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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 560x390, brent-crude-oil-prices_97316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17643686 No.17643686 [Reply] [Original]

How can we possibly not be talking about the biggest dump in history, literally free money, should i just market sell and wait to wake up in the green ? or do you think bots will pump it first

i can see brent trading at 25-30 usd easily with what saudis have done now , aramco selling already at 10 bucks discount

>> No.17643699

putin is a fucking genius, i would definitly suck his huge cock

>> No.17643749

i honestly dont understand the reasoning besides trying to avoid further sanctions, ruble will crumble, profits will drop, US is still a net importer of oil so cheap oil is in their interests, market dominance makes no sense at this point

>> No.17643761
File: 242 KB, 1200x800, 1583625877753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You win by buying RLC

>> No.17643762

should have bought digital oil I guess...

>> No.17643817

the end of fracking will cause economic trouble in the usa, they cant operate in the green at these levels nor pay their debt.
saudia arabia will be destabilized, they have to cut benefits for their mostly unemployed young male citiziens, what could go wrong?
syria wont be a topic in half a year at all anymore

>> No.17643825
File: 310 KB, 612x612, https___editorial01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn right

>> No.17643882
File: 156 KB, 409x409, smug blanket frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me watching the stock of the oilfield service company that laid me off in 2015 dump for the last 4 years and hit a new 52-week low Friday

>> No.17643962

thinking of putting a deep OTM put and just wait for market to open in singapore, strike 35 usd

>> No.17644263

I read an article last night explaining that Aramco dropped prices by $10 under Brent as a result of something that occurred with opec & Russia. However, I just started paying attention to the oil industry, so I do not understand the long term implications. Based on the comments in this thread, it will hurt Saudi Arabia. Good! What else do these crashing prices mean economically? and how do we profit on this?

>> No.17644435

Are you fucking stupid??? The US is now a net exporter of oil you fucking mong. This board is officially shit now

>> No.17644586


Think it will pop the corp debt bubble?

>> No.17644612

It really depends on if bondholders are willing to negotiate and take the hit, forgive their debts, and prop up the oil industry while recognizing Russian/Saudi shenanigans.

>> No.17644764


>> No.17644802

He's an idiot, but the US doesn't depends on its oil exports at all.

>> No.17644954
File: 264 KB, 148x111, (you).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17645115


I fucking hate the markets lol

up X amount in a day? = Healthy vibrant market

down X amount in a day = OMG ITS CRASHING!

No semblance of price discovery.