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File: 285 KB, 1200x1200, corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17599788 No.17599788 [Reply] [Original]


did the math and if the death rates stay consistent and it eventually infects everyone, we're looking at SIX MILLION olds dead from corona. People 60+

What stonks are you buying in prep for this?

>> No.17599804
File: 1.40 MB, 995x1648, cute kouhai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona is actually fucking based.

Killing off Boomers is well worth enduring pandemic.

Based Corona-chan killing greedy boomer kikes

>> No.17599818


>> No.17599827

based china developing a bioweapon to kill off all western boomers so millennials and genz immediately destroy their countries with socialism and open borders. china, russia, iran, and north korea are going to kill the west, the great whore of the world.

>> No.17599839


Exaggerated rates. It's so mild most who have it aren't reported. That cruise ship has like 4,500 infected, and only 6 died.

What does that tell you?

It will infect lots of people and scare everyone, but it will not kill very many.

So what do? Buy into life insurance. More people will buy policies by far than will collect them.

>> No.17600016

Most haven't recovered yet

>> No.17600046


>> No.17600063

But they aren't going to die either.

And even if they do, with something facing consumers so directly, they will be bailed out if there's a deadlier mutation.

Lots of upside. One of the purest gains situations out there rn.

Question is, can you find a broker who isn't also offering biz insurance which will take a hit, or can you risk investing in anything rn if theres a recession on.

>> No.17600112


Where were you when coronavirus solved the entitlement program shortfall

>> No.17600133

Hope your parents or grandparents die you ungreatful faggot

>> No.17600145

hahaha YES

>> No.17600283

Yes get me that social security

>> No.17600339
File: 78 KB, 1638x365, covid-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



C-3rd letter
Strong's 3 = "Abaddon, Destroyer (i.e. Destroying Angel) or place of destruction (personified)."

OVID - sheep

Strongs 19 = "slaughter"

>> No.17600362
File: 231 KB, 500x653, scala_archives_10310195699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-OVID-19 = Abaddon-sheep-slaughter

>> No.17600367


>> No.17600402

Its just a common cold. Dunb fuck liberals creating panic so trump looks bad

>> No.17600421

Short coke zero, diet coke, gold, and BLACKED.com

>> No.17600425

wait do people still believe this?

>> No.17600472

Dead Boomers leave estate to charities. Millennials evicted from basements. The great Chicken Tendie shortage arrives in Q3. GenX kills off homeless and starving Milennials. The final solution is then complete.

>> No.17600520

They are too complacent to save. Been telling my parents to stock up for the last month, and am going to wind up sharing my paltry stash with them when they could have stocked their basement full at any time.

>> No.17600568

Yes unfortunately; The real tragedy is if Trump was the reactionary these fools think he is he would have used this to seal the borders and massively slow down the spread into the US.
Instead he is just a 1980s Democrat who has foolishly bet all his cards on the stock market.

I don't know how much this will hurt him in the long run, but it will hurt him.

>> No.17600598

People think because it's old people it doesn't matter. While it's true that boomers are hated by young people, The economic implications of millions of old people dying is going to collapse our economy and shatter the faith of the brainwashed american.

>> No.17600615


someone is better Bernie got fleeced

daydream with your reddit pals all you want, in an economic disaster, people want a billionaire businessman and not some forest dwelling Vermont socialist at the wheel, this is America, not europe

>> No.17601389

>what is the Great Depression
>what is the New Deal
Someone skipped 8th grade history class

>> No.17601492

>boomers 60-69
>can't even read a chart
i can't imagine how much you'll be retarded at 60

>> No.17601514

Actually based, maybe I will get something out of all these taxes

>> No.17601542

>Hope your parents or grandparents die you ungreatful faggot
same honestly. They are entitled fucks who lived through the best economic period in the history of this country and they have the balls to tell me that I should go and buy a house.

>> No.17602157 [DELETED] 

4th industrial revolution doesnt need +8bil people. Maybe a billion.

>> No.17602203

>The economic implications of millions of old people dying is going to collapse our economy and shatter the faith of the brainwashed american.
A ton of old wealth will be in reach.

>> No.17602216

Oy vey not another 6 million! Tis anuddah shoah!

>> No.17602217

What wealth? Imaginary numbers on a computer isn't wealth.

>> No.17602229

Virus won't survive during the summer stupid.
This is a nothing burger

>> No.17602239
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, people believe it isnt the common cold but some deadly virus thats going to kill millions? stay ignorant.

>> No.17602249
File: 1.04 MB, 1526x1406, 1583364533753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17602250

even if they don't die their lungs are seriously fucked forever
some reports say it fucks up fertility in men too
+ you can catch it twice so even recovered aren't safe (apparently it's possible to catch 2 strains of the virus simultaneously too)

this is way worse than people think

>> No.17602260

am I the only one to get the joke and chuckle tho?

>> No.17602265

Yeah but it’s all the whites dying off, and the browns staying alive

>> No.17602347

Some reports say it turns you into a zombie

>> No.17602368 [DELETED] 

4th industrial revolution canceled we gonna be hunter gatherers.