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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17505708 No.17505708 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. Retail around the world is dying. Why is that?

>> No.17505719

E-retail driving prices down and demand genuinely falling due to lowering income and skyrocketing unemployment

>> No.17505721
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Amazon lets people not have to interact with pic related.

>> No.17505727

>low quality products with inflated price
>no demand what so ever
>easy to steal from
>employees all want to kill themselves
Gee wonder why

>> No.17505730

Everyone is broke thanks to currencies losing value due to central bank monetary policy.

>> No.17505736

and bat aids is about to accelerate it lol

>> No.17505735

Not to mention, the rent

>> No.17505744


>> No.17505747

How come mcdonalds hasn't fully automated their restaurants yet? Not even any drone delivery, do they really care that much about their human workforce?

>> No.17505763

They had in Asia and parts of Europe

>> No.17505774
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Its too large. They would have to do it gradually to not cause a stir. They have already begun though, I give it 10 years max.

>> No.17506087 [DELETED] 

OP, ifyou wna make some $$$ of this virus you should grab coronacoin ($nCoV)


Best be fast before the normies buy-in during the weekend tho:

Forkdelta - https://forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0x10ef64cb79fd4d75d4aa7e8502d95c42124e434b-ETH
Saturn - https://www.saturn.network/exchange/ETH/order-book/NCOV
Bamboorelay - https://bamboorelay.com/trade/NCOV-WETH

>> No.17506214

1) don't have to spend money on gas, sit in traffic or incur wear and tear on vehicle
2) don't have to deal with minimum wage employees that very obviously want to kill themselves and/or others due to their lot in life
3) No nigs, heroin needles, feces, grafiti, homeless, pick-pockets, women, schools doing fundraisers

>> No.17506221

I have been saying I would NEVER use one of those things for a couple of years now but I started using them. They don't screw up your order every single time like the stupid nogs who work at the counter. They "speak" perfect English and not some unintelligible monkey noises.

>> No.17506230


>> No.17506240

I was gonna mention this too. In my area its all latinos who work at mcdonalds. Middle age spics have replaced american teenagers. And they raise families of 7 with this shit.