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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17606930 No.17606930 [Reply] [Original]




For once present actual arguments fags.

>> No.17607303

Nice picture caption faggot. Unironically RLC and PNK got the same grant from BPI France so I wouldn't be surprised if they partnered up.

>> No.17607343

Where do I by Kleros.
cmc lists only idex and bitfinex

>> No.17607477

Kleros and RLC are ERC20 dogshit
Handshake is going to be part of the Web3 stack

>> No.17608125
File: 40 KB, 666x476, 87780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17609764

Uniswap, Deversefi, IDEX, Bitfinex

>> No.17609959

essentially businesses with no understanding of crypto call these niggas up and make bank

>> No.17610257

It's IDENA. Idk why biz believes in buying VC bags so strongly.

>> No.17610311

Those chinks know how to code and what they actually have code for a blockchain to be scalable to the masses

>> No.17610399

PNK, UBT and RLC are going to be the holy trinity of celestial mooning this year. Screencap this

>> No.17610604

Uniswap bro

>> No.17611963

market sell your PNK and neck yourself for comparing PNK to that UBT garbage you fucking faggot

>> No.17612730

Shut up faggot, UBT is in the baseline protocol for Microsoft along with Chainlink. Diversification isn’t bad. Plus my 200k PNK bag probably dwarfs your peasant bag