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File: 84 KB, 1080x1350, 77253063b1304e8c971e0534ddbcea09_1080x1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17516502 No.17516502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people spend money humoring women when you can just masturbate to their pictures and they no longer have power over you?

How do people with no hobbies, friends, family, ambition, desire, passion work in a normal job when you have nothing else to look forward to in life?

>> No.17516507

>masturbate to their pictures
>they no longer have power over you
pick one you disgusting incel

>> No.17516511
File: 239 KB, 1080x1349, 67501565_2438037709613901_5130911979496093385_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you are done ejaculating, you don't feel like going out with them anymore.

>> No.17516519


>> No.17516528

book an appointment with your doctor and get your fag levels tested.

>> No.17516533
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Cope, the post kek

>> No.17516539
File: 126 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_p5cu85dewh1writjco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fag for masturbating to pictures of WOMEN?
Once you are done ejaculating , you have no desire for women and don't have to spend money on dates or gifts

>> No.17516546
File: 434 KB, 499x506, 1582581063780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.99% of women are incredibly stupid and banal. learn to be picky, keep trying until you find one you actually like more than just for the feel of her pussy hole around your tiny insignificant bizraeli cock

>> No.17516547

most normals don't have the imagination necessary to feel as good with masturbation
normals need structure from external sources and regular jobs give them just that

>> No.17516571

Money is power, and we spend money on women to make them feel wanted, just like how I will send a few ARPA to my Japanese waifu colony to please them just enough to do my bidding before moving onto the next colony in 2025.

You can own a chunk of the world with ARPA in the future. Don't let go. Passion lies with ability to do as you please.

>> No.17516583

it's different when you fuck a woman you have a bond with

>> No.17516622

You don't have a bond with women, you have an attachment. Women can not grow close to a man as they are soulless creatures, they only operate on pure in-the-moment basic desire. They will fuck a guy with more money without a second thought as to how you feel about it.

>> No.17516641

This pic was posted and something of similar nature was posted in /adv/

Do not respond

>> No.17516651

Not true. I love my wife

>> No.17516696

You love your Asian wife you say?

>> No.17516704

I discovered VNs and haven't looked back since.

>> No.17516775


>> No.17516838
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I have a bond with myself so I use my own hand.

>> No.17516865

This. Marriage, 50 years ago was to raise a family because things were good under a patriarchal system. Now it’s really kind of pointless. Why put up with some screeching cunt who can wreck you financially. It’s just too fucking risky.

>> No.17516870

vicious niggers

>> No.17516944


I've fucked so many of these pathetic mens wives and they beta enough to believe that their wife loves them. Anons, never get married unless you're okay with cum swapping with you wife.

Get married to money and success instead

>> No.17516965

The best setup is to have girlfriend but not live with her, just staying overnight here and there

>> No.17516966
File: 138 KB, 1080x1080, ffe01b37ac3d465bbb60e70293ed618a_1080x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why I just masturbate to their pictures instead of believing in relationships

>> No.17516983

Can you stop coping so hard you retarded incel? If you're a 7 or better you can fuck girls like that no strings attached any time.

>> No.17517003
File: 126 KB, 1080x1271, 318f6c754d83a1eab3af9e9cc4adeda5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'4", have a sub 4 inch penis with premature ejaculation, am not funny, interesting, have a good career, passionate, ambitious, have hobbies or any redeemable trait so I just masturbate instead of fantasizing about being happy and being normal so I get off to cuck porn since I get indirectly cuckolded in real life since women don't short men and they haven't even seen my small penis.

>> No.17517012

why would anyone short men?

>> No.17517029

incel coomer cope. you’re genetic dead ends.

>> No.17517074
File: 76 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_nxtkxiHsXf1rzqbkho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normie cope, enjoy spending money on women that don't actually love you while I get to masturbate for free

>> No.17517075

op kinda has a point
dating is a shitshow and every girl wants uber chad that treats her like shit

and im just not that

>> No.17517089
File: 231 KB, 1024x1280, cbcfaa68ba66ccefe893d88dd5236d1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are so pathethic, imagine seeing women like this and thinking you need to have sex when you can just masturbate to their pictures?

