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17637856 No.17637856 [Reply] [Original]

While you are losing money playing with fake coins, women are out there hustling in the real world taking over the male domain and becoming CEO's.

You guys are really pathetic.

>> No.17637870

>gender pay gap
absolute state of western inelligence

>> No.17637887

>muh gender pay gap
>muh young women
>muh young men
>muh reports


>> No.17637888

>spend 50 years collecting dollars as they devalue

>> No.17637892

It is all propaganda.

>> No.17637907

> 13% more intelligence, 13% more money
simple as

>> No.17637910

>muh muh meme
not an argument npc

>> No.17638049

>Affirmative action is destroying the west.

>> No.17638087

took me 6 years of coaching to coax my gf to fight for a raise and demand to be taken seriously. now we make almost the same. women simply earn less because they are less aggressive in wage negotiations and less driven to fight for raise and promotion.

companies turning this on its head may cause more harm than good tho. instead of teaching women how to get by they pamper them further.

>> No.17638103

Women suck cocks

>> No.17638140

That's pretty gay

>> No.17638146

its the best feature

>> No.17638254

In a world based on charisma as opposed to effort women will always rise to the top because they're extremely social creatures. It's only taken a few years of them being in charge for the idea of effort to be completely disregarded and replaced with attractiveness. This is a major reason corporate innovation has come to a screeching halt.

>> No.17638333

The companies that do that will slowly go broke. China will be taking over the world, as the western economies die. If you follow the electronics market you'd know how much innovation is coming from China now.
Like cellphones or TVs - not a single western company doing anything innovative for years now. All copied from China and Taiwan.

>> No.17638348

> Devalue labor to achieve equality
> Work is really about being social and keeping up appearances in the modern world just like it was for housewives
> Structure a need for women and immigrants in this new workplace
> Spoonfeed white men on obscure batman memorabilia forums so they can invest in crypto and become filthy rich
> Mossad weakens the security of Canadian biolab and pressures a Harvard prof to collude with the Chinese under muh diversity (also thieving chinks guaranteed) to achieve a form of population control
> ????
> Profit
Oh vey it's all so simple goyim

>> No.17638356

>Young women earn more
>Eventhough young men earn more due to the gender pay gap
What kind of retarded mental gymnastics is this? Either there is a pay gap favouring young women vs young men or there isn't.

>> No.17638357
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Checked. Trade pieces of deflationary Bison Bucks until you die

>> No.17638363

So women now work, but we aren't twice as rich. Why is that?

>> No.17638391

Because you don't have a spouse?

>> No.17638397
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>> No.17638414
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bros did we just con women into waging for us?

>> No.17638417


I mean the labor force has doubled from men to men and women. So we have double the workers and should be making double the goods compared to demand. But things stayed the same.

>> No.17638431

>npc calls other people npcs

>> No.17638436

This worries me because the Chinese CEOs won't waste all their money on drugs and pleasing white women, they're much more likely to reinvest it.

>> No.17638445

yes because wages didn't follow productivity. as seen on that graph exactly because of this most likely.

you doubled the workforce but the living expenses required to stay alive didn't change (inflation adjusted). so what happened is the workforce pushed it's own price down to equilibrium.

>> No.17638453

OP didn't link to the article, but based on the sub-heading saying "despite the gender pay gap", then i presume that it is not the "gender pay gap" that is diminishing but rather that you have an increasingly larger share of young men being neets, which make the income/wealth gap between young women and young men decrease.

>> No.17638480

from the article
>And while more young women have been entering the workforce since 1975, young men have actually been dropping out of it. The number of men not in the labor force rose from 7.4% in 1975 to 11.2% last year.
>Of course, the women who earned the most in this study were young, single and childless, and lived in metropolitan areas. Married women outside of those city centers earned less.

>> No.17638491

>bitches who want to be yuppies get exactly what they want

>> No.17638499

Is wealth the same as quantity of goods?

>> No.17638524

> Deflationary currency that continues to lose value coupled with a fixed working week of 40 hours despite technological advances.
I'd say we're losing value from the system dude not gaining it. But people transact and empowerment means women should want to continue to transact not save (which is a traditional evil because it leda to saving for family which means fewer immigrants)

>> No.17638534


But shouldn't productively have increased? There was the same amount of demand from men and women, women still used up resources when they didn't work. So you doubled productive output, where did all those extra goods and services go?

