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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 936x702, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
176500 No.176500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>175601

>> No.176503

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 158 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.176514

is this your keyboard?

>> No.176516

Friendly reminder to friendly remind.

>> No.176512

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee) (China Pool 3) 0% pool fee
http://thepool.pw/panda/ 0.3% pool fee
http://wolongsucks.tk 1% pool fee
http://panda.moonishere.com/ 1% pool fee 1% pool fee
http://panda-mine.us 1% pool fee



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.176523


What say you, /pnd/?

>> No.176518

Upvote this on plebbit for the glory of DOGE:


>> No.176522



>> No.176526


>> No.176527


Are we in need of more miners?

>> No.176531

For PND? Certainly.

>> No.176535

I'm not educated in making ads.

>> No.176533

There is never too many miners. Higher difficulty increases the price.

>> No.176534

Then wouldnt making a 4chan ad be wise?

>> No.176544

Unable to mine :(

>> No.176539
File: 10 KB, 150x150, 1393352621170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quick reminder that PND isn't dead and to keep shilling.

>> No.176540

>There is never too many miners.

i assumed too many miners risk too much dumping in exchanges

>> No.176546

More like with less miners there are less people being able to dump more.
More miners also implies a healthy network.

>> No.176548

1) use animu grill
2) insert clever text
3) link >>>/biz/pndoge
4) ???
5) ???

>> No.176552

if we have more development and services it's more likely that we'll attract miners that have an interest in holding and not instantly dumping.

For now PND is nothing more than a means of getting bitcoins.

>> No.176549


If you agree that we need a 4chan ad how about making a bounty for it?

>> No.176555

what is the best way to build my own mining rig or where can I buy dogecoins fast? It should be a trusted service.

>> No.176553

This sounds too easy.

Bounties are implied when making something that benefits the coin.

>> No.176558

forever alone NEET?
start mining internet welfare money

>> No.176563


>> No.176564

im gonna go with no

>> No.176567

>best way
That's up to you. I prefer mining my coins. Others might prefer investing.


That's not what I said. I think an ad would be great.

>> No.176559

>Bounties are implied when making something that benefits the coin.

You dont think the ad benefits the coin?

>> No.176571

my graphics card is pretty shitty

>> No.176574

Let's hear your ad.

>> No.176575


imo the ad link should be http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted

it will instantly help us getting more miners

>> No.176569

No, it is implied that if you do something then you will get a bounty for it.

>> No.176570

Rent a rig:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

>> No.176582

The problem is that, AFAIK, most of the people that migrated from /g/ to /biz/ use ABP or some adblocking

>> No.176583

Nah, then they won't get here.

>> No.176586

I have ABP turned off on 4chan

>> No.176587

The gettingstarted page should be more detailed then, otherwise people won't know what to do.

>> No.176584

>I think an ad would be great.

How do we set it up?

Thats why i said a bounty so someone can get the bounty after they set up the 4chan ad?

>> No.176585

In the add that you can make bitcoin on 4chans own cryptocurrency called pandacoin, then link the fuckers to us

>> No.176597 [DELETED] 

Own FUN cryptocurrency so the Credits people won't come here and start whining.

>> No.176592

>Rent a rig:
Support the coin you want by either supporting the network or buy the coin. Renting is the not optimal.

So buy a new one, next to new seperate hardware.

>How do we set it up?
Make an image that fits.
>Thats why i said a bounty so someone can get the bounty after they set up the 4chan ad?
That would be ideal.

>> No.176605

>most of the people that migrated from /g/ to /biz/ use ABP or some adblocking

There are lot of people on 4chan who eiher dont use Adblock or willingly dont use it on 4chan to support it

We can make the ads global

we ca go for the smallest tier of ads in 4chan about $20, and check if it has significantly increased miners should we link http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted in the ad

>> No.176601

We need to branch out to platforms where we can get more people involved. We have depleted the potential PND users here on /biz/, and to make matters worse we get banned for tipping. We need to diversify our attack vectors and spread out.

>> No.176612

Do you think that I can get a ROI for a cheap desktop with a 750ti?
I don't want to spend too much on a mining rig, but I want to be able to game in my computer again instead of torturing its poor potato GPU

>> No.176616
File: 54 KB, 628x353, keks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.176619

if your electricity bill is high, yes

>> No.176620

>you can already trade doge for credits on swisscex

>> No.176617


>Nah, then they won't get here.

a link to >>>/biz/pndoge in th bamboohouse site or maybe just put that in the ad image?

