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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1754581 No.1754581 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did this guy graduate from Wharton School of Finance? Did he pay them off or something? Is that possible in the USA?

>> No.1754593

Make a business related argument or fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.1754599

They'll just post memes.

>> No.1754615


“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

y'all seem to think he's retarded.

>> No.1754617

I don't have a billion dollars so he's doing something right

>> No.1754987

>is it possible to pay off a "School of Finance?"

I would be disappointed if that weren't the entirety of the final exam.

>> No.1754997


trump is a genius

what is persuasion 101?
>omg fuck drumpf he stupid

he came out of more than a billion dollars in bankruptcy to have ~10 billion networth and become president

>> No.1755003

he was a transfer as I recall but despite what you may believe, admissions was overall more stringent when the Ivies were an old boy's club.

>> No.1755008

If you had the money he was given (inheritance plus gifts) and had just put it in mutual funds youd have more than him right now

He also had nepotism (in with all new york real estate people)

So hes a double fuckup

>> No.1755010


>Donald Trump is a stupid dummy moron dumdum because... reasons

>> No.1755017

>The billionaire President can't be smart because he's a Republican
>Only intelligent liberals like me can be smart. Mr noseberg said so in my marxist 101 clasd

>> No.1755018

>If you had the money he was given (inheritance plus gifts) and had just put it in mutual funds youd have more than him right now
That's not even comparable you idiot. You wouldn't be able to spend a dime for that kind of growth. Trump lives lavishly and has a high net worth. Investing in the stock market is terrible compared to entrepreneurship.

>> No.1755019


The source for that claim being the London Review of Books. In addition to being literally nothing but a magazine that reviews books, it's also operating from perfect hindsight.

>> No.1755035
File: 42 KB, 190x259, 1296658882623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the fuck did obama graduate from harvard (via occidental) and harvard law school? did he nigger or something? is that possible in the usa?

>> No.1755064

Obummer is a smart guy whether or not you like to believe it, just like Trump.

And despite what people may say Obama's route is way more impressive than than Trumps path to presidency. Not knocking Trump at all his was unlikely as well. You sit their and call Obama a dumb nigger. What does that make you?

Food for thought.

>> No.1755301

Damn. Roasted. >>1755035

>> No.1755307

I think people forget that this dude is currently 70
who knows a smart old fart? I dont
Listen to his son Eric, the dude is very intelligent

>> No.1755309


>> No.1755338

rekt by

>> No.1755386

That /pol/ tier shit is not going to work here.
If most of /biz/ had a 100 million dollar inheritance, we'd have made more than the 1-3 billion that Trump has made over the last 40 years through boring investments. this dude lost 800 million in one year in the 1990s. Even in the unlikely event he really is worth 6-10 billion, he lost 800 mill on one casino venture. This wasn't the market going tits up and losing from multiple pies. He burnt one pie. It means he put over 10% of his total money into one business and ran it into the ground. Now he won't release his tax returns. I bet the returns would show that he has billions...in debt.

>> No.1755404
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Every single modern US president has been a legitimately intelligent person. Even the ones which you think are stupid (Bush/Trump if you're blue, Clinton/Obama if you're red etc) are in all likelihood smarter than you and 99% of the general western population.

>> No.1755409

> Implying 99% of /biz/ aren't just a bunch of 20 something year olds role playing wolf of wall street

>> No.1755413

I think a lot of people, especially Americans, need to realize that for the most part government is just a show. You get the idiots up in arms and blindly voting for you, and you win.

>> No.1755423

Trump and Obama both won because the pendulum was swinging back, obama won by a landslide tho and trump couldn't even manage to win popular vote

A duck running for the republicans would have won against hilary tho.

>> No.1755449

>(inheritance plus gifts)
Haha yeah man, he should have just sold off everything his father built and left him and put it in mutual funds.

