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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1759384 No.1759384 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post your occupation and amount of money in you currently have in your bank account.



>> No.1759393


>> No.1759395


PhD, Maths

>> No.1759399

ForEx day trader

>> No.1759417

1st year apprentice starting monday $12/hr

-$3,500 in debt to mommy(tuition help) and discover card. I'll be debt free before june.

>> No.1759434


>> No.1759449
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>.5 BTC on polo
>$50 in checking

>> No.1759450
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data entry bitch

-$110 in my checking

>> No.1759455

Union steelworker 690k counting 401k

>> No.1759456

WorkawaySlave in Japan until the 3rd of March. Will start IT bsc in August. Nothing to do until then, maybe get a fast food job dunno. 20 yo btw.

>8k in Stocks 3k in BTC

>> No.1759458

What trade?

>> No.1759502

42k a year, not much but it's my first proper job, just in it till i head for uni

Rest is laying in cash around my house.

>> No.1759511
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wage slave life.

>> No.1759515

21 yrs old

I run a web design/software development company.

$400 in bank account
$8,500 in betterment + robinhood + precious metals

>> No.1759541

what exactly does being a workawayslave entail?

also OP, where'd your stash come from?

>> No.1759544

Finance grad student


>> No.1759614

Trademark attorney
Just over € 45k in savings accounts.

>> No.1759617


>> No.1759673

sandwich artist


not getting my first salary yet lolz

>> No.1759678

NEET (disabled vet)

Wife makes six figures though.

>> No.1759687

>over 700k in BTC

Can't wait for the Trump meme bubble to burst. Dow crashing and BTC to jupiter

>> No.1759862

trainee in germany.

>> No.1759868

Sales I'm broke but I'm also debt free

>> No.1759885

Business owner

about 7000€ in Bank account

>> No.1760003

commercial HVAC

>> No.1760178


>> No.1760473

software developer
should probably invest some of it but I cant be bothered

>> No.1760485


$960 in checking

>> No.1760487

>I run a web design/software development company.


>> No.1760505



>> No.1760552

102k - bitcoin
7k - gold/silver
500$ - bank account

>> No.1760592

>only one bank account
>literally children

>> No.1760700

Any tips on storing and selling bitcoin?

Hardware wallet obviously, but any smart security protocols or lawyers involved to help your family secure the money in case something happens to you?
Also any good ideas for selling coins? The reason why I have gold/silver is for when I need to get cash quick and it's easier to sell gold compared to bitcoin.

>> No.1760710

~10k in bank
~10k in stocks
NEET (but I earned every cent I have through odd jobs)

>> No.1760768

He said bank not salary

>> No.1760776

45 398.74 Canadian pesos

>> No.1760777

8.5k in savings.
300 in checking
20 in pocket
9k hyperloop stock

>> No.1760811

€2100 on various runescape accounts

>> No.1760818

Jr. EE
no debt

>> No.1760880


>> No.1760883

24 year old Software developer
20k checking
60k retirement

>> No.1760888

Looks like you do whatever random shit the host wants in exchange for housing.

>> No.1760899

Student in UK

£230 in bank account
£180 equity in trading account
0.7 BTC in wallet

>> No.1760928

54k USD

>> No.1760930

Nice you saved all four years of your pay.

>> No.1760938


>> No.1760943


got about $250,000 between my two accts

>> No.1760964

Just kill me

>> No.1761064

Hey man, that's $14.32 more than most people

>> No.1761087
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Somalian Translator

500 african dollars, 10 packets of kool aid, and $30 gift card to TJ Maxx

>> No.1761094

>Lab Monkey

I think net worth would be a better indicator

>> No.1761154

'construction worker'
600 cash in hand
800 in credit card/bank related debt
something like 12000 in college debt.
owe 1200 on a car that I couldnt keep due to reasons
dont have a place set to move into on the 1st.

