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1763528 No.1763528 [Reply] [Original]

I just turned 18 and i have $5000 im trying to grow
Im new to this so i need any kind of input

>Where should i stick it? Looking for lower risk options
>Get told BTC alot, why should I? why shouldnt I? Is it going to keep rising?
>Im also looking for more long term/medium options

>> No.1763529

Btc just hasnt looked great lately

>> No.1763536

Just buy ETFs on a regular base with a reliable bank or broker

Don't fall for the crypto meme, it's over, it's basically just gambling right now

>> No.1763540

Dogs of the DOW.
or ETFs.
If you want dividends, then high dividend etf and reits. If you want to match a particular market, then market ETFs. For example, I have on ETF ARGT that is up 20 percent since last year.

>> No.1763542

fucking off yourself nocoiner

>> No.1763544

What would you buys right now? I'd want to hold onto it for a bit. not years maybe a few months unless you have other recommendations
Why should I, Projections?

>> No.1763545
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definitely poke around on /biz/ and learn some basic shit OP. like buy on dips, not moons, don't buy shitty memecoins, etc.

for long term investments, i'm personally in GM and STX because they're 1) decent stocks that go up regularly but primarily 2) they are some of the highest dividend-paying shares around. dividend stocks are great for long term.

since you're new, definitely don't get into penny stocks or other really volatile shit until you've done this for awhile. penny stocks can either make you fucking broke or fucking rich, so don't play with those until you've learned a lot about the market.

if i were you, i would do something like this:
70% long term/conservative stable stocks/etfs (mainly dividends)
20% medium risk stocks/bitcoin if you're up for it
10% high risk volatile memes

bitcoin is a whole different ballgame. i bought at like 300 and it sits at like 920 so i'm in a pretty good spot but i'm not sure how much higher it's gonna go. i would hold out until it dips. i think it'll hover around where it is for awhile, but that's just me.

you're young, so you've got time for your long term investments to grow. try to learn as much as you can through the faggots on this board, and really examine the mistakes they make so you don't do the same. also, read the general threads like RGT, they've got some good stuff in there occasionally. use robinhood or etrade, i think they're the two best options to trade by yourself imo. anyways, good luck OP, don't get memed by the market.

>> No.1763580

Thats anon well noted

>> No.1763590

crypto currency is the future. Get in before it takes off.

>> No.1763596

Why should I , are you just assuming, is it just a bubble, how do you know it will gain indefinitely, etc etc etc
>why should i, seriously

>> No.1763620

>lower risk

Pick one. Bitcoins are one of the most volatile investments you could make.

$5k is a decent enough sum to open a stockbroking account with. Buy mostly funds including a blue chip tracker. After this lump sum try to commit to regular smaller contributions. You're at a good age to start thinking about your pension too.

>> No.1763636

should i even touch it? i was considering buying A coin
What are some stable longer term stocks i can look at right now. that you suggest atleast

>> No.1764113

Why not just open a Roth IRA? It's tax free money on the back end when you retire.You can also withdraw your principle at anytime without penalty. BTC isn't low risk. It's very high risk. Look at index funds and if you're lazy, target date funds. Target date funds automatically re-balance themselves as you approach retirement.

>> No.1764119

stick it into X for like 3 weeks

>> No.1764169


>> No.1764180

Think he means United States Steel Corporation.

>> No.1764182

Follow the steps below:

1. Register on this discord, they discuss trading and investing in cryptocurrencies for profit.
Link: https://discord.gg/PzcRQar

2. Read the following guides on how to trade cryptocurrencies for profit.

GENERAL TRADING:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgB5Jf1jbm8OzT9372ZqCkBnTQui6gkx0SICKq61Pv0/edit#
MARGIN TRADING:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ex37eOVMCWJRHXLN6KLQcrMPsUbQw15jAFrLeO1aSUk/edit?usp=sharing

You're welcome. See you on the other side ;)

>> No.1765148
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Follow this OP. Don't fall for the memes here unless you want to piss your money away.

Honestly the best investment you can make is in yourself right now. Go to college and get a marketable degree, or learn a trade. Make some money, live within your means, and you'll do well.