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1756302 No.1756302 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I get a minimum wage job(excluding restaurants cause those are slave labor)?
I get way more interviews by flat out sending them my contact information than a meme resume.
Every interview it's the same shit. "We picked someone more experienced." Every fucking time. I could get 10 interviews this week and fail every fucking one.

>> No.1756346

Laws have been made that disincentivize companies from providing honest feedback so don't worry about that. The real reasons probably have to do with you being vulgar and unkempt.

>> No.1756351

What experience do you have? If you have none, get a job in fast food or at a restaurant washing dishes

>> No.1756702

this yuppie thinks he's too good to work at mcdonalds even though he has never had a job. terrible attitude to have

>> No.1756726

I would recommend picking a narrow field like: electrical in the field of construction, and then only apply for those jobs.

Try posting job wanted on craigslist

>> No.1756735

Came to poortugal where they charge you for a job interview.
Same even ask for 7.50€ just to accept your resume

>> No.1756763

Get your first job in fast food. it will teach you a lot about how to deal with customers and hopefully show you have to function in a social setting you retard

>> No.1756767

Niggers get minimum wage jobs all the time no problem.

Let that sink in a bit.

>> No.1756771

This is me right now, been living somewhat NEET (except for working as a bartender weekends)

Spent last few years aimless and without an idea of what to do as a future.

Only just realised that I want to become a programmer but it's going to take around 6 months (realistically) and my old folks are hassling me to get a full-time job which pays shit.

Man, time to double down on my studying.

>> No.1756946

No it isn't.

Being willing to flip burgers or scrub floors for a living isn't an admirable trait. It's the sign of a beta cuck.

You might as well say "this yuppie think's she's too good to do porn and suck dick on camera..."

Everyone has limits on how much they're willing to degrade themselves for money.

>> No.1756955

Work at maccas, tick the "experience" box, then apply elsewhere.

>> No.1756960

Who has more dignity, the guy who used to work at maccas and now works in sales or the guy who never earnt a cent?

>> No.1756963

Dignity is subjective.

A wealthy person who's never worked a day in his life has more dignity in the eyes of most people than a guy who flips burgers.

>> No.1756964

And again you could say

>Who has more dignity, the guy who used to suck dick for cash and now works in sales or the guy who never earnt a cent?

>> No.1756971

Lol you want to be a low end wagecuck?

>> No.1757059

If you aren't a dumb nigger and have an ounce of drive in your body, you could be promoted to manager at mcds in a year or two allowing him to get a better job.

Maybe OP is no better than a wage slave if he can't manage that

>> No.1757075

Don't feel bad, probably the successful candidate gave the interviewer a more generous tip.

You *do* remember to tip the interviewer, don't you?