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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1751218 No.1751218 [Reply] [Original]

Humble goals thread

>have stable web dev job
>have multiple sources of income (side biz's)
>have real friends instead of fake fucks
>have pupper
>have gf
>have vehicle

>> No.1751219

>be american
>get shot

>> No.1751225

Literally just want a small house in the woods and be financially independent

Currently at ~400k saved/invested. Estimating I need close to a million to make it happen.

>> No.1751232

You can live off the dividend of a $400k account if you live in the middle of the woods

>> No.1751238


Gotta buy the house first bro

>> No.1751248
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>be european
>get SUNNI'd

>> No.1751259

nice man seems like you are on your way to your goal.

right now my main buisiness is about to take off (2-3 months) until I make a modest salary, then I can make these humble goals happen, at least the house/pupper and side biz's.

>> No.1751275

300k to start
>decent/nice comfy car
>nice small appartment/condo

then however much money i need to make to eat every week and be relaxed

>> No.1751407

>get to 185 lbs
>become nurse anesthesiologist
>retire by age 60
>build a big hobbit home with tennis court
>have 5 children and 15 grandchildren

>> No.1751442

get out of debt

>> No.1751477

>stop jerking off to jew porn

>> No.1751487

> be a millionaire

>> No.1751637

Goals for 2017:

>Buy house
>Buy pistol, shotgun and several hundred rounds ammunition
>Put 18 grand into my 401k
>Own 1 BTC, 1 OZ gold by year end
>Put a few thousand into dividend funds and P2P lending notes for sick passive income

>> No.1751639
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>a few thousand
>sick passive income

Enjoy your $20 a month, don't spend it all at once

>> No.1751643

Delete this

>> No.1751645
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Obviously, I'm just getting my feet wet

>> No.1751669

pretty much everything y'all are saying, but including also

>train BJJ and start competing amateur level
>train Muay Thai and if feeling super ballsy (it hurts to get hit lol) also compete amateur level


>drop my first EP
>maybe start a podcast, idk
>make like a multimedia publishing company for my EP and podcast, maybe also sell g-funk beats to the local MCs

2017 gonna be my year y'all

>> No.1751680

My nigga, so glad people are still pursuing g-funk

>> No.1751681

>never look at the news again
>take Mandarin proficiency test
>avoid degenerate boards of 4chan (/tv/, /pol/)
>hit the gym
>new job

>> No.1751687

>private tennis court

>> No.1751759

yes but how do you choose which companies to invest in for the dividends? how do you maximize?

>> No.1751775

Also want an answer for

>> No.1751889
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post humblegoal-tier rooms for inspiration.

>> No.1751904

>>have real friends instead of fake fucks
>>have gf

Fat chance m8. I'd just double down on the pupper

>> No.1751951

I want to be able to buy an old Land Rover Defender or Range Rover.

>> No.1751964
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>> No.1752004

wow i used to post this is /g/ years ago. this is my apt and im broke now. it still looks the exact same im so sick of it.

>> No.1752009

fair enough kek

my friends are some losers though and hit me less than once every 2 weeks now

>> No.1752014


>> No.1752023

Shoot for the moon gentlemen, for even if you miss, you will land among the stars.

>> No.1752046
File: 93 KB, 523x695, wizard tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is to build a wizard tower. 4 - 5 floors, out of town, a library with a lot of books in it. I want to make it feel like an authentic wizard tower.

My estimation is around 1.5 - 2m shekels for the building itself and then another 500k - 1m for the interior (library, books, some glass balls, etc.)

I will probably die before making it, but I'll be damned if I don't try.

>> No.1752056
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>tfw you want to live in a tower-like small community of "wizards" where we work on crazy projects together

>> No.1752063
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It's actually really comfy here but with it being winter I'm indoors too often.