>> No.17517095

Not true, women do want good looking men obviously but they don't necessarily want men who treat them like shit. They will pick a good looking man who treats them like shit over an unattractive beta simp obviously. I'm nice, but not ugly. Never had an issue.

>> No.17517105

masturbating will never beat the look of disgust when you shoot a dirty big load on a cute girls face when she asked you not to

>> No.17517115
File: 134 KB, 789x1111, tumblr_f6c6d7d02d101470cdffc469afaa7e89_b51b0ce6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women give me the same disgusted look when they see me in public because I'm not the kind of guy that they like.

>> No.17517137

then apparently im a beta simp because ive been rejected by every girl ever

>> No.17517151

How thicc are your bags? You can always buy a good illusion of affection. I don't mean literally hire a prostitute, just a gold digging girlfriend of sorts.

>> No.17517161
File: 43 KB, 544x906, ob2fitwiepa41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you need a gold digging girlfriend when you can just masturbate to their pictures? That way women have 0 power over you.

>> No.17517174

I agree, I'm going to break up with my girlfriend immediately. I thought I loved her but upon reading this I've realised I can just masturbate to her pictures and then she will no longer have any power over me.

>> No.17517194

>gold digging girlfriend of sorts
i rather stay single and frustrated thanks

>> No.17517364

Buy FRM before next week do not respond to this

>> No.17517485

>he doesnt know women are only a reflection of the man they're with
>he doesn't know when he says shit like this it speaks more about him than her

I don't blame you, anons. This bullshit society deliberately took away what it means for us to be men, and gave us fucking video games instead. Men lead, women follow. You want a good girl, get with one whose not unbearable then lead by example. Over time your interests will become her interests. Your thoughts and opinions will become her thoughts and opinions. Not even by force, she'll admire your example enough she'll strive to be everything like you.

>> No.17517653

They are all attractive but dressing like a whore to impress niggers while dancing to degenerate music is literally giving the jews everything.

>> No.17518040

unironically an hero you low stock subhuman

>> No.17518058

OP, when you masturbate to the images of females, not only do the females have mental power over you, but your body's basic lusts have control over your mind as well

>> No.17518082

Kek imagining not finding a based girl to breed beautiful white children with, cope harder faggots

>> No.17518598


>> No.17518809




>> No.17518824


>> No.17518883

I've had this experience once in my life. It was my last relationship, I dated the same girl for 3 years, and was doing really well in my life when we met, plus I was about 5 years older. She will mold herself into what she thinks you want and will literally enjoy, if she respects and admires you. Its actually almost better than sex itself. Its actually hilarious and makes perfect sense. Women are inclined to pick men who they think are superior themselves. This is normally a motive for men to excel and develop themselves physically, spiritually and emotionally, but too many distractions exist now for men to rise above. Video games, drugs, porn. In addition, young women are being taught to value the wrong things and have constant cognitive disonnance between what they are told they want and what they actually want.

>> No.17518937
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>> No.17519388

you're having gay sex with yourself faggot

>> No.17520709

>I must ejacoolate
dude just stop you're embarrasing yourself

>> No.17520760

Why do people spend time masturbating to pictures of women when you can just fuck them and they no longer have power over you?

>> No.17520783


>> No.17520788

Because incels can't fuck women without having to pay. They get buyer's remorse after ejaculation.

>> No.17520791

>masturbate to their pictures
They still have power over you, indirectly.

>> No.17520879

low IQ post their pictures are free what you said doesn't even make sense kill yourself you 2deep4you retard

>> No.17520891

t. retard wannabe Plato

>> No.17520912

It’s better to smell it than to imagine it.