>> No.1761183

Uni Student

>> No.1761213
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my nigga, I've made somewhere between €10k and 15k from RuneScape, good times

currently interning in the US
>$2080 in the bank and a car that might shit itself any time

>> No.1761220

$20k annual sal


>> No.1761225

College Freshman


>> No.1761233


195K CAD so like $30 American.

>> No.1761235

Warehouse worker
450 in one bank
700 in another
10k mutual funds
1800 in cash
Gonna start a 401k soon maybe aswell

>> No.1761246

Stock speculator, college dropout for this

$5000 in stocks

>> No.1761247

Excel jockey

>> No.1761268
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>Comparing amount of money you have just sitting around doing nothing
>Not at the very least investing it in either your own business, real estate, or stocks

>> No.1761286

student/retail casual

13k stocks
16k savings

>tfw halfway between committing to investment plan and anxiously waiting for impending financial crisis

>> No.1761289

dont forget the pack of newports

>> No.1761305


Discovered P=NP.

$400 in my account

On centrelink payments (social security), but not on the disability pension.

Have a wife in Singapore about to have a child in March.

Apparently the world needs to recover from the maths I punched it with before it acknowledges that it was just 'one guy' with the perfect storm of ingredients to make it happen.

>> No.1761308

The impending financial crisis will be counter-balanced by this discovery:

UBI = Insurance/Tax/Trade

But nooooobody will listen to me.

>> No.1761339

yeah about right, I was broke before I joined.

>> No.1761340

>idiot thinks he's smart literally interpreting the OP, when everyone else has just posted their total net worth

>> No.1761351

>Idiot thinking he's smart misinterpreting a post like it's meant for everything in the thread instead of OP

>> No.1761356

>idiot thinks he's smart replying snarlingly to a post pointing out his obvious idiocy, implying that his original post was only for OP when he didn't link OP in his post, thus signifying the post infers everyone in the thread

>> No.1761363

>My balls itch

>> No.1761371

computer engineering grad student


>> No.1761381

6'4" chef working at Wendys with a 9 inch penis making over $130,000 a year here

>> No.1761462


Data Sales

~£6,000 cash
~£4,000 credit card debt
~£16,000 student debt

>> No.1761464

University student, 7,000€

>> No.1761468

Pay denbts!

>> No.1761475



>> No.1761478
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>> No.1761492

It's not hard to run a little software thing. I did in high school. A lot of people do.

>> No.1761502

$2100 Total, Wont have it long after I pay taxes LoL... MERICA!!!

>> No.1761512

Operator at a factory
€15K in savings

Could be better, but I know from experience that it can be a whole lot worse. Crawled my way up.

>> No.1761513


>> No.1761545

Bank teller


>> No.1761552

Looking for a job, just graduated.
5k in the bank
15k possessions
600k being sent to me this week from a trust fund I just found out about.

>> No.1761559

Engineer, 40k cash, 110k in the market

>> No.1761606

>engineers in charge of financial security

>> No.1761946

Law student
33k bank
couple thousands in stocks

>> No.1761950

No job atm
About 3k

>> No.1761951
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Not allowed to say but I get around 30k monthly. Cash.

>> No.1761955

dang how old are you?

>> No.1761970

I work part time as a cashier while i study

have §12.942

>> No.1762128
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>> No.1762129


i meant $12.942

>> No.1762139
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retired vet.. 2.83

>> No.1762146

College student 5.2K bank, 4.4K stocks, 1.1K cash

>> No.1762149

CS/AI Student in the UK, but have been a successful internet marketer for 4 years.

£110k in bank - soon £100k will be in a vanguard fund though.

>> No.1762164

>4.4K stocks
dude how can you fall asleep in the night?
Aren't you afraid that suddenly they just go down to $0? I'm so afraid of investing if suddenly my investment just looses a lot of money

>> No.1762170

>£110k in bank
>CS/AI Student in the UK
Nice ... Good job
>1.1K cash
If the economy collapses?