>> No.1755459
File: 164 KB, 300x304, kjhhjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude he should have sold everything and stuck it into a mutual fund haha you're right :^)

>> No.1755518

Rofl speak for yourself, pleb

>> No.1755554

>“Appear [...] strong when you are weak.”
So you think Trump's not retarded but just incredibly weak? Interesting proposition...

>> No.1755565


Because he is very smart. Duh.

>> No.1755567


Does that account for his lavish lifestyle too? Is the private jumbo jet factored into that calculation?

>> No.1755568


Why is his route more impessive?

>> No.1755633

So Trump is weak?

>> No.1755635

It's 3.7 billion net worth. And one of companies went bankrupt of which he had a share and thus owed money. He did not magically pull out a billion dollars, he paid a bit and gave up his stake.

>> No.1755688

>idiots who don't understand the difference between his privately held conglomerate that's worth billions and a publicly traded company going bust

The people who got fucked over the casino chapter were the investors and shareholders who trusted the project because it was advertised and backed up by Trump, who at the time was a pretty well known real estate developer.

>> No.1755694

>Why is his route more impessive?

Have you seen how black the guy is?


>> No.1755700

Mate you're fucked, forget /biz/, a lot of very capable people in actual business have that kind of money and do not turn to billions. Give a fuck one of his punts failed, how many didn't?

>> No.1755720


it's because business school is for retards

>> No.1755726

Yes. My dad used to pay off judges to get off drug charges. He did cocaine with all the judges while filming them then used it as blackmail to get off any charge including murder. He murdered over a dozen people just that I know of. Including his own brother. My uncle witnessed him murder at least a dozen more. And if you are the FBI, don't bother, my father is dead now you'll never touch him.

>> No.1755746

Also this all happened when I was well under 15 so I can not be held responsible for accomplice to any of it.

>> No.1755769
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>> No.1755796

Nice roleplay.
If that were true you'd be a moron to tell anyone. If the FBI thinks you're guilty they would watch you like a hawk and get you for all the little shit you do.

>> No.1755888

That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. He inherited hundreds of millions AND a thriving business. He could have invested his inheritance, and lived off the millions his daddies business made each year. Fucking idiot.

>> No.1755980

>he inherited hundreds of millions
his dad died in 2000 you retard, and he shared his inheritance equally to his 5 children

In any case, you lost, get over it. Your whining is pathetic.

>> No.1755987


If he had enough money to pay them off then head be smart enough to succeed in a business school.

>> No.1755996

>That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. He inherited hundreds of millions AND a thriving business. He could have invested his inheritance, and lived off the millions his daddies business made each year. Fucking idiot.
He did not inherit "hundreds of millions" as there is no proof of such claims. He did inherit the business, which is not the same as investing in the stock market you fucking moron. The return of running a business is vastly better than sticking money in a stock market. Do you understand how the fucking stock market works? Hint, you can't have a jumbo jet and tower if you stick a hundred million in stocks and wait 30 years for it to become a billion.

>> No.1756002

Most large companies have significant debt. I don't even know why you would bring this up unless you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.1756014

If you put $100,000,000 in an index fund with a 7%average annual return, you will only have ~$761,000,000 after 30 years.
That's if you don't touch a penny.

Did index funds exist in the 80s?

>> No.1756022

>If you put $100,000,000 in an index fund with a 7%average annual return, you will only have ~$761,000,000 after 30 years.
That's my point. You have to live like a poorfag for that kind of growth. Liberal retards think investing in the stock market is better than doing business. Kek.

>Did index funds exist in the 80s?
Sure, but they had crappy fees of 1% compared to now because of competition. Trump would be stupid and poorer to invest in the stock market in the 80s compared to running a business.

>> No.1756039
File: 416 KB, 844x499, US National Debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama Was a Law graduate with no Economics or Finance training.

This is what we fucking deserve for electing a fucking Community Organizer to run the country.

Mabye somebody with business training will fix this fucking mess.

>> No.1756043

>That's my point. You have to live like a poorfag for that kind of growth.
Yeah, I know. I'm just pointing out that using a reasonable guess for an interest rate would leave Trump significantly poorer if he had dumped everything into an index 30 years ago and never spent a penny.
I don't know what methodology they used to determine he'd have more than he does now.

