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File: 54 KB, 1151x301, Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 3.07.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17559026 No.17559026 [Reply] [Original]

What was your mindset when this was the reality?

>> No.17559047

Wish it was “buy.”

>> No.17559057

if that was June 2018 I was pretty much euphoric
i was in full deluded linky mode and buying every week. it really was a great feeling

>> No.17559061

Please dad. Please. I've researched this in full.

>> No.17559072

what happened bros?

>> No.17559074

Almost bought a bag of Nebulas. So glad I didn't.

>> No.17559076

I went all in bitqy

>> No.17559080

I had 10k linkies but wasn't paying much attention to the market, still had a job at the time.

>> No.17559087

think this was post-sibos
the next time it was under $.20 we weren't even in the top 100

>> No.17559220

Can you guys explain to a new fag what exactly made you realize that this random shit coin will be the next big thing?

>> No.17559245

meme quality

>> No.17559283

The fact /biz/ went completely mental before it was listed on Binance. Explaining why it was huge : smart contracts being absolutely fucking useless without oracle data.

>> No.17559309
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Mind you I felt somehow pressured to buy, I had a very narrow understanding of what it did. It's in the following months after reading a lot about it that it hit me. So I guess it was the memes after all.

>> No.17559313

i had 20k and thought 'i should buy 50k more', then said, 'nah too risky' :/

>> No.17559317
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Was in FUN and it looked solid as fuck unironically aaaahhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.17559319

endless shilling + retarded buyers

>> No.17559379


Cool i just bought 10,000 coins

(Sold at $0.33 lel)

>> No.17559382

unironically put myself $15k in credit card debt to grab as much as humanly possible

>> No.17559396


Oldfag here, it’s nothing more than the newest scam coin to fleece bitcoins out of newbies. Beware.

>> No.17559436

By pure luck that’s exactly when I started buying. Bought some at 19 cents, 25 cents, 35 cents, 45 cents. Average buy in is 39 cents.

There were so many smart anons posting about chainlink back then, and every attempt at fud was blown the fuck out with logic and reasoning as to why chainlink will succeed. I went all in because of the based OG link anons who truly understand the implications of this tech and shared it here with us. I’m forever grateful for that opportunity

>> No.17559471

I was interested in writing smart contracts and how do they actually work, and everywhere there was the need of LEGIT external data for them to have value.
In 2018 I found out about link, and bought as many as I can at that time.
I am a linklet but I am not a newfag in it for the memes

>> No.17559490
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If this was in 2018, then it was
>I should go all in
>Eh, I have plenty of time to buy back my LINK stack

>> No.17559518

Same here anon, June/July 2018 I bought all my linkies.

>> No.17559522

As someone who has been in since ICO and has only ever made sincere attempts to shill and share info, that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

>> No.17559560
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holding since sub 1 and still holding. never sold at 2, 3, 4, or 5. what are feelings, im a linkmarine

>> No.17559767

It's hard to describe, unless you've experienced it yourself. Summer of 18 I had hit rock bottom and was ready to kill myself. Crippled by social autism I had no way of earning a decent living, and loneliness was suffocating me. Just completely done with life and was thinking about plans to do it as cleanly as possible. There was no anger or sadness left in me, I had made my peace with it, I knew I'd do it before the end of the summer after tying up loose ends. I remember going for a walk one night, my mind wandering, stumbled in front of a church and while I'm not religious, I was taken by the beauty of the architecture, and enjoying the perfect summer night breeze, there was a moment there where I asked myself if life wasn't worth giving another chance. When I went home that night for some reason I decided to go on biz, I thought if I'm gonna try this life thing again but more daringly, I should try learning about crypto because I knew about btc and eth years ago but didn't do anything because I didn't understand the crypto space. My biggest fear was being scammed, due to not being able to discern what was legit and what wasn't. My intuition recognized the obsession around link meant it was legitimate and I put the few savings I had into it. I spent the whole summer educating myself and going down the smart contract rabbit hole. Must have read hundreds of threads on the archive during that first week, it was mind blowing. The sheer scope of it all, the endless implications. Like this group had found the biggest secret in the world, but no one else was seeing it because it was hiding in plain sight. To this day it still feels surreal seeing how biz was 100% right and way ahead of any other market participants. If you had done the research you knew it was the guaranteed outcome. Now I'm financially secure but I think the autism and cult around link is what kept me alive, it's just so exciting and I want to be there to see if it succeeds long term or not.