>> No.176621


>> No.176626

>Make an image that fits.

Maybe we can also make a thread for making an ad image like we did for the coin logo

btw is the coin logo done ?

>> No.176624


>Do you think that I can get a ROI for a cheap desktop with a 750ti?
Depends on how successful the coin is you're mining.

>> No.176631

amDOGE, what motherboard & graphics cards do you use?

>> No.176636

Where should I go out and promote PND? Reddit?

>> No.176637

What's considered high?

>> No.176634

The coin logo will be preserved as is but we'll change the chinese characters around it to be more fitting.

Mainly 280x and 7970.

>> No.176643

for now just post images in here, thread is slow enough

>> No.176651
File: 16 KB, 515x613, kill me now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill is 200 dollar increase this month
didn't make that much mining doge/pnd :(
taking a loss this month i cry evrtim ;_;

>> No.176648

>The coin logo will be preserved as is

This could pose problems in the future should PANDA also spread on other services confusing people with the logo

There has been confusion already due to Pandasino

>> No.176652
File: 148 KB, 748x718, 1393958706483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's fine.

>> No.176660

I think it should be a concentrated effort in a place where people can stumble upon us while searching for their interests. I doubt people would intentionally seek out a cryptocurrency with a specific animal for a logo, they need to sort of bump into us. Establish a community of tipping and sharing news about uses and services for PND. Do something fun.

Plebbit and dumblr come to mind.

>> No.176666


They changed their logo?

>> No.176662
File: 180 KB, 740x958, kusokurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that amDOGE is an evil, tyrannical, Disney-style bitch.

>> No.176670

vern already said he likes the reward style and is adding it tomorrow.

>> No.176671


a thread solely dedicate for it would yield better results imo?

>> No.176668

I will never understand why electricity costs more per kWh when you use it more. Isn't it normal to get a "bulk discount" on stuff? Fucking jews.

>> No.176675

Go to forums that discuss autism. For example:


Only autists would by this shit, so target autists

>> No.176672

Dude, you seriously cannot trust Miles, you're going to get fucked.

>> No.176673


>> No.176680

I don't know. You'll probably get more responses here.

>> No.176681


I wanted to go promote in /r/cryptocurrencies as soon as I think the asics miners have finished dumping. It's hard to promote a coin that's getting dumped.

>> No.176688

i paid pandagirl like 400 000 pnd for a shitload of OC for my website, wwas fun,

>> No.176687


alright then, i wish the pandasiono guys had updated the logo

>> No.176691

i meant a PNDOGE thread solely based for making a 4chan ad

>> No.176692

>tfw all of these new coins are being created by the power companies to increase power usage.

>> No.176693

It's not about the price, it's about uses. By establishing a community I mean creating a social platform with OC sharing, tipping, gambling and tons of fun like Doge used to be on /g/

This is impossible on /biz/ because:
1. The board is too small
2. Tipping, begging and wewladding is bannable.

>> No.176694
File: 36 KB, 720x720, Confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My electricity bill is pretty low since I almost never use A/C or other things, and I spend a lot of time at work or at my gf's house.

>tfw I've mined DOGE, PND, Rapidcoin, TIPS and currently Credits.

I think I'm picking the wrong ones.

>> No.176695

/r/cryptocurrency is more for crypto news and not promotions.
They'll remove things that aren't news

>> No.176699


>> No.176698

Autism is a dead insult. At least be creative when you attack us.

>> No.176708

can i also buy with euro on vaultofsatoshi?

>> No.176709
File: 60 KB, 655x960, 1393959251089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is tipping banned on /b/?

I'll give away 100k in PND on there a day son.

>> No.176710

filthycasuals DOT tv

streaming website.

>> No.176716

Yes, unfortunately. I got a few people banned by doing that.

>> No.176721

Yes. Cryptos are banned in anywhere but /biz/.

>> No.176723

Two weeks ago I got a week long B& for making a /b/ thread, but I think it was worth it because the pandagirl was posting there and I was tipping and requesting boob pics until the b& kicked in

>> No.176732

In this environment we cannot flourish. It's just not fun. We need something else.

>> No.176726

or where can i buy with euros?

