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File: 38 KB, 1300x650, robinhood-preview-Cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17536565 No.17536565 [Reply] [Original]

When are they going to exit scam?

>> No.17536735

>be you
>Kissless virgin simp
>Tranny girlfriend who knows nothing about stocks
>Sees market drop and tries to strongman you into selling
>You agree and go to login to Robinhood
>Server down
>As you "loose" more money, your "girlfriend" leaves you, leaving you only your favorite dildo to shove up your ass.

>Be me
>E-Trade Chad
>Buys all the stocks the simps are panic selling
>Market comes back and sell at 3 times the price I bought

>> No.17536756

You know they are federally regulated right? Dumbass

>> No.17536758


They are exit scamming currently. FUck RH.

>> No.17537114

Fucking faggots on RH. Right when btc pumps a bit their "servers are down". Nigga I wanna make a quick $200 from selling at the peak. God fuck this app

>> No.17537438



>> No.17537504

And what? They are regulated. If they can exit scam anyone can

>> No.17537532

Piss off jewbinhood it took a week for withdrawal

>> No.17537536


What about them being federally regulated prevents them from illegally running off with customers money?

>> No.17537542

they already did.

>> No.17537549

That's the whole point of being regulated you fucking dumbass. They'll get arrested and thrown in jail. That's why normies don't do crypto because of exchanges exit scamming.

>> No.17537556

E-Trade Chads unite!

>> No.17537568

That's why you go to a regulated exchange.... So they don't exit scam....

>> No.17537581
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>> No.17537593
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>Laws prevent people from doing illegal things 100% of the time

>> No.17537609
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>buying btc on RH
you honestly deserved it

>> No.17537624

The banks exit scammed in 2008

>> No.17537660


>Equating a billion dollar bailout from the government to an app company exit scamming their already poorfag user base

Room temperature IQ I'm dealing with

>> No.17537726


You tell me, Mr.Genius. According to you it's impossible for them to behave illegally because there are regulations and laws!

>> No.17537740

I didn't say that you dumb nigger lmao

>> No.17537760

Is it possible for them to exit scam? Yes. Probable? No. You fucktard.

>> No.17537789


You implied it.

Nice try.

>> No.17537799

Yea, no. Nice try trying to save face, though

>> No.17537821


Nice deflection. Stop trying to change the subject

>> No.17537844


It's ok kid. cope all you need to. Iget it

>> No.17537850

You lost this argument. How pathetic can you be attempting to make this into something about absolutes? That's leddit tier faggotry.

Just be a man and concede defeat.

>> No.17537863

By the same logic, what's stopping walmart from taking your money and then not giving you the products you bought before telling you to fuck off?

>> No.17537921

Your utter stupidity and pettiness has me at a loss. You're truly among the worst on biz.

>> No.17538060

Third party anon here to declare you lost this argument I did not participate in and wasted my time reading.

>> No.17538286

>3rd party Anon
Took you long enough to IP switch. Think we can't tell, you pathetic cunt? Fuck off to plebbit.

>> No.17538355

There is no way the entire thing just stopped working today. They shut it off to avoid paying out

>> No.17538356


Nothing. They could do that if they wanted to.


Nice projection.

>> No.17538420

Actual third party here. You're both fags but would have to agree that OP >>17537726 is actually a brainlet

>> No.17538433


I didn't lose anything. I understand life must be tough for you and you're just trying to cope so let met remind you of a few facts:

-Robinhood is capable of exit scamming.
-Robinhood's financial health is not public information and their business model is novel.
-Laws and regulations do not make it impossible for Robinhood or any other financial firms and other entities from defrauding or scamming their clients

>> No.17538496

What a fucking brainlet

>> No.17538524

Still this salty about losing the argument

>> No.17538549

>Took you long enough to IP switch. Think we can't tell, you pathetic cunt? Fuck off to plebbit.
I intentionally worded that post to be suspicious, tard. You lost the argument here: >>17537760


>> No.17538590
File: 185 KB, 680x587, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible to catch the coronavirus? Yes. Is it probable? No. Therefore it should not be of any of your concern!

>> No.17538596

All their customers leaving as they witness my fury, as well as the fact that I'd still take the stuff I bought with me

>> No.17538602


That's not an argument.

>> No.17538689
File: 17 KB, 637x358, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has to IP switch
>Attempts to rationalize his broken logic
>Still doesn't admit he's wrong when multiple people call him out on being a brainlet

Any institution can commit a crime against you. Target can steal your things. The store at the mall can deny giving you a refund.

However, there are laws Anon. And you made this thread with the assumption that they are going to exit scam like a scared little low T cretin pleb that you are.

We are telling you that since they are regulated, it is not likely that they will exit scam as there are serious repurcussions for exit scamming not to mention a potential class action lawsuit.

This isn't crypto. You sound like such a spoiled, sheltered child it's unbelievable. You see, there's something called public records, like LinkedIn, and people post their information there. So the leadership of Robin hood has all their public info there. We would immediately know who is at fault and there would be consequences for these people.

