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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17562175 No.17562175 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm desperate. I need money for medical treatment. I'm in disabled and in pain, my legs are fucked, I can't walk more than a few steps. How do I find a richfag that will take pity on me? I'm not begging you neets so mods dont ban pls. I'm just asking how can I find someone that will help me?

>> No.17562198

Get fucked Rajeet

>> No.17562219

my plan was to try working remotely to save up but im making peanuts. it will take me years at this rate and im getting worse. i cant even focus on anything now except getting better.

>> No.17562273

i love you too anon , im no rajeet

>> No.17562307
File: 189 KB, 481x414, get-rich-kwik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17562321
File: 15 KB, 184x184, EA853852-ED9A-4B88-8FAA-DAEC208B90C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im no rajeet

>> No.17562322

Ive heard sucking off truckers is great in the early spring

>> No.17562456

I'm alright Jack keep your hands off of my stack

>> No.17562588

Carnivore diet.

>> No.17562609

seconding carni

>> No.17562633

all sound advice

>> No.17562641

Start a GoFundMe. Fill out surveys at home if you cannot work

>> No.17562642

-make kickstarter or other charity setup online
-move to europe for free healthcare
-take expensive health insurances/travel insurances and get into "accident" and get yourself a free medical care.

>> No.17562844

what site to fill out surveys?

>> No.17563722

Survey junkie, there is a bunch just Google. It's not much but it counts. And put it in a high yield online savings account or cd

>> No.17563955

Buy PNK and join our discord. 6Jhmnx6

>> No.17564887

sign up for amazon mturk
wait 6 months
bust your ass working for less than minimum wage
sometimes youll get lucky tho

>> No.17564912

Normie with a coinbase account here, how can I buy some PNK?

>> No.17564920

Start a rival 4chan clone with multiple file posts and then turn on the user base

>> No.17564929

Timestamp with a cane or something next to your fucked up legs?

>> No.17565247

If you’re any chubby then I’ll pay you 20 LINK for each tummy pic. Deal?

>> No.17565469

they look like normal legs. i have crutches, not a cane.
im not