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File: 43 KB, 1520x710, Linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17524662 No.17524662 [Reply] [Original]

Another sunday, another payment of Link to my wallet. Completely passive income, just for holding LP shares.
Check out Linkpool, if you want to learn how to gain passive income from your Link (and ETH staking coming as well):

>> No.17524676

wen stek

>> No.17524685
File: 9 KB, 1476x96, LP dividend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time I got 16.35 Link, equal to $64, not bad.
And this is just coming from the one node that Linkpool is running.
Imagine the income from hundreds of nodes with tens of millions of staked Link on Linkpool.

>> No.17524720
File: 11 KB, 1224x284, LP holders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, its really nice to see that both the amount of LP share holders and the distributed Link go up with each payout.
You can still be in the first 1000 to have ever joined Linkpool.

>> No.17524724

How much shares you have? At what price?

>> No.17524727

How many shares do you have?

>> No.17524771

Its dangerous to give information on how much you own, just makes you a target.
I have a decent stack. Got into the ICO back then. Bi-weekly payouts have been increasing ever since.

>> No.17524853

That's gotta be like 35LP shares. Or exactly 1 LARP

>> No.17524876

At least gimme a ballpark nigger, I just wanna know how much per 1 link payout and how much LP price has increased or decreased.

>> No.17524976

Right now 1 LP share returns about 1 Link per month.
Again, this is all coming just from one node that Linkpool is running which gets paid directly from the Chainlink team.

Don't look at the LP price, look at the market cap. Of course the nominal price is high as there are only 1000 shares in circulation.
The total market cap of Linkpool is only about 0.7% of Chainlink's total market cap.
Is that too high or low too? Well we can find arguments both ways.
But saying 1 share costs X USD and is therefore too expensive is stupid. Thats like saying XRP is cheap and Bitcoin is expensive.

>> No.17525005

2LP minimum, or 50+ ETH, or 10k+USD to get close to 1LINK each payout. The fact that >>17524720
Didn't specify that the last payout was for three weeks instead of two makes me think he's dumb or shilling to lure people, stay away.

>> No.17525075

In other words hes bought like 100k worth of this shit and gets back 50 bucks a month lol

>> No.17525141
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 1582670929663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this dude >>17524685 bought around 32LP ie 3% of the market cap of this crap? For 16 linkies every 3 weeks?
Lol, they don't even have a good node running incentive. It basically boils down to "trust me im from the Chainlink team I will keep running nodes for your payout for free".

>> No.17525144

>one node running
>no staking
>a couple of paying job

cant see beyond the end of your nose, can you fren

>> No.17525156

H-H-How much LINK do you estimate to generate with 1LP and 10k LINK staked?

>> No.17525159

>trust me
literally trustless
and staked linkies guaranteed

>> No.17525273

If he had the disposable ETH at the beginning, he didn't pay that much, and LP increase in price is somewhat proportional to link's, he might break even this year, not counting for the fact he could have sold part of his shares at a huge markup. I'm neutral in this, just trying to understand how this could play out.

>> No.17525312

I already have 1 LP when the fuck is staking?

>> No.17525366

When Sergey gets his shit together. We need node collateralization before staking is possible.

>> No.17525686

Why bother making these posts then?

>> No.17525773

Wen steaking? How much link for $1k/wk income?

>> No.17525810

Linkpool is overpriced.

>> No.17525819

Roughly $1000 every 2 weeks and that's with link still at $3.80

>> No.17525911

That would be fucking wild
1LP here just for keks

>> No.17525989

What is node collateralization anon?

>> No.17526014
File: 45 KB, 1520x710, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17526062

If they sold all the shares to retards, why would they have to run more nodea? To pay out more links? You got memed

>> No.17526090

You pulled that number out of your ass

>> No.17526094

Americans still seething hard because they couldn't buy at ICO as their jewish overlord told them not to TOP KEK. My 500 Euros investment is now worth $20K.

>> No.17526180

The idea of Chainlink is to feed real world data to smart contracts and get paid for doing so. But if there is no penalty for feeding bad data everyone would just spam the network and try to get some of the rewards.
In the future nodes are supposed to lock up Link token as collateral which the node could lose if it were to send wrong data (wrong = against consensus). We don't have that yet and there are only like two dozen nodes up and those are without collateral, without a way to punish bad behaviour.

>> No.17526353

I bought in with my expired italian passport. Dual citizenship ftw

>> No.17526450

At ICO ETH was $1000.
1ETH = 1Linkpool .io
I had a choice of Linkpool or XCM.
I have a significant stack in LINK and didn’t want additional exposure, I listened to ASsBlaster and was wrong...big time. My XCM is worth $200 today.

>> No.17526923
File: 178 KB, 782x750, 7A7EA003-7FCD-4845-B9A9-C82020F5DB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I just spent an hour trying to stake my Linkies. Shit was so slow I gave up.

NuLink’s nodes will be fire

>> No.17527220

You know whats missing? A NuLinkpool with NuLinkpoolshares!
Same crowdsale and all, but this time with more shares so the unit bias won't stop people from buying. Brilliant.

>> No.17527554

Fuck off rajesh

>> No.17527647

How does LinkPool makes money, to distribute Link?

>> No.17527810

You lend your Link token to Linkpool in a trustless way, they never leave your wallet. Linkpool runs nodes using your Link as collateral.
They take 25% of all earnings and give you 75% for lending your Link. The 25% cut gets distributed among all LP shareholders.

>> No.17527864

Seems incredibly overpriced compared to just buying LINK

>> No.17527869

But how are nodes earning money as of now

>> No.17527898

Sergey pays them from his pocket. Unironically.

Link seems overpriced right now. $4 billion total market cap for what exactly? A handful of nodes getting paid by the dev team.
LP is cheap compared to Link, but ofc a brainlet like you just looks at nominal prices.

>> No.17529193
File: 12 KB, 200x211, 200px-Hexagons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If OP was making great returns, he wouldn't be advertising this like he is now since people joining the same pool share will only dilute his earnings. The only reason he's posting this thread is because he has a large LinkPool stack from the early days (ICO) and wants you guys to buy some of his shares in the order book, which has very low volume. Good luck trying to sell a good amount of LP tokens.

I'm sure OP has at least 30LP+ tokens ($180,000) right now and is only making $100 a month from Linkpool, which is laughable with the amount of money he has tied in LP tokens. If he had all that in ETH, he could be making an easy $2k+ a month using other DeFi protocols.

I tried linkpool for a good 4 months and the returns were laughable. To buy 0.04 LP token right now, which is the minimum you have to purchase, will cost you around 1.12 ETH ($245). You'll literally need to wait months to earn 1 LINK token with 0.04 of a LP token.

>> No.17529241

How do you make $2k/month off of 200k usd in defi protocols. Nigger what

>> No.17529283

I tried it but it couldn't connect to my coinspot wallet. halp pls