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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 950 KB, 2256x1504, Screenshot (88).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17540757 No.17540757 [Reply] [Original]

Kleros is front page news at 25 cents fuck face. why aren't you acooooooooooming? PiNK moon sauce curry pasta get fuuuuuuuuuucked

>> No.17540843

Wait wtff?? Link to that shit

>> No.17540975


>> No.17541338

I cant stop buying.....300k reporting in

>> No.17541515

It's kinda never enough
400k reporting in

>> No.17541664

How high are we going during ethcc? this pump is curazy

>> No.17541867

How do multiple sats sound?

>> No.17541906

I’ve had 150k since the token sale but upped it to 180k today. I can’t stop buying this shit either, it’s literally unfuddable

>> No.17541919



>> No.17541941
File: 1.16 MB, 855x570, 137E403E-901E-4960-844F-2AB74CEEA950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curry curry curry curry curry pooooo

>> No.17542760

finally we can agree on something
curry poo poo indeed sirs

>> No.17542890

1.9 million PNK checking in

>> No.17542913

Hmmm... all this shilling out of the blue. Its surely not a scam Sam I am.

>> No.17542942

thats 10 times me bro. not fair. im literally a poorfag. whatever. im zelling. im never gonna make it

>> No.17543016

Lol nice bullshit

>> No.17543041

I can prove it if you want

>> No.17543058

No balls

>> No.17543074

back off. im pretty sure i know who this is. he has enough pnk to arbitrate you into the dirt

>> No.17543109


literally just some newfags blog who got into crypto late 2017

>> No.17543125

Like, that's not even that much money. You must be a newfag or something, most people here during 2017 sported 30+k link stacks. Hell, if I went all in I could still get about 6.5 million PNKs for my stinkies on uniswap despite the slippage.

I got 330k btw I got 250k at the sale for 5000gwei and another 80k at 12k gwei ath (good old fomo)

>> No.17543131

I am waiting

>> No.17543146


>> No.17543156

This coin is biggest pajeet scam. Nothing smells more curry than this lmao. link is all you need

>> No.17543779

eat curry shit link boomer

>> No.17543975

kek link fags are seething and tryingto stop the inevitable

>> No.17544622

Kleros is mooning

>> No.17544704

which fag dumped

>> No.17544871


>> No.17544992

kek kek this linkies kek ... ,, dluded linkies kek they fudding dis klerlos token tos uppress token ,,,, LINKIES ! KEK !

Also, 2 in the pink and one in the LINk haha, I hold both tokens, pnk and link are brother otkens ! also fuck LINKIES THEY SUCK I HATE PEOPLE WHO HOLD LINK KEK !

>> No.17545122

as far as i can tell they solve the oracle problem together. very much holding each others dicks outta the mud

>> No.17545153

climbing back up already, whoever dumped is a fucking retard

>> No.17545241
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>> No.17545326
File: 101 KB, 934x565, C0CD8A25-3221-4838-B760-A935371862E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17545464

how much does he own?
also 100k boyo reporting in

>> No.17545492

clearly none. he pumped it this morning and then dumped it on on

>> No.17545632
File: 144 KB, 750x1334, 62DFF2C7-C314-457D-866C-B94C09758813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used this recent dip to finish my accumulation to 200k. Kinda sucks to see my profits drop from 140% to 86% but I know mere double digit percentage gains will be short lived. Now I play the waiting game

>> No.17545927
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, 1FDBDB32-96AD-4D32-827D-6C223670D63D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Acooooooooming over. Time to price out the rest of /biz/

>> No.17546140

Should I sell my XCM stack for this? I don't really have any extra money because I'm a poorfag

>> No.17546320

yes. you should sell all of your holding and buy PNK. very nice tuk tuk party planned for any PNK holder that makes it

>> No.17546369

racism is a big no from me senpai

>> No.17546385
File: 975 KB, 1600x1068, 1563967753313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im thinking we're going to make it

>> No.17546422

how do you survive /biz/ without at least having a sense of humor about tuk tuk parties

>> No.17546621

You and me both anon. Waiting and winning

>> No.17546948

took a break from biz at the wrong time. could have gotten in sooner. didnt buy until this dip. but i did manage to get some orders out at .017 cents. unironically going to make multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars this month

>> No.17546988


>> No.17547065

fuckin kek

>> No.17547464
File: 1.78 MB, 1600x1052, checkem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it, brothers. Kleros will be implemented as a fail-safe in a good percentage of smart contracts, especially in the early days of adoption.