>> No.176739

yeah i was there too, had her make a shitload of oc, some vocaroo too.

>> No.176740

I have 300k DOGE, 2.4m PND, 0.2 BTC, and about 1700 credits.

Currently mining DOGE (400kh/s) and Credits (800kh/s).

What am I doing wrong and what should I be doing.

>> No.176735

Indeed. We're stuck here with shills and naught to do.

>> No.176744

The reddit is invisible. What are the odds of someone looking for something that interests them and ending up there? It won't cut it either.

>> No.176742

I think Kraken does euro/doge

>> No.176746

Maybe reddit, but the layout annoys me and I don't stay in there for too long.
Other than that, I have no clue, the bitcointalk thread is slow and not all people get interested by that, and it's not like we can go an spam on forums about GPUs like in the nvidia or AMD forums.

>> No.176747

convert it all to PND

>> No.176758

The cool thing about doge on /g/ is that people ended up there while going for desktop threads, stallman worship and muh phones. This expanded the user base.

How about dumblr? Share links, post various OC, maybe get some camwhoring going?

They do have tags so people will end up finding us.

>> No.176764


OK lets think where we can take this.

Twitter seems kinda meh but this guy on there named cryptsy pumper seems to like me,retweets all my shit and asks me what coins to pump and he has mad followers. Not that i want to p&d PND though, that might really kill it.

>> No.176775

Twitter is good for spreading news about the main base, not actually being one..

>> No.176769

Lets move the threads to reddit instead, we can't survive without being in control, we can't survive without tipping and OC

>> No.176770
File: 11 KB, 501x585, 13345692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn the secrets of becoming a millionaire!

Ten easy steps to get rich

Essential Investment Tips

Learn how I got rich FAST!

The sucessful investor, learn the tips and tricks

Don't be like the others - Ten easy steps of getting rich

...Just buy my book

>> No.176779

Being bagholders must suck.

>> No.176786

Good idea, how do we increase the viewers of a reddit page?

>> No.176794

Incoming butthurt.
We shill.

>> No.176802

Shilling is important but I don't think we'll make it without some sort of passive boost.

>> No.176801
File: 221 KB, 1290x820, shibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good shibe? Going full retard so it comes out to $~3500 (USD).
I can just use the X1 slots with risers, right?

>> No.176809

Someone rich can do another giveaway thread on /r/CryptoCurrency/.

>> No.176812

Check that the mobo can work with all the PCIe slots connected all at once.

>> No.176816

How do I mine sha with cgminer?

>> No.176818

Fuck man im so afraid I bought $200 at 5 satoshi

>> No.176813

If you guys are going to use tumblr, please, please DON'T use the "first crypto created by a female dev" as a selling point, it will add more confrontations later on.

Also camwhores and the pornstar that was considering using DOGE and PND can be a good help

>> No.176819

That's part of shilling. I'm talking about a setup where we're visible and people actually pass by and see us while looking for something else.

Like /g/ was.

>> No.176820

I'd use a pendrive.
Get something that's not as expensive. Any cheap CPU will do.
Might want to look for Platinum.

>> No.176825

Don't put the --scrypt part in

>> No.176826

I also can't recommend running 5 cards without powered risers on that board.

>> No.176827


all you can do is ride it out till the buyers buy of everything dumped into a healthy balance

>> No.176828

Get a AMD Sempron

>> No.176833

Doesnt work, I get "unable to open poclbm130302

>> No.176837

>mfw doge keep going down


>> No.176840

>rebrand as SJC - Social Justice Coin
>tip the most pants on head lobotomized baboon tier retarded transnecrofeminist blogs

Oy mcfucking vey

>> No.176843

Is this still a valid build?
If not, what needs changing?


>> No.176848

>dummy plugs
Not needed.
>ASRock 970 Extreme4

>> No.176853
File: 2.40 MB, 213x160, gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you'll be able to find cheap 7950s anymore.

You can buy one from me, though.

>> No.176860

You can get boards that easily support 6 GPUs with powered risers. MSI are quite decent. You can use multiple PSUs to spread the load.

>> No.176861

is something wrong with cryptsy?
buy orders dont show up
btc gone

>> No.176863
File: 203 KB, 1286x758, shibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip. According to amDOGE it should work..