>> No.1752065

fuck that does look /comfy/

grats on your humble room

>> No.1752076

my only goal in life is to not commit suicide by the end of the year.
I'm a 24 year old loser. Only thing I have going for me is that I have no felonies.
What's the point? I can't make money doing anything I'm interested in and I'm not smart enough anyway.
It seems like I'm doomed to be pathetic wagecuck.

>> No.1752096

They don't call it a hobby. It's called a fucking job. Do what gets you paid the most, not what you like. And trust me, life gets shittier every year you live.

>> No.1752104

This but i wanna live in a shop. Have 0 invested but also near debt free. For now

>> No.1752107

P2p lending notes good? Is insured or u take risk so cluesmless. Maybe i should stud it.

>> No.1752161

For this year:
>continue losing weight and keep up this active lifestyle
>improve my digital/traditional drawing skills for both self interest and as a means to make extra money on the side
>learn C#
>Finish designing this game I've been dabbling on for almost a year now
>Have at least 40-50k saved up by the end of the year

>> No.1752176

i just want to be able to afford that, i'm a student, moved put from my home and started from 0, it's tough man i live in a basement.i'm 27 hope i'll finish my degree soon. sorry just a bit venting
hey man, as that guy said, doing something you love to make money out of it is kinda selfish you know, then you disregard everything else. don't find yourself, just start doing any kind of job, and your body will start thinking for you. i hope you understand.i was the same

>> No.1752179

For wagecucks, it sure does

>> No.1752184

>real friends
>have pupper
>have gf
just get a female that isnt spayed and you solve all 3

>> No.1752272

why c#

>> No.1752309

Because it's choke-full of features and has 4000 classes available in core lib so you can concentrate on truly creative programming instead of reinventing the wheel?

>> No.1752319

very true, gf + dog is viable

fuck my fake ass friends

>> No.1752324

these have always been my goals. late last year it all came into fruition and now i feel aimless and afraid.

what's the point

>> No.1752333

Easy there C#IDF

>> No.1752358

Since it's humble goals
>become a freelance programmer
>have gf who earns nice $
>rent a decent apartment

If you hadn't mentioned the word humble then I would want to go full notch style and sell a shitty Lego computer ripoff to microshit for 2 billion shekels and buy a mansion in LA.

>> No.1752374

also my goals
>gf who makes decent $
>become freelance programmer

>> No.1752416

>have pupper
This is what's ruining you OP.

>> No.1752444

what do you mean

>> No.1752564
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I want a high rise condo with:

>windows from floor to ceiling
>in a big city
>gym in the building/complex

That's really all I want. The big city doesn't even have to be expensive like LA or NY. I'd be happy with Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, somewhere in South America.

>> No.1752709

- you could put your money in something like the Vanguard Dividend Index (VDIGX). The fund will pay out dividends or they can be reinvested.

- you could download the Robinhood app, do some research, and pick your own dividend-paying stocks to invest in. focus on building a diverse portfolio (lots of different stocks in different industries).

Addtl. Reading:
- http://www.stockmoe.com/how-to-live-off-of-dividends/
- http://www.simplysafedividends.com/living-off-dividends-retirement/
- dividendgrowth.ca

Learn how to evaluate SAFE dividends that will grow their payout. Dividend aristocrats are ideal for this.

>> No.1753247

Thanks anon, I saved this info.

>> No.1753471

Goals for 2017
>Move to the 11th floor of the American Square Garden Building
> Get new business cards with watermarks
>Take over the rothshchild account
>Return my video tapes
>Purchase and follow a 7 step morning facial routine

>> No.1753507

>finally get the job I want (already did the interview, just waiting on the call)
>get my own home with a garage in 2018
>buy my dream car
>have a gf
I'm simple, I'd be very content with those 4 things. As long as I get this job I'm confident I can make them happen

>> No.1753526

Why doesn't anyone on 4chan ever have a gf?

>> No.1753534

I think you would be surprised how many do, the ones that don't are probably unsociable neets.

>> No.1753542

Where's money in internet media that also helps Trump?

