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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 250x250, nuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17523881 No.17523881 [Reply] [Original]

Can you imagine buying regular LINK at ICO? You buy at 10 cents, you hold for years as /biz/ and reddit FUDs the token to the ground. You watch it rise to $1 and then crash back to 20 cents. And then after all those years of holding, mainnet finally releases and you make some profit. Nothing crazy, just a small 40x, but a profit nonethless. You feel exhausted after nearly 3 years of stressful and expensive holding, but you feel proud. And then some newfags from /biz/ appear out of nowhere and they fork chainlink. And they give themselves millions for free. Just like that. And due to the miniscule market cap, they are basically guaranteed to make way more money than you. With exactly zero effort. And since their fork doesn't require any KYC to host a node, it will almost certainly get way more node operators and a way higher network than chainlink, basically making chainlink completely useless.
Life sure does suck sometimes, doesn't it?

>> No.17523985

Do not reply to this obviously lame scam shill effort

>> No.17523998

You just did. Stay poor and salty.

>> No.17524027


>> No.17524035

kek. no u

>> No.17524044

fucking lame coin lmao, check OGN that's the real deal atm, huge profit this week already

>> No.17524065

Fuck off pajeet. This is a white man's thread.

>> No.17524100

You are the most pathetic person on biz with this low effort OGN shit. It’s actually acts as fud

>> No.17524139
File: 47 KB, 1280x853, mandalf_ogn_train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sad for you my friend, you're too blind to see the power of OGN ... cya at 1$ tho

>> No.17524144

I like your line, redpill me on this shit...wasnt there supposed to be a white paper or something?

>> No.17524151


>> No.17524181


>> No.17524198

I'll read it

>> No.17524221


>> No.17524224

one more question for anyone who knows, how much was air dropped and in what amounts?

>> No.17524258

Something like 500 million in 2 mil amounts. Still very cheap now to get the same amount of nulink as the OG airdrop guys did.

>> No.17524274

>And since their fork doesn't require any KYC to host a node
Try running one right now

>> No.17524295

nice is it NLINK or NuLINK

>> No.17524306

I got my nulinkies on metamask, anyone knows how I can see them there?

>> No.17524348

Also the creator wont get thrown in jail like sergey because he didnt ico but airdropped. based and high-level.

>> No.17524355

yes fren. make sure to find the nuLink token address and then add it as a custom token

>> No.17524356

>everything has to be RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Shit takes time. Chainlink took 2 years to launch mainnet, NuLINK is just a week old.

>> No.17524362

Really tho whats with the twitter name? SmartContractP? Lame. Wtf is the P for?

>> No.17524363

You're literally going to get arrested for this kek

>> No.17524371

done, thanks fren

>> No.17524372

No ico dumbass, sergey and oldlinkers have more chance of going to jail

>> No.17524383

You're the same trannie posting in every thread. Nobody cares and nobody's getting arrested, shit was free. If anyone's getting arrested it's oldSergey with his ICO Cayman Islands scam and 65% supply held by him.

>> No.17524415

man once people realize that this is actually legit and not jusr a biz scam, the FOMO will be insane

>> No.17524422

poopoo peepee

>> No.17524431

You literally believe this dont you?

>> No.17524513

the SEC have laid out guidelines determining that there has to be evidence of a sincere and consistent effort to build a product, and that inducing people to buy a cyrpto project is illegal even if the project is legitimate.
The day you zoomers get a knock on the door is going to be a day of many keks.

>> No.17524577
File: 76 KB, 1152x648, ahemfuckjannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying too fucking hard
fake and gay

>> No.17524594

i can tell you're a paid shill but ogn made me so much money I owe you pajeet shills a gold chain

>> No.17524621
File: 288 KB, 1024x966, 1570272466611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's NuLink

>> No.17524622

That guideline is based off of a product that has investors from a crowdsourced fundraiser.

Anything else you want to try?

>> No.17524672
File: 142 KB, 1242x1186, 1573602388996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing crazy, just a small 40x

>> No.17524680

can you show me the NuLink github, please?

>> No.17524690


>> No.17524731

jesus fucking christ lmao

>> No.17524741

>literally nothing to say
enjoy poverty

>> No.17524765

There's something to be said philosophically about this nonsense scam and how it highlights the nonsensical nature of crypto forks and scams in general. I can pay that.

>> No.17524770
File: 61 KB, 329x329, 20200301_181703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inducing people to buy a cyrpto project is illegal

>> No.17524892

You don't get it do you.

You are being pushed in to irrelevancy by something so big it can only be called NuLink

>> No.17524954

induce me daddy

>> No.17524962

Stop trying to scam fellow /biz/ anons
Nulink is worthless garbage just like Brapper was. It's absolutely a scam and the only people promoting it are the guy that made Nulink (probably took him a whole 1 hour) and the hundred or so people that got free airdrops

Its only purpose is to scam newbies/low-intellect anons that will throw $100 at it thinking "meh why not, I'd be pissed if this ever gets any traction and I hold none"
You will never hear about Nulink outside of 4chan /biz/ again because its only purpose is to scam strangers on an anonymous board

To anyone reading that's new here, remember this; the people here don't know you and aren't your friends. Unironically don't let the cute frogs fool you, the people shilling this scam would never dare to shill it to their parents or real-life friends because they know very well what it is; a quick pump and dump scam

1- Anon X creates nulink by copypasting code (anyone can create a cryptocurrency, even you)
2- Anon X starts airdrop threads, basically giving away nulinks for free
3- Anon X and airdrop anons create shill threads on /biz/, at an attempt to lure lurkers/gamblers/low-intellect people to throw real money at it
4-few days/weeks goes by, anon X sells his stack, making him a few thousands
5-nulink crashes and is forgotten just like the Brapper coin that was created and shilled here last year

>> No.17525101

nice fud pasta, mind if I save it?

>> No.17525536
File: 140 KB, 1053x449, 20200229_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is trying to hide anything here or scam people. We plan on improving on what chainlink started. I mean, can you say without a shadow of a doubt that chainlink is the end all perfection of smart contract oracles? I cant say that we will be perfect or succeed, but I can say we will put forth our best effort. And if you can't appreciate that, well you should do some personal reflection on yourself.

>> No.17525607

where is this guy? i dont see him in the discord

>> No.17526182

??? literally search for posts by sky

>> No.17526266
File: 61 KB, 956x524, 1583067056615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not trying to scam people