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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1756369 No.1756369 [Reply] [Original]

A 100% libertarian economy with no taxes or regulations is the ONLY way to achieve perpetual economic growth, create thousands of jobs and get NEETs off welfare to work

prove me wrong

>> No.1756379
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I'm on the fence. It seems like a short term cash grab, and stock markets are loving it (pic related €4000 in under one year), but long term maybe trashing the environment and going towards protectionism is bad?

>> No.1756386

>trashing the environment

Who told you that? (((scientists))) ? yeah they sure know everything.

>going towards protectionism is bad?

China and Japan already do it.

>> No.1756412

stop this

>> No.1756414


A 100% anything economy is never good. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

>> No.1756415

China is by no means protectionist, and the Nikkei index still gives investors nightmares 30 years later

>> No.1756444

>China and Japan already do it
China's economy is teeming with debt that makes America look like an austerity supporter's wet dream. Their housing bubble makes 2008 look like a joke.

How are those 2 decades of lost growth going in Japan?

>> No.1756452

I'd rather just make those pieces of shit my serfs. They can smoke as much weed and whack off as much as they want after plowing the fields for 10 hours.

>> No.1756455

A socially conservative culture supports a fiscally conservative economy. Allowing people to get drunk and watch porn interferes in their work, just look at the effects of tobacco on health care costs as an example.

I'm not saying go full out and wage the War on Drugs, but a laissez faire social attitude means laissez faire economics won't last very long.

>> No.1756465

>posting Jewish memes when Trump has jews all around him

Really makes ya think

>> No.1756472

If you took away all existing vices, people would just find new ones. Probably more dangerous ones.

Like if you take away porn, people will start fucking trees and getting splinterdick.

>> No.1756482

I am libertarian, but even I think we need some basic level of welfare/healthcare.

>> No.1756493

Calm down Schlomo.

He's the greatest friend to Israel don't you know.

>> No.1756495
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>but even I think we need some basic level of welfare/healthcare.

How the hell do you expect for us to pay for all of that without "fuck me up the ass" Taxes?

>> No.1756499


Hopefully, I'll be dead by the time our obligations overtake revenues.

But you Millennial kids are F U C K E D

>> No.1756500

by consolidation, restructuring, and de-unionization of government.

I believe government in USA has enough money already, I just think the government workers steal 70% of it...

Yes welfare/healthcare may be 'forced' charity, but what the lefties/libtards should really be doing is making the charity as efficient as possible instead of a jobs program.

>> No.1756504

>by consolidation, restructuring, and de-unionization of government.


>> No.1756507

think of it this way...
seeing poor people die/steal/murder each other on the street is very bad for business, and it's cheaper to give them a room in Ohio/Michigan than to put them in jail in California.

>> No.1756510

Cost efficiency is actually kind of frowned upon when dealing with undesirables.

>> No.1756511

>Who told you that?

The Tragedy of the Commons should tell it to everyone, /pol/ack McMemelord.

>> No.1756517


>> No.1756519

cost efficiency is never undesirable, your argument went from economic to political.

>> No.1756518

>implying the sith are wrong

>> No.1756639

I'm not a Christ-tard, you're barking up the wrong tree. Once (if) it interferes, I'll eliminate them and find others.

>> No.1756652

>Using the ((((())))) meme when every single Libertarian figurehead was Jewish

>> No.1756656
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>> No.1756837
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Execution is cost effective and humane.

>> No.1756854

NEETs would die before working. Your countrymen would literally starve to death.

>> No.1756858

Because the most cost efficient methods of dealing with them are typically immoral.

Nah. Companies justify all kinds of inefficient expenses for various bad reasons.

>> No.1756868


You people make Jews sound like fucking demigods. They apparently do everything better than any other conceivable demographic of human being can do.

>> No.1756907


jews (according to sandniggers and their supporters)

seems the only thing left for you is to be a dirty degenerate hippie

or not

>> No.1757401

Are you literally retarded? Who will maintain sidewalks, public buildings, and roads in poor neighborhoods?

>> No.1757693

>implying they're currently being maintained with any level of competency

thank god there's a hiring freeze. get rid of government sector employees, and by extension, get rid of the insane pensions. Let private contractors handle it, no pensions, no problemo.

>> No.1757694

>no pensions, no problemo.
>he doesn't know about the Davis Bacon Wage Act of 1931