>> No.17559791

You’re incredibly stupid.

>> No.17559816

"These fuckers better not do another speech next to the shitters."

>> No.17559842

>newest scam coin to fleece bitcoins out of newbies
>3 years old
Ok bud

>> No.17559853

Funfair was the shit back in the day.

>> No.17559861

work overtime buy more

>> No.17560164
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literally this entire space is almost entirely useless without real world data on blockchains. when i learned that at the time there was no way to securely get real world onto blockchains, that chainlink was the only company making meaningful progress toward resolving the problem, and that they had no competition, i went all in. once you apprehend the oracle problem your vision becomes entirely unobstructed and there's no turning back. everything else in this space is basically irrelevant.

>> No.17561147

no, he's incredibly smart

>> No.17561170

Similar thing will happen with pnk. Link and pnk solve the oracle entirely.

>> No.17561190

actually doing my own research.

>> No.17561242
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Cool story anon

>> No.17561246

What is PnK

>> No.17561259

sold 10k link at 30 cents kek.. still got a stack but god damn

>> No.17561265
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Got 18.7k linkies now after cashing some out over the time. Basically I was fully deluded and linkpilled and just knew that I had to hold it through since everything else was a scam, but with Chainlink everything seemed right. Was 18yo when I took this screenshot(currently 20). It was kind of a rough time holding though, but there weren't any safer money making alternatives.

>> No.17561287

I knew it was going top 10 I just didn’t think it would happen this fast

>> No.17561296

I have a similar experience as yours. Crypto is one of the few things that keeps me motivated.

>> No.17561300

blasting ass

>> No.17561304

dat orange screen

>> No.17561323
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Keep fleecing me daddy

>> No.17561335

This is where QNT is now. People will fomo after 100$ and again it's why didn't I buy when it was..

>> No.17561349

It was the bluelight filter which makes screenshots look ridiculous kek.

>> No.17561352

rmemebr when eveerything mooned expcept us?
fuck i hated that time, but i was still comfy still stacking

30k link holder. currently 22

i have been buying since than

>> No.17561364

The latest satsgang pump and dump token

>> No.17561370

Jesus are you me?

>> No.17561398

it solves a real problem and the memes were fire

>> No.17561406

this was my first big dump. i bought at .20c and was very close to panic selling as this was the largest investment i had ever made on a single crypto and there was a lot of fud at the time. never sold. just waiting for staking at this point

>> No.17561425

1k eoy

>> No.17561477
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Good on ya continue forward friend pursue a career you enjoy start a family live a life your future kids will be proud of.

>> No.17561489

>bought funfair
Because who doesn't like a decentralised casino where the odd is fair.

>> No.17561506
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I don't remember that. I joined biz in January and started going all into link during jan and -april 2018. I remember how everything just constantly dumped and LINK dumped the worst. Then at like August with Accord and Openlaw it started to go into a bull trend. Then in November due to Bitcoin's massive dump, it went from $0.6 to $0.2 in like a day which was just crushing.

>> No.17561561
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his name was AssBlaster and he convinced a shit ton of us to get in sub .40

>> No.17561576

The first thing that made me realize it was different was a really excited post with the phrase "peer-reviewed whitepaper".

>> No.17561633

Assblaster’s posts

>> No.17561686
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Gut feeling and fun threads

>> No.17561697

it was the only coin that made sense from a use and incentive standpoint
shills relentlessly fudded and lied about it to make it sound retarded
perfect whitepaper
deep into 250+ reply threads brilliant anons would talk about no bullshit fundamental analysis and fail to fud themselves out of their investment
highest concentration of high IQ, high art memes ever posted in the history of imageboards
in hindsight it is obvious, but in foresight it was pretty obvious too.

