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17628545 No.17628545 [Reply] [Original]

suicide watch intensifies

>> No.17628565
File: 2 KB, 164x55, 1555070573326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this dude

>> No.17628567



>> No.17628574

Nulink is potentielly one of the biggest x1000 moons shot that biz has ever likely to have wintessed. biz never listen stay poor

>> No.17628584 [DELETED] 

Nulink coloured Green ID
You are going make it.

>> No.17628618

i'll buy at 0.01 so i know it isn't a scam

>> No.17628652

7k here, how do I get more without spending?

>> No.17628657
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replying to yourself...

>> No.17628658
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how many tokens would you pay to unlock her anon?

>> No.17628685

You dont

>> No.17628704

Brainlet kek

>> No.17628771
File: 13 KB, 250x216, 1578149863622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deleting you comment after samefagging

>> No.17628924

sad! speaks volumes about the state of fudders

>> No.17628934
File: 314 KB, 449x673, Adobe_Post_20200304_1518080.8455266129422444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17628955

Is 2k NuLink enough to make it?

Glad I got in on this early LOL oldlinkies will NEVER make it

>> No.17628959
File: 80 KB, 406x454, 1580754790231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am one of the airdrop fags, but it still looks really fucking bad when you respond to your own message with the same id (pajeet)

>> No.17628964

I have 200k. Was worth almost $300 this morning but dropped in a moment to 100. Didn’t bother trying to sell. In it for the long run. Nothing ventured right?

>> No.17628972

>2k NuLink enough to make it?
Thats a good stack,
You should toss a few ETH in, Then you can be like us whales

>> No.17628976

Where can I buy NuLink please?

>> No.17628996

Go to uniswap and use the drop menu to select tokens. Put in the contract ID and it will show up. Be warned buying more than like $10 at a time will give you far less tokens due to low volume. The ID Is 0x493c8d6a973246a7b26aa8ef4b1494867a825de5

>> No.17629006

Jesus, I was trolling you autistic shill lmao
2000 nulink costs fucking 75 cents

>> No.17629010

You’ll also need metamask or something similar wallet wise.

>> No.17629020

Stay poor

>> No.17629035

Go back to discord, anon, join your fellow 70 iq’ers, you’ll be more at home there

>> No.17629046

Alright thanks guys, damn haven't done this in a while... don't know if I'm up for it right now but might get back into this soon...

>> No.17629101

Stop false flagging loser

>> No.17629107

Why haven't the faggot jannies rangebanned these scamming retards?

jk dropped a hard eth brah
great arb opportunity

>> No.17629152

they have that's why you only see 3 threads instead of the usual 30

>> No.17629278

No problem brother. Good luck.

>> No.17629282

When nu exchanges?

>> No.17629520

Fuck NLINK. I bought 123k the other day and it just disappeared off Uniswap. Scam coin confirmed.

>> No.17629532


>> No.17630402
File: 945 KB, 561x561, 1583591979986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is going to $1. People that dont pick it up:

>> No.17630427

as much as I hate nlinkies spamming, you do know how blockchain works right? like actually how it works other than just printing you money.

>> No.17630429

2/10 bait

>> No.17630640


....let's say I didn't. What happened to my scamcoins?

>> No.17630675

Which wallet did you have connected to Uniswap?

>> No.17630834

faggots obsessing over daily volume always cracks me up... like what you expect all tokens to have 345234523$$$$ in volume daily.. fucking mentally retarded idiots.

>> No.17630930



>> No.17630943

none shes' a pass herself around and her pussy wider than the grand canyon.. hard pass

>> No.17630962

Did you add the token to your metamask?

>> No.17630964 [DELETED] 

why havent the jannies rangbanned the scamming spamming chainlinkers with their 20-50 threads a day spam?

stop being a bitch made faggot cuz you dont like a token and want it banned some like reddit s0i queer that needs things censored cuz you're not a man. fucking children these days not an ounce of manliness in them just weepy girl emotions and mindset

>> No.17630983

Is there any way to sell this shit right now?

>> No.17631013

Yes however the price slipping would be murderous without decent volume.

>> No.17631048

how's 20 thousand US dollars sound

>> No.17631086

16 ETH sell liquidity on fork delta

>> No.17631140

Come on dude, everyone already sold this shitcoin. The new shitcoin on the block is coronacoin.

>> No.17631192

There's barely anyone buying. If you'll lucky you'll sell 0.5 ETH worth in a day.

>> No.17631198

Looking at etherscan there were about 25 ETH in Nulink trades in the last 24 hours, assuming the less favorable price (1.2m/ETH). Closer to 40 if you use the more favorable (800k/ETH). So anywhere from $6-9k in trades in the last day.

>> No.17631238

Whats the contract for NuLink, how can I add it to metamask

>> No.17631250

add 0x493c8d6a973246a7b26aa8ef4b1494867a825de5 as a custom token and don’t ever ask us to spoonfeed you ever again

>> No.17631256


OK I'm picking up what you are putting down now thanks.

>> No.17631260

quit being an asshole to new people in crypto. you were a newb once before and people helped your sad virginal ass out. pathetic elitest fuck

>> No.17631272


>> No.17631322

fuck off nigger, you can sell up to 16ETH right now and that's only forkdelta

>> No.17631650
File: 44 KB, 400x524, 1583609176847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing nulink trapped at 16eth of liquidity trading makes me wana kms. It's been two weeks. I was promised a moon mission and it isn't delivering.