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17569121 No.17569121 [Reply] [Original]

Consenys is working mainly with Ethereum. There should be a ETH pump. Link has nothing to do with Consenys. This will be a nothingburger

>> No.17569148

your face is a nothing burger

>> No.17569158

Its hard to imagine a scenario where Link doesn't play atleast some role.

>> No.17569174

>ad hominem on the internet
You mad?

>> No.17569180
File: 1007 KB, 500x250, 1563549467973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in crypto is a nothingburger
crypto is great for one thing and one thing only: buying shit you put in ur nose, veins, and lungs to feel like the world isn't just one big shit show where everyone's trying to fuck you over and you just want to find someone you love

>> No.17569186


>> No.17569199

You are mad

>> No.17569200

fuck off with this FUD
its clearly 100% LINK related

>> No.17569215

>hard to imagine
They will not even mention chainlink

>> No.17569371

double checked
LINK will moon today

>> No.17569428
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Its AZTEC protocol powering some shit like nightfall but for Microsoft and Oracle all this hype makes me want to sell part of my link stack delusionis buildup is just to much to fast ....

>> No.17569459

An ad hominem is a logical fallacy where in you discount someone's argument by associating it with an unrelated assessment of their character.

Example - What would someone that couldn't count know about accounting, don't argue with me about Financials.

What the poster you're quoting did was simply a direct insult, not an ad hominem. The same as what I am about to do right now.

You are a fucking dumbass

>> No.17569474

Nothingberger lol

>> No.17569492
File: 13 KB, 225x224, Download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

philosophy major in action

>> No.17569507

Yup, that's a burn

>> No.17569604

>mommy a person called me dumbass on internet
Why are you Linkies so mad?

I would like to have an intellectual argument about Consensys and Chainlink.

>> No.17569635

You're either a) bored and fudding b) someone new so either way you should fuck off

But if you just haven't seen the news, then have a look at Wolpert's likes.. eminent + magic bus... link + ubt

>> No.17569675

About the EEA Mainnet Working Group

The “Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Mainnet Working Group” (under the leadership of Consensys, EY and Microsoft) is a joint initiative of the Ethereum Foundation and the EEA, and extends the focus of permissioned blockchains (serving as a distributed ledger within business consortia) to the public Ethereum mainnet. The group will make the case for how the mainnet can be used in a safe and effective way by businesses.


>> No.17569690

based and highiqpilled

>> No.17569840
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literal who

>aligned goals

This is going down