>> No.17547552

Is this really all coming together like this now? Are we buying stakes basically in pieces of a machine?

>> No.17547635

What app is that?

>> No.17547641

Yes, kleros is one of the little pieces that help turn smart contracts from a novelty into an essential financial instrument. I really do think that along with Link approving staking and Ethereum moving to 2.0 it could help kick-start the Golden Bull Run.

>> No.17547664

Please leave and go back wherever you came from faggot

>> No.17547681
File: 100 KB, 893x670, bsvkleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives mainstream companies peace of mind about technology they don't understand. Remember, the mainstream is just code for boomers. and if I know boomers, it's that all they care abut is a firm handshake. They can't shake hands with the blockchain, but they can shake hands with Raj Sharma, expert juror.

>> No.17547744

yes brother

*grasps you firmly by the forearm*

it all starts in two days. march of the 4th.

woe is thee whom'st'th dillies and dallies. for the Base of Coins shall thence etch upon their tablet of tokens the name of Pinakion. And thine pink icosahedron's willst be utilized to curate all token registries henceforth'st from the aforementioned date, that date being march of the 4th. and so shall we march forth, forward unto dawn. To the forum i say. to judgement. All shall love me and despair.

>> No.17547767
File: 59 KB, 640x360, PNK1dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17547786

Omg based wow we will make it

>> No.17548009

i would like to cordially invite you all to the tuk tuk party on august 20th. bring your own hasheesh

>> No.17548019


>> No.17548052

Checked and based

>> No.17548068
File: 66 KB, 538x376, 19217281-37A8-4FD3-A3C6-1D8447E261B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17548308
File: 233 KB, 380x285, Ve7BJTERgeWXg-YDUX9sSDWVtvoka_OsaDWdiggpjM8vlXn0Ql_xvYxfvDZq967o9mutURcEglrf1XZ8bZvdh4NRaNmOHE7Uxblw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sir is now the richest man in all of village for finding just 1 pnk. 1k EOY!!

>> No.17548344
File: 45 KB, 457x548, 22EC1560-EBC9-4E59-ACAC-781D5A712F24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if that article means anything but they literally have 5 speeches at ethcc today. DYOR.

>> No.17548356

lol a little nit-picky there but you're right

>> No.17548369
File: 114 KB, 602x800, 59CA5B2A-6406-4F3F-B3F6-BEA39982DD96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of the blue
It’s been shilled months. Had you listened you’d be up 3x right now. Ngmi

>doesn’t do any research
Yeah, you’re ngmi.

WE’RE GOING TO MAKE IT BROS. Meanwhile faggots like these guys will continue to fud nothing and will miss the 100x unironically.

>> No.17548387

Imagine the devs seeing how much we’ve associated their coin with Hindus kek

>> No.17548418

I dont understand you newfags. All you need is link and you will make it. Muh chasing the next moonshot lmao. Gonna get pumped and dumped by satsgang lmao

>> No.17548452

Fudding pnk and praising link is retarded as they both are necessary to solve the same problem. To answer your question it should be obvious, people who don’t hold link are skeptical it will go much higher

>> No.17548463
File: 474 KB, 1094x1497, 88C7881B-9A0F-4195-A5A5-450FAAEE8FB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He bought in

>> No.17548468

Transferred my eth to my ledger and it is borked so I can't buy until tomorrow morning

>> No.17548499

Ah yes, the very non artificial "newfags" who are very new and totally not paid discord shills at all.

>> No.17548569
File: 2.81 MB, 3024x3024, 9BE1E294-C7C5-4BC1-B06F-A6F10CFD289C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still hold link. You’re the newfag. If you did any research rather than be a sheep then you’d realize the sheer power and potential of pnk. But you won’t and pnk will outperform link from now into the future, guaranteed. Pnk will do a 2x in a month. Link will do a 2x in a year, and who knows it may never do a 2x again. That’s a lot of money that needs to come in. But you’re a newfag and don’t understand.

Also Kys if you actually think this is satsgang. I’m starting to think you’re just a faggot larp who already has a bag. Kleros team is in the main room at ethcc Paris with vitalik this week. I know you’re not this dumb. How big is your bag

>> No.17548606

based is that Ast?

