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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 794x655, lenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
174923 No.174923 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>172896

>> No.174925

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=496685.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocredits
Facebook: /cryptocredits
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/OfficialCredits/

Website: http://cryptocredits.org/index.html

Binaries: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hejkaq841qr8j03/CreditsPackage-WIN-MAC.zip
Source: https://github.com/usecredits/Credits

(Working) Pools:
http://cr.poolerino.com/ - 0% fee

Current Exchanges (Trade with Caution):

Get Credits on more exchanges:
Cryptsy - Write a support ticket & Message Mullick(might pass on queries to Big Vern)
Coinedup - Contact
Coinmarket.io - IRC: #coinmarket @ freenode
Cryptorush.in - Support + IRC
Coinmarketcap - Request Credits & Message Gliss
CryptX.io - Leave them a note(bottom right corner)
Mintpal - Email them: support@mintpal.com & Submit a ticket
BTER - Email them: support@bter.com
Vicurex - Email them: customerservice@vircurex.com
Coinpayments(Merchant tool) - Request Credits
Allcoin.com - Email them: service@allcoin.com
Cryptoaltex - Ask for Credits
Coinwarz - Contact

Not yet!

Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

>> No.174931

Shills please...

just go.

>> No.174938

>It's not my coin!
>Shut it down!

Oh please, were all rab/biz/ here.
/biz/ was created as a contentment board of cryptocurrency threads anyway and Credits is a /g/ founded product.

>> No.174939

Credits wallet has a virus

>> No.174940

>Credits is a /g/ founded product
Is it? Cool.

>> No.174944

Cudaminer is included in the download.
It gives a false positive with most anti-viruses regardless of where you download it.

>> No.175053

yeah. a long time ago the logo used to be a microSD card with Cr on it. I remember it being made fun of

>> No.175070

no. I deleted cudaminer because I have an amd card

>> No.175077


thanks, but ...what settings? i'm new to this

>> No.175098

i have an asus 6950
what settings are best?
if i am on the pc i set intensity on 12 and have about 240kh/s
if i am not i set it on 15 and have about 350kh/s
is this enough for this gpu?

>> No.175107

Yeah, that's about right

It's obviously a litecoin wiki, but the kh/s rate still applies.

>> No.175119

thanks for the link, i am a bit confused, what does -g mean?
my .conf file looks like this, what should i change?

"intensity" : "12",
"vectors" : "1",
"worksize" : "256",
"kernel" : "scrypt",
"lookup-gap" : "0",
"thread-concurrency" : "7040",
"shaders" : "0",
"gpu-engine" : "0-0",
"gpu-memclock" : "0",
"gpu-memdiff" : "0",
"gpu-powertune" : "0",
"gpu-vddc" : "0.000",
"temp-cutoff" : "95",
"temp-overheat" : "85",
"temp-target" : "75",
"api-mcast-port" : "4028",
"api-port" : "4028",
"expiry" : "120",
"gpu-dyninterval" : "7",
"gpu-platform" : "0",
"gpu-threads" : "1",
"hotplug" : "5",
"log" : "5",
"no-pool-disable" : true,
"queue" : "1",
"scan-time" : "30",
"scrypt" : true,
"temp-hysteresis" : "3",
"shares" : "0",
"kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin"


>> No.175135

Sorry, can't help, I use cudaminer, so I have no idea about cgminer.

I wouldn't be too concerned if I were you. You're getting a decent kh for your card.

>> No.175208


okay, so I changed intensity to 13, now it's 200 KH/s, that's okay I guess

>> No.175224

mining some credits right now cus why not

>> No.175226

credits have virus

>> No.175231

i have got the power of LINUX

>> No.175312

Where can I buy cheap credits?

>> No.175324

when somebody pays an exchange to get listed. hashrate is dead, price will be around 30 litoshi

>> No.175329

It's dead because it shits on early adopters. No point in mining or buying till after ~3 months, when block reward will be the highest.

>> No.175339

well you can mine a lot in those 3 months before reward gets high along with the hashrate but still ...just nobody cares

>> No.175348

>high reward at beginning
>coin is dead after a few days because difficulty is too high to make any profit
>progressive reward at beginning
>coin is dead a few days because early adopters don't get enough at the beginning

people = stupid

>> No.175353

-> Inflation
-> Might as well mine waffle in those 3 months.