>> No.1762182

Mexican in México...
B.A - 0 USD
Cash - USD$1.30
Salary - USD $2000

I'd like a job in the wall construction thingy

>> No.1762213

Audit Analyst (first job out of uni)

>about -$40,000 CAD. Debt to father for uni fees and tolerating my worthless ass. Another thousand in credit card debt.
>50,000 ripple coins and $400 in dividend stocks that pay quaterly

Plan to pay off all debt by 2020, get chartered accounting designation and quit job to open business.

>> No.1762219
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College Student majoring in meme liberal arts degrees & soaking up as much online financial info as possible, especially /biz/.
Here are my assets, increasing in importance as you go down the list:
>GILF trust 1M
>DILF trust 180k
>15.5k stocks
>10k bank
>1k predict it (Banking on nationalist wins in France, Belgium, Germany)
>$500 uncollected bets on Trump
>$6 cash
>$100 collected foreign bills
>272 Trumpcoin

>> No.1762220

IT Support going into Manager role soon

>> No.1762261

Systems administrator / IT support
£5,000 cash
£20,500 stocks
0.8 BTC

>> No.1762289


2.50 GBP

>> No.1762300

>College Student majoring in meme liberal arts degrees
dude what? Does that literally exist?? I thought it only existed as a meme and in American movies
What do you even learn? why do you study it? wtf
>1k predict (banking on nationalist wins in France, Belgium, Germany)
nice where can you bet on that?
>272 Trumpcoin
>£20,500 stocks
nice how have your stocks been so far all in all? did they rise or fall?

>> No.1762308


Yeah I've made about 1.5k profit from my stocks overall. Don't plan on selling any time soon though.

>> No.1762319
File: 85 KB, 1024x576, #DraftMyWife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychology and Linguistics are literally memology
>Ideas influence people & languages
>The spread of ideas have an effect on populations
>It's fucking memeology
>Teachers constantly on damage control "I'm talking really fast through the part about genetics being 50-80% of the determinant of IQ, because it's just not that important, goyim"
Pic related is most men in my field

>nice where can I bet on that
I'll be rich when it hits $10 a coin

>> No.1762337

nice. did you have much experience when you bought the stocks? how many did you buy?
>"I'm talking really fast through the part about genetics being 50-80% of the determinant of IQ, because it's just not that important, goyim"

>> No.1762339

Shitcoin trader, YouTube channer owner


>> No.1762349
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good job

>> No.1762362


>> No.1762370

jrug deala / pimp

>> No.1762379

Grocery store stocker

>> No.1762417

HD mechanic
3k fortnightly

>> No.1762424

Hey guys, did you ever hear of "rich kids of Instagram?" It's just a bunch of teenagers bragging about their wealth with selfies on yachts and private jets.

I bring it up because those kids wound up getting their parents audited. One guy who claimed he made no significant income bought a yacht that year, and he would have gotten away with it had his kid not bragged about his wealth.

I don't know why this thread reminded me of that. Hopefully OP doesn't lose his NEET bucks.

>> No.1762441

Tank farm operator/maintainer

>> No.1762446

this nigga a Sim

>> No.1762451

Senior in college, Currently interning as a financial analyst at a REIT


>> No.1762473

Crime scene cleaner


>> No.1762673



It were 0 about 2 weeks ago. Slow investments will get me to that next goal soon.

>> No.1762674

I don't want to show the money to the govt lmao.

I'll probably buy bitcoin it. I was going to at $700 but it only dropped to $770 or so last dip.

>> No.1762676

My parents are really well off, so I dont really care. I've made over 1K on that 4.4K last year. Feelsgoodman (it was my first year trading/investing). I hope to make 2-3K+ this year.

>> No.1762731
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Business Analyst

$100,000 + CAD Annually
$80,000 Various accounts SAV + CHQ + High Int SAV & Stocks

$23,000 Retirement Funds (Mostly using this to lower my taxes)

$30,000 Invested in rental property unit worth $160,000

Less than 300k owing on my home worth 400k

Going to move into another new home this year and rent out my current home.

