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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17531832 No.17531832 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17531840
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>> No.17532463

ETH is killing all the ETH killers kek, should be ATH later this year

>> No.17532514

>lose $50 on $125 investment
>decide to stake
>my retard ass doesn't know you need a god damn fucking huge ass web server to stake
>can't unstake because not enough unstaked FTM
>have to buy more and convert to opera chain
>finally unstake
>have to wait a week
That's it i'm fucking done with crypto. I'm gonna sell FTM as soon as possible, cover my losses with my LINK profits, and fuck outta here until I actually have more than $2000 to my name.

>> No.17532547

>you need a god damn fucking huge ass web server to stake
what are you on about?

>> No.17532584

dude it literally says on the website a 800GB AWS model whateverthefuck is recomended
and of course the wallet had to auto install to C: which has 3GB

>> No.17532603

Yeah, if you run a node you retard
You can stake your shitcoins anyway though.
How retarded are you?

>> No.17532613

you mean to tell me it won't over time download the blockchain and fill up my hard drive to the point where it has 0 bytes left and my computer won't boot?

>> No.17532655

Dude you just simply borrow someone with big amount of ftm your shitcoins via website and get rewards over time nothing more to do

>> No.17532660

What the fuck are you talking about?
This is bait.
How many FTM do you own?

>> No.17532669


>> No.17532680

You are not only retarded, but a poorfag as well. Congrats.
Look up "Medium staking fantom Delegation"

>> No.17532712

ok i will, but i'm still not gonna stake with only 3GB free space

>> No.17532720

KEK stop i am laughing at work too much

>> No.17532851

Wtf am I reading...

You dont even understand the staking.

>> No.17532876

This has been the worst and also the most effective fud and price manipulation plan I've seen. The fud is low tier but it has worked like a charm. Well done..but the moon is coming back.hard very soon.

>> No.17532905

>This has been the worst and also the most effective fud and price manipulation plan I've seen
That's wrong. It literally is just a fucking shitcoin. That's all there is to it. And people smart enough just sold. Easy as that. That's like saying "Deepbrainchain is manipulated and fudded and will come back soon"
No it is not! It just is a shitcoin.
Not every dump is Manipulation you retard. FTM is what? Somewhere around Position 300 on CMC?
Literally a shitcoin you retarded bagholder

>> No.17532924

You....seem....angry. The anger only a scammer would feel. Lol

>> No.17532973

you're right, i don't understand staking. Someone in the fantom.global telegram explained it to me so i'm gonna delegate again when i get my coins back next week. Would be nice of the wallet to tell me that I was staking as a delegator and not a validator.

>> No.17533923

This thread lmao
>OP concerned about his PC specs and hard drive space
>doesn't realize you need 3.175 million tokens to run a node anyway
>doesn't realize you can stake

Seriously, this has to be a troll. You can't have figured out how to convert to opera chain and stake if you couldn't even figure the rest of this out

>> No.17533959


>> No.17534360

On the telegram they are talking about reporting binance accounts selling ftm. In biz they are reporting people calling biz a scan. The most desperate crypto community I've ever seen. Cant wait till it goes to 20 sats before token dump

>> No.17534399
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> 75 sats

>> No.17534457

>On the telegram they are talking about reporting binance accounts selling ftm.
Lmfao what

>> No.17534587

Yep. All the dumping has made them beyond retarded. They are going to get their coin delisted

>> No.17534639

Just went down to 71 sats, another 6% down.
FTM is officially the worst performing crypto on Binance. Good job for finding thos gem.

>> No.17534716
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Yeah and ftm telegram is literally Delhi online pajeets tears are best Im there just for show

>> No.17534760

That's so fucking funny man ahahaha

>> No.17535812
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who else had massive inflation and dumped to 1 sat?


>> No.17535983

I’m thinking of buying this shitcoin for the first time. I bought link when stinkys were in despair for a free 10x. Impatient retards who doomed in on binance listing in a bear market deserve to lose their money.

>> No.17536499

bosch is dumping his ftm. 17 million of it, slowly. the game is up and that whore knows it.

diehard ftm top 10 whale DUMPING. he knows. its over you fucking retards

expect to see the other 14 million moving to the dump in coming weeks.

>> No.17537381

you've been saying this for weeks you retarded cumstain

>> No.17537543

Hi Bosch, how are you?

>> No.17538216

So what?