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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17520896 No.17520896 [Reply] [Original]

I just sold for a 50% loss
Sometimes you have to Accept your losses.
And this coin will literally be forgotten soon

>> No.17520963

I don't have the courage to sell so I'm gonna keep holding and expecting it to 5x 6 months after

>> No.17520975
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Get into pnk unironically.

>> No.17521010

Me too and I sold chainlink when it was $0.20 cents, but I have a feeling this time its different.

>> No.17521065

The tech of this coin seems better than almost any other, or am I crazy?

The github is impressive. The devs are solid (can't understand the FUD that they "don't exist").

My guess is that the original team over-hyped stuff which is what caused the FUD to have effect. But the current team is massively delivering.

>> No.17521090

Anything that is competing directly with eth is a shitcoin and will go to 0 eventually. It’s FTM’s time now.

>> No.17521146

I admit I don't understand the price action for FTM, is there any other permissionless aBFT consensus out there?

>> No.17521160

honestly this market doesn't make sense. I really truly believe because unlike any other "SCAM," there's nobody there to pump the price. See BSV -- LARGELY regarded as a scam, yet top 10 coin.

Overall, I still believe in the tech, but I think this is gonna be a long hold. Probably a huge dump after staking rewards unlocked, then the real fun begins.

>> No.17521177

I feel like the staking rewards dump concern is way overblown but we'll see if I'm wrong

>> No.17521226

Going to 20 sats is overblown?

>> No.17521286

When will the staking rewards be dumped on the market? It's getting real cheap, that plus the staking rewards and probably a red market because of the virus, FTM might actually be a good but around a 4m market cap. Imagine if it delivers.

>> No.17521311

>Stating a guess as fact
Go ahead and short it on leverage then, I'm not stopping you

>> No.17521346

But anything "competes with ETH." It's like saying Mac OS competes with Windows so it sucks because it has far less market share.

FTM is focusing a lot on DeFi, and users of DeFi will go where the highest returns are. So if dApps built on FTM give those returns, FTM will be used.

The other thing is that it has a version without smart contracts that's already fast as fuck and can handle stuff like CSDTs for banks, etc. So that part isn't even a competitor to ETH, it's more like an alternative version of it that works faster and simpler for those use cases.

>> No.17521392

I think the issue is that there are old blog posts shilling "partnerships" from the time before the team got mostly replaced and the project became more professional. So people bring that old stuff up to FUD it.

>> No.17521790
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>muh tech solid
>muh market makes no sense



>> No.17522215

>My guess is that the original team over-hyped stuff which is what caused the FUD to have effect. But the current team is massively delivering.
Last year, nobody cared about the change of the team when it pumped to 445 sat despite there was no mainet. It's just some stupid FUD.

Which partnerships?

>> No.17522257

All the “didn’t read never selling” from FTM’ers oh god hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


>> No.17522288
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>> No.17522309

honestly though... how high can this even go in 1yr

>> No.17522382

It will never be over 100 sats again

>> No.17522394

No idea, didn't care about the project back then since the shilling seemed dumb. This is one of those projects where if the tech delivers, it will get usage because of DeFi (which is probably why they pivoted towards that).

>> No.17522480
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ftm is literal dagshit
what do you do when the most bullish person on fantom decides to withdraw from staking early. forfeiting their staked dagshit becuase they know this shit will go to zero. that person is bosch, who from all his wallets is #8 on richlist, or would be. he is dumping now. sending weird small amounts in between big chunks to throw you of the scent. sending to binance to sell. he's shitting dagshit on your head ftm hodlers. he will crash through the small buy walls as a parting present to rek you. its what bosch does. enjoy the death throes anon. you have been warned. dump before bosch

>> No.17522587

All the technical mumbo jumbo talk aside, FTM is just another dPoS chain of which there are dozens.
The others have the advantage of not releasing a third of the total supply on the same day.

>> No.17522712

It's not even dPoS. Its leaderless PoS

>> No.17522745

Those are ERC20 and were never staked. Nice fud though

>> No.17522756

the transaction you sent is for FTM that has never been staking retard. 'withdrew from staking early' is total bullshit

>> No.17522757
File: 454 KB, 1086x673, CUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure, see pic related.
There are a bunch of validators and you choose one of them to delegate your coins to. Literally dPoS.
Half of the validators are the FTM team who could easily collide, so much for decentralization.

>> No.17522784

10% you mean.. and 1) most will be earned by validators and restaked 2) a lot will be gradually released via minting of fUSD via DeFi stack.

brainlet confirmed

>> No.17522905

This is what the StairDAG paper says: "Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus protocols are introduced, such as Lisk, EOS [29], Steem [30], BitShares [31] and Ark [32]. In DPoS, users can vote to select witnesses, who have the right to create blocks, validate transactions, and earn rewards".

In Fantom there are no delegates that users can vote for, Fantom uses leaderless PoS consensus. In Fantom both user nodes (low stake) and validators (high stake) can create and validate event blocks. So, no centralized witness node in Fantom.