>> No.1753549

>small nice house ($68,000) payed in full
>Nice wife, cool as fuck
>young child
>decent job
>alot of side jobs in future
>small hatch back for family
>minimal bills, be frugal
>comfy as fuck

Life is good. Waiting to start doing side work in my spare time. Hopefully will be able to quit my job and work from home.

>> No.1753555
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Nice. Real nice, anon.

>I like that suit

>> No.1753674

>2 bedroom apartment in copenhagen
>10-30 acres of land in rural sweden with a cuckshed
>~$500k in investments
>A job I love

>> No.1753676

>Getting a girlfriend and having a car is a goal to some people

You know average 16 year olds have this, right?

Are you in Nigeria maybe where cars are a luxury?

>> No.1753912

>close to a million
>Humble goal

>> No.1753918


>Setting low standards for yourself

>> No.1754111

G funk is the best !

>> No.1754207
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>stabilize & expansion my company.
>acquire starter penthouse.

>> No.1754219

I want to upgrade my povertyvan to a nicer van. One that can handle highways without falling apart, maybe. Maybe by 2020 I can afford a 2010 model.

>> No.1754248

>Own a nice, modern single family home with a pool and sauna
>Have enough income from passive investments and ownership of businesses that I won't be required to work
>Have enough money to leave to my daughter when I die so she will never be poor

>> No.1754533

In Europe cars are considered a luxury. We can get everywhere by bike, and if you decide to buy a car, the government will fuck you in the ass with taxes. Also the gas prices are much higher than in US.

>> No.1754597
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>be kiwi
>life's good
get btfo northern hemisphere cucks

>> No.1755279

My goals have shrunk pretty hard
>Get a 45k desk job so I can spend nights and weekends for myself or to improve in skills.

That's all.

>> No.1755322

>acquire comfy, compact living quarters where the bed is the highest piece of furniture, and the lack of internal walls leaves you with a full view from top down of your entire comfy lil nest. Earthy, matte tones and emphasis on wooden construction!

>enough investments to generate atleast 2000 euros worth of passive income per month to ensure I could live in comfort in my nest even if I didn't work at all (balticfag here, 2000 is a very nice sum for us).

>chill, homely redhead gf with freckles and glasses to wake up next to and cuddle before embarking on another journey of a day as we chill around the country, plan trips to foreign lands or just laze around all day, doing whatever really. Preferably driven and pursuing her dreams, which I would wholeheartedly support.

>would attempt to construct a lil mancave where I can play my instruments and vidya.


>> No.1755744

yeah yeah, nah

>> No.1756176

>get 6 figure job
>save as much as humanly possible (on the level of living in car, free wifi, food from foodbank, etc.)
>work for 10 years
>retire with ~1 million generating 6 figure passive income
>live the rest of my life pursuing hobbies/dreams and living comfy

That's my endgame. Not exactly humble in the grand scale but it's a way for me to retire early while living comfy.

>> No.1756427

Right now the goal is 1 million net assets by 30 and at least 500k income

>> No.1756845

Fugg that's comfy as fuck. I wish I could afford an apartment and some furniture.

>> No.1756863

My current goal is to get enough dividends per month to support renting a house, thus, not having to worry about rent costs.

>> No.1756869
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I used to have a pic of goats in tower but I can't find it so this is all you are going to get.

>> No.1756884

Same here bro and I want to make like $50k a year with the house paid off. Would be nice.

>> No.1756923

> pay off loans
> persuade wife's friend to move in with us for helping out with kids, sexytimes, and just living together
> upgrade from centrally located 4-room apartment to centrally located 6-room apartment (this is hard financially)
> continue to whittle at personal projects - no ambitions to release anything, but just to have the time to make something for my own sake

I am An Olds (36yrs), so already have a career, wife, kid, car, health under control, etc.

I don't mind working for others, it's interesting for a year or two and I can usually find an ok paying gig when it's time to change things up.

>> No.1757005
