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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17622628 No.17622628 [Reply] [Original]

WRX Is pumping on binance, exchange token for India, if you mist out on BNB, HT or OKB, don’t miss out on this... BDK is also a good buy, but not on Binance.. for poorfags just throw 100$ on both and wait... there are other good projects, but they won’t be used in the next 2 years or even 10 years... but people buy crypto so they use exchange tokens... LINK is also a good buy because cryptoprojects need chainlink for the offchain data

>> No.17622922

How many do I need for a suicide, make it and toilet stack?
Will this coin make me so rich I can buy a toilet and never have to poo on the street anymore?

>> No.17623266

How much for toilet stack?

>> No.17623526

10K to make it

>> No.17623535

The funny thing is that it is still not too late to buy, price will go to 1$ fast

>> No.17623557
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 24812851-B187-42A7-8000-A0D1896488E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I present you sirs with a most happy and esquire coin. Please fax me only 0.5 Bitcoins and I will put the coins in your account. My uncle, Kirpal, I’ll be contact your honors sirs