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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17613352 No.17613352 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that there are literally no developers working on BSV. Go ahead, look at the github. Theres nothing.

It's a ghost town.

Good job scammers!

>> No.17613609
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Semi decent bait.

>> No.17613629

facts are not bait.
everyone has always known this is just a money laundering effort for calvin and a ego psychosis for creg.

>> No.17613717

>Daily reminder that there are literally no developers working on BSV. Go ahead, look at the github. Theres nothing.

Massively toppest of the top keks

>> No.17613745

Holding 116 in cold storage. Sold only 27 to diversify into KCS. If it ever dips or goes sub $100 I’ll happily buy more :)

>> No.17613837

always some retarded bitshitv cultist that calls facts bait cuz he was brainwashed by his fellow cultists that anything not positive is trolling and bait. good job culty you're part of the low IQ bitshitv cult

>> No.17614028

daily reminder that calvin is never getting my stiffies despite any amount of coordinated fudding. the results of my intelligence test are set in stone. you are unable to reverse this transaction (without proper legal authority).

>> No.17614051
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>> No.17614073

genesis upgrade?

>> No.17614142
File: 124 KB, 491x396, 15775117670797860543431763210849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ego psychosis
This verbal diarrhea is so low-effort if I didn't know any better I'd say you're FUDing to accumulate more
Sadly for you, you're probably just an idiot

>> No.17614298

github shows primary development is in a different branch and public repo is only consensus core. Look at the timestamps, they only merge some of their changes...

>> No.17614302


Ah yes, the upgrade where Creg steals Satoshi coins. Cant forget that one.


You are wrong and will lose all your money.

>> No.17614328

Now is unironically the time to be accumulating. I don't expect a price pump for at least 2 months yet.

>> No.17614332


It's all complete bullshit I dont know what you're even talking about but I guarantee that BSV is a scam and that their only purpose is to trick noobs into buying "real bitcoin" that isnt even called bitcoin. It's not bitcoin. Its bsv.

>> No.17614350


You a bitch and you're gonna lose all your money on this scam.

>> No.17614381
File: 986 KB, 2335x4096, bsv_projects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protocol is set in stone.

It makes sense if you're not retarded.

All development is ON TOP of the Protocol like it should be.. (pi related)


>> No.17614397

Time will tell

>> No.17614399
File: 256 KB, 1029x831, 87sipxab4ky11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how did none of you faggots check this before you bought ????
Outside of merging shit from the real Bitcoin project for bug fixes they have not done a fucking thing .

>> No.17614407

> it's bullshit
> I don't know what you're talking about
What I said was that they have a different branch which is their primary dev branch and that the public repo only has changes to consensus code so the public can validate blocks while they are still small. You can tell from the out-of-order timestamps and branch names on some of their commits.

>> No.17614412

What else needs to be developed? The protocol has been released and is set in stone. It's up to the community to build on top of it now. Less development means more stability.

>> No.17614522



Could this even be any more of a fuckin scam?

None of those projects are even real or being used by ANYONE. BSV is a ghost town.


Dont think about it too hard kid, it's just a scam.


>Less development means more stability.



Guys like me (OGs in the space) are going to do everything we can to stop you scammers from tricking noobs into buying Calvin's bags. You are going to do EXACTLY what we say too because once the scam goes bust you are going to be our slaves in the citadel. Think of it almost like a gulag but for faketoshi worshippers who get of on scamming noobs and saying stupid fuckin bullshit like this.

You are a retard.

>> No.17614573
File: 32 KB, 443x455, 1583024466290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows BSV development moved away from github a year ago. BSV literally had a massive protocol update (last major one most likely) last month. The stable protocol that will consume all.

>> No.17614693

>Daily reminder that there are literally no developers working on BSV
kek finally some good fud again
please do the needful and keep spreading this, daddy needs some more cheap BSV

>> No.17614714


That's not how bitcoin is supposed to work, slave.

>> No.17614772

youre right bitcoins protocol is supposed to change every 3 months so developers can never actually build on top of it because DECENTRALIZATION. bsv is literally a scam stay away from aussie man very bad

>> No.17615040

They litteraly pushed CTOR into the genesis upgrade without telling anyone or the unchanged EDA from BCH. Original Protocol 0.1 my ass

>> No.17615092
File: 584 KB, 770x789, reddit go back 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb reddit nigger needs to go back to his plantation

>> No.17615151

It's literally not CTOR, CTOR was order by hash in block but this is just first seen rule.

>> No.17615158

kill urself you fucking nigga

>> No.17615313

checked, nice digits. more anons should see them.

>> No.17615414


Are you a BCHSV developer, slave?

>> No.17615507

>Go ahead, look at the github. Theres nothing.
cultists think this is good
>muh set in the stone
literally dead

>> No.17616099

>first seen rule
that's one bullshit attempt at pre-consensus that will blow up in their face then they stop thinking about it for a moment.

>> No.17616130

nice dubs! anyone can go look at what satoshi wrote though.

>> No.17616292
File: 470 KB, 2048x1319, bsv_developers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no developers

reality : who are these people then?

>> No.17616591


Paid actors who are in on the scam. Where are there github commits? /thread

>> No.17616651
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>> No.17616768

this, look at the brainlets itt circlejerking
BitCoin isn't constantly patching segwit or lightning network you tards

>> No.17616806

whoever buys tribal tattoo crypto deserves to stay poor

>> No.17617216

exactly. this works even better without the first seen rule which actually splits the mempool in case of a double spend.

>> No.17617576
File: 414 KB, 588x700, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BitCoin node software is developed by a professional team at nChain, not some neets in living in some basement in angola.

>> No.17617634
File: 656 KB, 857x1125, CAADE2EB-0E9D-4235-99C4-2FDC90FCB6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they planning?

>> No.17618183

It's not pre-consensus. Different nodes can have different first-seen. They don't have to agree and they can still accept blocks with a different seen order. It's local. I was just explaining that it's not CTOR, which is something totally different, but anti-BSV shills decided to spin it as if it were, to confuse people into thinking the team contradicted themselves.

>> No.17618818

jesus how fucking dumb you are
of course first seen policy is a failed attempt at preconsensus stemming from a misunderstanding of bitcoin protocol

>> No.17618842

no u
It's not preconsensus because your node will accept blocks with different first seen. By your logic you might as well call RBF preconsensus.

>> No.17618887

nChain literally has the creator of Bitcoin working for them.
>Hue, hue, hue

>> No.17619325

shadders does all the code

>> No.17619855
File: 1.13 MB, 1079x1144, Screenshot_20200229-102433_Photo Talks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We visit biz from time to time. There are over 100 in both groups I'm in. We work in secret and let you fags waste time shit flinging on biz. None of you are ready for what's coming.

>> No.17620020
File: 413 KB, 2000x2000, 1238651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact BSV is closet source.
source and full client not avalble for public, but only for miners and exchengers

>> No.17620868
File: 23 KB, 398x398, 2F17372C-10C2-4F8E-BFA1-9C096F4CDDB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We visit biz from time to time. There are over 100 in both groups I'm in. We work in secret and let you fags waste time shit flinging on biz. None of you are ready for what's coming.

>> No.17620899

LOL look at this larping queer

>> No.17620950

oooohhh, mysterious

>> No.17621032

>I made an inane post with an NPC meme! That will get 'em!

>> No.17621484
File: 253 KB, 1078x975, Screenshot_20200307-001622_Photo Talks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more cuck boi.

>> No.17621519
File: 20 KB, 750x422, csw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't like the protocol was set in stone in 2009, hence no github activity needed? stiff!