> No.17658004


>> No.17658034
File: 229 KB, 1125x1188, 3A0F7E50-4B54-42AF-89EA-537F493A4E8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you guys
Do you think these Equal-Weighted Italy etf puts might offset some of my losses tomorrow?

>> No.17658144

What are the smart buys now for long term gains?

>> No.17658188

Tell me about how you do that

>> No.17658221

you have to be fucking stupid to think the coronavirus effect will not continue for at least a few weeks

>> No.17658240


>> No.17658250

Normally I would say hold but those are SO bad just sell and get into a non meme

>> No.17658671
File: 216 KB, 1598x1108, crash of economy 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way too early son