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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17496177 No.17496177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17496212

kissing like that makes me coom more than actual sex

>> No.17496266

I wish I could kiss. I'm almost 26 and never have. Would be amazing to make out with a cute Asian girl like Vina Sky.

>> No.17496284

I had sex with my sister and I own chainlink

>> No.17496298

Fundamentally based

>> No.17496305
File: 507 KB, 479x672, 981EF48E-BCEE-4953-9062-7B0F86AF7E8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17496314

why do jews always try and grab your attention with porn or sexual content?

>> No.17496324

Damn i hooked up with so many korean chicks growing up. Miss the days. They have excellent pussy odors b/c of their gut health/kim chi diet

>> No.17496328

Jewish brains operate in pervesion. That's why they are predominant in Hollywood and the porn industry

>> No.17496331

because it works

>> No.17496358

This webm is going to make some incels here delusional. Asian girls prefer white guys but you still gotta look good, if you look like a fat slob then you'll be settling for a buck tooth SE bitch

>> No.17496380
File: 13 KB, 300x250, 1473210949485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the link holders the girl?

>> No.17496401


>> No.17496445

what a bizarre 5 gum advertisement

>> No.17496507

It feels better than that, like a hot chick ducking your cock while rubbing your balls af the same
Very fucking euphoric

>> No.17496531

fucking disgusting. its not even human. asians look like prepubescent aliens

>> No.17496549

Top kek just be yourself anon

>> No.17496557
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1555809583969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that I fucked this girl and there's a video of it on anon-v, I post it everything the chink incel uses this exact OP image because it really upsets him.

>> No.17496566

fookin p0st

>> No.17496580
File: 206 KB, 824x706, 1556216778212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, she has a gigantic forehead, like the biggest I've ever seen and I am white.

>> No.17496581

Ya, for real you actually have to be decent for Asians to fall for you. If you’re a fat slob and live in your moms basement like half of /biz/, don’t expect one.

>> No.17496624

I once dated a 5’ tall Russian model who would get on top of me like this.

Miss those days where I could throw her around ;_;

>> No.17496639


>> No.17496643


Yeah nice larp.
>t. fucked multiple (sears catalog) models