>> No.17520918

>da nogs and da joos

>> No.17520932

This smelling women is literally free as well if you know what you are doing

>> No.17521080

>haha you pathetic faggots its your fault that I fuck married women, you should be miserable bitter faggots like me and never get married hehe listen to me, the person who contributing to the destruction of society hehe you should be like me I am very happy person idgf about anything haha don't get married dummies
literal male feminist, cope harder degenerate scum

>> No.17522005

This kind of whore must be incredibly easy to sweep

>> No.17522029

High intensity INCEL COPE

>> No.17522096

No ass no thanks

>> No.17522122

>im different and unique because I can be entirely fufilled by self masturbating to an assortment of colored pixels in particular patterns on my screen

The delusion and cope is off the charts, you are a loser

>> No.17522152

I really want to smell a woman's asshole.

>> No.17522563

Smells like sweaty ass and shit

>> No.17522564

I am in awe every time I see an incel like you

>> No.17522592

She I so beautiful. Can I please send her some money

>> No.17522615


>> No.17523280


>> No.17523323


Masturbating to porn instead of having actual sex is like watching a video on the Caribbean instead of actually getting on a plane and going there.

Big difference in sensory experience mate.

>> No.17523349
File: 1.92 MB, 1177x797, 1578340032390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this meme

>> No.17523397

Have sex? You mean, it is a common thing? Like everybody can just have that?

>> No.17523479

this is true to an extent, but often times it's your values vs. society at large, and no matter how much of a "man" you are there's only so much you can do. It really comes down to the girl, and the reality is that there aren't enough "good girls" to go around, if any at all.

>> No.17523518

>How do people with no hobbies, friends, family, ambition, desire, passion work in a normal job when you have nothing else to look forward to in life?

i don't know, i just do it because at least it's better than sitting here at the computer forever.

>> No.17523575

Nah, he's right though. If I ever catch a man fucking my wife, I'll just shoot him in the face and say I thought she was being raped. Fucking married women is an absolute shitbag move.

>> No.17523596

the point is that married women cheat like crazy, which is true. really nothing you can do

>> No.17523700

not my fault if you cant saistify your wife, cuck.

>> No.17523708

Getting married is the most emasculating thing a man can do. Who signs a legally binding contract because they're scared of having their snatch rations taken away? Married men don't deserve respect from their wives or the men who fuck their wives.

>> No.17523835

Jesus christ this incel is on every board I fucking swear.

>> No.17524043

Marriage is a financial agreeement as much as it a social agreement. In exchange for exclusivity, you get all kinds of financial incentives from both government and private business. Control your fucking urges and don't touch another man's wife if you like having all your brains inside your head.

>> No.17524628
File: 75 KB, 707x707, 1553222519320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking married women is an absolute shitbag move.
>blaming men for the behavior of out of control women

>> No.17524767

>gets life in prison
>gets raped on a daily basis by Big Bubba
you sure didn't think things through did you?

>> No.17524824
File: 57 KB, 575x451, 47233801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they no longer have power over you
Nofap is the real endgame against the pussy scam

>> No.17524888
File: 1.93 MB, 350x350, she thicc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life in prison for killing a stranger in your own home

Yea nah, that'd be the easiest thing in the world to get away with. Even if you didn't get away scot-free, the worst you'd get is manslaughter with an insanity plea. The primary difference murder and self-defense is a good legal team.

>> No.17524974

What a deluded faggot. You'd look like you got angry that he was fucking your wife and decided to shoot him. Good luck playing your stupid rape scenario as if the jury can't see through that middle school excuse. Worst you get is premeditated murder which is life, best is passion crime which is like what 20 years in burgerland?

>> No.17525021
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>> No.17525025

It's not delusion at all. There is nothing premeditated about killing a home intruder.

>> No.17525037

does she fuck on camera?

>> No.17525069

Why not just live below your means and use your savings to pound a 10/10 escort every few months. After a while you'll come to realize premium pussy isn't the be all and end all of life and you can focus on self improvement instead of your weird self-loathing coom spiral.