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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17517141 No.17517141 [Reply] [Original]

Can't you just enjoy the little things in life? Money will not make you happier

>> No.17517159

Looking at the catalog it's apparent that you are looking to lure men into sexual depravity. I have seen your posts on /adv/ and have seen others pointing out similar behaviors during the past. I understand you have the freedom to post here but this is unacceptable and disguised as business talk. Unless it is 4 chan or it's own/bots posting such things to continue discussion. If that is the case you are turding up your own board. Good day.

>> No.17517191

we have this shitty thread everyday
fuck off and saged of course

>> No.17517211

Freedom, mostly. I don't want to rely on family or be tied to a job just to sustain myself.
>inb4 but anon, you don't have to be rich to do that
Yeah but I also wan't to sway politics in my favor if I ever get super rich. Extremely unlikely but you got to shoot your shot.

>> No.17517228

> her

>> No.17517240
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>> No.17517276


>> No.17517303
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So I don't have to work every day like a retard anymore.

>> No.17517310

So i can have this in my room whenever I please and tip her 5 ARPA on the way out.

>> No.17517350

>Little things
>Biggest ass I've ever seen

>> No.17517379

That's the whole point, you don't need money to enjoy that ass

>> No.17517383

You might be right butt

>> No.17517416

holy shit i can't believe im agreeing with a tripfag...

but yeah, i basically just want enough money so that i don't have to worry about money anymore, all of my bills are paid for the rest of my life. luckily, like OP said im also a simple man and enjoy the little things in life and try to keep my costs fairly minimal already. the nice thing about this is that "rich" becomes a lot cheaper in this scenario. in a sense, you can do both, enjoy the simple things and strive to be rich. just means that rich is like $1 million or even $500k instead of $100 million or some crazy shit.

>> No.17517429

Fair enough. I'm talking about people who always want more money.

>> No.17517433

How much $ to never work again?

Like passive income, dividends or something like that?

>> No.17517441

*to enjoy a pic of that ass.
To enjoy that ass irl you need money

>> No.17517451

I don't know, depends where you live, for me it would be something like several million with passive income.

>> No.17517458

>To enjoy that ass irl you need money
You don't need to be a millionaire to be attractive

>> No.17517462

I want to get rich so I can buy a nice house near the woods. Go running and swimming every morning, play vidya for the rest of the day. Learn to play some musical instruments. Going out for dinner every day. All without ever having to work a single day ever again.

This is my dream.

>> No.17517536

Eastern Europe, 1000 Euro average wage

>> No.17517548
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>> No.17517597

Working for money is emotionally draining. Having money work for you is liberating. Having money is having freedom and freedom makes you happy. Stop being a poor fag who has to convince themselves everyday that they are truly content. It gets exhausting.

>> No.17517677

No you don't incel. Normal people have sex without paying.

>> No.17517722


>> No.17517735

Yea, but it's europe. I'll probably end up there.

>> No.17517815

ah, okay then that makes sense. the goal is and continues to be having enough money to quit my day job and having the ability to do whatever i want with my free time (within reason, obviously). i could finally be a musician because i'd have the time for it, i could go to the gym regularly because i'd have the energy to do it (not drained by my full time job and 2-3 hours of commute time every day), i could get more into home improvement and carpentry/plumbing/electrical/etc because i'd actually have the time and energy to do it. i could just get fucking stoned and play video games all day, if i wanted. go to a tekken tournament, not to make money but to be able to play against other skilled players and maybe make some friends. because i'd have the time and energy to do it. that's all i want. and thankfully, the stock market exists so im getting closer to that goal every day i trade.

from my calculations i could probably do it with around $1 million lump sum. could probably do it with as little as $500k if i were willing to live even more minimally. the answer to that question for you personally is, how much does it cost for you to live every year? you have to calculate all of your expenses paid, consider how you're paying for medical expenses (especially as you get older), and then multiply that by however many years you expect to live, like 50 more years or something. obviously the more money you can stockpile, the longer you can live off of it and potentially the more luxurious a life you can live.

i figure if i move to some cheap place like Maine or Alaska or the midwest, get an Earthship or the equivalent i build with illegal immigrant labor, have a lump sum with which to pay for internet, and i'd be pretty much good to go. think of the minimal things you need besides the basic necessities to be happy, for me it's my computer/internet and guitar and weed (which i can grow so that's free) that's pretty much it.

>> No.17517899

It's not about consoomerism, it's about financial independence

>> No.17517926

So i don't end up like my parents, unhappy and broke

>> No.17518110


>> No.17518606

my wizardry is immune to your butthole