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File: 35 KB, 754x535, 1581793226677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17641438 No.17641438 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17641457


>> No.17641466

gb2reddit tourist

>> No.17641482

>Whales violently dump BTC the weekend before a Link conference where baseline protocol is explained in simpler terms
really makes you think...

>> No.17641496

What the fuck is even happening?
This isn't natural at all, gotta be a massive pump and dump.

>> No.17641507

you mean manipulated dump and pump

>> No.17641514

big dogg

>> No.17641519
File: 8 KB, 208x250, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, I have no words. We're truly God's chosen ones.

>> No.17641532

find me just ONE of his predictions that didn't come true. he called everything

>> No.17641533

fuck off retarded nigger

>> No.17641534
File: 62 KB, 711x579, 1558544540585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this meme

>> No.17641538


>> No.17641575


>> No.17641585

crashing and pumping every minute
this is unpredictable and no way im going to buy right now

>> No.17641596

stay poor retard

>> No.17641599

What in the world is going on? 6 weeks ago I sold 4000 of my 5000 link stack and stopped browsing biz and stopped keeping up with crypto. What is causing link to rise

>> No.17641600

I was always a believer. For any heathen doubters out there, repent and go all in link. Best decision of my life.

>> No.17641607

got any archive posts?

>> No.17641618

Thank you for your sacrifice

>> No.17641629
File: 425 KB, 384x384, 1579584629080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>check LINK as usual
>same price as last night
>meh must have been a boring night
>check other cryptos

>> No.17641660
File: 193 KB, 1223x1000, kekwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>17641538 >>17641575.

>> No.17641661

its simple, people have to accumualate,

people will be shaken out,

as time goes on you will now be able to tell people how you used to own 5k link.

it happens to me to anon

i used to own 25k link

now own 14k link, trying to swing and taking profits.

now i aint fucking selling.

>> No.17641677
File: 698 KB, 600x900, 861E4D90-2F9B-4597-BE99-0B97580CEE96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boomer dad just suggested that I swing link after showing him the pump. Should I put him in a home?

>> No.17641680

I had to refresh cmc twice to make sure..

>> No.17641703
File: 8 KB, 420x400, indian-groyper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your Chainlink. Fuck your scam. I've lost. You can't be helped and your scam can't be stopped. Congratulations on that, linkies. Really.

>> No.17641724
File: 37 KB, 398x376, pepe laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link conference

oh wow. At the last one the creators talked about verifying young women's ages and assassination contract via oracles. I'm sure it will have a meaningful impact on the price!

>> No.17641734

>I am a brain eater

>> No.17641766
File: 236 KB, 720x1256, Screenshot_20200308_233035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dynamic ip and I just received this. Is this bullish?

>> No.17641896
File: 521 KB, 900x900, 0D755B9E-A420-4C94-9E52-AE116E1DED13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer my call Kek
We the link marines are going to make it.

>> No.17641897


A painful, but necessary lesson anon. See you at the yacht party

>> No.17641919

Show me one company that paid in hard currency for a single service provided by Chainlink? One order for anything. A single purchase order, procurement, ANYTHING but the fraudulent partnerships with Brazilian tokenized crushed gravel providers. I'll standby waiting for an answer.
You won't find any. Do you know why? Because just like VeChain, who claim to be a Blockchain service provider for enterprise, the REAL business is actually selling pre-mined tokens, to idiots. There are no legal repercussions in crypto that exist in the real world of business.

>> No.17641927
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1581482751380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17641954


>> No.17641990

The absolute state of this pure delusion.

There's been exactly ZERO commercial interest in oracles and smart contracts. This shitcoin's value just floats up and down with the overall market cap of Bitcoin.

>> No.17641998

Can you retards keep your link spam in 1 thread, you absolute subhuman sperglords. You're worse than BSVjeets.

