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File: 215 KB, 1200x715, 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_States_Federal_Reserve.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17547026 No.17547026 [Reply] [Original]

>The US government wants money
>They go to the Fed and asks the Fed to give monies
>The Fed loans money at interest
>All the Fed has to do is push a button and make more money
>Again...all they have to do is push a button LMAO
>Since US dollars are not tied to any Standard, it has no instrinsic value
>They can do this as much as they want
>They are not audited
>There is no oversight
>They can make as much money as they want
>In 2008 they gave a fuckton of free money to greedy banks
>They tax the rest of the population to pay for these "loans"
>These loans get so out of control that taxes effectively go into a black hole and dont have any effect on the national debt

What can possibly go wrong? What a genius system. Wow. Incredible. Brilliant. Making money out of thin air. Who would have thought?

>> No.17547123

the fed is a private corporation, not a part of the US government.
The government legally can not audit them.

>> No.17547147

>the gov can't audit private corporations
Yes, they can. The fed is the only one they choose not to you fuckin blind idiot

>> No.17547184
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>> No.17547195

>choose not to
the FED is a private corporation, it sits on its own sovereign piece of land separate from the United States.
they don't have to let the government do shit.

>> No.17547203

Why the fuck would the government audit the FED, the government are the ones who appoint officials to the FED to keep this ponzi infinite-inflation train a-rolling!

>> No.17547223

So find safe harbor in Bitcoin or is some risk in stuff like ARPA ok for the gains?

>> No.17547244

RSR gasses the Fed kike

>> No.17547266

the President gets to choose the head of the FED but the FED doesn't really have to do this, its only to keep appearances.

>> No.17547291
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Interesting enough, Israel is the only country that gets its foreign aid from the US at the beginning of the year at Full. meaning they can take this money and invest it in the fed and earn interest. Interest that the US has to borrow money in order to pay. the money that they got through foreign aid.

>> No.17547307


>> No.17547322

Talking about the ability to audit them is completely redundant. They would never audit a monetary body they're this corruptly tied with and in bed with, even if they could.

>> No.17547343

That's criminal. We're literally being stolen from.

>> No.17547366

Which is why trump has been getting them to cut interest rates. the plan is to cut it to Zero that way we aren't paying interest and the fed can be abolished. the US Treasury will issue currency backed by Gold.

>> No.17547377
File: 14 KB, 333x293, 4365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the IRS is a part of the fed which will also be abolished.

though luck goyim.

>> No.17547395

i like how this is gaining traction on this board

>> No.17547434

What planet do you live on? The government can do whatever it wants and does. Look at how much shit they do that is blatantly illegal.

>> No.17547526 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 730x242, 2020-03-03 05_35_51-who appoints fed chairman - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically please tell me your IQ

>> No.17547529

surely the green branches around a centered object motif has to get old at some point

>> No.17547533

You are really blue-pilled.

In the United States of America the people are the sovereigns, the kings and queens, Rulers of the land. they elect leaders to pass laws and govern what the collective wills This was in the Constitution and the bill of rights.

After the civil war and 2nd constitution was written in 1870's. This 2nd constitution overshadowed the original constitution. A separate country called the District of Columbia was created in Washington DC. This new country is a Corporation its Country is called "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" All caps. it governs all 50 states and territories. This corporation has no legal right to make laws but no one has called it out yet.

>> No.17547543
File: 27 KB, 730x242, 2020-03-03 05_35_51-who appoints fed chairman - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how low is your iq? unironically

>> No.17547546

Source for quick rundown?

>> No.17547547

Cool story bro

>> No.17547551


>> No.17547556

more like the US Gov is the board of directors of the US Corporation
burgers are fuckin dumb

>> No.17547586

I tried to cash in my birth certificate. The judge laughed at me.
The journey continues...

>> No.17547619
File: 415 KB, 1728x890, wik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA INC. has gone bankrupt officially since feb.

>> No.17547666

>retard wanders into thread calling others retards

>> No.17547696

Yeah, they're gonna try and print their way out of the next recession, we could see some real inflation.

>> No.17547743

By the collective will of boomers everywhere it will work this time again

>> No.17548092

yeah that's what I find funny as well. also, why do boomers not say anything? they laughed at Tether and said Tether were printing money to pump the crypto market (which might or might not be true) all the while the Feds do it for real all the time?

>> No.17548126

Think how much bullshit Tether gets for printing money out of thin air all the time.

Then realize the FED is literally Tether for the US Government and for US markets, only they've been doing it for decades and they're immune from SEC and IRS scrutiny.

This truly is the maximum clown timeline.

>> No.17548184

ARPA fixes this.

>> No.17548884

Unironically yes ARPA just might do that

>> No.17549224 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 500x280, Floyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations Mr Fontaine, Arpa


>> No.17549274

>The government legally can not audit them.
the government can replace literally everyone in the fed. it doesn't even need to wait 4 years, just need to change the law you. the govt can print any amount of FIAT it wants to, if it really wants to.
the fed knows this and eventually just ends up printing the money the govt wants it to print.

>> No.17549303


i also don't see how unelected officials holding the control over supply would put you more at ease about the value of your fiat money, even IF they WERE truly independent.

>> No.17549542

They don't even print. They just press a button on the computer lol

>> No.17549710

Kek and tether is more legitimate because they are audited at least

>> No.17550218
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 55BD9B92-AF92-4250-99BE-AF4691E9E68F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17550280

Anon, your knowledge extends to only Big short movie and what you have read online.
I do want to take your attention and remind you that 2008 date you are so fixed on means nothing, fed is printing money every three -four months.
Las two injections I've noticed where in October and November.
Haven't checked last few months since it's so basic and normal these days, rarely even media reports it.
I will ask you this - WHAT WILL POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
Also what strikes me hardest is, this much money is being printed, but american infrastructure is going to shit day by day...

>> No.17550304
File: 47 KB, 680x545, giuliani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17550442

where do you check that?

>> No.17550446
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, infinite money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17550560

this is the type of dude that buys into Calvin Ayre coin

>> No.17550621

>tether is audited
Lol no, at least not yet

>> No.17550627

Its not about what could go wrong - nothing ever lasts forever. Its about when, Is it soon? Conceivably the printing press could pribt beyond our lifetimes