The fact that you obviously IP switched shows that you're a sad loser with no logic or facts to stand on. Sad. You could have admitted you're wrong but now I just had to BTFO your gaping asshole.


>> No.17538754

TL;DR I'm not the anon who made the argument and didn't IP switch. Fucking sperg.

>> No.17538784

They were regulated dipshit. Did it matter? Did it fuck.

>> No.17538800

>still buttmad about the IP switch
>still buttmad about losing the argument

>> No.17538810
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>> No.17538834

Who? The banks? You're equating the bank bailout to Robin hood Holy shit you're a fucking brainlet of massive proportions

>> No.17538849


>> No.17538899

>Has to re-assure himself by accusing his opponent of IP switching despite having no evidence to support his claim

Well can't say I'm too surprised there.

>> No.17538967

Youre a dumb nigger that didn't even read my response. Just do the world a favor and kys. At least get better with the IP switch

>> No.17538977

It'll be really funny when you get exit scammed on xd

>> No.17539010

It will be really funny when it doesn't happen

>> No.17539015

Robin Hood is a Ponzi scheme designed to steal money from millennials kek

>> No.17539140
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There are probably millions of people who lost money from this. I've already lost out on thousands of dollars from BAC puts plummeting below the point I wanted to sell them at earlier today. Would a class action lawsuit over this be possible? I know they probably have something in their terms of service that say they're not responsible and the service is provided at-will etc. etc., but courts have routinely found TOSs and EULAs to not be legally binding, especially when they attempt to get a client to waive litigation. If a class action lawsuit started, it might require an investigation to see whether this was really an accident or a deliberate attempt to keep people from selling, which given my suspicion that that latter is true could get them in a whole world of shit. What are some law firms that handle this sort of financial class action, and how would you go about informing them of this?

>> No.17539301
File: 12 KB, 229x221, download (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a fucking miserable cunt in real life to act this way. Jesus christ.

>> No.17539332
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>founder of Robinhood
oh nonono ahahaHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.17539374

>deliberate attempt to keep people from selling, which given my suspicion that that latter is true could get them in a whole world of shit.
Selling what? What would Robin Hood have to gain to keep people from executing their trades?

No, its very simple what happened you fucking brainlets. People pulled out of the markets, its that simple. There were mass bank transfers and RH doesnt have the money on hand to handle these transfers, so they froze the app to keep anyone else from pulling money out so they can handle the transfers that have been initiated last week.

RH acts as a pseudo bank, thats why they lend people money on margin and do instant transfers with robin hood gold. Its like any other bank run, they act as a bank and thats why they froze their app - they just cant handle all of the money being pulled out at once. I bet this "outage" lasts all week.

RH is not going to exit scam, those who say that are just ignorant idiots who have been trading crypto for too long. Exit scams dont happen in stock trading because you go to jail for that.

>> No.17539411
File: 35 KB, 551x557, 9EB13E37-B7E8-46A2-B808-A4B9F98D992D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this Robin Hood thingy and how does it work?

>> No.17539433

So you admit that, even for non-fradulent reasons, they froze their app, causing users of their service to lose money due to the misrepresentation that they could trade whenever the markets are open, producing a legitimate tort against Robinhood that could be litigated. Again, what law firms deal with this kind of case and how do you reach out to them?

>> No.17539447
File: 122 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200302-114408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this

>> No.17539452

Reach out to monteverde in nyc. They sue financial institutions all the time.

>> No.17539480

Thanks, checking out their website rn.

>> No.17539512

Even if it does, the lawsuit on that would be a massive win for victims like the CKMX tier. Instead of one scam stock, you can walk away with millions easy.

>> No.17539555

Well technically it is fraud, banks get away with it all the time, they lend money that isn't theirs. But they do it anyway. RH is doing the same thing. Idk who to contact though. I'd be interested myself since I use RH. I feared this would happen.

>> No.17539645

You’re a fucking retard dude. Do you know anything about FINRA or the SEC? Let me guess, you’re a Bernie bro.

>> No.17539722
File: 8 KB, 228x223, 27332390_10157323826453508_8149135879907131751_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a panic email from them stating that its down and their working their little butts off to fix it.
oh god...

>> No.17539753

>using a meme trading platform to save a few shekels

Cost of doing business

>> No.17539761

Look its a fucking dumb nigger that can't use his brain and common sense

>> No.17539849

t. kike

Jews crashed the world economy and cost americans 8 million jobs

>> No.17539931

Not that anon, but how do you know how small his T position is?

>> No.17539977

it doesnt work.

>> No.17540103

I think it's bull, still waiting.

>> No.17540777

Thank God I graduated from that zoomer app.

>> No.17540914


>> No.17540953
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My $60

>> No.17541094

So was Bernie Madhoff faggot

>> No.17541196

This unironically, still mad tho

>> No.17541263

So you're saying there was a run on the app?

>> No.17541293

Don't normal banks just have access to Federal reserve loans in the case that money demand exceeds supply?

>> No.17541425

>nothing. they could do that if they wanted to
ah to be 15 again..

>> No.17541561