Like in the 50s when men just worked the typical American had a modest house and car, with just the man working. Now we have men and women working, but the typical American isn't any better off, its just that now the wife has to work too.


Wealth of a society is amount of goods and services produced relative to the population. Like if the US makes a million burgers and there are million people then everyone can have one burger. But image now the US makes 2 million burgers everyone can have 2 burgers each. So when women went to work and doubled economic output, we should all have gained twice as much wealth but it didn't happen.

>> No.17638552

Checked. Thanks Chang but repeating the creation of disposable things isn't really the white way. Plus China is dead in the water now thanks to the virus. As soon as they resume full productivity things will get interesting. Check out their propaganda machine on twitter. Very few posts before the virus. Good correlation that posting equals we need to hide things shit has shit the fan. Also they only post about things close to home so you can infer from that

>> No.17638587


>women chase highest paying jobs for status, so they think they get a top tier male
>men dont care about womens status
>men realise its not worth chasing the peak income for old roasties so they dont

>> No.17638595

CEOs are nominated so it’s the fault of beta cuck simps as usual
Or maybe it’s the fact that roasties have something to prove so they work harder and cheaper

>> No.17638628

Frenchfag here, don't lump us with those mutts.

>> No.17638632

>You guys are really pathetic.
You could have said that without involving literally anyone else.

>> No.17638644

>But shouldn't productively have increased?
it did but wages departed from it because of the workforce abundance. companies are not stupid they pay the minimum what they have to.

>> No.17638648

50% or something of women over 30 will be single within 10 years lol. You think roasties are cunty now, just wait

>> No.17638657

Mining servers are timestamped at zero suck shit botnet fucking pissfags

>> No.17638668

I studied law and 90% of the top students in my year were girls. They were harder working, more attentive, and generally way more driving than people like myself who fucked around and ended up on biz. It's honestly no surprise that this is starting to be reflected in the workforce.

>> No.17638675


>> No.17638677

>cuck fight for muh gender cap
>mr shekelsberg lower his salary to match roast hr rate

>> No.17638697


Based and redpilled.

If you say something enough normies will begin to believe it; seems to be even easier to do these days since boomers and zoomers are gullible as fuck.

It's all about controlling the narrative.

>> No.17638714
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Yes but never fucking say it again or they might get wise. It's like Fight Club.


Oh shit.

>> No.17638752
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>terrified confused roastie
>terrified confused boomer
>low IQ faggot who loses money trading
which one are you OP, it's 100% guaranteed you fit one of these categories

>> No.17638766

it's worrying. all the competent people are retiring or have retired

>> No.17638781

women work harder and smarter thats why they outpace men even though they get paid less. deal with it incel the future is female

>> No.17638786

Oh wow cellphones and tvs what great innovations

>> No.17638833

Everywhere you go you see this rhetoric. It’s always the same. There has to be some bot farm pumping this crap out, everyone knows this is false but you see this same rhetoric everywhere

>> No.17638843
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>money printers bribing women with their pedophile papers
This is how they calibrate the money supply, to buy the consent of women and to keep people on subsistence level and dependent on the government.

>> No.17638851
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>> No.17638873
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It's simple. We kill the Israel.
>check checked

>> No.17638888

While you’re posting this, you’re not having sex. Kys

>> No.17638938

Hard to be an ethot when u have penis anon

>> No.17639007

If they had any sense to support a family or help others maybe but they don't, we got them to wage but they only spend money on themselves.

>> No.17639038
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>> No.17639042


>> No.17639058

the chad FEMALE vs the virgin young male

>> No.17639117

This. Women are mostly complacent in jobs because that is generally their nature, to just do what is asked and be quiet. That isn't even a 'hurr durr weymen r dumb' thing to shit on them, just reality.
I did similar w/ my wife a year ago, and she got a better position internally, better salary, and 30+ more pto days a year.
They simply don't pursue/ask the same way men do, not to say there aren't faggy guys that keep their heads down and drone about as well, they are risk-adverse, which is why you don't see venture capitalist and stock broker companies loaded with majority women, but you will see them in the 401k plan side of investing.

