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17582974 No.17582974 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good 4x short term investment?

>> No.17583047
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>> No.17583054

looking for real answers

>> No.17583164

How short term we talkin?
I'm going to accumulating BTC for a x0.5
In the alt scene Im eyeing HEDG and NRG when the whole market dumps in one month.

>> No.17583218

I was looking at HEDG when it was .40 cents... had a feeling it was going to go up.

>> No.17583239

>I'm looking for real answers.
Fucking kek. ngmi

>> No.17583263
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>> No.17583480


>> No.17583515
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Nulink isnt a meme and it is going to $0.10. Get the fuck in or get left behind.

>> No.17583621

ok i just spent 1 million rupees. How much poo can i get for that?

>> No.17583629
File: 151 KB, 1000x437, usd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD. You'll 4x your sats in under a year.

>> No.17583869

Perlin is getting lots of traction with the upcoming mainnet. Lots of shilling going on, but desu it's pretty justified - that is, assuming they can actually deliver all that they're claiming they will, its guaranteed to explode from it's current 12M MC

>> No.17584855

CENNZ, better get in now before they drop a major announcement right around the corner

>> No.17584886


>nulink, hedg, perlin, cennz, nrg

The pajeets really wasted no time at all getting back into crypto after the supreme court ban was lifted, huh.