>> No.175358

>tfw small miner so im getting my creds before the difficulty doubles and the net hash hits 3gb in 2 weeks

>> No.175366

so people don't like inflation? people want to mine gold and sit on it until its forgotten, like 1000 shitcoins out there

>> No.175393
File: 73 KB, 861x582, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean Im rich now?

>> No.175409
File: 2 KB, 403x73, ggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.175417

are you happy when I say yes?

>congrats to your potato miner

>> No.175458

So what's special about Credits anyway?

>> No.175464


you know how in tv shows about the future they use credits?

We future now, the names the value.

>> No.175501

Does anyone else's Nvidia GPU drivers crash when mining occasionally?

>> No.175506

Can I send doge if my wallet isn't synced?

>> No.175521

So how many people are mining this?

>> No.175544
File: 161 KB, 688x270, screnshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you're mining on bamboo house you should switch to another pool.

>> No.175548

Because Bamboo House more than large enough to perform a 51% attack against the network.

>> No.175547


>> No.175567

That would be a fun experiment. How to make a 51% attack on the network? Nobody every did that.

>> No.175579

Look up "double spending Bitcoin" on Google.

>> No.175581
File: 44 KB, 450x603, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how people like you can post this without the context.

>> No.175586
File: 46 KB, 323x519, why guy jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mining on three separate computers
>been mining non-stop since the coin was released at 1PM EST

>534 credits

>> No.175588

Even if it was "just a joke" no pool should have enough hash rate to do such a thing.

>> No.175591

I agree. Your post still comes off as uninformed.

>> No.175596

Doge and Credits Generals are now MERGED


>> No.175606

credits just swisscex


>> No.175604

Perhaps you shouldn't "joke" about a using a loaded gun when you actually have one, especially someone as prominent as you are in the situation you were in.

>> No.175609

Perhaps the Credits community should pull off garbage like >>175596 when being unable to have pools ready on launch. There's also no loaded gun as I would gain nothing from a dead coin.
Your posts are uninformed.

>> No.175616

hes just a fool
ignore him

>> No.175614

*should stop even

>> No.175620

>defying the credits community as one single person

>> No.175624

The problem with fools are that they are most believable to other fools.

Let me rephrase it as "members of the Credits community".

>> No.175628

New person from /g/ here. I don't really know or care about amDOGE's reputation here but what her pool did for Credits was a good thing and helped the launch go smoother than it would've gone. I don't understand what all the drama going on in these threads is about.

But now that there are other pools up, we should spread out the hashrate to keep the network healthy.

>> No.175640

is windows wallet free of viruses/adware now?

>> No.175643

it's normal that you have trolls, amdoge
they do it for various reasons, to annoy you because you had success, because they are failures in life or because they are jelly for any coin that has only little signs of potential.

>> No.175644

It was always free of viruses/adware stop spreading fud.

>> No.175650

My posts aren't as uninformed as you make them out to be and your wording is just proving my point.
I'm not being mean, I'm being stern, and I'll give you advice. You're in a prominent position in these threads, you don't have the luxury to judge and take stabs at other people because you have an image to maintain. Yes, this is "just the Internet" and these are "just cryptocoin" threads, but that isn't how anyone, especially you, should view these sorts of situations.
We don't need another cult of personality like there was with Wolong. Just remember that when you see posts telling you how others are wrong and you're right.

>> No.175645

it was always free of malware

>> No.175655

would you just shut the fuck up?

>> No.175660

You either die a hero...

Or you live.

Long enough to see yourself become the villain.

>> No.175656

plz stahp

>> No.175664
File: 46 KB, 1920x1080, FAEC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The credits community appreciates your help.

>> No.175665


>> No.175672

Oh, shut the fuck up amWolong.

>> No.175669

I don't care about my image. I do care however about misinformation which is exactly what you are doing when posting screenshots without context. Fearmongering was it?

>> No.175675


>> No.175679

Miles, why are you such a faggot, amJEW was just joking, she is not gonna cut her profits short like this, or not so soon when the block reward increases over-time.

