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File: 14 KB, 500x500, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17537299 No.17537299 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC is mooning
>nobody is talking about it
this board is dead

>> No.17537357
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>> No.17537368

>BTC is mooning
it1s fucking not newfag
you never been around to a real moon mission i can tell.
1% up is not mooning. 10% up is not mooning. 1000% up is not mooning. 10000% up is mooning.

>> No.17537377

Because it is going to 9.4 and then dumping. This shit its too easy to predict its not even funny anymore

>> No.17537428

>he thinks it isnt going 10000%

>> No.17537472

right now? are you fucking kidding me? it's $300 up

>> No.17537529
File: 137 KB, 686x526, 1580341310188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's going down after this little pump. Corona curse.

>> No.17537560

BTC isn't mooning, it's bouncing; as in what a dead cat does when you drop it from a great height

>> No.17537563

Btc is useless. Eth will flip it eventually. If you don’t believe this then you won’t make it. Plan accordingly

>> No.17537573

actually it looks more like it's getting rejected off of 8900 again

>> No.17537602

Last bounce before big crash of everyrthing you fucking blind faggots.

>> No.17537625

>Btc is useless. Eth will flip it eventually.
absolutely delusional eth is a smart contract utility platform token btc is hard money.

>> No.17537639

Last bounce before the dump to $3k

>> No.17537649
File: 86 KB, 938x1024, CMtMfo4XAAAxrfR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because this is a Bobo board and were all seething atm.

>> No.17537805

>he thinks its ever going below 6k ever again

>> No.17537824

i would say it's not going below $7k ever again

>> No.17537931

how delusional can you fucking be
BTC is never going above $10k again, $0 next stop, game over for that shitcoin, good riddance

>> No.17537962

How the fuck is vaporware flipping BTC? ETH won't even be in the top 10 in 2 years.

>> No.17537968

this post will not age well

>> No.17538004

It was expected, nigger

>> No.17538016
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>> No.17538033

>t. fiat holder

>> No.17538045
File: 289 KB, 582x925, 1581348400844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and bsv is both
neither of you will make it

>> No.17538106

piece of shit that needs to die. there, we talked enough about that for the next 3 months.

>> No.17538202
File: 77 KB, 1000x600, neverbelow10k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, it will, unlike certain other moronic posts

>> No.17538217

kek someone got rekt

>> No.17538224

only a retard with brain damage would ever hold fiat

>> No.17538236

This is just a relief rally Anon, dobt get your hopes up tooo high

>> No.17538339

bsv is just plain retarded it can do none of what eth or btc does

>> No.17538392

BTC is a dysfunctional shitcoin, so it beats that by default, since it still has tx fees on the order of fractions of a cent as was always intended, and actually scales
also, it has smart contracts, which also actually scale in contrast to the broken garbage that is ETH: https://scryptdoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
it also has oracles, so goodbye LINK, fun meme while it lasted, but like all garbage plastic toys it was always destined for the landfill

>> No.17538405

>doesn’t even understand the difference between eth and btc
>all these newfags getting excited and posting about 5 and 10% pumps that keep getting wiped out within a couple days for whatever coin they happen to be holding, after which point they go completely silent until the next time they see numbah on screen go green
This board is indeed dead

>> No.17538472

Dead cat bounce is the most cringe call in all of TA and is almost never correct

>> No.17538506

Fuck off with your obvious pump and dump Satsgang

>> No.17538615

I don't do TA, TA is for morons, it's just a convenient description of the current death throes of the garbage that is BTC

>> No.17538622
File: 267 KB, 3445x1908, 2-months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated chart

>> No.17538880

peak delusion thx for the laugh

>> No.17539584

more like peak realism

>> No.17539741

It went up a measly 4.17%.

>> No.17539783

Because nobody is falling anymore for these dead cat bounces.

>> No.17539823
File: 35 KB, 680x418, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical crypto midwit
>muh schmort condrags
>muh hoard monies

>> No.17540219

there is literally not a worse shitcoin than sv in the top 100 and it's basically all propped up by announcements of announcements and retarded memes.

>> No.17540768

>he thinks its going to finish march below 8.6k
this is the hard floor, cap this

>> No.17541126

well may or may not be i will tell you in 2 months.

>> No.17541696

>this is what crypto midwits truly believe
kek stay poor faggot

>> No.17541709

I need it to go back up to 20k to break even.

>> No.17541913

never going to happen

>> No.17541930


>> No.17541967

btc will drop only reason it went up a little is becasue of the dead cat bounce in the stockmarkets. nobody cares about crypto except a few degenerates and old whales

>> No.17542097

>crypto midwits
lmao pretty sure there are only absolute retards and hyper intelligent autists here..
and the only absolute retards are Bitcoin SV bagholders

>> No.17542165

>millions upon millions of unique btc wallets
>nobody cares about crypto except a few degenerates and old whales
Okay retard

>> No.17542329

well said

>> No.17542373

it started going up hours before markets opened.

>> No.17542673

now let's see if 21d ma rejects it... if so this will be bad

>> No.17543260

How many bitcoins do I need to make it?
It used to be one for each family member. Is that true?

>> No.17543388

2.1 per person