>> No.17639296

There's no proof. More lies. Might as well never read the news again.

>> No.17639760
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I remember at a Christmas party, we are all talking about this. The women liked the idea of making more than men, but they get pissed off when you bring up stay at home dads. They want everything both ways and it doesn't work like that.

>> No.17639791

Yes. This type of stuff always comes full circle in the end.

>> No.17639803

Women will be going full nuclear looking for thirdworlders and refugees to impregnate their dried up womb

>> No.17640368
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Its gonna be a bummer when they have to sell themselves for a can of tuna

>> No.17640384





>> No.17640423

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i fucking love life so much, it used to be so sad but now im finally awake to how blessed we are

>> No.17640429

If I could take the role as a housewiFe and let my wife be the breadwinner., Fuck yes I would. Fuck wageslaving

>> No.17640437

wtf thats gay tho what do now??

>> No.17640439

>gender pay gap is real
>but women are earning more

Do they even hear themselves anymore?

>> No.17640445


>> No.17640459

I wouldn’t doubt it though. Women are getting (((help))) to go into the work force and get high paying easy white collar jobs. You know as a way to keep them from being mothers. In an effort to destroy the nuclear family and drive white birth rates down.

>> No.17640502

they cant even if they really wanted to, innit sad? their ego gets in the way =(
in every religion, thats the one thing they tell you to kill to be truly free and see things for what they really are without having a shroud around your vision

>> No.17640550


>> No.17640564

Men seek direct reward. They can play the long game, but there needs to be a purpose, a goal. Women exist to be social, to live, men exist to achieve and do. That has been taken from them, they no longer desire to push because there is no gain. Women, as a generality, see reward in social status, men dont.

>> No.17640599
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The pay gap doesn't exist, it's fiction and is always explained by productivity or career choice.
If you companies could make as much money while paying their workers 13% less they would kek.

>> No.17640648

The data is skewed on the fact that there are WAY, WAY more male NEETS than female.

Young women all work at least minimum wage jobs. They have tidy personalities. Lots of men prefer to play videogames.

>> No.17641056

Chemical engineering is close to majority female these days isn't it? ChemE here

>> No.17641224
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Because women are great worker drones while men are more independent. Women take more pride in and center their identity and feelings around what they identify as the authority, mainly now society and jobs. Women aren't CEO's, they aren't venture capitalists, they aren't owning their own businesses or actively trading on the stock market. They are simply earning more because they are being model citizens working diligently through the school systems and then being absolute cunts within the work environment and treating it like their house and other workers as kids or enemies to be wrangled up in their quest to be a good company housewife and petty political office games.

Men more often aren't good at being good drones or centering their lives and identifying with a company, we fucking hate working what isn't fun for us and hate the confines of the office. So we take more risk, we make businesses to chase our desires, we make moves that can land us as CEO's, we invest our money to make more money and take risks chasing after our dreams rather than reveling in slavery.

>> No.17641371

nice bait you got there

>> No.17641426

Women are making more but remain hypergamous and won't settle for guys making less, this is going to crash white birth rates until all the niggers and spics have won the breeding war

>> No.17641560

>tfw women make more in my field (chemical engineering) by a fuck load when starting but leave the field entirely after the 7-10 year mark

Why even keep this bonus incentive when most women will pivot out of the field? its bullshit for those of us that stick it out.

>> No.17641597


Gee it's like jews control the media and hate you

>> No.17641619

I said fuck it and just took a job at a concrete plant. Close enough to the construction industry that it's still all men and it's all simple hydration rxns

>> No.17641685

I work at a litigation support startup, and let me tell you that if I ever needed a lawyer for anything, you can bet your ass that I will choose a male attorney over a female one every single time.

>> No.17642503

13%. Not sure why you're bring that up but let me ask you something. What takes 50% of the jobs yet only creates 8%? The answer is women of course. They're the reason why the countries productivity has doubled yet wages have remained relatively the same.

>> No.17642550
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N-no u.

>> No.17642862
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>> No.17642953

smart post

>> No.17643090

>our credentialist system, on average, rewards conformity
>women, on average, are more conformist

My god!

>> No.17643103

oh no! not g g g.... GIRLS!

