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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17625597 No.17625597 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously don't get why biz has been spamming this board over 2 years for a crypto that is a price tracker, is that it? Is there anything more to chainlink, am I missing something here? It tracks prices, big fucking deal

>> No.17625607

correct, stay aways its a scam, DO NOT BUY, bsv is the future

>> No.17625612

This desu

>> No.17625617

link is finished. buy kleros.

>> No.17625623

>am I missing something here?

nope, all chainlink does it track prices
it definitely isn't involved in any way with allowing confidentiality on a public blockchain like Ethereum

and it DEFINITELY isnt involved in any way with scaling ETH to 160,000 transactions per second with sharding+zkrollups

it is only a price tracker, move along and dont worry about this any more

>> No.17625627

This board is entirely made up of shills and scam coins. The few legit coins that get mentioned will get FUDed into oblivion and buried by people that, you guessed it, shill coins that serve zero purpose.

>> No.17625636

Eth doesn't need chainlink to scale

>> No.17625652
File: 90 KB, 635x693, justignorethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre right man im agreeing with you

just ignore this tweet by the creator of Ethereum and move along, theres nothing to see here

>> No.17625654

>32 million dollar ico with a 100 eth minimum buy limit which sold out in less than 5 minutes
Yeah dood fuck this stoopid price tracker thing

>> No.17625708

You're basically just saying,

If it's a scam, then 95% of /biz/ would have to be retarded to buy it, and 95% of /biz/ bought it.

Google "affirming the consequent".

>> No.17625786

>100 eth requirement
>Average fucktard can't buy in
Don't even try to tell me /biz/ bought up the entire 32 million worth of link themselves in under 5 minutes. Who bought up the rest of the tokens for the shitty "not a big deal" price tracker?

>> No.17625788

Look at top100 crypto, its all a fucking joke even worse than in 2017. And everyone waiting for bull run lol.

>> No.17625813

YES THANK YOU. all it does it track price. thank you why the fuck is this piece of shit scam ranked so high

>> No.17625823
File: 12 KB, 253x199, 12371623128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also aside from on-chain transactions scaling with zkrollups just ignore this too

off-chain solidity code computation enabled with chainlink

just ignore these anon, all it does is track prices and is no way useful for scaling ETH and Solidity code execution

>> No.17625831
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17625846

Check your facts. The pre-ICO was 100 ETH and it lasted for a couple of weeks. ICO didn't have a minimum but a maximum of 7 ETH.

>> No.17625859

I wasn't engaging in any of that foolishness. I don't care whether your shit token is a scam or not. I just said your argument is bad and you should work on it.

>> No.17626486

listen, faggot. nobody is going to buy your shitty NuLink scam.

>> No.17626911

the creator of Ethereum (Vitalik) thinks Chainlink KYC oracles are a scam so you suffer from low IQ I'm afraid

>> No.17626927

Chainlink is a centralized, KYC oracle.

Do you know how many lines of code is a centralized oracle? Less than 100. It's valueless. Chainlink is a pure scam, hence why it has 0 users 3 years in.

>> No.17626973

Nope, thats all it does. Dont bother looking into it any further. Its not worth your time.