>> No.17642022
File: 201 KB, 663x749, 1582821283918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me one company that paid in hard currency for a single service provided by Chainlink? One order for anything. A single purchase order, procurement, ANYTHING but the fraudulent partnerships with Brazilian tokenized crushed gravel providers. I'll standby waiting for an answer.
>You won't find any. Do you know why? Because just like VeChain, who claim to be a Blockchain service provider for enterprise, the REAL business is actually selling pre-mined tokens, to idiots. There are no legal repercussions in crypto that exist in the real world of business.
>The absolute state of this pure delusion.
>There's been exactly ZERO commercial interest in oracles and smart contracts. This shitcoin's value just floats up and down with the overall market cap of Bitcoin.

>> No.17642060

Take him out back and put him down

>> No.17642082
File: 464 KB, 1080x1080, C1D59C43-25F6-44C9-8490-636FB9FEF9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pump has concluded
What did he mean by this?

>> No.17642099
File: 781 KB, 2560x1440, 1573416580106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes will all come true

>> No.17642151


You have no idea what you are doing or what is going on around you, just like every other stinkmarine.

>> No.17642178

100 neets and only one woman in sight. you know what they say about the linkies...

>> No.17642196
File: 965 KB, 2048x2048, 1583399489471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meme magick is fukken real


>> No.17642215
File: 529 KB, 763x1446, 0EC95EB0-0447-4D07-A667-87E726D7ABB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you sleep at night knowing spergs like me are sitting on 60k dollars after putting in 4k, just because of some post made by a guy called assblaster?

I don’t even understand what a oracle is supposed to do man, still I’ve already taken 20k profits which I spent on travels, blue chip hookers and cocaine, and sitting on a healthy 60k stack still.

Neck yourself, looser

>> No.17642226

UUh oOh men gathering out of a common interest...they must be gay

nigga you fell for a feminist shaming tactic

btw all the whores are chained in the basement

>> No.17642230

I dont like this one, its unsettling

>> No.17642240

12k to 220k here. Suck it to everyone who doubted me in 2017.

>> No.17642253
File: 238 KB, 554x400, 1583633995892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck bros I'm quickly becoming obsessed with buying link

>> No.17642278

must get as much as possible while its under 10$ a pop hngghh

>> No.17642359
File: 269 KB, 660x763, IMG-20200308-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I blink and all of a sudden I'm at the yacht party on a warm summers eve
>I avoid the hookers and cocaine deck and instead move towards the fore, where dozens of linkies stand alone staring out over the water
>a single tear runs down my cheek as I realise the adventure is over. The greatest gamble of my life has concluded and there is no more danger left
>thinking back on my life I whisper solemnly "what the fuck was that...?"

>> No.17642367

i love this picture
it captures the isolation we all feel collectively
noone outside this board understands this feeling
we're all going to make it

>> No.17642397

I also have 14k LINK. Lets make it bro

>> No.17642552


>> No.17642716


>> No.17642928

>mfw I blink and all of a sudden I'm at the yacht party on a warm summers eve
>I avoid the hookers and cocaine deck and instead move towards the fore, where dozens of linkies stand alone staring out over the water
>a single tear runs down my cheek as I realise the adventure is over. The greatest gamble of my life has concluded and there is no more danger left
>thinking back on my life I whisper solemnly "what the fuck was that...?"

>> No.17642944

it won't be over though
it will just be the beginning of a whole new world of opportunities

>> No.17642952


>> No.17642982

What kind of opportunities are we talking about?
Startup investing? Or will there other shitcoins after LINK hits $1000 EOY, which are based on the oracle service which LINK provides?

>> No.17642988

>tfw the real linkie yacht parties will be full of faggots shouting WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT and making bad sergey jokes
I love you guys, but I won't attend any events you cringy spergs will hold.

>> No.17642992

We will topple the Rothschilds and become an army of right-wing Soros.
We will retake Constantinople and Jerusalem for Christendom.

>> No.17643018

The truth is a lot more mundane. $5 end of June

>> No.17643022

there will always be generational opportunities to buy into in all asset classes

how much longer can soros really live for

>> No.17643025

Remember to buy the XTZ dip with your LINK profit. It's pumped after LINK has around half a dozen times

>> No.17643082

Also another question frens.
Will I make it with 3,000 LINK as well?
I will hold to $1000, but I feel like 3 million dollars is not considered /making it/
Am I wrong marines?

>> No.17643120

I wouldn't bet on it ever hitting $1000...