>> No.175677

Oh, shut the fuck up amWolong.

>> No.175683

>your train wreck coin launch.
Implying miles has anything to do with credits as if it was him launching it

>> No.175681

amDOGE single handedly saved your train wreck coin launch.

>> No.175684

Who the fuck are you?
Fuck off

>> No.175685

I do 800 engine and 950 memclock for 430 with unlocked shaders on a 6950

>> No.175689 [DELETED] 

>Implying amFaggot didn't do this exclusively for profits

Fuck off, faggot. You can't stand the truth.

>> No.175694

Minimg the fuck out of credits.

>> No.175700


>> No.175701

>Implying amFaggot didn't do this exclusively for profits.
What's the problem with wanting to profit, the lauch was trainwreck'd, and amDOGE saved it, i fail to see what is so bad with wanting to profit.

>> No.175710

We're all here for profits

>> No.175717

haha just die already... want some credits btw? worthless shit

>> No.175718

Thanks for stating the obvious fgt, even amDOGE said he does it for the profit.
He's also fairly competent.

>> No.175719

>I don't care about my image.
That's the first problem. Like it or not other people care about yours.

>I do care however about misinformation which is exactly what you are doing when posting screenshots without context.
The context was that credits people were acting like immature assholes and trying to derail a PNDOGE thread. If you want I'll make sure to make that apparent every time this gets brought up.
It changes nothing, you shouldn't stoop to that level just because someone else did.

>Fearmongering was it?
No, it's accountability. If you are going to be a leader then make sure you act like one.

Her and I both know her sarcasm has deeper meaning.

>> No.175723

besides that amdoge probably doesnt need profit from another coin experiment with unclear outcome.
she did what? set up a pool? wow so profit
why aint these idiots attacking all pool owners then THEY ONLY WANT PROFIT
fuck these morons
probably just haters that cant stand a girl getting shits done

>> No.175728
File: 694 KB, 1323x704, gerty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you hungry?

>> No.175731

>That's the first problem. Like it or not other people care about yours.
Good. They shouldn't.

>If you want I'll make sure to make that apparent every time this gets brought up.
Please do that.

>> No.175737

>The context was that credits people were acting like immature assholes and trying to derail a PNDOGE thread.
and they appologized so why don't you fucking let it be finally

>> No.175740

Because amDOGE needs to learn to keep her cool under tense situations.

>> No.175741 [DELETED] 

Just die already, jew.

>> No.175742
File: 35 KB, 270x203, 1325433792844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her and I both know her sarcasm has deeper meaning.
That's not helping anyshit, care to explain this DEEPness and hidden symbolism hidden in her sarcasm dripping words?

>> No.175746
File: 26 KB, 797x655, 1393890949867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you won't get mad from fucking 4chan..

>> No.175751


>> No.175756

Honestly it's not that deep, but people like you refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was a lash out at others and not "just" a joke.

Yeah who cares if people talk about outing you to family, right?

>> No.175754

In other words please don't get enraged from shills or w/e on 4chan. Sorry for the confusing syntax. Enjoy the ride

>> No.175761

attacking her doesnt help in that.
amdoge has to learn nothing. she did alot with us for the community, beginning with doge, fighting wolong helped credits start.
just leave her alone. this shit is just teaching people like her to stay in the background and don't support communities openly. in the end it's a loss for us all

>> No.175762

I'm just having a conversation.

>> No.175765

no you

>> No.175768

>attacking her doesnt help in that.
Calling her out isn't attacking her.

>amdoge has to learn nothing.
She is visibly upset, so yeah, she does.

>she did alot with us for the community, beginning with doge, fighting wolong helped credits start.
Which is more reason she shouldn't be acting like this.

>just leave her alone. this shit is just teaching people like her to stay in the background and don't support communities openly. in the end it's a loss for us all
I don't see how, but I'm not going to argue "could be" situations.

>> No.175772

If you are new to Doge threads

DO NOT trust amDoge lies

>> No.175769

I think you need to mind your fucking business.
Why the hell are you here, anyway? All you do is waste your cryptos on drugs.
Get lost furry.