>> No.17522950

This is why I literally can’t sell FTM. I sold an ICO LINK six figure link stack last February. At the time I sold EVERYONE was saying LINK is dead, it’s a scam, every thread was shitposting, the only believers were legit schizos. Now of course every LINKie will tell you they always knew etc etc
Anyways point is I bought FTM and now I can’t sell it because I can’t go through that again.

>> No.17523462

>its what bosch does.
He wasn’t entirely responsible for that qnt dip last summer, there were other factors too. Can’t believe I’m defending that tranny faggot, but yeah, it wasn’t all his fault

>> No.17523551
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I think I'm going to sell too, I saw their roadmap and there is nothing interesting for this year.
Since the Korean team left this project is no longer useful

>> No.17523675


This FUD is laughable for those in the know. The new European/Russian dev team is kicking ass. The Korean team was close to useless, the only useful ones are the researchers at Yonsei University helping with the VM.

>> No.17523744

This is why I won't sell either. It's not quite the unfuddable level of LINK, but it's far from shit. Once they have the stable coins working they'll probably move forward with FantomPay. By that time the CSDT stuff will be in use too and the DeFi modules will have been rolled out.

>> No.17523784

This time it is different
There are no schizos who can bring up a reason to why you should keep on holding this shit. No memes. Nothing.
Also LINK never was that low on Coinmarketcap neither. LINK does not have those retarded tokenomics. LINK solves a real problem and is unique in the space. LINK has partnerships, more than you can count.
And now you have FTM
Honestly, just move on.
You will miss out on so much great pumps, while you keep holding this dead shitcoin.

>> No.17523810

>Once they have the stable coins working

>> No.17523831

>By that time the CSDT stuff will be in use too and the DeFi modules will have been rolled out.
Seriously delusional
If ever, this will take years.
But to be realistic: it will never happen. And even if it does, nobody cares

>> No.17523862

??? Stablecoins are building on top of what they already have, they're a new feature, did you even read the roadmap?

>> No.17523882

Whatever, you don't know anything about the project. Building DeFi modules is easy compared to designing and implementing your own consensus from scratch which is what they've already done.

>> No.17523911

> retarded tokenomics


Now try and tell everyone the team hasn't thought this through.

>> No.17523967

Explain why it is dumping all the way down then?
Yeah right, because the market does not care about it

>> No.17523993

Explain why LINK dumped from 0.40 to under 0.20 in 2017.

>> No.17524098

We were in a bear market back then.
And LINK never was lower than at the ICO, which this shitcoin clearly is
Seriously, just fucking sell already.
There is no point in holding this anymore.
Buy back in LINK and move on
This shot will go even lower

>> No.17524164

>bear market

Top kek

>> No.17524189

Are you retarded?
Look at 2018

But whatever: Sell FTM and move on

>> No.17524193

And here you sit wondering why it’s tanking to shit. It all makes sense now. Newfags won’t learn

>> No.17524296

No, I am not retarded but I wonder if you were in crypto in 2017 and if you looked at LINK chart.
LINK was 0.40 in october and dumped to 0.15 until december. The pump after was not even due to LINK, literally every single shitcoin pumped like crazy after.

>> No.17524394

Don't fall for the fud. Just stake and wait. You sell now you will have a bad time.

>> No.17524860

Paid shill

Explain why you sold LINK after all? I don't get it to be honest.

>> No.17525062

>paid shill
>8 posts
I'm not a paid shill...I just genuinely believe in this project and team since I see good work coming out of the team.

>> No.17526263

Literally who?
They don't even have LINK staking.
No way that those people have at least half a brain

>> No.17526292

Linkfags are the fucking worst thing to happen to crypto. Worse than BSVtards. Worse than ftmfags. I hope each and every single one of you lose your private keys and are forced to wagecuck until the end of time.

>> No.17526495
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>sell botton ftm
>buy top pnk
never change /biz/

>> No.17526576

I think that's understandable, but I also think a lot of this could be solved by just asking in the telegram because most of the FUD has been disproven but still gets posted. Schizo has transformed into a frogposter so that explains a LOT.

Overall, all of the FUD seems to deal with shit from ~2 years ago. Nobody can come up with any real major problems with the product today, but that won't stop people from MUH ORIGINAL CHINK TEAM EXIT SCAMMED SORRY BOYOS AND ANDRE MOVED ON

>> No.17526604

I do too. Really, all that needs to happen is the price needs to pump past where it was when staking was released, and I think we will be fine. The whole point of early high rewards is to encourage a base level of network security. Less people stake means higher rewards. So, if everyone decides to dump their base rewards, then the reward level goes back up but you aren't held on to a minimum stake period.

Shills will act like this is a revolutionary concept though and a scam even though this is literally every fucking defi model right now. Would be surprised if ETH 2.0 didn't follow something similar.

>> No.17526712

I would say this was a stupid thing to do but we all know the OP didn't actually sell. And IF they did then I'm sure they can post their sells, right?