>> No.17548639
File: 48 KB, 639x347, 1582535687558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell fatass i Will dump his shit to the ground if he doesn't lose some weight

>> No.17548717

Fucking this. The newfags don’t even understand market cap. Link will never 100x, that would be a 150 billion market cap while the team holds 60% of the supply lmao, yeah right. Meanwhile Kleros can easily 100x because this coin reaching $1 billion market cap is not an issue. If you were here last bullrun you would know that shit like Dentacoin, etc had a $1 billion market cap. Nobody even had a working product and shit was overvalued af. This time it’ll be the same thing, but even bigger valuations because there are working products and infrastructure built around crypto. So PNK $2 EOY is very realistic even likely.

>> No.17548732

I edited this screenshot. Kek.

>> No.17548738
File: 68 KB, 556x515, 1581473488591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think its William George.

>> No.17548782
File: 486 KB, 743x810, 225619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're implying it's fake, it was tweeted out by the official Twitter account. Nice fud though.

>> No.17548787

their mathematician. could be. looks like the same hair and nose to me

>> No.17548789

Looks like Ast to me. We're unironically going to make it.

>> No.17548803

what about this would be fake? its already a thing. uniswap.ninja is kleros's front end.

>> No.17548813

i thought it was Ast too but its blurry and there's a dang pinata and a tiny asian woman in the way

>> No.17548823

Checked and based. The biz shills are definitely paid. Even 2017fags can see that.
Now watch these paid shills call me pajeet and tell me I'm not going to make it.

>> No.17548858

*indian side to side head wobble that means yes in their culture*

fuckin pajeet. you're never gonna make it

>> No.17548943


>> No.17549090

truly a man for all seasons

>> No.17549118
File: 328 KB, 750x502, 5CCDACC0-0A19-4C05-96CA-3113A332C957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you edit this one too

>> No.17549147
File: 10 KB, 236x213, 0ACE4AFC-CAC5-4F4D-8F19-3AE04FF9B4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your best fud?
>paid shills
Kys they’re at ethcc in Paris this week you fucking dumbass HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep missing out faggot.

>> No.17549200

ya dawg. lola is walking around paris topless right now and you have the nerve to fud her lifes work

>> No.17549221

NO FUCKING WAY. Send pics. She’s my dream girl. Also WTF WAS THAT we mooning rn

>> No.17549239

nice. im hoarding the topless lola pics though. i'll drop them at 50 cents a PNK. screecap this

>> No.17549246

Who the fuck is Lola. The team slut?

>> No.17549252


>> No.17549292

? The whore That gets gang banged by the team or something? How the hell did that even come out and why do you have her tit pics

>> No.17549320
File: 110 KB, 577x640, DFF742DE-E01A-46E3-B3EA-0F53BD995628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saw my thick stack of PNK and the cloths started to come off

>> No.17549346


>> No.17549551

That's normal in France
I have a new fetish now I literally want to suck on those

>> No.17549575

i mean if you slap an icosahedron on something i get an erection immediately so ya...i wanna suck dem tiddies too brother.

>> No.17549668
File: 320 KB, 900x1273, LnH3Kw5Un2lAWRUr-K0ZqklRoi4+Ko2RSCoIeOUBlaGlkh3VGQ8oqTo3IzqndeZW2kComTBFF5XkK+K8JP-YiCOpmFRyZPoz9CehEQr+IBBDkyyyvzSR-tCWZ+7mB6D0rj+3xifJ9pxcODFWRWPxaQz1KW0xgtj4Lkbg+YmGfIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Velamma is a very sexy aunty.

>> No.17549702

here's another one

>> No.17549709

ugh dont get me started on indian hentai

>> No.17549731

ya that dude needs a better thumbnail. and he just describes the project and avoids specualting in any way. people want to know at least a bit about how well the project is doing. plus it helps that todays article was posted a month later and on the same day as a pump.

>> No.17549955

Slow and steady, anon.

>> No.17549971

Guise pls i got 12k pink will i make it

>> No.17550263

Incredibly bullish that we're getting to ATH levels on the ETH ratio while ETH is down from recent highs. And at much higher volume too. Get in now or stay poor.

>> No.17550727



>> No.17550765

Reeeee I'm poor with 120k

>> No.17550965
File: 28 KB, 219x230, 1581511544132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right it's William George.

>> No.17551314
File: 195 KB, 588x698, PNKvitchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik has spoken.

>> No.17551320

where can i watch the conference

>> No.17551393

AND OF COURSE WE ARE WAY UP REEEEEE am I gonna regret buying this morning? Now I can only afford 40k :(

Fucking ledger is booting slow as shit not sure why.

>> No.17552168
File: 10 KB, 236x214, GwtfOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.17552322


>> No.17552835

Source or kys

>> No.17553010
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