>> No.175779

>She is visibly upset, so yeah, she does.
she has reasons

>> No.175773

So how many doge to a Cr?

>> No.175775

Fuck off.

>> No.175781

>visibly upset
I was trying to clear a point. Refer to >>175762.

>> No.175783
File: 204 KB, 300x225, come@me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw all this fud is spread by only 2 shills

>> No.175784

go eat shit

>> No.175785

Miles isn't a shill.

>> No.175789 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 394x429, 1365638243384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you aren't as bad as wolong

>Pic related. It's amISRAEL

>> No.175790

"Fool", "fools", "garbage", tons of sarcasm, needing to have the last word, making loaded "jokes".
You're human, being upset happens. Don't let it leak into your mannerism though.

>> No.175814

>"Fool", "fools", "garbage"
All true.

>tons of sarcasm
>making loaded "jokes"
None of which is applied to this thread.

Whatever the case. You know my standpoint. Please keep it in mind.

>> No.175909

Miles, take a look at this >>175887

>> No.175928

Guys, been mining since yesterday and only got 2K credits. Normal?

Why is nobody wanting to buy this coin? the exchanges show that people are willing to give peanuts for a coin so hard to mine.

>> No.175939

Buy low and sell high mentality.

>> No.175946

How many Credits do you have?

Also, you know Credits is on an exchange right now, right? One of the bigger ones.

>> No.175949
File: 34 KB, 411x236, ohthatdredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some OC

>> No.175961


ok, but why is anybody selling at those prices. might as well mine LTC for fuck's sake.

getting of this train.

>> No.175968

>2k coins since yesterday

What pool? And what is your hash?

>> No.175969
File: 664 KB, 2048x1367, 1390639133325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus youre still on about it
what an asspie retard

>> No.175976

Gimme some before :3?

>> No.175987


>> No.175993

Isn't amDoge a man?

>> No.176004

I like to think amDOGE is a ?he.

>> No.176006

>when /pol/ meets /g/

>> No.176010
File: 91 KB, 1084x181, retard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that some retards will never get a joke, and follow you around calling you phony.

>> No.176012


amdoge's pool

>> No.176017

Does it matter?
On the internet nobody knows that you are a doge

>> No.176081

Confirmed for trap

>> No.176083

except everyone knows amdoge is a dog

>> No.176092


Any of you faggots gonna help get Cr hit cryptsy?

>> No.176097

For real let's get this shit going

>> No.176115
File: 69 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you can buy/sell whatever you want with Cr


>> No.176119

>no one jumps in

>> No.176122

Thread's slow today

>> No.176134

because miles fuckhead and his shit friend scared everyone away

>> No.176135

How much 1 Cr is worth?

>> No.176136

I'm buying ¤5 for 1 doge

>> No.176141

It's morning

/biz/ is slow

>> No.176157

Too early to tell

>> No.176180

So is the store up or anything they promised? or is this just a full scam?

>> No.176182

Cr is on swisscex.com exchange

Cr/doge pair coming soon

>> No.176183

Are you done now?

>> No.176186

It's a peer to peer marketplace. You can buy/sell whatever you want.
Take a look next time

>> No.176191

so what's a good work utility to have?
currently sitting around at ~640/m and wondering if i can do better

>> No.176196

yestarday, it had a banner at the top saying it was going to be stocked today, I guess you can buy riot points

>> No.176204

Stocked? No
Functional? Yes

>> No.176214

I have some old consoles to sell, whats a good asking price for a non-tmss sega genesis 1?

>> No.176234

Too early to tell

Maybe like 15-20k

>> No.176288


>> No.176299

On 3 exchanges now

Cr/doge pairs coming up soon

>> No.176321


>> No.176462
File: 248 KB, 535x643, 200ADprog182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any 2000AD fans in here at all?

>> No.176506

Nice, nice

>> No.176501
File: 708 KB, 1280x1974, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.176529
File: 24 KB, 177x202, tfwnoperps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.176557


>> No.176561


>> No.176573
File: 882 KB, 535x643, judge credd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to fix something for you.