How's this shibe?
I'll buy some powered risers. Any recommendations?
Also I originally picked that processor because the motherboard stated:
>*To support PCI Express 3.0, you must install an FM2+ APU
But I guess whether it's 3.0 or 2.0 shouldn't matter if I'm just mining.

Not a Sempron, but it is pretty cheap..

Price is ~3200 USD.

>> No.176864

Guys what's the deal. Why is the currency slumping this past week while interest and publicity continues to grow?

>> No.176872

big investors cashing out

>> No.176868

get more ram

>> No.176869

There are no shortcuts. reddit made dogecoin big because it was approachable and fun and there was content posted constantly combined with crossover appeal from the doge meme.

For real growth we need daily reddit general threads and daily bounties, contests and giveaways on the sub to stimulate interest and subscribers.

If these regular threads stay in /biz we aren't going to go very far or attract new people because it's a stagnant holders circlejerk a lot of the time.

>> No.176870

Massive dumps occured.

>> No.176877

Why cashing out so soon and at a such low price? Isn't another halving coming that will push price up a huge lot?

>> No.176873

>Any recommendations?
No idea. I never used powered ones.
>But I guess whether it's 3.0 or 2.0 shouldn't matter if I'm just mining.
You should be fine.

1GB is well enough unless you're compiling things.

>> No.176874

This. Also gambling, tipping OC and markets for actual stuff you can buy/sell.

>> No.176879

BTC value is up, so doge value is up even when doge/BTC changes

>> No.176883


This is a myth. Block halving rarely pushes the price up

>> No.176890

>over $3000 for a system
>not spending another $20 to take it to 4gb ram

>> No.176896

>tfw missed another train with Mazacoin

>> No.176893
File: 1.89 MB, 172x172, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.176894

I'm just ordered 2 rp 270's

Would you recommend powered risers?

Is there ever a situation where you don't want powered risers?

>> No.176899

Finding decent risers should be easy enough.

I'll try to order a couple of these shibes, assuming my investors take the b8.

>> No.176898


>Would you recommend powered risers?

>Is there ever a situation where you don't want powered risers?
Two cards and you are probably fine. Or if your motherboard can't deliver enough power over the pcie slots.

>> No.176900

Did I fuck up with 4 cards and not using powered risers?

>> No.176902

can someone setup a cheap miner with good results because i have no idea what i need

>> No.176909

Phew, thanks.

>> No.176913
File: 145 KB, 1600x900, bulltrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz be bulltrap

>> No.176904

Look for USB3.0 powered risers. I hear they are pretty good.

No. All my rigs are running 4 cards but they pull enough power from the psu directly.

>> No.176905

so i'm thinking about creating my own coin (using one of those sites which automates the process in exchange for btc) making it extremely hard to mine, stealing half of them myself before i even release, then creating an mfc-style website featuring gril(s), on which she can be tipped for tricks, and even fucked for the right amount of cuntcoin. said coin would be for sale on the site at hundreds of euros. it'd all be legal.
would this fail, or go to the poon?

>> No.176906

How about a PND Youtube channel with giveaways and video contests and the like?

>> No.176908


these indians are fucking jews man, its a mini btc now

>> No.176914
File: 127 KB, 327x338, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first coin to reach 1k votes will be considered, let's get DOGE on this shit...for some reason they named it DGC, whatever let's go it's 2 easy clicks (only need 278 more votes)


>> No.176915

This is actually a good idea.

>> No.176916
File: 13 KB, 519x198, to da moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.176917

Look at >>176863 but get a GPU you like.

Sounds good.

>> No.176919


>> No.176925

While I don't doubt you're right...

>> No.176927
File: 13 KB, 280x313, 1288824850193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGC is not DogeCoin, it's DigitalCoin...

>> No.176928
File: 1.99 MB, 199x231, 1390259257871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yummy the pnd's are pouring in again

>> No.176933

amDOGE, You're awesome. Always going above and beyond for us..
Thanks for the help, I'll find some on eBay.

>> No.176934

I tried typing things in response but the only thing I can find is
>stealing half of them myself before i even release
Everything else except the automated process is OK.
>PS. DGC is actually DOGE

>> No.176935
File: 36 KB, 494x497, 1393961950021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.176946


Fuck yeah man.

>> No.176951

do it cunt

>> No.176952

"If you think a crypto-currency is missing? Let us know!

