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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17617177 No.17617177 [Reply] [Original]

Or you barely don't.
What do you do next?
Do you keep holding your shitcoin hoping it brings you even higher?
Do you invest into boomer market?
Are you studying a "keep on make it" biz, or you're just autistic holding shitcoins like lottery tickets?

>> No.17617204

i'll cash out what i put in, the rest will be used to build my website that will hopefully generate income

>> No.17617275

This is something I’ve been thinking about as an early link buyer. I only have 10k linkies and don’t expect to become a multimillionaire. Even 1mil isn’t enough to retire at a young age.

Buying property in decent uni towns for rental income is probably the safest bet. In the U.K., any northern town with a good uni (Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle or Durham) will have a rental demand basically as long as the uni remains half decent, but northern propert prices are still low. Compared with london where you have 5 top class unis but property prices are stupidly high. You can get like 9% on buy to let in Liverpool at the moment. Property management companies take like 10% cut off your rental income as well. Not bad if you wanna fuck off and not have to deal with the problems.

>> No.17617403
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If you make a million bucks at the age of 30, you can set yourself up to retire by 40. Unless you're a complete fucking tard, you'll be fine. I bought the top today, you may already have enough, but we still exist.
>two years
I graduated from /pol/ three months ago. Give us a fucking break.

>> No.17617520

Hope you have a big idea here anon
Thick as a brick, 1mil just to take some of those?
You have no plan huh?

>> No.17617540

10m or bust faggot

>> No.17617673
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My plan is to keep waging, and throwing money into the stock market and boomer rocks. Yes, 300K will net you 30K-35K passive income a month if thrown into a roth IRA or 401K. Boomer stocks net an average of 7% yearly. 7% of a million? 70K. I make 35K a year right now and I work my hands to the bone. 70K is enough for a NEET.

>> No.17617699
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The main principle of retirement is that you do not touch your principle, and pull a stunt like that black kid did on Mr.Beats 1M dollar challenge. Watching that video broke my heart. It broke all of ours.

>> No.17617759

I have a similar plan, but you're ready for that? There's a lot of people losing money on stonks and rocks

>> No.17617775

I'm counting on link steaking. Earnings will be diversified in boomer stonks and btc/eth/fotm shitcoins. In the meantime I'll keep working but reduced hours for paycheck to paycheck living and just a few hundred extra each month for spontaneous decisions. Once I've secured financial independence two or three times over at my modest spending level I'm getting a condo or house and planning to coast. I have a few hobbies that would be fun to profitize. Just dumb shit I like to do and make, it won't be a living but it's cool to have a product out there. It's going to be hard not to sell at least a few link once triple digits. Like taking just 100k and coasting while rest steaks/appreciates. Would feel like a jackass at four figure linky though, so I doubt I'll be able to sell. Strong emotional attachment to my stack.

>> No.17617829

So you're counting on the fact that link value will keep his eventual ATH in the next years, which is very unlikely.

>> No.17617893
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We survived WWI, and WWII. We can survive another 50% cull on our population. Thinking about this long term, ie. intergenerational wealth. The gift that will keep giving long after I'm dead. If your great grandparents had my mindset, or if everyone had my outlook on life, we'd be in a much better place.

>> No.17617950

Rental income is much safer than boomer stonks. The stock market can crash. There will always be need for rental property. Just don’t buy property at the coast because of sea level rise.

>> No.17618029

Places change, and a neighborhood can turn into a complete shit in 10 years, it takes some experience and luck i guess.

>> No.17618074

all landlords ive talked to have had horrible experiences with tenants. like really shitty stuff

>> No.17618128

Attempt to sell hopefully within 30% margin of peak bullrun. Reinvest %50 of gains 1-2 years later and live off the rest till the next cycle firmly puts you into set for life territory.

>> No.17618165

Anons, no one seems to have a good plan here.
Consider that:
Even if you "make it", it's not enough, and common investments will seem like shit, since you're used to these x10 or more.
A lot of them will be hard to learn and apply, since you jumping into them with the right mindset, because you just hodl all the time and that's it.

At a certain moment, if you don't start to think to a really good plan now, you will lose some money into a wrong investment, and everything will start to seem crap, and you will miss that "multiply gains" feeling.
What next? Probably you will fall into some pajeet scam to get back your "multiply effect" and lose a lot of money.

>> No.17619362

Doesn't really have to, at 5% I'm good with $10 linkies. If it goes beyond my backup eggs just top off faster. Ducks arranged linearly.