Make most of my equity renting out, leveraging and deleveraging property. With interests rates this low it's insane not to borrow.

Anyone else here flip/rent houses?

>> No.1762738
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20k + house freehold.

>> No.1762739

Assistant/training manager at an ice cream shop. Just hit $8.5k in savings but strongly considering paying off the car with it to be completely debt free.

I'm looking into flipping houses. Currently working on getting a real estate license so I can buy and sell for my friends who want to get into flipping

>> No.1762741

Tool and die maker

>> No.1762844

NEET, starting Uni soon.

$943.12 AUD in bank

>> No.1762854

NEET ~7 years


>> No.1762855

nice congrats

>> No.1762870

2k bucks

>> No.1762885

Stem student 3rd year
30k euro

>> No.1762890

That's pretty good
How did you earn so much? part time job?

>> No.1763077

Ye working in the summers, but most is from my parents (20k). They saved it for my 18 bday.
Pretty normal thing here, most students get smthing similar.

>> No.1763118

Oh like children savings right? Have the same here

>> No.1763120

STEM student. My Company pays me 1.050 euros per month for 3 months working and 3 months studying per semester.


>> No.1763125

14 yr old

Forex trader

2700$ on forex acc
1400$ On bank acc

>> No.1763127

Industrial electrician
25k in metals
150k between tax free account and regular
50k in my retirement accounts
10k chequing

I make 150k a year

>> No.1763148

>savings: 1700 Euro
>checking -4,35 Euro

this month was shit, gonna come out with a plus next month tho

>> No.1763159

Engineering Student, working 20hrs/week
€ 171.37 on bank account
€1,002.07 in cash
€26,066.98 in common stocks

>> No.1763177

plus some 30k in forest land

>> No.1763194

corporate wage slave


>> No.1763207


>> No.1763222

Somali Warlord


>> No.1763257

>Industrial electrician

How did you get into that? Mind giving us a brief version of your story?

>> No.1763262

22 years old

Production factory wage slaver


I only make $12/hr at 22 i'm panicking hardcore because I still haven't figured out what I want to do

>> No.1763492
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(NEET disguised as) student

50€ in the bank
2.4 BTC on the blockchain

>> No.1763506

Head McDonald's Sous Chef


>> No.1763514

you should panic. i give you <6 months before you post a "i'm 22, wagecuck, don't know what to do with my life" thread. do you have a degree?

>> No.1763520

I did my electrical apprenticeship. started off in commerical and with a contractor that had a lot of jobs through factories. Did that for my 5 year apprenticeship going from jobsite to jobsite.
That gave me a wide experience.
After i wrote for my license i got a job opportunity at one of the Car Factories i contracted in.
Started working there for good pay and steady overtime. I average right now 50 hours a week, but i could get easily 76 hours a week if i wanted

>> No.1763537


Collect neetbux twice a month. I have 18000 in the bank and 85000 in stocks

>> No.1763539

whatever i can get my lazy anti-social ass to do that isn't wageslaving: """running""" a small IT business with one employee (who does all the work), renting out an appartment, trading a bit here and there... this sort of thing. squandering my life and my education basically.
>currently have in your bank account
around 25k
>net worth
around 290k

>> No.1763575

art student
1200 in bank
32,000 in stocks

I haven't had a job yet, still needing family money to get through school

>> No.1764321

waiter wagecuck
$20 in wallet
$150 in savings

kill me please

>> No.1764323
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>28 years old
>never had a job besides working at mcdonalds for 3 days
>College student at a university called cal poly pomona
>failed engineering first semester
>process of changing majors
>finance or accounting
>2000 dollars in my checking
>FICO score at 734

>> No.1764325

you've probably got more than everyone else here.

notice how nobody posts proof. this thread is a joke. Some people just don't get it is all.