PS. DGC is actually DOGE"

is that some sort of trick?

>> No.176953
File: 689 KB, 200x200, 1289314381314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad.

>> No.176957

Very bad.

>> No.176960

relly? nobody here is using cryptsy?

>> No.176963

Their fees are really high.
I use mintpal.

>> No.176967

I'm on it.

>> No.176973

>>stealing half of them myself before i even release
>Everything else except the automated process is OK.
well i was thunking that i'd need to premine so i'd have coins to sell immediately.
what's wrong with the automated process...?

>> No.176976

Someone might find out unless you pay them more. Also if you're gonna do that, go all out and mine them all.

>> No.176977

lol it fell right after putins' statement to not invade ukraine as of yet

>> No.176983

Where can I find the Pandacoin logo?
For website purposes :^)

>> No.176982


>> No.176984


>> No.176993


I'll do a panda news cartoon

>> No.177001

Is this "the" logo? Because some people use different logos and there's a shitton of logos when I search "Pandacoin".

>> No.177005


>> No.177006

It is the correct one.

>> No.177017

How do I use pci slots for graphics cards?

>> No.177023


there she goes, passive-aggressive lady, when are you going to start whipping us? :3

>> No.177029

Don't forget to like the pnd FB page and share :^)

>> No.177030

nice nice

>> No.177025

Google+ page if you're using that (for some reason)

>> No.177026

Not sure what you mean?

Not sure what you mean?

>> No.177035
File: 16 KB, 296x156, rly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.177031

Reminder if it weren't for amDOGE your coin launch would've failed, so can you please stay to your thread?

>> No.177034

The google plus page looks good.

>> No.177039

Looks fine for me.

>> No.177047

just save as png?

>> No.177051


duh forgot link

facebook. calm /pandacoin

>> No.177052

It'd look much better if you got rid of the black corners

>> No.177053

I see it now. Fixing.

>> No.177054

>How do I use pci slots for graphics cards?
I made a mistake, never mind.
I was thinking of pci-e x1 slots.

>> No.177057

With risers. Or cutting the GPU.

>> No.177061

Fixed it.

>> No.177075

lemme get this straight. if i have 2 pcie slots on my mobo, which i do - 1x16 and one tiny x1.
i can connect any pcie card to that x1 slot using a pcie riser? x1 to x16 is all i need?
why are the retarded fucking slots so small if they're capable of precisely what x16 slots are?

>> No.177081

still fail... how hard is it to put transparent coin on bamboo bg?!

>> No.177083

>why are the retarded fucking slots so small if they're capable of precisely what x16 slots are?

they are not, they have much less bandwidth available, but that's not needed for scrypt hashing.

>> No.177085

>why are the retarded fucking slots so small if they're capable of precisely what x16 slots are?

Lower bandwidth. This has no impact on mining however.

>> No.177086

Impossible because Youtube doesn't let you have transparency.

>> No.177089
File: 10 KB, 303x375, gg_aur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.177099

Maybe edit in the background where it would be transparent? Or that probably won't be good when scaling.

>> No.177107
File: 11 KB, 212x238, asfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2014-03-04 07:12:13 Buy 0.13790000

>> No.177109
File: 6 KB, 292x68, 2014-03-04_211211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn

black cock is falling even faster with over -45%

>> No.177112

I'm trying

>> No.177122

>PND is starting the slow road to recovery with people actually buying at 3 satoshi
>I just sold all my fucking PND

God niggering fuck.

>> No.177119
File: 22 KB, 1269x267, pls go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND pls go to 1 before moon.

>> No.177126
File: 110 KB, 900x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick, time to buy back.

>> No.177128

>inb4 wolong claims responsibility

>> No.177132
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all these red numbers are seriously annoying me

>> No.177133

mintpal has shit volume
i want to daytrade but cryptsy is fucked up for some reason

>> No.177142

Should I sell some CR to buy some cheep PND?

>> No.177146

Yeah, quick.

>> No.177149

btc recovery mang.

btc in gain mode = alt coins stagnation or decline. people want btc, so they but it looking to profit, or mine alt coins to dump for appreciating btc.

when btc starts to stagnate, alt coin speculation intensifies.

>> No.177150

i dont think there is any safe way to sell CR
no trades on swissex
but if can, do it

>> No.177155

Why would you even bother selling under 5?