>> No.17643154

What do you think then will be the highest we ever go?

>> No.17643158

> I wouldn’t bet on bitcoin hitting 20k from cents dude; what are you crazy? A decentralized p2p currency? LOL
> I wouldn’t bet on Chainlink hitting 1k from cents dude; what are you crazy? A decentralized absolute trusted data automation platform? LOL

>> No.17643163

Threw some pocket change into XTZ on the off chance that you're correct.

>> No.17643186

it's been fun

>> No.17643189


>> No.17643190

if you make over $30k off such a small investment that is an achievement
noone knows what's going to happen or what it means to 'make it'
just enjoy the ride and learn from mistakes made along the way

>> No.17643217

maybe $50

>> No.17643231

you are going to be blown away in the next 365 days

>> No.17643625

The stars are aligning...

>> No.17643648
File: 259 KB, 600x606, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure are.

>> No.17643823


It won't hit $1000 anytime soon, if ever


Peak in the next cycle will probably for in the 25-65$ range. Then either decline to zero (project fails), or years in the 10-20$ range until the next cycle (5+ years from now)

>> No.17643835
File: 848 KB, 4047x3589, 1583538617178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic, use ythis to help guess link prices

>> No.17643867

Get the fuck off of this board newfag

>> No.17643888

>Peak in the next cycle will probably for in the 25-65$ range. Then either decline to zero (project fails), or years in the 10-20$ range until the next cycle (5+ years from now)
Doesn’t even make sense according to your pic
How you come up with that

>> No.17643903

f-f-frens? I-i-is he right?
I can not wait another 10 years

>> No.17643904

>sold my suicide stack of 10k + before it even hit $1 and 3 months before it started jumping to pay for bullshit

I SHOULD be more upset, or angry. But I'm not, it's just whatever. I'll stay low money for the forseeable future feels bad.

>> No.17643915


it comes out of his ass, prob the same mid-wit who think the S&P 500 will go back down to it state 20 years ago.

>> No.17643993

No, there will be a singularity.

1000$ EOY.

>> No.17644005


How retarded are you that you can't understand that pic.

I think Link will be coin rank 9-15 or so - high but not top-tier - and crypto markets will surpass ATH, maybe even getting twice as high. So look at rank 9-15 in th 1-2 trillion range, a peak of 25-65$ seems reasonable.

Of course I'm right. That's still insanely bullish 5-10x gains from where we are right now. You should be thinking like an investor not a pathetic hopium addict

>> No.17644015

Well that was a waste of time. Cut my losses before it tanks more and put it back into LINK. Never selling again.

>> No.17644071

fuck off!
I won´t sell you my bags for anything less than $1000 EOY you god damn jew.
Trying to make me sell won´t work with me!

>> No.17644136

I do understand the chart but i think you are retarded if you think we will go to only 1-2 total marketcap and i think you are double retarded if you see link out of the top 5 in the next bullrun but yes anon sure...a bitcoin fork or some centralized eth knockoff will proof more valuable
I mean link just beat the whole market during bear why would i even suspect that it continues to climb the ranks
Maybe you should buy some litcoin then

>> No.17644306

holy shit based

>> No.17644346

I 100% agree with everything, except for one thing. I'm positive that LINK will end up in the top 10, maybe top 7 or 6. That would mean a big difference for price.

>> No.17644473

You have to go back.

>> No.17644520
File: 81 KB, 713x809, 1583275468190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one jewy looking bitch

>> No.17644547
File: 210 KB, 600x600, 1472568780114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was planning on just dumping my change into it but 2 days in and I am already £300 deep

>> No.17644610

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

>> No.17644960


but can you convert to cash ? all at once ?

>> No.17645408

After John of God was caught in Brazil with literal baby farms by impregnating women until they died, it looks like Soros life extension procedures are coming to an end. Look up the company Ambrosia. Transfusions of young blood slow the aging process and treat diseases that are normally thought uncurable, but only as long as you keep doing it. The rest of the body has uses as well, human trafficking is the most lucrative industry on the planet

>> No.17646683
File: 270 KB, 500x500, 1582401729686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want cash?