>> No.1764328
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CEO of a successful company.

>> No.1764341

22 years old
IT tech dude

>> No.1764355

engineering student

$3k savings
$1.5k chequing

>> No.1764360

$6700 savings, $800 checking

>> No.1764361

Commercial HVAC tech

106 USD checking
9500 USD savings
2500 401k
2000 taxed investment account

>> No.1764413

Unemployed (will work as a waiter on my mothers cousins restaurant on an island in summer however)
And something I don't have access to with maybe 25000 that my parents don't want me to have access to yet

>> No.1764471

And you didn't even bother to allege numbers, let alone post proof (which nobody but you has even thought to require).

>> No.1764507

What are you doing here ?

>> No.1764508


>> No.1764528


~30k in debt

>> No.1764531

Can I get an apprenticeship without going to a trade school? Or how long of a program is long enough? Six months? 2 years?

>> No.1764651

HVAC apprentice $12/ph

$9200 AUD in the bank, own my car

so about $2.52 USD

in aus?

>> No.1764693

Sales representative
6000€ bank acc
property worth of 75k €
mortgage 70k €

other valuable stuff:
marantz amp worth of 2k
bowers and wilkins worth of 3k
tv 2k
pc 1,5k

>> No.1764701

explain that

>> No.1764711

How the fuck do you make less than minimum wage? Isn't australia's minimum wage about $17?

>> No.1764730

Hyperloop stock . Kek
Utterly autistic anon

>> No.1764984

SCADA tech

12k chequing
57k tfsa
6k rrsp
26k DB pension

>> No.1765024
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>hyperloop stock

18yo student, living on welfare, ~$8k in bank account

>> No.1765059

Heavy equipment operator.

No idea. Probably $500 - $2,500? I dont even look anymore. Wife pays the bills and if i need more than 50 or 100 bucks a usually call her and see if we got it. Money goes out fast these days.

Bout to pay off my 2nd house at 31 with no college degree.

>> No.1765065

Wtf a trademark attorney doing in this shithole.

You are better than us anon.

Take some tips from your customers and get rich.

>> No.1765067

Thank you for your service anon. Some of us arent faggot entitled shitlibs and are grateful.

>> No.1765074

6'5" chef working at wendys with a 10 inch dick making over 140k

>> No.1765079

Lucky dick. Dont fucking blow it on stocks or some shit.

Get some books and learn personal finance anon.
I would never work again with less than half of that...

>> No.1765081

....just stay on your fucking side Paco.

Don't be getting any ideas.

>> No.1765085

Lol I'm sending texts to all employers who I know for a fact employ illegals threatening to report them to ICE

>> No.1765093

>math teacher
>$300k salaray
my fucking sides are in jupiter

>> No.1765096

From merching then rwting? Did you do it all on one or just a few accounts? How did you not get banned before rwting all of your stuff?

>> No.1765098


-150 euros

>> No.1765106

It came free with the job. Why not? It could happen. What are you studying?

>> No.1765113

Autistic? So I don't do well in social situations because I bought hyperloop stock? Well you've demonstrated your maturity level. I will take note of your input thanknyou

>> No.1765120

Lol, you can take a loss on paper and the yacht can be a business expense.

Shouldnt ever worry about an audit unless you are doing shady shit or trying to beat the pinata a little more thsn u should.

Irs are a bunch of cocks but they do have a defined list of what u can and cannot do.

Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.

Right off that new work truck if u want.

Better think twice about that boat tho.

>> No.1765122

That cant be fun...

>> No.1765126


>> No.1765129

The feasibility of hyperloop is just so low that it's laughable, anyone who knows anything about the construction of something like that would agree. You basically have to make a vacuum chamber that is large enough to fit a train hundreds of miles long, and then send said trains through at high speeds. If there is even the slightest leak anywhere, the whole thing will shit the bed, killing anyone anywhere on any of the trains within seconds. The stock is only worth anything because dumb liberal media is hyping it up, Musk is probably doing it as some sort of pump and dump thing to get more money for his other ventures, or just for the lulz.