>> No.17561705

SWIFT was the big one
"the god protocol", szabo
ic3=blythe crumbs=jpm (cds role in 2008)
Accord=all the biggest law firms, corda/HL
reading reports like capgemini, WEF, understanding what EEA and hyperleger were
realizing what 1 quadrillion represents, ISDA
the memes

>> No.17561725

I remember when breaking into the top 100 was a big celebration on /biz/

>> No.17561727

and the AB threads

>> No.17561955
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>3rd quarter 2017 assblaster thread
>1st quarter 2018 pivotal tracker/testnet
>2nd quarter 2018 logo change
>Accumulated 13.7K links in said time

>> No.17562155

I am still holding..

Longterm remains supreme.

>> No.17562184

'i've spent 10 years on 4chan, and it was right about many big things, i missed the bitcoin and ethereum, so i might as well trust those guys because they are like me for the most part, FUCK IT ALL'

pretty much

>> No.17562243

>tfw I put $3.7k into FUN instead of LINK

>> No.17562323

Unironically just pattern and symbol recognition

>> No.17562370
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>my normie friend: *sarcastic* so hows that Chainlink doing these days?

>> No.17562386

I started mining Bitcoin in 2011 and sold at $20. I was mining 3 BTC A DAY! I was NEVER going to make that mistake again and when I saw LINK I knew it in my soul that was my next chance and that I would never let go. Not during the 2018 dump, not during the team selling, NEVER. Sometimes you just know and September 2017, I knew, LINK was my redemption chance.

>> No.17562453
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>seems like a very promising project but no need to get crazy, let's just buy a little 1k juste in case it get big.
I should have gone balls deep but I'm not smart enough to understand the tech and no dumb enough to get memed into an investment

>> No.17562470

thats the exact price that i bought 90% of my chainlink position at.
link was also the first crypto i ever bought besides the ETH to buy it on binance.

>> No.17562480

I told you it was a shitcoin back then

>> No.17562489

The curse of the midwit

>> No.17562559


>> No.17562560

Dummies and smarties often make stupid mistake too, if I was a guy to get memed I could have gone into funfair, if I was smart to the point of autism I could have gone into bcash.

>> No.17562613
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i came to /biz/ after many years. almost instantly i found those chainlink shills, price was like 0.17$, first i was like "meh, another biz p&d campaign" but after the price started to move i convinced myself to invest measly 100$ because i still have clear memory about former biz fan coins which dumped ugly.

100$ bought me a measly stack of 500 LINK and rest is history. im still holding them

>> No.17562649

i was looking at OMG, lmao

>> No.17562718

Was one of the OG researchers. Total invested is $40,000, first stack at $0.17, average buy of $0.38. All I could afford, and I'm all in.

>> No.17563135

Chainlink is still a shilled scam

>> No.17563180

>buy nebulas
So I did.
The google of blockchains bro

>> No.17563262

Thought LINK was a scam. Didn't start going all-in until around $.29

>> No.17563282

It's fucking hilarious that FUN was actually above LINK ahahaha.

>> No.17563293

wasn't it fun when we passed dentacoin, boys

>> No.17563295
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I miss those dumps

>> No.17563323


>> No.17563339

Unreal how everybody here was and right now

>> No.17563393

Similar story here bro. 2018 was the worst year of my life. I spent half of it in either a jail cell or a hospital and already tried to kms once. But once I got out and regained some sanity, something led me to /biz/. The allure of purchasing Chainlink led me to seek a job. I met my boss while in line at the grocery store. We talked and he mentioned he owned a company, so I asked him for a job then and there. I told him I was desperate and wouldn't let him down. He called me back 2 days later. Now I'm a manager at his factory after working my way up from laborer, and hold a solid 15k LINK.