It's not like you make anything off it

>> No.177158

What do you think PND will hit when it recovers?

>> No.177159

although allcoins is slow, it seems to work.

>> No.177162


Assumed the coin was dead.

>> No.177163
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All my pnd just got stolen

>> No.177164
File: 125 KB, 861x181, fixd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay well heres one fix... you have the background image, I don't so I had to clone..

but simply by taking a screenshot I was able to put what would be the background of the header, behind the coin..
so it lines up with bg and looks transparent if u understand

>> No.177171

most people buy btc to trade for alts
what? from your wallet?

>> No.177172

Looks good.

>> No.177175
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>> No.177177

Everyone subscribe on Jewtube

>> No.177183

You're always better off holding coins you think are dead, since a lot of them end up coming back

>> No.177184


>> No.177189

2000. if your sister makes it happen.
cereal though, why isn't pnd sexualised?
why is no coin?
billions flowed through silkroad. crypto slutroad is the next big thing.

>> No.177187

I deal in PND
I cashed out my DOGE

>> No.177197

Fe would need a framework for that amigo. A well promoted one.

>> No.177194

was it encrypted?

>> No.177211

Did any of you morons really sell any AUR yet?
thanks for the cheap coins, dump is over LOL

>> No.177216

this is true.

i had been sitting on several hundred thousand zeuscoins and fckbankscoins, they ended up on cryptorush well after i thought they were dead.

now if we could revive cryptoshekels...

>> No.177220


>> No.177226
File: 5 KB, 404x208, fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god! Look at the buy orders on PND/DOGE!

Fast, SELL SELL SELL before they get eaten!

>> No.177228

how? did you install any other wallets?

>> No.177235

>Selling that cheap.
Do you hate money?

>> No.177237

batcoin wallet a week ago
credits wallet, but i don't think thats it

>> No.177251

I would send you some consolation but I'm not sure if you're going to lose it again.

>> No.177250


0.0060 here.

Which one of you faggots immediately fucked me?

>> No.177259

Russia tested an ICBM 1:20 hours ago.

No impact on BTC value though :I


>> No.177260

that's okay. i'm on the irc anyway

>> No.177266

What IRC?

>> No.177271

Too bad it takes hours for DNS to propagate.

>> No.177275

RIP my coins.

>> No.177278


Where are they buying at 3?

>> No.177282


There were a few people buying at 3 on Swisscex and the 2 satoshi sellwall is crumbling.

>> No.177279


>> No.177284
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>> No.177287

We only need 250 more votes:


>> No.177288

>not betpnd or betpanda.net

hexaflouride confirmed for jew

>> No.177298

This is just a test run.

>> No.177295


How many times did we have to tell you that the crash was artificially induced therefor would not last?

You didn't actually listen to those credits shills did you?

>> No.177302

tfw i still have 15 million PND

shoud i buy some at 1 satochi ?

>> No.177304


>> No.177306
File: 65 KB, 804x482, 7419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have photoshop requests?
it takes me a couple of days to do a decent job, but those nasty sell orders are slowly dissipating. accepting pnd for above-average quality ps requests. email in field.

>> No.177309
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>sell AUR, price starts increasing
>buy MZC, price starts dropping

just shoot me

>> No.177310
File: 178 KB, 1680x746, py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip my deposit

>> No.177317

People who dumped at 1 or 2 are so fucking stupid.

Pretty much all the penny alts get pumped at some point. Unless you need the BTC urgently it's always better to just hold. Especially with a coin like this that actually has a community.

I bought CTM at 1 when it was only on Swisscex and held it for almost a month whilst nothing happened. Woke up one morning and it had gone on Coinex, boom 400% profit just like that. And that had absolutely no support.

>> No.177315

Please sell PND.

>> No.177316
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Which page?

>> No.177318
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>> No.177324


And all my doge is gone too

>> No.177326

whatever you do dont buy aur now

>> No.177329

I've been waiting 2 days for my 1 sat buy order to go through.

When it does you're going to see some next level shilling.

>> No.177330

I can't access the website myself sadly.
I stopped the webserver and I'm investigating for issues.

>> No.177341

I'll just leave my MZC as they are, close my exchange tabs and look at it tomorrow. Fuck this.

>> No.177339

its ok
keep up the good work there will be some serious pnd rolling your way

>> No.177340


Just buy at 2. It'll help in the long run.

