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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17507285 No.17507285 [Reply] [Original]

/biz./, because of my geographic, and educational, moral and cultural background (EE fag here) I can only afford to invest about 400 dollars, whch is about half my payckeck, mind you this is good money where I live.

I am looking for what you are shilling. No exceptions.

pls no nulink bullshit

I'm planning 40% UND, 30% PERL, 10% ARWEAVE AND 20% still undecided.

Shill me your coins!

>> No.17507316
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forgot to add that this will happen on Friday and that I already hold some already established coins so does are not needed :)

>> No.17507322

NuLink obviously

>> No.17507369

>nice to see the filters are working

>> No.17507437
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last bump and I'm going away for 30 minutes, amerimutts are still sleeping

>> No.17507449
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1. Tim Draper is invested (early Tezos investor): https://draper.vc/invested-companies/

2. Coinbase is looking at listing it: https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-continues-to-explore-support-for-new-digital-assets-70419575eac4

3. The fundamentals are solid (decentralized website domain name hosting): https://medium.com/amentum/the-case-for-handshake-9b0af0d989fe

4. It has only just begun, Ledger support is on the way and just added to coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/handshake/

5. Currently supply is around 260 million: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/handshake#

5. Stripe has endorsed the project: https://twitter.com/Dexter_Valkyrie/status/1233802401632727056

They are releasing the first domains rights now.

>> No.17507467

will have a look, I've seen it around here but was thinking to myself that it's still 2early to tell

>> No.17507478

ftx token after it dumped, before 2020 US elections

>> No.17507496


Early for sure. It hasn't caught on yet.

>> No.17507617

x10 pyro network

>> No.17507748
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>> No.17507805

Pnk will reach $1

>> No.17507849
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>> No.17507960

shhh, I know ;)

>> No.17507978

never heard of it, anything novel about it?

>> No.17508065

hmm, this has 160 dollars trading volume on uniswap in the last 24 h bro

>> No.17508096

top 5 coins on qTrade, take your pic. All are below 5M mcap and extremely promising short and long term. Very low valued and underrated projects imo. If any of those coins land on a bigger exchange (or qTrade gets more popular) its an easy 5-10x

>> No.17508207
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If you arent in on nuLink might as well kys.

10k is a suicide stack and it's literally being given away by a whale right now.

Imagine chainlink but with a working product as promised. With nuLink you dont have to imagine.

>> No.17508233

EDGE. (https://edge.network)

>> No.17508263
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>not even a whitepaper

>> No.17508337

this looks interesting, though that chart looks bad, any anon care to say something about this?

>> No.17508579

DNA and VEO, dyor. you’re welcome OP

>> No.17508658


>> No.17508760
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Idena looks very suspicious as I heard it's pajeet scam but I will dyor

>> No.17508925
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ok, I'm in with this, just gotta sign up for another shitty exchange when my money gets here, at this rate Im gonna register to new exchanges just to buy new coins

you have been surprisingly helpful till now /biz/, I rly appreciate your support

>> No.17508953
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>> No.17508969

>pajeet scam
>blockchain build from the ground up

feel free to critize idena but bring some legit points

>> No.17509060

I am not criticizing the project, I am only implying that it's shilled by PND schemes here on biz however I am doing my own research and it's so far also looking interesting, this alot of information to process though so sry if I offended

>> No.17509070

np, the shillgang hasn't gone for it yet. search it on reddit too. no shilling whatsoever

>> No.17509180


>> No.17509205

I have 10,000,000 Poo Coins $IND worth $29k according to all exchanges .

>> No.17509265

It literally hasn’t been shilled. There was a single thread that had 230+ replies with FUD, defuding, tokenomics discussion etc. There’s been no other posts about it since

>> No.17509586

It’s legit, they have some larger clients hosting on edge and payout nodes from actual customer revenue. However they aren’t doing much on the marketing side, they said they will start marketing to the mass-market when their payment gateway is ready, which is in Q2. Absolutely undervalued coin with a real use case - but for holding long term, not a pajeet pump and dump.

>> No.17509649

OGN is a literal 100x. $9m mcap rn - ~$1b in 1 year. It's painfully fucking obvious yet you fucktards go around shilling scams like nulink and rsr.

Stay poor, faggot-fucking faggots.

>> No.17509668

yup, correct. I'm making $400 a month from running nodes. Price will go up in short or long-term, meanwhile I'm collecting passive income.

>> No.17509698
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Unironically, Nu-LINK. There is no other way to make it.

>> No.17509757
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Salute brother! This my favourite project currently.

>> No.17509899
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this is good insider news, though I can't run a node I will buy a bag and start accumulating, need to start reading so much with all this information from the thread

<waves> the holders seem nice

>> No.17510048
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Arweave will go insane once more people learn about it... one of crypto's best kept secrets

1) https://multicoin.capital/2019/11/05/investing-in-the-permaweb/

2) https://medium.com/@arweave/welcoming-a16z-crypto-union-square-ventures-and-multicoin-capital-to-the-arweave-community-56ccc9f98ff3

3) https://techcrunch.com/2019/11/05/how-arweave-permaweb-works/

4) https://arxtoken.com/

>> No.17510087

I agree, it blew my mind like PNK when I found out about it, this is an investment I fully intend to follow on...just a couple of more days

>> No.17510093

get free AR to try out the permaweb:

>> No.17510127
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Lcx supply is drying up. Half a million mcap. Wesley Snipes, white devs, a 10x puts us at 5 million which is almost half the price of it's inferior competitor.

>> No.17510150

how do you make 400 bucks a month from a 2m cap altcoin

>> No.17510230
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Q2 testnet
Q4 mainnet
real team behind this - dyor

>> No.17510350
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thanks, going to do that, this is already on Binance lol, it's so cheap atm, i thinkI will need to spread out those dollars wide haha, thank you very much for your help friends

I honestly hope we all make it

>> No.17510430

I remember it used to be a rank 100+ coin, what happened to them?
Looks like one of those ico bubble coin that's trending to 0.

>> No.17510488
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by running a few nodes and a stargate.

>> No.17510521

XSN is my flavor of autism

>> No.17510570

long shot but...what machine are u using, how much did the investment cost?

>> No.17510606

nodes are raspberry PIs and servers from my university kek, so not much investment (+5k edge stake per host)

The stargate is rented from the team, the required stake is 500k edge, so quite a lot.

>> No.17510619


>> No.17510663


>> No.17510680


>> No.17510727

Polymesh should make some waves this year... a collaboration with Charles Hoskinson
I'm betting it'll be top100 again this year assuming this market doesn't fuck all of crypto

>> No.17510973

Turtlecoin for sure. Just take a look to the community.

>> No.17510990


>> No.17511066
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>> No.17511126
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thank you very much for all your suggestions, I've never would have thought that I would get so many actual good posts. I will need to thoroughly research until Friday

I am touched

>> No.17511393

LCX, because the marketcap is an absolute joke for what they have already achieved. You wont find many CEOs in crypto with similar strong business connections than Monty