>> No.17563438

Heard about eth from biz in 2016 when it was $10, bought 22, but had to sell due to financial issues.
I promised I wouldn't miss the next moon mission and general consensus was Chainlink

>> No.17563444

“haha look at the funny memes. fat sirgay. flush haha”

>> No.17563455
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>> No.17563477
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>> No.17563480

I just had a spare $10k & yolo'd because the memes were funny

>> No.17563486
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>> No.17563489
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>> No.17563494

assblaster, seemingly limitless breadcrumbs, memes, $1000 eoy 7's get...just seemed so obvious and i subsequently went all in.

>> No.17563524

Mostly the fact that they were the only team not hyping themselves or announcing partnerships convinced me it wasn't a scam.

>> No.17563569

I bought when it was top 121 because Assblaster told me to and Colonel Damu was funny.
Turned out I bought too early.

>> No.17563609

Started buying at $0.5, all the way down and back up to 0.6usd. Wish I hadn't stopped but I fell in love and did a long distance thing that ate up all my extra income. I managed to grab a nice stack but I could had much more. My thoughts when continuing to buy each week only to see it keep dropping were 'must be fucking crazy but deep inside I know this is the future, the real deal, the missing link in blockchain'.I loved the memes and made a few of my own. I mocked btc on /g/ back when I could have mined en my shit laptop. I mocked eth when it was $8. Finally decided jokes on me if I miss the boat a third time.
Maybe $30k later and I'm married now so it was expensive but I hit the jackpot twice. I'm just waiting to steak so I can retire. Even at current prices I'm out of the wagie life if we can just get 4% annually after the fees from steak pulls. Trust your gut, but more importantly, trust Sergey's gut.

>> No.17564130

Pattern recognition. You should have seen this place during eth phase

>> No.17564201

good story fren

>> No.17564517

What do you mean by 'pattern recognition' in terms of crypto?

What convinced me was the unrelenting marketing/memes pumped out over the years. Especially on the twitter crypto scene link marines dominate. More and more people are starting to ask 'what is this chainlink thing I'm seeing everywhere?' Every other crypto feels tired and stale compared to link. Nothing comes close

>> No.17564552

Meme magic proving its existence when trump won. I moved from /pol/ to here after I pulled the trigger on buttcoin mid 2017. Memes here are the best because we are monetarily invested in them.

>> No.17564560

>What do you mean by 'pattern recognition' in terms of crypto?
Memes, thread after thread about said coin (actual threads, not those pajeet scam threads), general attitude

>> No.17564603

And also 4chan’s extremely high predictability

>> No.17564611

My car broke down,m and i had to put a downpayment on one.. had $1500 cash that could have gone into link. Could have had an extra $45000

>> No.17564623
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>> No.17564650

Honestly 15k debt isnt insurmountable, its a risk sure but its not life ending

>> No.17564708

Based, good for you, happy you're still alive, and I can relate to a degree to your story.

>> No.17564838

literally me, including the buy in points. damn.

>> No.17565144

I bought a shit ton and haven't sold to this day

>> No.17565282

>What was your mindset when this was the reality?
"Why did I go 100% in between 30 and 80c. Damnit".

>> No.17565484


It was the one-two punch of 1) realizing the oracle problem *absolutely* needed a solution for crypto use cases to succeed, and then 2) the insane meme energy. Assblaster, the gets, Jason parser, everything, it was so powerful and different from any other project. Reason 1 made you buy, reason 2 made holding fun even through the brutal bear market.

Wish I’d bought more, t. 13k linklet

>> No.17565500

Should of sold. Got heavy FUN bags

>> No.17565665

I have 2 linkies, and I bought them because of the shilling and memes. I don't even have a sliver of btc. I'm hoping to make a few dollars, paid almost 8 for them. Way too late to make anything but I don't want to miss out.

>> No.17565878

I'm incredibly well off.

And you are a literal broke faggot. Stay poor.

>> No.17565900

I offed myself 5 years before that happens

>> No.17565912

Utter indignation at how fucking stupid everyone else in crypto is

>> No.17566191

I bought when LINK was around 125 MC

>> No.17566304

They were probably the most low key anti hype project during the 2017 Run. It was apparent they were interested in institutions not moon boys

>> No.17566347


>> No.17566392

All the people who were super bullish knew how to use apostrophes properly.

