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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 174 KB, 900x975, o-PENIS-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17532752 No.17532752 [Reply] [Original]

Just got $400k from Army injuries, what should I do with it?

>> No.17532767

unironically buy a house and live in it

>> No.17532771

All-in Buttcoin and oil

>> No.17532794

Good advice. Never a bad investment to have a place you can sleep in, no matter what.
Then figure something out.
Or go full retard and go ALL IN Chainlink

>> No.17532797

All in link if you have balls. If you don't have balls buy 10k link and split the rest between property, gold and buttcorn

>> No.17532860

would not buy anything now, wait for the housing bubble to pop. just rent a place and invest in 100,000 XTZ that will pay your rent.

>> No.17532877

Buy 800k worth of rope at a rope sale for half off all rope and then hang yourself with it

>> No.17532893

off yourself servile goy

>> No.17532945

Get hooked on pain pills then kys like they all do lel

>> No.17532948

Buy an ancient Roman miniature gold phallic symb... oh, you already have one. nvm

>> No.17532953
File: 84 KB, 422x619, luke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just brought 150k of bitcoin and 2X a long... Will see how that goes, also got 50K of ENG

>> No.17532964

Gonna get a cheap house when the housing bubble pops.

>> No.17532974

You absolute fucking retard

>> No.17532980

All the chargers and strippers and monster you can get your hands on

But seriously, probably buy a cheap house with spare rooms to rent and invest the rest in a 80/10/10 SPY/gold/crypto split

>> No.17532993
File: 384 KB, 962x1349, 1581615890817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah buy a house at the top of the housing bubble, great advice.

>> No.17532999


>> No.17533010
File: 673 KB, 777x777, 1582840090494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go all in LINK dumbass

>> No.17533018


>> No.17533046


>> No.17533060


>> No.17533070

spend it all on opioids and necc yourself because muh ptsd

>> No.17533104

What was your injury?

>> No.17533127


House at Corona peak. You are lucky bastard.

>> No.17533157
File: 64 KB, 630x864, 79004396_3078249762189718_5618807483712667648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental health, facial reco, shoulder, elbo, hand, lungs, back, knees, hips and one ancle. Pretty fucked. I'm an Aussie as well

>> No.17533180

>shoulder, elbo, hand, lungs, back, knees, hips and one ancle
... knees and toes, knees and toes.

>> No.17533188

Hahaha it would be funny if I wasnt always in pain an could hold down a job or relationship

>> No.17533191

>Yeah buy a house at the top of the housing bubble, great advice.
try survive the greatest depression without your own home

>> No.17533197


>> No.17533211

DO NOT BUY THE CRYPTO SHIT with more than $50k of it, preferably putting it in a fund.
you will not get another sum if you gamble it in crypto.
my idea is rent until the housing bubble collapse and sit in cash/gold/bitcoin until the stock market collapse.

>> No.17533215

It is going to be bad :(

>> No.17533221

But your pic has a wedding ring on the finger anon. Don't tell me you used a stock image

>> No.17533231

>Buying a house at the top of the housing bubble
Ishiggy diggy. In all seriousness, please don't. Just rent and invest for now.

>> No.17533248

Yeah stock image lol

>> No.17533292

Oil has isnt an investment since the US is a net exporter.

>> No.17533415

there will be no depression, they will use blockchain to mitigate it and IMF coin to pay off world debt.

>> No.17534433

Buy Tether, stake it on crypto.com for 12% per year, order an MCO card, and never work again.

>> No.17534451

Buy 2 houses at a low cost and do them up, rent them out and profit.

>> No.17535083

>not completely retarded
never gonna make it.

>> No.17535264

Make a mold of your penis and then cast hundreds of life-size yourpenis in copper. Trade all of those for a human sized penis, and have surgery to replace your existing bite-sized penis.

>> No.17535288

*I meant bat-sized, not bite sized. I'm not one of them gays.

>> No.17535313


>> No.17535356

>-bite sized penis lover

>> No.17535399

400k for that shit? Lel I would rather just stay poorfag as I am and keep my body intact

>> No.17535425

>there will be no depression, they will use blockchain to mitigate it and IMF coin to pay off world debt.
it's a fucking centralised ass world and everyone wants to keep it that way, in fact they're actively trying to vote for people who make shit more centralised
>muh decentralisation

>> No.17536530

Buy as many properties as you can then rent them out to get phat passive income.

Advanced strategy is to leverage loans to get more property and using rent to pay interest + installments.

Can't go wrong being a landlord, better if you convert to judaism.

>> No.17536648

If you put just half of it into meme ETFs like MORL CEFL OXLC etc. that pay 20% dividends you can get yourself a $40k per year income without having to wageslave.

>> No.17536732

If you can secure shelter without a mortgage or rent, you've unironically made it.