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File: 56 KB, 451x679, 333207C9-5FD8-40C4-8209-B3EC6FA29B95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17637325 No.17637325 [Reply] [Original]

she failed every aspect of parenting. now i am a junkie who works manual labour. Looking back from when I was born my life was destined for failure.
i am going to commit suicide today, teach me how to a livestream link and I will do it. I failed in everything but this I will not.

>> No.17637347

You are the product of your own choices you absolute trash

>> No.17637359

Don't do it anon

>> No.17637365

Still dont fucking kill yourself fagget, take the hard way for once and better yourself

>> No.17637369

that’s what low IQ people think. I’m ignorance is bliss.

>> No.17637378

Matthew 7:3,
why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?

>> No.17637383

No mate its the reddest pill you could ever take, you and you alone have the power to change yourself or to make yourself miserable, it may not be easy but you can change mate

>> No.17637388
File: 110 KB, 1288x1288, 1582356149870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it bro. I have an emasculong mother and sister who did great damage to me. At least not yet. If you have not made it by the time they are old then do it so you can inflict some pain to the cunt. Try quitting drugs. Go to a support group or something. Try to help yourself and when you make it go to her and make her miserable by showing her that whatever she did was absolutely wrong. We're in this together and let's help each other become better and show them what a parent should NOT do

>> No.17637635

2/10 bait kys

>> No.17637674

Your a failure because you want life to be easy.
Be a man and take responsibility for yourself and others. Quit being a faggot and go contribute something to your future.

>> No.17637687


>> No.17637707

This. What are you 12 years old?
When you become an adult that type of shit doesn't even matter. Grow up you faggy little bitch.

>> No.17637715

>I failed in everything but this I will not.
You will. Failing is in your genes.

>> No.17637750

Read The Power of Now before you end it.

>> No.17637752
File: 2.37 MB, 600x588, bet you wont.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download OBS studio
>open OBS, create new scene
>add video device
>add audio device
>open settings
>stream settings
>copypasta stream key from your streaming platform of choice (Twitch would be hilarious)
>settings-recording-record to a folder on your desktop named "dear mom and dad"
>start streaming
>do a backflip

>> No.17637761

stfu you animal, let the man kill himself if that's what he wants. who are you to tell him not to?

>> No.17637804

I was molested as a kid and bullied hard throughout middle to high school. Some book isn’t going to heal my scars, sorry

>> No.17637820


Dont suicide. take revenge first. Only suiciding would be weak.

>> No.17637833

Did your mother bully you, lel? What does she have to do with this? You got bullied cause you were a shy faggot that was afraid to talk back.

>> No.17637834

What do you do for a living, op?

>> No.17637837

Revenge doesn’t solve anything.

>> No.17637869

I hope your children get molested so you know how it feels

>> No.17637872

or he can click livestream on youtube u faux intellectual fag

>> No.17637875

It will give you a fresh perspective on your suffering. Trust me.

>> No.17637889

Neither does killing yourself. At least unload a 12 gauge to the fag that molested you first, hitting a different spot before the final blow. And livestream that shit.

>> No.17637897

Did your mother molest you and bully you? Why the fuck are you blaming her for everything that happened lmao?

>> No.17637903


>> No.17637902

>I was molested as a kid
hehehhe at least you had sex

>> No.17637922


WRONG! it does, you idiot. You want to suicide and became incompetent in part because these animals took away your self respect. You will regain your selfrespect by taking revenge, and aggression is a good way for someone to regain his selfrespect. Its a last resort ofcourse, but you should dam well be willing to kill anyone who takes your life away from you like that.

>> No.17637939

Oh no somebody touched my PP more than 15 years ago I'm going to blow my brains because of it and also stream it because I'm an attention whore.
You sound like a BPD bitch to be honest. Go ahead and kill yourself, loser.

>> No.17637942

I feel you anon. my father would beat the shit out of me to the point he'd call the school and tell them I'm sick because my face would be all bruised up. We didn't get so lucky in the lottery of life. But then again some poor bloke in Pakistan would do anything to be in my shoes in America. We're cursed yet blessed. The things we have been put through were not by our choice but what you do from hereon now is up to you, no-one else. If you're so hurt and traumatized perhaps death will bring you peace. Maybe choosing to live and making each moment of your life yours will also bring you peace. I don't know, no-one knows, only you know. Good luck and I sincerely hope you find peace.

>> No.17637960

Don't do it, you can still become successful by pumping my shitcoin bags I swear

>> No.17637993

Thank you. Those kind words make me feel like I am not alone.

>> No.17638029

my mom always tried to manipulate me but ill just moved away, she would try to make me feel guilty and try to discretely make remarks that she knew would hurt my self-esteem/ emotionally damage me so i would cling to her. also a insane religious nut with a serious savior-complex. just remember if you kill yourself your enemies are laughing

>> No.17638043

You are very welcome. Chin up bud. It'll get better if you consistently and genuinely try to give your best at every moment of your life. It might be the most difficult thing you'll ever do but I promise you it'll be worth it. I hope someday you can look back at this moment and realize how much potential you have as an individual.

>> No.17638044

Ever since I cashed out 150k from nano and as well holding 39k link to this day along with a few bitcoins my parents been very respectful towards me.

>> No.17638061
File: 75 KB, 550x448, 1541643678742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took my time to write down step by step instructions to answer the question in your OP, and you don't even have the courtesy to give me a thank(you)?
this is the last time i ever help anyone on this website. the rest of you can thank OP, because he ruined it for everyone else.

>> No.17638072

don't kys anon, you're not a failure

>> No.17638089

don't off yourself. we have a limited time on earth anyway so try to make it worth it. a great depression is upon us and a lot of things will change in society. you'll be able to help us build a new future.

>> No.17638122

He can. He still came here to post first for reaction though.
Also it's probably the usual bait I'm in New York 15 minutes watch the stream fuck that card stand.

>> No.17638134

Not worth it mate. Relax.

>> No.17638358

Go all-in on Chainlink.