>> No.177347

No, I sold at 2.

I didn't sell it all though.

I've been waiting days for that order, if I pull out now I have to go to the back of the queue if I place it again.

>> No.177349

>PND Net hashrate under 1GH/s
Come on guys.

>> No.177363

it's probably not profitable now so some are not mining

>> No.177370

let new miners in? i mean i wouldnt mine it i diff was any higher
we need more people in this, and i doubt they will dump at 1 sat, so its all good

>> No.177373

It is actually most profitable to mine now the difficulty is low actually.

>> No.177372

It's dead.

>> No.177375
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Working now.

>> No.177376

>could have 40BTC now

>> No.177378

>i doubt they will dump at 1 sat

You underestimate the miners

>> No.177389

>And all my doge is gone too

i am suspecting someone close to you stole it

>> No.177392
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Some useful advice.

>> No.177393

What's this site layout and design?
I've been seeing those blue buttons everywhere recently.

>> No.177394

um, they wouldnt mine and dump, there are coins that are alot more profitable
they would mine it for potential, thats the people pnd needs

>> No.177397

also a few hours ago i said a service would be cool where we collect donations and vote where to give it away, for example giveaways, charity and so on. Also we could make a service where people can write articles that are important and can get tipped from the people. They could vote what article is the best of the week and this article gets more coins or a donation of some.
Also we could make the same thing with drawings and drawfags or art. We can make a site where ideas can get thrown in and voted on what the best ideas are and what ideas are going to be implemented.

>> No.177399

Everybody always talk talk talks, but nobody does shit.

Anyone can be an ideas guy.

If it's such a good idea, go do it.

>> No.177400

Bootstrap default.

>> No.177401

Should I stop mining CR and go back to PND then?

>> No.177402

>Also we could make a service where people can write articles that are important and can get tipped from the people.

Which platform would be best to host such a thing? A blog, or some social networking thingy?

>> No.177407


>> No.177409

If you have faith that PND will rise yes otherwise stick to Cr and enjoy the fact that soon you will be able to buy shit directly with it.

>> No.177414

>Not buying real Panda Coins


>> No.177417

I ended up buying in at 10 and I've got 5m sitting around.
I think it might actually be better to diversify rather than going full on PND.

>> No.177421


>> No.177426

that's not possible.
As far as I know I am the only person in my country with a pnd or doge wallet. Let alone someone close to me

>> No.177427


>> No.177435

Dude what if we could buy those with PND?

>> No.177436

What do you mean?

>> No.177438

Is Cr the most stable coin?It is not suitable to be instamined in the first hour because progressive block reward and mining later has higher difficulty and the shares are more spread.

>> No.177446

mybe you gave your passphrase info somewhere online

>> No.177448

no, that would be stablecoin :^)
captcha: coins hvedsso

>> No.177453

Never keep all your eggs in one basket, keep investments in various coins.
And when you mine dump half right away, keep half. This way you're covered, whether the coin drops or rises.
That's why there are early investors for ALL coins. Those guys just buy small amounts of ALL coins at release and then hold them. If it rises good, if not, they only lost 1BTC (but probably gained far more than that from another coin that rose in the meantime).

>> No.177457
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Ok, which of you fuckers make a PND/CR trojan?
Now I can't check my mining status at work without a VPN.

>> No.177460

my pnd are on the way, still 0/3 confirmation tho
um, was that wallet also not encrypted?

>> No.177469


>> No.177472
File: 37 KB, 270x521, TheFateOfTheThreePandaKings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolong was behind the PND crash not miners. He bought a ton of PND along with his groupies to dump together and crash the market.


>> No.177477


>> No.177479

It's not malware, it's just some PANDA guy who reported it for malware. Go tell whoever that it's not malware and to fix it.

>> No.177480

I'm betting a botnet has been mining PND and using that pool, making them get flagged.

>> No.177485

What's the best place to find out about new and cheap coins or ones that haven't been released yet?

>> No.177494


>> No.177488

That's probably it. Some of the big CR miners smelled like botnet.

>> No.177496

nope. no way.
it's some kind of malware. well fuck it, I can't mine any of that back.

I lost my ticket to the train i'll keep watch at the station

>> No.177512

so he wasted money burning btc on pnd(buy high sell low)? good for us then

>> No.177969

>Probably fair