>> No.176596
File: 106 KB, 720x272, shemale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it took PND a billion up votes and constant email spamming to get on swisscex

>credits does it on the second day without emails


>> No.176608


>> No.176628
File: 142 KB, 501x650, 1377284553251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1Cr = 1million Doge, right?

>> No.176633

That looks about right

>> No.176642

If my doge wallet is taking weeks to update should I just get another one and trasnfer over what I had in my original one?

>> No.176661

What an incompetent dev, can't even gets his pools working after a day and the marketplace still isn't up

>> No.176707

What the fuck is that retard talking about? The marketplace is up anyone can post their products/services on it

>> No.176733

Marketplace is up and functional (as it has been since release), we are close to getting the pools ready.

>> No.176727

so like, when will the marketplace be working as I can't sell shit on it at the moment.

>> No.176748


well how the shit do I sell something on it once I have made the vendor account?

>> No.176745

Register as vendor>>catalog>>manageproducts>>add product

>> No.176753
File: 23 KB, 1146x551, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.176760


niggah this shit is harder to navigate than ebay

>> No.176776


what does it mean when asking me to select items, I ain't gotta clue

>> No.176772

dsp pleas ego

>> No.176865

Marketplace is up kel

>> No.176876
File: 38 KB, 372x412, 1262690170674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


by no means is it simple to use, needs some more work


I made a thing

>> No.176885

Looks fine to me, just tinker with it

Btw you should place that product in a category, there's a section for it when making a product.

>> No.176924
File: 6 KB, 493x401, 1389002302196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel credits

seriously goys, credits?

"ease of use" is hardly a selling point

>> No.176932
File: 208 KB, 550x310, 1393888757033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to go, boy.

>> No.176929

Its one of the most important selling points

>> No.176985
File: 25 KB, 60x56, Ghost_SC1_HeadAnim1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok well i bought about 40,000 of these, now i'll just wait for it to hit 1000 satoshis

>> No.176990

>Ok well i bought about 40,000 of these
SS or it didnt happen

>> No.176997

Wtf, isn't that like 6BTC worth of?

>> No.177004

wait, guys. credits could be a wolong scheme.
we may be stabbing ourselves in the ass.

>> No.177007
File: 53 KB, 986x429, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great coin you have there!

>> No.177015
File: 1.12 MB, 245x254, shhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.177022
File: 19 KB, 207x207, creditsintensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.177020

oh nvm i only bought 19 thousand @ 40. just bought 5000 more though @ 20

>> No.177028

:| mfw i have been buying CRD instead of CR

>> No.177033

Kek sell that shit for BTC quik

>> No.177043
File: 58 KB, 251x251, 1301019495403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.177060
File: 1.41 MB, 300x192, 1384466241721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.177068

i have 250 coins
what we mining next?

>> No.177065

Worse than Wolong, a 16 year old brony

>> No.177071


>> No.177078

i bet you're still mining PNDs.

>> No.177080

When will we get doge_Cr

>> No.177087
File: 131 KB, 350x474, 1334379461150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD. That guy is not officialy associated with Credits staff.

>> No.177092


>> No.177093


So /biz/, how much money have you raked in since launch?

>> No.177098

So what's the economic advantage of this coin over, say, Doge?

I remember being in the IRC very early during development, when we still have been going around on /g/ like two months ago. So, what are planned features in the future to make this coin more than just a clone?

>> No.177100

I want to sell doge for Cr not sell or buy with Cr

>> No.177113

At what speed are we all churning out credits at?
I'm using a R7 250 and getting them at about 12 kh/s
Does it sound about right?
What about you guys, what do you get?

>> No.177120

270x at 430kh/s

>> No.177123

250 kh

>> No.177124

That is correct. Thanks to the anons in that thread, it's safe to say that he was removed from the dev group swiftly lel.

>> No.177125

disregard that, need to get soem sleep. How do I sell my doge for cr on the site?

>> No.177129


>> No.177137

Yeah I remember that too. I tried looking for it on Bitcointalk but couldn't find it.