>> No.17566398

"I'm gonna invest in each and every shitcoin and funnel their gains into Link as it will moon later"
20k FUN bagholder here

>> No.17566412

honestly i know that this is a ERC - token but does this mean it will also boost ETH value?

>> No.17566441

>he doesn't know

>> No.17566447

Since CL nodes can now run arbitrum and take eth sc execution volume id say its even to negative for eths overall market cap

>> No.17566451

I went all in after seeing Smartcontract.com in the 4th Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab in 2018. In the same paragraph it said around 10% of global GDP would be on the blockchain by 2025, which is around 8 trillion

>> No.17566462
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kek fucking dentacoin
those were the days

>> No.17566464


Honestly wanna tell my boss so I can go become a strategy analyst for my company once it moons. work in insurance industry.

That way i'm both rich and I get to high fly with the execs.

>> No.17566497

It was literally the exact same as every other random shitcoin, big promises and "potential" but really nothing else than that.

>> No.17566590
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link is beautiful

>> No.17566610

>highest concentration of high IQ, high art memes ever posted in the history of imageboards
that's what got me

>> No.17566683

That will be Nico's face when we hit $1k EOY and I rape her

>> No.17566689

I’m here for the memes

>> No.17566764

They will literally suck your cock and swallow with a smile on their face. Insurance is a use case where those who don't adopt early enough will lose and those who did will gain massive market and turn something that used to be an expense into a new monetization stream. They will literally think you are brilliant and you probably could nothing else for the rest of your career and you'd still be in high esteem.

>> No.17566767

Holy f I lost money to that shit

>> No.17567006

i wasn't in yet, started buying July 2018 after an anon shilled LINK on /pol/, i read a couple pastas and looked at a couple screencaps and went all in as fast as possible, then i continued to dca until august 2019

>> No.17567475
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>> No.17567507
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I remember that shit kek

>> No.17567512

>thanks I will already make it with 2500 of my stanky lanks eventually.

>> No.17567526
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>> No.17567540
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>> No.17567542

Personally I went all in after engaging with AB in the threads along with the other larpers (Official Chainlink employees)

>> No.17567543


>> No.17567549

fuck off daniel

>> No.17567551
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>> No.17567653


>> No.17567690
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Do you guys really think chainlink will be named at that even tomorrow? Someone please explain. I'm still waiting for my house tp sell. Ill have 40k. I only have 500 linkies :(

>> No.17567710

I still have 10k of them to remind me not to be retarded

>> No.17567745

LINK was a lot more fun back then. Now that my folio is pretty sizable, I just want to make it cause I hate my job.

>> No.17567810

>I can finally afford to finish my 20k stack
About yo hit $100k. Feels good.

>> No.17567833

$1000 EOY 2025

>> No.17567902

I only had 100K at that point. I'm happy i also 2x'd during the Coinbase run. That said, I just dumped 87K LINK for more BDK.

>> No.17568053

How in the fuck do people not see this. The stage was set in 17. It's been clearly laid out the whole time, as long as you had your eyes open. Its the most blatantly obvious piece that is missing in any of this blockchain doohickies becoming a reality. That's when I market bought and told the waifu our son johny could switch to jenna.

>> No.17568077

I was never in Crypto until literally this last month. Managed to do a shitload of research at the time, and dumped $10k into link. I maybe a LINKlet but I know the value, you really think the average norman gonna do that?

>> No.17568088

So like....buy PNK soon?

>> No.17568228

man FUCK NAS and hitters WuhanXu and FUCK JEZ SAN IM NOT HAVING FUN

>> No.17568721

Same. I only came onto /biz/ last summer and immediately dumped half my savings into LINK. I wish I had two years so I could have a bigger stack but hindsight is 20/20. Still grateful for being blessed with this opportunity, better late than never.

>> No.17569275

after starting with 5 k in 2016, going up to 1 mill in 2017 only to HODL that shit down to 60 K, I was thinking fuck it it's all or nothing and once the project looked convincingly good (thanks biz) I went all in - and that kids is how I became a millionaire

>> No.17569346

This is me except I never bought.