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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17572042 No.17572042 [Reply] [Original]

what if dero does what it says it will do
is this unironically the eth killer weve been waiting for?

>> No.17572930

yes dero is very based but /biz/ is a linkfag board and link is very tied to ethereum so no one cares but they will once dero is the unstoppable dark horse

>> No.17573116
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It will have Fully Homophobically Encrypted Smart Contracts that are very easy to write. How can anyone else even compete if almost all of them are just copypasta clones of Ethereum. Only a very few public blockchain platforms are original blockchains and none has even approximately the prowess and genius of Dero. Ethereum and clones BTFO.

>> No.17574063

It's gonna moon like XRB desu

>> No.17575186

no one can compete, especially no layer 2 solution

>> No.17575301

I like DERO but I'm 100% confident FHESC gets delayed. So I will wait for the dump to buy more

>> No.17575800

> NOT another fucking ERC20 token
> NO scammy ICO
Yeah, I don't know if this board is gonna like it despite the fact it's already more technologically advanced than 99.9% of crypto projects out there.

>> No.17575802

This. When 30 cents again sirs I need to fill my bags

>> No.17576106

The thing is... the developers are incompetent and unable to rewrite Monero in Go w/smart contracts. Most obvious vaporware scam ever. Delay.. Delay.. Excuse.. They are a few degenerates, not actual developers.

>> No.17576482

I mean, you are right... because Dero is NOT a rewrite of Monero.
The fact is... the developers have already written the entire blockchain (blockDAG, to be specific) in Go. Oh, and smart contracts are already working on testnet and will be deployed on mainnet when FHE integration is done. But you already know all of this ;)