>> No.1756057

>I don't know what methodology they used to determine he'd have more than he does now.
It's called bullshit.

>> No.1756060

>fixing america
aint gonna happen m8, the american people as a whole are too shitty as people to ever make for a decent running country

>> No.1756068

They assume he took $500 million in 1982 and dumped it all into an S&P index that realized 11.3% returns.

I would also be a millionaire if I'd taken all the money I made in high school and invested in Amazon. Clearly I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.1756087

citing the wikipedia number

lol no wonder

regardless, he his Pres. now

>> No.1756094

Where do they think he got the $500 mil from?

>> No.1756100

If I had 500 million at 20 something, I'm not going to wait until I'm 60 for it to become billions while living in an average house at my wageslave job. It's such a stupid comparison.

>> No.1756109

Yeah that graph totally wasn't made up on the spot or anything
You are obviously too poor to be here if you think that's a believable image. Terribly educated

>> No.1756139

That number comes from his book apparently. Typically the articles I've seen don't even bother to get into all of it they just compare his decisions to an alternative set of decisions with perfect hindsight.

Some articles factor in him taking out some level of "salary" for himself. The resulting discrepancy is much smaller in these cases but the index still wins. All of the ones I've seen vastly underestimate how much his lifestyle costs in my opinion.

>> No.1756174

>Obama Was a Law graduate with no Economics or Finance training.
>This is what we fucking deserve for electing a fucking Community Organizer to run the country.

Obama was a complete Wall Street "Yes Man"... he just borrowed & spent money whenever the Bankers told him to.

The guy had no idea what he was doing in terms of finance.

>> No.1756179


Hey, retard.

It's very easy to check the national debt ALL by your little self.

And yes, ignorant little Billy. Obama did double our entire National debt in the span of 8 years.

>> No.1756212

yes, yes it is

>> No.1756214
File: 232 KB, 742x538, Wikipedia - US Interest vs Spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama Was a Law graduate with no Economics or Finance training.

And it shows.

And before some ignorant little kid tries to claim the government numbers are all made up...

google what the GAO is.

>> No.1756244

This. According to David Mayhew, Someone from the same party running for the presidency after a two term president only has like a 50%ish chance to win. It was pretty much a coin flip no matter who the republicans nominated.

>> No.1756617

Obama wasn't born into substantial wealth.

Whether or not people here like to admit it (because we are all temporarily embarrassed millionaires har har har) it really does make all the difference.

>> No.1756657
File: 52 KB, 625x626, 809ef430bd875696cbec2329ae92f92eb017cfd4705947ddad6f6579a80faad6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kills me about this argument is that people think some one stupid can just fumble their way in head of state. I am not just talking about america i am talking about any country.

Like you actually think some one stupid can become president / prime minister ? Top fucking kek

Even if they are not "intellectual" they have displayed a exceptional level of charisma and a almost supernatural level cunning

I don't even like Trump but to think he is in anyway stupid is ridiculous.

>> No.1756662

he has accomplished more than you ever will

>> No.1757209


>> No.1757235
File: 127 KB, 305x320, kanye_shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nowhere did i call obama dumb. but youre definitely niggers.

>> No.1757257

lel u caught me with my pants on the ground!

atleast let me try!

>> No.1757260

USA ONLY no faggity ass brits "mate"

>> No.1757262

jesus christ dude more info please? how interesting

>> No.1757265

>How the fuck did this guy graduate from Wharton School of Finance?
>Did he pay them off or something? Is that possible in the USA?

As if it's magic that the dean's daughter always gets straight A's despite being a ditzy bitch, as though the ultra-rich foreigners somehow have an edge over the students who actually speak English, as if to say the university's investors' children deserve every % that comes their way.

