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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17506716 No.17506716 [Reply] [Original]

1. Tim Draper is invested (early Tezos investor): https://draper.vc/invested-companies/

2. Coinbase is looking at listing it: https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-continues-to-explore-support-for-new-digital-assets-70419575eac4

3. The fundamentals are solid (decentralized website domain name hosting): https://medium.com/amentum/the-case-for-handshake-9b0af0d989fe

4. It has only just begun, Ledger support is on the way and just added to coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/handshake/

5. Currently supply is around 260 million: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/handshake#

>> No.17506740
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>> No.17506780


>> No.17506842

Thank you Rajesh

>> No.17506938
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You will just buy later guys. It unironically is a new paradigm project. https://cult.today/handshake-can-flip-the-authoritarian-model-of-traditional-dns-on-its-head/


>> No.17506994


>> No.17507012


How about ICANN itself running shit scared....... https://www.icann.org/public-comments/ncap-study-1-2020-02-13-en

>inb4 he doesn't even know what ICANN is.

>> No.17507039
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Plus Stripe itself just endorsed the project. https://twitter.com/Dexter_Valkyrie/status/1233802401632727056

>> No.17507502

ENS is sufficient, go away with your namecoin rebrand. shake the hand is 2 bullruns too late

>> No.17507572
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>It's afraid

>> No.17507685

I dont even care about the coin. I just want to buy my domain. the idea is solid there is some work that needs to be done (Unsure how it will operate with email, a huge one). ICANN can go suck a dick, at least i can buy my domain again for super cheap.

>> No.17507742

nice rebuttal, just bought 100k on MXCancer

>> No.17507765


Finally someone who gets it in this thread.

People on biz are so burnt out by pajeets they cant see a gem.

>> No.17507769

Hello sirs? May I please have most elegant Airdrop please?


>> No.17507785


Open up a namebase account like the rest of us and buy some sir.

>> No.17507794

Addition, ssl is required to be supported by the browser. This may also be difficult but since 100k most visited TLDs were given away to the current owners this may be easier? Its still a hurdle that it will have to cross as without it scams will be far easier, granted SSL in its current state is kinda eh due to shared certs (see cloudflare).

>> No.17507809


How you get it out of namebase? Will US ever be allowed to withdraw?

>> No.17507821

I only know because I work in the field, study in my free time, and own a domain. Fucking love networking though so this project is interesting to me.

>> No.17507865


Yeah most people in this coin at this moment are in the field... Even most crypto people don't know about ICANN, even though it is fundamental to the web as we know it. I feel that once the crypto community 'gets it' that it will be a big deal.


Not sure about the US aspect as I am in Europe. For the time being I am keeping mine on namebase, once Ledger support is out I will withdraw to that.

>> No.17507893

I saw the thread yesterday and did buy some, asked some questions to some of my coworkers and frens they like the idea but are unsure how it will play out. I didnt buy much will probably cap out at $1000 or 5k hns whichever comes first, maybe 10k

>> No.17507913

Apparently they have a wallet script that you can run (assuming i read docs right). You could buy a PI and store it on there for now if I understood the docs right.

>> No.17507969


Nice to your frens like the idea also. I got introduced to the coin a few days ago in this thread >>17439191

It does feel funny this early on, there is no hype around it yet the fundamentals seem so solid.. It's like taking that first leap. I agree on your predicted valuations though. I feel that once the hype train jumps on board it will be unstoppable.. At the moment it is just trying to get people to understand the concept. Stuff like ICANN is new to most of the crypto crowd, though granted there are a lot of techies in this scene.

>> No.17508058

Well for one from what I can tell most of the techies
>program monkeys not so much on more complex topics (even I still don't fully understand block chain)
>hardware for the miners
>no alt coins for general /biz/ness
>most networking people are boomers at heart
>think its a scam

It could be a scam but atm its better than stocks and my initial investment increased by like 50% so no complaints. If it takes off it takes off, but otherwise oh well Im not at suicide stack level, nor will i probably ever be.

>> No.17508080

>Tim Draper is invested (early Vechain investor)

>> No.17508102


The fact Tim Draper is invested gives me some confidence it is not a scam (I would expect he would research for this type of thing before investing). Also you got Stripe people interested. Clever people seem excited by this. https://twitter.com/Dexter_Valkyrie/status/1233802401632727056

>> No.17508180

I read it thought over it for a night and then decided. Imo its more helpful they gave the 100k TLDs to the important companies rather than draper supporting it. If google, facebook, reddit, and other normie shit already have their domains its more likely they'll adopt it meaning itll be used. If jewgle is using it the others will follow. And since they have it no reason not to use it.

>> No.17508268


Yes, if they can onboard these bigger websites it will help for sure. I think they will as you say.