If it came with the job you can't lose right? just keep it and maybe libs will hype it up some more for you.

I'm in an aerospace program

>> No.1765130

Only been doing this job for a year now. It's pretty cool being included in big company's biggest business decisions early on, and I am in fact starting to see what differentiates the successful ones from the ones in decline. I do plan on using this knowledge when considering investments further down the road.

>> No.1765135

I have 0 dollars in steady savings and even less than that for a fuck to give about proof.

My money goes out as fast as it comes in. Wife and i together wage slave about 70k before taxes.

Live in shitbox.

Drive foreign shitbox.

Soend 3 times what i would in rent to fix my shitty house.

Example. Wake up to dogs barking. Glass everywhere. Bathroom mirror fucked itself off the wall. Mutherfucker has been hanging there like 100 yease and suicides.

Fucking kill me...

>> No.1765140

Doing trump proud. Put that in your green card paperwork anon. Maybe you can work on this side.

>> No.1765141

Good man. To bad i cant afford nor need you atm

>> No.1765145

It can be used for freight. Even without people in it it's a billion dollar idea. We make hundreds of miles of pipe with no leaks regularly. It's feasible.

>> No.1765153

I donät think you get it. A tiny leak in that pipe will make the trains crash violently into the pipe wall at hundreds of miles/hour, it will all come crashing off the pillars they propose putting it all on. Basically, even if it costs 5 billion to build instead of 25 billion for regular rail, it only has to have one samll error for the whole thing to break and have to be rebuilt, probably after it killed some people, even if it just transports cargo. It can crash down on people, explode near the ends where there are workers, etc.

>> No.1765158

I am at literally in the tube working on it now btw.

That's not how it works when there's a leak. The end of the tubes doesn't just suddenly sheer inch thick steel because of a pin hole in the tube somewhere alone it's length. You don't know what you're talking about. Kek.

>> No.1765160

this is why there are such things as diversification and dollar-cost averaging. You should only ever take on as much risk as what makes you comfortable, else you might make rash decisions

>> No.1765168

I read that as a person who does weather (the swedish word for it is super similar. Quikc google told me it is not that in english). If you are working in the tube, what do you do?

The reason it would all break would be that a vacuum that large would have air rush in like a massive wall, hitting the trains inside. The hole itself wont "explode", but when a massive wall of air hits a heavy body travelling through a vacuum, it won't be a gentle slowdown.

>> No.1765188

Metrology =metrics I place things precisely and make sure parts are the right size.

Explosive decompression is a real danger yes. What's to stop us from putting sensors in the tube that detect atmosphere and deploy emergency brakes on the train the nanosecond a leak is detected anywhere on the track?

>> No.1765192

Also the vacuum we pull isn't a space vacuum it's more like the air pressure at 35,000 feet.

>> No.1765212

How would you emergency brake a train moving that low preassure environment faster than the preassured air reaches it? Unless the leak is super far away from every train, you won't have time. This especially since to actually make it viable over regular trains you have to be able to have more than one train in the tube at once. I'd love for it to work just as much as anyone, but I am very skeptical of it ever becoming comercially viable. It can probably be done, but more at the leve like "we can shoot stuff into space". We can, but it is way to complicated to be viable for anything other than niche purposes. We don't use space as transport for people and cargo, but we do still use it for other things. That is where I see the hyperloop going. If it is going to be commercialised, it will probably take very long, just like the space industry has (even though it isn't really there yet). It is also a dead giveaway that musk doesn't believe in it himself, since he didn't take it on as a project of his own, but gave it away. If he really thought it was the next big thing, he would have made it a part of spacex or something, or at the very least patented it. Not show it off on a talk show and give it away to the average Joe to build a model of in his garage. It really surprised me that so many serious ventures popped up around the concept.

