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File: 45 KB, 724x483, nurses3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17646743 No.17646743 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that healthcare is the one place where you can't get fucked over working in no matter how bad the economy is doing or how far automation goes. There's always going to be sick, broken and dying people who need help from real people and the pay's pretty good for anything at a nursing level and above

>> No.17646773

Gets infected with Coronavirus. Or stabbed with a Needle from a junkie with AIDS.

Nice career path.

>> No.17646778

what a time to post this

>> No.17646825
File: 3.16 MB, 1334x750, 215DAE9B-3BAD-4F39-8268-1060CC3CBE4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Health care sucks. I hate taking care of obese niggers with the “sugah diabetes”, drunk spics and homeless addicts of all colors.

Health care is dogshit, stay away.
>t. PA-C with a decade of experience

>> No.17646848
File: 426 KB, 931x682, 1540155019555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not gonna wipe your drool or your ass while you stare off into space boomer

>> No.17646859

>i'm not gonna wipe your drool or your ass while you stare off into space

That's for the PCAs to take care of

>> No.17646919

Intubating 350lb Shaquanda or putting a central line into homeless Paco are just as bad.

>> No.17647613

Orderlies make bank nowadays. It the most wagecuck job I can fathom by a longshot, but they push $100k salary when they do emergency premium and OT

They keep calling me to take the job because nobody wants to do it

>> No.17647828

I agree, I'm in med school and that was one of the reasons I chose this career

>> No.17647884

yeah, but undergraduate is garbage for medical, unless you want to be a nurse. but who the fuck wants to be a nurse?

>> No.17647908

Exactly why I want to go flight med. I like trauma, but the path there is what you described. Fuck that.

>> No.17647938

I was unironically a flight medic for nearly 7 years. Even if on scene shit sucks and is boring. I have buddies who worked for the state police doing it and still quit after a few years.

>> No.17647965

Women usually have this natural feeling of how to take care of the ill, after all it was one of their natural roles for thousands of years, women just like it (until burnout kick in)

>> No.17647972
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>> No.17647979
File: 147 KB, 518x620, 1552589037938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the on scene shit*

Further, God help you if you have to do interfacility flight transfers. Sure, you might have to use your brain a little and fix an underlying metabolic acidosis or push Cardizem for symptomatic a-flutter or whatever but it still gets quite dull.

>> No.17647997

Nice, have you ever been, or know a cruise med?

>> No.17647999
File: 247 KB, 1536x2048, AmerifatHealthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17648025

>you can't get fucked over
are you 12?

>> No.17648103
File: 59 KB, 259x194, 1555069936405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I did coverage for an episode of some shitty Nat Geo once and went to Afghanistan but other than that, flying was the most exciting and running medical locals at the DC/PG County border was the most dangerous.
Kek, that is literally some retard paid 45k/yr to find a way to sign the invalid homeless man up for Medicare/aid so the hospital doesn't eat a 100% loss on their banana bag and nap visit.

>> No.17648124
File: 21 KB, 340x370, feels-good-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in lab
>don't have to interact with a single patient

>> No.17648145

If you get to specialist levels, you won't be able to retire no matter how much money you make due to the constant guilt that you could be saving lives. You know you can't trust the other doctors because you see how much they fuck up on a daily basis.

>> No.17648147

what kind of work do you do in a lab buddy?

>> No.17648319

I’m you 12 years ago. Tell me everything. Plz.

>> No.17648414

I sell medical devices and the nurses try to molest me while I’m closing the hospitalists. Little do they know I’m 34 and I’ve never felt a boob or been on a date :D

>> No.17648969


Pathologist Assistant. I gross (dissect) biopsies and surgical specimens

>> No.17649038

Sounds gross, but fun.