>> No.17643172

>Run 3 startups
>Hold LINK
Come at me, femcels

>> No.17643307

soon to be yes, I am a chemE major senior year, half my class if not more are female but every single one of them is going to med school or something pharma/health related

>> No.17643392

In high school this was my gender observation:

-study really hard
-do all their homework
-get a C on the test

-don't study, just pay attention in class
-do bare minimum homework
>A on the test

So OP makes sense to me, because so many companies don't give a shit about results they just want you to look busy all the time.

>> No.17643424

No it's not propaganda. The fact of the matter is that corporations are just hiring more women than men. They are hiring more and promoting more women. There are probably more women in management positions than men. Women are being propped up by the system, it's completely artificial. It's not real.

>> No.17643430

What's your plan after school?

>> No.17643435

saaaaaame fucking schill thread.

>> No.17643503

better than sucking off an entire corporate ladder made of dicks.

>> No.17643704

high iq post

>> No.17644034

>But shouldn't productively have increased? There was the same amount of demand from men and women, women still used up resources when they didn't work. So you doubled productive output, where did all those extra goods and services go?

>Like in the 50s when men just worked the typical American had a modest house and car, with just the man working. Now we have men and women working, but the typical American isn't any better off, its just that now the wife has to work too.

>Wealth of a society is amount of goods and services produced relative to the population. Like if the US makes a million burgers and there are million people then everyone can have one burger. But image now the US makes 2 million burgers everyone can have 2 burgers each. So when women went to work and doubled economic output, we should all have gained twice as much wealth but it didn't happen.

>we should all have gained twice as much wealth but it didn't happen.

This is because the U.S. is roughly 50 percent men and 50 percent women. when women enter the workforce you effectively double the amount of workers creating a surplus of labor which supresses wage growth. Add on top of that the fact that the U.S. has had uncontrolled illegal immigration for 40 years that keeps wage growth suppressed, yet the cost of living continues to increase, and you have the current situation in the U.S. where a house is $200,000 a car is $30,000 yearly health insurance is $10,000 and the average American only makes $55,000 a year.

Productivity in the U.S. has increased but due to a variety of factors the middle class has gained nothing from it except higher costs and more debt.

It is worth noting that wage growth has began to accelerate under the Trump administration but it still has a long way to go to catch up with the cost of living.

>> No.17644059

I cannot xD *wink* my way in to a job.

>> No.17644556

no you conned them to wage for chad and shekelstein and you can wank to your waifus every night now knowing that the average male is doomed.

>> No.17644635

>Women are outearning men, despite the fact that men make 30% more than women
It's literally doublethink they want all the sympathy and all the benefits

>> No.17644674

Yep it’s all part of the (((agenda)))

>> No.17645743

I kid you not, my gf has been talking to me about the possibility of me being a house-husband. I don't take advantage of her, I've been supporting her as she finishes school and I work long underpaid hours. I cook great meals for her and give her emotional support through anything and everything. She knows I'm smart, and get fucked over every chance for a promotion by people who are objectively worse candidates than me (they are often demoted, fired, or just use the promotion as a stepping stone to gtfo the company in half a year after I had to train them despite being of a lower position).

She's getting a great job out of college and will make more than me. She wants me to be home more often and cook dinners for her because she likes my home cooking more than eating out.

I love this woman more than anything, but I think you're right. Women got conned into waging for us...I'll still side hustle with commissioned projects and oddjobs though.

>> No.17646864
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>> No.17647446

I have no problem with the idea of society becoming a women dominated world. I know for a fact war would be abolished if women took charge. That alone is enough for me to favor women>men

>> No.17647487

lol look at this bait posting queer

>> No.17647488

kudos to you man, you're livin the dream

>> No.17647955

Monday is going to be extra rough

>> No.17648045
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>> No.17649500

You're in a weird situation honestly but I think it may work out. Just make sure she doesn't cheat on you at work or something, or get exploited at work.

>> No.17649563

>a majority of young women now have an onlyfans, premium Snapchat or some other sort of paid social media where they post nude pictures and videos of themselves for money

I think I know how they got so wealthy

>> No.17649603

Well simps are giving all their money to the thots so what the fuck do they think would happen?

