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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 671x903, 1524349734812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17497418 No.17497418 [Reply] [Original]

Treated myself today with the money I made from selling the top

>> No.17497491

hey anon, im happy for you. dont let anybody who says anything about your weight get you down, you did good man. you did good.

>> No.17497681

What the fuck is wrong with your arm?

>> No.17497709

I have that watch

>> No.17497717

Your watch may possibly be a little tight.

Also I know some anon has like 50 of these pics saved, I'm waiting for him.

>> No.17497729
File: 640 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too fren

>> No.17497732

Damn boy
I do need to consider your health aswell
U cant live well like this fren
Please change your diet

>> No.17497737

Nice watch but why display it with an old blanket?

>> No.17497740

i fukn hate plebbitors so much go fuckin back u loser

>> No.17497809

>dat id

Anon confirmed for raging f4ggat.

>> No.17497829

imagine being fat AND a wristlet

>> No.17497848
File: 74 KB, 640x724, D936696E-31CA-44B4-9931-1D9499CB11C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too fren. I timed the market perfectly. Sold the top and also shorted. Life is food.

>> No.17497850

Nice copypasta you fucking nigger

>> No.17497860
File: 645 KB, 500x667, 1582326522101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers: But then my 401k will go down!
Boomers: Mexicans are hard workers!
Boomers: Jobs americans wont do [for min wage]!
Boomers: Bootstraps, handshakes, eyecontact
Boomers: I worked hard. Only I worked hard! You are lazy!
Bomers: Those jobs were not good anyway. It is good we sent them to china!
Boomers: I paid for college with my summer construction job!
Boomers: You dont need college! I didnt have college and I am retired on a union factory job! Why arent you?
Boomers: Just move from your friends and family to the coasts where there is jobs! Pay the rent!
Boomers: You dont need college. Also boomers: You need college!
Boomers: When I was your age, I got paid $2.70./hr! The min wage! (23$/hr adjusted. $42/hr with real inflation counted)
Boomers: What can you do? If we speak out loud about these issues it FEELS BAD! We refuse to feel bad!
Boomers: What do you mean the economy is fucked? It's the best economy ever!
Boomers: YES our town needs a Walmart! I want my cheap shit!
Also Boomers: You work at a Walmart? Lol loser.
Boomers: I saved up for my first car by mowing lawns.
Also Boomers: We like the Mexicans mowing our lawn because it’s cheaper.
Boomers: Wow, dad. Thank you for helping us on our downpayment for our home!
Also boomers: Sorry, son. I have to save for my retirement.
Boomers: mers: Son why can’t you afford to buy a home like I was able to at your age?
Also Boomers: Okay, son. Time to pay me rent because you still live here.

>> No.17497882

god dam fat people are revolting

>> No.17497899

Boomers: a bunch of people
Also boomers: a different bunch of people

>> No.17497923

Boomer detected

>> No.17498109
File: 41 KB, 291x300, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grew up in small town of about 15k people
>mother always commented to me about how poor she was growing up
>one day I realize something and ask her
>"mom, if you were so poor, how come we have a house right in the middle of downtown?"
>she says her father and grandfather owned a bunch of lots all around town, and gave them to family once they grew up
a small lot in the bad part of town nowadays would cost $100k, nevermind a prime downtown lot like she had

>mom always says "I was poor but had a lot of fun, we raised chickes, pigs, it was fun taking care of animals. Nowadays kids only like video games"
>I ask "if your childhood was so great, why didn't you raise me the same way you were raised?"
>she has no answer

>> No.17498258
File: 7 KB, 304x166, 1231231231525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 1 too

>> No.17498309

shoo shoo

>> No.17499201
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1570897744443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fkn weak, get on my level fags

>> No.17499624

where are the knuckles tho

>> No.17499644

this nigga eatin beans

>> No.17500280

animal crossing niggas be like

>> No.17500311

Their ignorance and selfishness is no exaggeration. It is disturbing and depressing. When they are gone things might get significantly better in this country

>> No.17501341

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