It's a game, anon. You know why university used to be the gateway to a better future? Connexions. You considered university to get better at whatever specialization, but you went to university to get your connexions. People who considered university already had family and friendly connexions to influential people; the reason why we have so many confused fourth-year students who don't understand why they're getting shunted into 3rd tier jobs is that they don't understand their credentials don't matter. It matters whether you know rich and influential people. It does not matter if you're smart or flexible.

I can speak from experience. I have family friends who are into realty and property management. I can get a job doing that shit any time I want despite being undertrained and underexperienced. I am the worst candidate for the job but an offer shows up at least once a month. But still, what I have a degree in is biochemistry and food science -- yet I can't get a job as a damned janitor in any food-related company. Why? I have no "work references", which I know for a fact all my "successful" food science friends have faked. They've never worked in the capacity of a food scientist, but they have rich, established friends who'll vouch for them, so it doesn't matter one iota.

Not trying to be salty. I'm making it under my own steam, and next year I'm going to own a vineyard in wine country California. But it's frustrating just how many incompetent fuckwits get highly-paying jobs despite their technical lack.

>> No.1757269

and where do you live? jelly u dont live in the best country in the world? haha sux fo u loser

>> No.1757270

Warren g harding was pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.1757275


why are you here?


im so confused now. how stupid can you be.

>> No.1757276

Not now.

>> No.1757281

pretty much this but you need to be not such a little bitch

>> No.1757303

Just like Bush?

>> No.1757573
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you mean MEANS

>> No.1757579

This, I'm gonna just say it, trumps fucking autistic and he would have never gotten so big with pol if he wasn't, autism, not /pol/ not leddit, not lack of trust in Hillary, just our autism sensing his and realizing that we have to make him president because we may never in our live get another true shit posting berg with a chance.

>> No.1757682
File: 40 KB, 139x190, 1458239269506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump graduated because of nepotism
>let's ignore how he successful ran his real-estate business

Your rant is what a salty wagecuck would say to someone who was happy and successful in life.

>> No.1757683

>>let's ignore how he successful ran his real-estate business
bretty good point.

you can't be a complete idiot and make billions.

>> No.1757934

A man is measured by his works, and Trump realized dozens of successful, complex projects. Buildings that will be used 100s of years after his death. Then he also became president of Clapistan against all odds.
Numales and Neets wouldnt recognize power if it hit them in the face.

>> No.1758006

The dumbest thing about this argument is that if he passively invested instead of going the entrepreneur route he would not be the president of the United States.

So...he made the right move, fucking idiot.

>> No.1758050

This is literally your brain as a leftist.

Holy shit.

>> No.1758062


>> No.1758611


screenshot this. Trump will fix our cucked economy. 2025 will be 10 times better than this fucking place is now.


>> No.1759101
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Thanks for correcting the record

>> No.1759105

>screenshot this
you screenshot it you cunt

>> No.1759152
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>Hurr durr Trump is retarded and will run the country into the ground he went bankrupt lol small loan of $1 million ha ha fuck drumpf he will make muslims wear crescent armbands

Meanwhile most of the people who say this shit took an $80,000 loan and turned it into a liberal arts degree that won't get them a job.

He understands business and economics far more than Obama or Hillary so cut the guy some slack and let him do his job for a little while, Jesus Christ, he's been in office for 1 week. At least he's making good on his promises so far and causing massive ass-hurt to all the people who fucked America without lube or reach around.

>> No.1759181

>Meanwhile most of the people who say this shit took an $80,000 loan and turned it into a liberal arts degree that won't get them a job.


>> No.1759345

nigger detected

>> No.1760026

>way more impressive than than Trumps path to presidency

>first Billionaire businessman who never had military/government experience
>junior Senator (former community organizer) who ran to promote his book and got lucky cause the Dems thought it was time for a meme president

How is that impressive?

>> No.1760036

I literally just graduated from Wharton this past December.

Trump is an excellent man and it saddens me to see people from our alma mater refuse so vehemently to support him.

There are many, many rich idiots here, without a doubt, but I wouldn't say Trump was one of them.