>> No.177152

what cards?
I don't see how I'm getting double digits THIS low

>> No.177157

Increase your intensity to like 13 - 20

>> No.177160

radeon 7970 with 1750mhz mem clock

>> No.177165
File: 4 KB, 163x215, 3Ca17yy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, here. I'll post some of the funny shitty wallets that we made too

>> No.177173

I honestly prefer this look than the look of the coin now. It feels more authentic as a credit than a circle with tiny tentacles coming out of it

>> No.177174
File: 6 KB, 315x181, 94zyGwP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt 3.14 credits wallet

>> No.177205
File: 190 KB, 481x272, 0ViWMqF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another GOAT

>> No.177215

jesus christ
reminds me of fallout

>> No.177312

any progress with new exchanges?
How reputable is the allcoin place?

>> No.177313
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>> No.177331

is the bamboohouse pool working?
Still not getting any info about my credits on their site and I've been at this for 1.5 hours

>> No.177348

check your noscript

>> No.177367

I'm using and nvidia GTX 770 and getting 300 kh/s

>> No.177383

welp, here comes the buyer's remorse

Gonna return this shit for a 7770 now, jesus christ this is slow

>> No.177386

if you're going to buy a gpu just to crypto mine you're likely better off just renting a rig

>> No.177388

What the hell. Fucking niggers.

>> No.177391

Buy a r9 290 man. Awesome for gaming, and awesome for mining.
Or buy 2 Nvidia 750ti. 600KH/s for less than $240 and 120W.

>> No.177413

That actually looks freaking awesome.

>> No.177420

I dig
I'll look into that, just got to see if I can pull out another 50 from somewhere

>> No.177442

anyone wishing to offload some credit for steam gamu?

>> No.177449

Have any CS:GO keys?

>> No.177452

depends on pricing

>> No.177468

How much are you offering

>> No.177466


as in the case keys? I can grab some I suppose


I dunno dawg, just looking to get on the potential train, I gots me border lands 2 goty, tomb raider collection, serious sam complete pack, fallout 3 goty, fallout new vegas ultimate.

>> No.177482

50 cr per key?

>> No.177483


id/floppyphallus if you wanna trade me your credits for shit

>> No.177491

How much are you willing to buy? I might take you up on this.

>> No.177501


pretty weak considering the price right now of credits.


>> No.177503


>> No.177514

That's CRD not Cr

>> No.177533

The blocktime for Credits is 60 seconds, not 40 as initially assumed.
If you're running a pool you might want to fix up your calculator.

>> No.177526


1 for 100? :^)


>> No.177553


apologies but still going for nothing


>> No.177548


>> No.177562

Trade history

1450 satoshi

Try again

>> No.177577


there is also a lot of trades at 500 or under

but lets say we stick with 1450 satoshi, to amount to the price of a csgo key? 100 isn't worth it.

>> No.177686

Devs are fucking idiot aspies that don't even know how to copy and paste code

>> No.177821

Dredd pool is actually up

>> No.177825
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Dredd pools are up BTW.
http://dredd.cryptocredits.org/ - 0% fees for 3 days

>> No.177856
File: 417 KB, 500x1080, credits scamcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading 100k PND for 1k Cr.

>> No.177858
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Give it a try people,
need to see if everything is fixed and smoooth while we are fixing the other servers too.

>> No.177895


>> No.177939
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>> No.177965
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>releasing an untested product and having the end user test it for you

It's like they never learn.

>> No.177976

Couple people are mining on it

>> No.178002

Es working gud.

>> No.178018

These make me smile. Especially the last one.

>> No.178021
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Me in 6 months...

>> No.178030

Did you edit the fucking thumbnail?

>> No.178044

Calm down you fuck head, as it just came out yesterday.
Plus, Credits will take a while to establish a good price.
This isn't a pump and dump coin.

>> No.178047

It's trading 500-1500 satoshis on the other exchanges.

>> No.178049

Yeah, I was hoping for people to stop and click on it.

>> No.178082


>> No.178218


>> No.178244

Looks like poolerino is now an active supporter

>> No.178268
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>> No.178284
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>Pools are supposed to have themes of universes that use credits
>Not using the most recent one, Injustice, gods among us

>> No.178291
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>> No.178298

what a stupid game
Why would you even bunch that up with the classics?

