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17629388 No.17629388 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow I will be meeting up again with the same chick that I watched the attenbourough documentation with (some anons might remember that post).
I am on No Fap since 2 weeks and don't know if I should jack it now so I can last longer tomorrow or if I should just leave it like that because I feel full of energy and horny as fuck
What's your take?

>> No.17629414

have her suck the first pent up one out then sex her with the longer lasting reserves. this is rudimentary.

>> No.17629440


>> No.17629446

wait this is actually great man, thanks anon

>> No.17629563


>> No.17629610
File: 64 KB, 200x200, skratt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get blue balls this time, anon.

>> No.17629637

fuck twice you dolt

>> No.17629646
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Nobody cares about your sad life faggot, go to another board, maybe lbqt should be more down your lane.

>> No.17629690

haha I remember you from last thread
suck a dick nigger

>> No.17629744
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Kek, this. Looking forward to the update.

>> No.17629756
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Last thread was a good laugh, go fuck yourself you absolute pajeet.

>> No.17629880
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If you jack off before, you are garunteed to bust early. My advice would to just foreplay, edge hardcore by switching up positions, eating her out ect. Then bust that massive 2 weeks worth of baby batter to the ceiling. Preferably in her mouth face or snatch. But I don't assume you actually know how to fuck in the first place. Good luck

>> No.17629909
File: 546 KB, 1079x1070, Screenshot_20190827-102116_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self projecting faggot

>> No.17629964

Yeah I had like a LTR of 4 years but I am really bad in bed. I don't know what to do and idc xd

>> No.17629995
File: 251 KB, 640x640, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 fucking years and you don't know how to make a woman cum, and don't care? I almost want to take my advice back shithead

>> No.17630018
File: 139 KB, 992x1120, 1571951314555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone answer me this? Why to nofappers always sound like the biggest fiending drug addicts, and then preach to you the magical benefits they get, to only revert back to being a degenerate coomer, until they choose to nofap again?

>> No.17630051

Tell us about her anon

>> No.17630069

DO NOT FUCKING JACK IT, if you're on nofap and aren't watching porn, when you have sex with a woman you'll last much longer and have greater control than you would from fapping all the time. Fapping trains your brain to focus on cumming, and you can manipulate yourself to cum as fast as you want.

When you don't jerk off all the time then sex/lovemaking becomes a more natural thing, and you become more concerned with your partner's pleasure rather than your own, which is the ideal situation. You want to be concerned about her pleasure, and she should be concerned about your pleasure, that's what makes sex great

>> No.17630147

What an incredibly based image

>> No.17630150

Gayest shit I've ever read in my life. Faggot.

>> No.17630373

Well I know how to do it orally, but I don't know how to stroke properly. Look, I'm also only 23 y/o so maybe that's the reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.17630377

Don't fap before, you want to be as horny as possible