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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 788x329, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17628308 No.17628308 [Reply] [Original]

Dear 4channel,
my name is Samuel Hudson and I'm writing this from my son's laptop.
His name is David and he is currently 22 years old.

My wife and I finally managed to access this computer after our son fell asleep.
I know this is wrong and we shouldn't invade his privacy, but we always knew he was hiding something from us.
Specifically, around two years ago, our son wanted to be able to withdraw the money from his college fund. It was around $50000 at the moment.
Obviously we didn't want him to do it and we wanted to prevent him from doing anything stupid, so we didn't let him.
But he kept going on and on about how he had planned everything out and how he would "become rich doing basically nothing". He was obsessed with it. And so we said him, "ok, go for it, it's your money after all". He's always been a bright kid and he was the best in school at maths, often understanding concepts that even for me and his mother were difficult at such a young age. That's why we let him.

He started withdrawing small amounts week by week, then day by day, until there was no money left on the bank account.

I tried to get more information about what he was investing the money on, but he was always so vague. I even tried reading a book about the blockchain and had me explain some bits, but even then I ultimately don't know which cryptocurrency he invested on.
Months have passed and our son can't explain where the money went. He keeps going on about how the funds are safe and how what he is working on is a long-term investment that will build "generational wealth".

I cut this message because the site tells me the text is too long. I will submit the continuation to it in the following message.

>> No.17628313

And that's why we decided to break into his computer. I wanted to end this and to know where our money went.
So, after going through a lot of files, I finally found a folder called "crypto". It had a .txt file with a lot of links and seemingly random lines of numbers and letters (maybe bitcoin addresses), and some internet addresses like this one. I'm writing here because this was the only site with a contact form.
There were obviously a lot of pictures unrelated to investing, but another meaningful file in that folder was a chart, which is attached to this message.

I'm sure we can work out a deal with your company.
I have experience in trading stocks so I understand what that chart means. But for the same reason I can only think that all of this is some kind of elaborate joke.
I, in 20 years of trading stocks, never saw a chart even remotely resembling this one; there must be a problem in the displayed information or this must be a fake picture altogether.

Please respond as soon as possible to help us find a representative of the company in which our son invested into to recover our funds or at least cut our losses.

Yours sincerely,
Samuel Hudson

>> No.17628333

heres a bump for writing all this bait

>> No.17628334
File: 79 KB, 640x755, HCWT4Z2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it isn't pasta

>> No.17628355

Have sex

>> No.17628358
File: 65 KB, 112x112, leave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17628367

Have sex

>> No.17628369

Great larp. But I'll humor you.
What crypto does your son own??

>> No.17628399


>> No.17628416


This was almost believable until you chose an excessively bad chart and acted like it was so bad it must be fake. Would have looked more genuine if you had picked one with a significant but not total loss.

>> No.17628420

good bait
maybe for 2018!
come back with better stuff

>> No.17628452

Nice bait, but this alone is already wrong
>I, in 20 years of trading stocks, never saw a chart even remotely resembling this one
Enron chart looks exactly like that.

And I can recognize buttconnect's chart anywhere, so should anyone who isn't a newfag.

>> No.17628466

Hello Mr Samuel Hudson,

I can see you are upset at this disastrous turn of events. I can help you though, for I am the CEO of Bitcoin, Natashi Sakamoto. Your sons deposits of 50k are safe in our vault but due to the complicated ways cryptocurrency works, you will need to deposit another 50k to release those funds. You should just email me and we can discuss this further privately.

CEO of Bitcoin, Natashi Sakamoto

>> No.17628472

So apparently your site has 8.2 monthly unique visitors, according to Business Insider.
And all your support can say to me is "have sex"?
What kind of answer is that?
I want to know where our money went, I didn't come here to be insulted!
Do you think you can get away with this?
Give me the address of this scam, now! I will come there myself, you will see, fuckers!

>> No.17628484

>shows a graph that isnt even correct
bruh, this is ruined pasta

>> No.17628489

have sex incel

>> No.17628493
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, definitely not bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably blew all of that into dozens of hookers and escorts. You shouldn't worry about that fig anyway, it's a lunch money well spent. Forget crypto, and invest in actual investments like stocks and gold.

>> No.17628494

version 6.9

>> No.17628569

Here you go

>> No.17628589

Thanks for responding.
I didn't want to seem rude but apparently other traders here don't care if they do, considering this is an anonymous environment.
I'd prefer discussing this in person, so I'd like to know where your headquarters are located.
I'm currently living in the Cayman Islands but I'm willing to book a flight to your location if that turns out to be necessary.

>> No.17628607

>So apparently your site has 8.2 monthly unique visitors, according to Business Insider.
>Business Insider
BI is a joke. Malarkey.

>> No.17629381

Like nano cardano or ripple

>> No.17629420
File: 88 KB, 820x448, mad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send the tits of your wife and we help you otherwise get the fuck out

>> No.17629434
File: 6 KB, 227x222, midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also gratulation on having a midwit son

>> No.17629487

Can you stop talking like a fucking pajeet for 1 sentence? You talk like an overly naive mentally retarded opportunistic robotic diarrhea.
Learn to fucking act when larping. Fuck porn talk, fuck the jappabese and fuck any eastern Asian nigger.

>> No.17629558
File: 137 KB, 431x427, 1520740349589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roasting in a 2/10 larp bread

>> No.17629932

i hate newfags so god damned much

>> No.17629963


Does your son call himself Jonny Mcturtle?

>> No.17629983

>had me explain some bits
This is where your larp fell apart, OP. Why don't you proofread for a while and try this again later?

>> No.17630256

You guys remember the guy who wents balls deep on turtlecoin? I always wondered if that was an elaborate larp and if not did that guy kill himself yet

>> No.17630283

Holy shit I remember turtle coin.

>> No.17630336

of all the coins to pick to throw his money into he choose that one.... what a dumb fucking faggot

>> No.17630817


>> No.17631025

looks like the bitconnect chart.
Hi Mr. Hudson, your son fell victim to a ponzi scheme, there are lawsuits against this company.
but to be frank Mr. Hudson, your money is lost, they created a ponzi scheme - they was aware that what they were doing was unlawful and it would become apparent to everyone at some time in the future. They did it anyway, so they surely must have had a plan on how to avoid apprehension and seizing of their new found wealth.
Kind regards Anon.

>> No.17631139
File: 6 KB, 250x187, 1579954427873s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He started withdrawing small amounts week by week, then day by day, until there was no money left on the bank account.

he is a junkie :)))

>> No.17631175

Worst larp ever

>> No.17631332

I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Hudson. The money your son invested is safe in our vaults. The "random words and numbers" are private keys, which you can think of as a kind of password we use to verify an investor's identity. Email us at 4chansupport@protonmail.com with these private keys and a description of your issue and we can get to work returning your funds.