>> No.1765221

>everything I know about science I learned by watching Thunderfeet on Jewtube

A "tiny leak" does not cause a violent and rapid decompression.

>> No.1765222

Unemployed, $21.56.

But that's just what I have in dollars :^)

>> No.1765422

semi neet
work for my fathers businesses
have 80k saved up
earn 125k a year

>> No.1765452

Host at a Jewish deli. 11.40 per hour plus ~30-50 cash tipout each day depending on the time of year.
$800, but I paid rent a few minutes ago.

>> No.1765484

As someone interested in backpacking and Japan, how would you describe your experience with workaway in Japan? Is it better in other countries?

>> No.1765489

I don't have a bank account, but I do have some 300 dollars somewhere in my room.

>> No.1765506

5.2k (2.2k checking, 3k savings) to manage expenses and emergencies, everything else is invested or in tax advantaged accounts

>> No.1765510

Cashier at a burger place
-$10 (not even joking)

>> No.1765513
File: 30 KB, 500x386, 1485725189161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just out of curiosity, for everyone that has a negative checking/savings account, doesn't that cost a fee?

>> No.1765938

Software Engineer

>> No.1765942

grad student and """"""part time"""""" musician

about $1200

>> No.1765944

yaaaaaa baby zoogang

>> No.1765953

200 eur in bank
50 eur in cash
3000 eur in bitcoin

>> No.1765965

mashaAllah apti

>> No.1765970

Finally someone smart with a sensible portfolio.

>> No.1765989

Software developer
$27k in a shitty savings account
$10k RRSP in Tangerine Equity Growth

$16k student debt

Yeah, I need to move some shit around. Way too lazy.

>> No.1766524

Aeromeme student

3k EUR in bank
1.1k EUR in stocks
5.5k EUR in savings
200 EUR in cash

Could be worse I guess

>> No.1766565
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Automotive sales and poker.
$350,142.71 CAD

>> No.1766571

>thinking he's real
>how would he have a bank account at 14

>> No.1766598

I got a bank account when I was twelve

>> No.1766996

4chan mod

>> No.1767006

Elon musk did build a scale model. Just launched it a few days ago. Have faith bro it's gonna work out you'll see

>> No.1767011
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>> No.1767073

Living the high life, good on you anon you deserved it

>> No.1767145

34 years old
Software Developer
$34K Cash
$6.5K Stocks/ETFs
$18K 401k

>> No.1767147



>> No.1767168

50 765€
Occupation: neet and son

>> No.1767237


$401,900 USD liquid

>> No.1767249

Runescape boter
300k daily

>> No.1767398

Normally $30 a check give or take. But if you have had an account at a local bank since 3 years old like me and half the employees watched you grow up shitting your pants they just front it and charge you the 30 dollar fee and check amount.

Mfw 59 dollar case of beer because young me was fucking retarded

>> No.1767416

Bruh. O opened a checking account at 3 years old.

Not sure if is comman or if we really were that bored.

Small town.

Some anon gives every kid in pre school $5 if they open a checking account with $1. Pretty sure he is on the bank board tho. Dusty old fart knows how to have lifetime customers by winning them over at the start of life.

>> No.1767588


>> No.1767623

wwyd with $300k?

>> No.1767781

Was working 65 hours a week to save up money to pay for school. This semester cost me $7500. $1500 in my checking, $3500 in my checking. Have to fix my front end suspension on my car. Feels absolutely awful

>> No.1767785

>Engineering Manager
$58k in the bank
$40k in investments
$120k in home equity
$60k in liquid assets

I owe $260k on my mortgage and have a small car payment.

I'm 28, and no I did not have a single dollar handed to me, or education paid for.

>> No.1767810

Consultant computer programmer
Bank: $21,000
401k: idk like $10,000?

>> No.1767853

Sales Associate for office supplies
2k in savings, 1.75k in stocks.
>living with family, not paying any bills.
I need to get another job, only earned 10k in 2016. Part time sucks.