>> No.178304
File: 2.98 MB, 300x225, url.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doos Ecks pool is up

>> No.178319

This coin is fucking hard to mine, I get like 3 credits per block from 5mh.

Reward increases but it's nothing considering the rising difficulty. Even a single digit added onto the difficulty will negate the reward increase, especially when divided among hundreds of miners.

Don't listen to the jews at btc talk telling you to dump early. They just want cheap coins.

>> No.178322
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Whoops I mean Batman Beyond.

>> No.178323

black coin pump on mintpal :\

>> No.178328

If you're not loading up on Credits right now, you'll be sorry.

>> No.178333

2.6 BTC
89 LTC
16 VTC
22 DRK
2500 CR

Feels good, man.

>> No.178345

Deus Ex is going to be up in a couple of minutes, I'll post link when.

>> No.178364
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I liked the idea.

>> No.178410

Friendly reminder to support Credits by mining on donation pools

>> No.178428
File: 454 KB, 500x667, QiFpoNh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gigabyte 560 ti S.O.C. mining at 180 Khash/s with cudaminer

>> No.178481

So right now credits are worth a bit more than a penny each?

>> No.178491

Too early to have a solidified value, but pretty much

>> No.178493

Daily reminder that credits is dying because the dev is an incompetent asshole who insults anybody who tries to contribute.

>> No.178503

Daily reminder that fearmongering

>> No.178508
File: 1 KB, 319x63, 7jhJD[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my wallet after a day or so of mining running a gtx 660 ti at ~240 kh/s and an i5 4570 at ~20kh/s on 4 threads. I'm completely new to this cryptocurrency stuff so i was just wondering if these numbers looked right

>> No.178513

shill pls, I was trying to get him pissed off on IRC and it wasn't working. These guys are being helpful, even if they don't want to.

>> No.178525

oops, didn't mean to reply to that post

>> No.178569

There have been ZERO Credits sales on Swisscex since I sold like 5 hours ago.

This shit is dead as fuck.

>> No.178579

Which is why I'm moving all my coins to allcoin.com, even if I hate that chinese exchange.
So fucking slow.

>> No.178594

Then help get it on a REAL exchangs

>> No.178599

Anybody want to buy 900 cr for 0.007 btc?

>> No.178602

This is horrible: 24 hours worth of mining and I barely got 0.006BTC worth of credits...
Might as well go back to ScryptGuild.

>> No.178603


No thanks, I think I'll sell my 15k and go and mine something a little more more™.

>> No.178604

What are you gonna mine?

>> No.178612

>not knowing what ™ stands here

>being this new

>> No.178627

So is this scrypt or what

and What is your network hashrate

>> No.178654


1-1.5 gh

>> No.178700

that's pretty low might be worth mining

i;'m guessing th atufkcing auroracoin has like 100GH/sec right now

>> No.178723

Fine, leave. More Credits 4 me 2 mine.

>> No.178736

This will be a long-term buy, and will eventually replace DogeCoin. Just face the facts, Credits is the future.

>> No.178763


Great, you and the rest of these retards can help keep the PND and DOGE diff down.

>> No.178774


>> No.178791

You sound like a faggot. I'm not talking about people trolling them, I'm talking about people who are setting up services are being immediately accused of trying to make a quick buck if they aren't giving a cut of their profits to the devs. If they don't, they get shit on by the devs and they tell people to avoid the service.

>> No.178800
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>> No.178808

>Just 100 credits

I-im in?

>> No.178811

Make some OC, post on reddit, I'll be tipping

>> No.178818

So you want 100k pnd or 1k cr

>> No.178835

add me

>> No.178852

A marketplace exists for this

>> No.178858


But my connection is shittier and my laptop is of the past century....

>> No.178864
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>> No.178869


>> No.178890
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>> No.178911
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Minin in the dredd pool

>> No.178919
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>> No.178977
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wow such oc
i wish someone sent credits to me, i'd suck their credit-sticks

>> No.179004


>> No.179203

It's decent.

You can see what kh/s you should be expecting over at the Litecoin wiki. Although bare in mind that it won't always exactly match up, because different graphics card manufacturers have differently binned chips running at different speeds. It's close enough though.