>> No.1760715

All presidents were white and generally wealthy. Obama wasn't born with either.

Once again not knocking Trump so don't get triggered.

It's ironic poltards say shit like "we wuz kangz" when the entire board also piggy backs off the achievements of their race.

>> No.1760788

I love that Trump is elected. Can't wait for it to go to shit and all those new opportunities that will rise. It's really that time to speculate on the fall of the dollar and the euro. Good times ahead! I feel sorry though for the Americans having a guy who can't even formulate a sentence as president haha

>> No.1760795

>It's ironic poltards say shit like "we wuz kangz" when the entire board also piggy backs off the achievements of their race.
the reason we wuz kangz is funny is because afrocentrics use it to claim achievements that DONT belong to their race; most notably Egypt. I agree with what you're saying, im just clearing that up

>> No.1760799

this is not the first time we've had 'a guy who can't even formulate a sentence as president'


>> No.1760824

did you get to associate with Tiffany? She's best Trump child.

>> No.1760886

This guy is way worse though.

>> No.1760933

Why not invade /pol/ with your arguments reddit?

>> No.1760960


T-t-t-t-t-t-trump w-w-will not b-b-b-b-be president

>> No.1760961

if youre a celebrity or have a lot of money its considered a huge accomplishment on your application

>> No.1760963

nosebergs arent democrat you twat

>> No.1760965

obummer was better with foreign policies than domestic

>> No.1760966

hes right, they are smart. they just appear dumb because they second motives behind their "dumb actions" that are generally selfish

>> No.1760967

What did he do well on the foreign policy front?

>> No.1760969

are u telling a boss how to spend his money??

>> No.1761312


At the center of the spot's argument is Trump's interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" in August, in which Chuck Todd asked the Republican candidate where he turned for his military information.

"Well, I watch the shows," Trump said, remarking upon the generals and officials who appear on political talk shows.

"I don't know if that's Saturday morning or Sunday morning," Bush said last week, echoing a line that his campaign has resurrected of late.

>> No.1761318

One Clinton ad features this exchange between NBC's "Meet the Press" moderator Chuck Todd and Trump:

Todd: Who do you talk to for military advice right now?

Trump: Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows, and you have the generals.

The argument here is clear: Clinton has a lifetime of service and experience in preparation for the office she is seeking. Trump watches cable TV to get smart

>> No.1761321

what should I be shorting?

>> No.1761520

Actually yes. I saw her a lot around campus and a few friends of mine reported having taken classes with her. She was only a year ahead of me. Unfortunately I didn't have classes with her and if she went to any of the same parties I did, I didn't know about it (though it's very possible considering I went to a lot of the 'rich kid' parties on campus my first 2 years.)

>> No.1761562

He started with 1 million to gamble with and had luck.

>> No.1761575

The private sector is attracting the smart ones.
Politics is just a way to build your contact book and become a celebrity with power.

>> No.1761593

Haha, he is pro Nato HAHA!!!

Do You all think the Troops amassing is against Russia? or the inevitable collapse?

Look at him trying to make peace with Russia while supporting Nato.

He is Smarter then this.

>> No.1761672

Low energy jab from Jeb! as usual

>> No.1761781

>The trump inheritance meme
You idiots peddling this do realize that he has siblings amongst whom the theoretical inheritance would be split and that his father didn't die until 1999 long after he became rich on his own, right?

>> No.1762158

Why has nobody in this thread actually answered the question as to how trump managed to graduate?

>> No.1762167

Was it possible to lose when you're a New York property developer in the 90s. It seems like he was just in the right place at the right time and managed to make billions from housing price inflation.

No ones mentioned this so far.

>> No.1763232

>first black president had a harder time getting elected

Please. He had everything and everyone on his side.

>> No.1763361

Trump's not stupid and MBA's are overated.

>> No.1763478

>implying most of this board wouldn't blow it all on meme stocks and end up offing themselves when it all goes sour

You give this hole far too much credit