>> No.17650248

Why do women even *want* to be wagies? Is it just brainwashing or do they actually enjoy it?

>> No.17650320

People tell them that's what they should do. Women are naturally agreeable towards whatever society at large is saying, so they naturally go along with this.

>> No.17650347

They want a house husband to raise executive Chad's spawn.

>> No.17650387

She doesn't respect you

>> No.17650393

Young girls
>Instagram thots
>Twitch softcore whore gamers
Young boys

Yeah, I wonder why this is happening.

>> No.17650522

Spot on.

>> No.17650537
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>most major corporations openly discriminate against males
>the Democratic party, one of the two main political parties in the country, openly advocates discrimination against males
OMG wow how are men falling behind this is truly a mystery!

>> No.17650605

I think some people actually enjoy whatever wageslave shit they're doing but like the other dude mentioned for some it's just doing what they're "supposed" to do. Basically for status and to impress others etc

>> No.17650685

what? pretty sure anon meant all the stuff about the wage gap is propaganda and that you two agree

>> No.17650816
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they don't, and many of them seriously regret it when they're older. Same with the whole "you're a strong independent woman who don't need no man!" line. It's fun to believe in when she's 20 but by the time she's 30, most women will regret not settling down.
The women who do get a career and want to settle down can't let go of their traditionalist mindset and refuse to date a man who earns less than she does. This leads to a lot of women making $80,000 while complaining that "men are intimidated by successful women!" when really it's just that she keeps rejecting men who earn $40,000.

>> No.17650936

Hi Ahmed

>> No.17650991

This is why I quit corporate and went contract work. It goes like, I will do X for Y amount of money. I make like $200/hr sometimes and only work like 5 days out of a month. and most of those days aren't even 8 hours.

>> No.17651034


>> No.17651225 [DELETED] 

/pol/ will unironically simp for rich people

>> No.17651278

who cares, women spend all their money and get into debt and then get pregnant and leave, while men keep working invest in crazy shit and become millionaires, it isn't that hard to understand who always wins in the end

>> No.17651281

why is there such a sharp, sudden turn? I understand things like immigration and women in the workforce would change it over time, but shouldn't that have resulted in a gradual change over the course of many years?? That's basically an instant change

>> No.17651292

>So when women went to work and doubled economic output, we should all have gained twice as much wealth but it didn't happen.
Type and quality of economic output changed. Type of consumption changed. The labor pool for existing industries was diluted by a flood of women, aliens, and international labor. Entities capturing the value of consumption both figured out how to offshore capital and reinvest outside the US to keep prices low/supply high through efficiency improvements and quality cuts, which effectively enabled wage stagnation. Just slap a supply/demand curve on everything and the current situation makes complete sense.

>> No.17651313

>but the living expenses required to stay alive didn't change
actually they increased even with inflation. This was also due to feminism: Women no longer wanted to get married, or if they did they put it off. So before a man and woman would share a house/apartment starting in their early 20s. But now, they live separately because women aren't interested in marriage, which means they each need to afford their own place. And since there are millions of women doing this, it drives up the demand for housing which makes rent/mortgage costs outpace inflation by a lot.

>> No.17651409


I don't know why the sudden change occurred but also total compensation has increased to a greater extent than just wages. For example, parental leave, insurance benefits, and vacation days make up a much larger portion of a companies expenses than they did 50 years ago.

>> No.17651549

I wonder if this will change after the imminent collapse and some normalcy will be restored

>> No.17652234
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The reasons for why you get stepped on at work and passed over for promotions are all clearly evident in your post. Might want to read it over again and work on your self-awareness.

>> No.17652280

The pendulum always swings back lad. The kikes are going to get their just desserts, roasties are going to get put in their place, and we might restore some law and order.

t. Jew

>> No.17652283

>Women get a free pass in college
>Get hired over men at jobs because boss is creating a harem
>Company goes to complete shit

>> No.17652339
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Poor me. Forced to start my own company. You want to be an employee??? You fucking deserve it!

>> No.17652355

years and years of female teachers punishing boys for "acting up" and favoring the girls will do that. but they won't ever be as good as a man.

>> No.17653065

You will 1000000% get cucked.

>> No.17653226
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>t. Jew

>> No.17653343

feels pretty real for me.