>> No.1768071

move in with me

>> No.1768306

Network admin (retired)
35 years old
Now investing full time.

Around 400,000$ in U.S. Stocks & Options
Started with 2,500$ 2 years ago.
3 BTC (buying a shitload soon)
Trivial amount in checking account.

Trying to hit the M by year end.

>> No.1768312

Congratulations, proud of you.

>> No.1768548

Last year in school, gonna make my Abitur soon.

>> No.1768549

%of gains from stocks?

>> No.1768556

Pizza delivery

>> No.1768558


>> No.1768650

south african special task force

>> No.1769059

Get 1.5 million in rental real estate and aggressively grow it until other people run it for me.

Then buy a scrap yard and live in it.

Not even kidding.

>> No.1769103


>> No.1769178

Retail wageslave/Small dropship website owner


>> No.1769179

college student
no debt though

>> No.1769190

Shipper receiver at sears.

$150 in the bank about $1000 cash.

How to invest and get rich while working full time?

>> No.1769244


>> No.1769253

Freelance software dev
6k checking
5k savings
16k stock market portfolio.

Just started 6 months ago, how am I doing?

>> No.1769255


>> No.1769513

are you me?
>engineering manager
>30 yo
>$140k stocks $40k IRA $80k 401k $70k bank

But everything starting to feel meaningless once I hit 30. Personal life is feeling stagnant, no gf shit like that. Can't even buy a house because SF bay area housing cost is criminal.

>> No.1769769


(with part time job work at my dad 10-30hours a month)

4180$ (bankaccount + stocks)

>> No.1769773

Toyota Salesman, i started last week, $0

>> No.1769774

Bitcoins usually hit their lowest in September. i m expecting it to drop down like atleast 15-25% the next 7 months. but it always goes up 10-40% from September to January.

>> No.1769780
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>> No.1769803


Bank account:
> 3 Days ago: 32 000$
> 2 Days ago: 34.000$
> 1 Day ago: 39 000
> Today: 42 000

>> No.1770247

>student, part time MEPS consultant in NYC, soon to graduate and start working fulltime

~7k in savings
~7k stocks
~100 k in trust fund

>> No.1770276
File: 37 KB, 338x622, 1392660948912 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC) (2015_10_10 21_41_23 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bug abused in the duel arena, I made about six grand in a week once before a bug got patched.

I also have quite a bit of accounts laying around, both RS3 and 07, whom I sell and then proceed to recover once they cannot appeal the money on PayPal anymore.

RWT is still easy to get away with if you're not a retard.

>> No.1770446

(Part Time) Stocker
$80k, been working and saving since I was 16(22 now.)

Thinking about buying this 100K house I've had my eyes set on and then renting it out while I go pursue uni out of state. Use the means of rent to cover the mortgage charge and some edu expenses. Have my own place to eventually come back home to. Would have parents nearby who could handle most issues.

>> No.1770460

Anyone know how likely it is that Westinghouse is about to go under? I just got offered a really nice job for my level of experience there but all the news and glassdoor reviews of the place sound horrifying. Not sure if this is the best place to ask but I figured some people here might be more familiar with the industy.
(soon to be) 70k+
$7k in bank

>> No.1770461


just end my life already

>> No.1770467

JD, NEET, ($203,036)

>> No.1770732

I work in a super market


>> No.1770749


>> No.1770784

I work at 711
360$ in my checking
2000$ in savings

>> No.1770785

19.500 in Savings
~500 in stocks

>> No.1770786

is ti as good as it sounds?

>> No.1770792


~300 eu

>> No.1771546

>RWT is still easy to get away with if you're not a retard.
But do you just use a single account and keep trading out huge amounts of rsgp to a bunch of accounts? I would think that alone would flag the account as rwting if you're just constantly giving away a few mil at a time to people who haven't even been on your friends list for long.